Why isn't the media covering the killing of an unarmed white youth by a black police officer?

When are white people going to get off their collective asses and protest such actions by police?
your topic was shown to be silly.

why don't you just say you want to be high fived by rightwingnuts who agree with your premise.

Utter bullshit. The fact is that the media in the nation is racially biased. The facts of BOTH cases are that the police were justified in using deadly force, but the FACT that Furgeson became national news and this did not is purely racial, demonstrating the propensity of the media to fan the flames of the racial divide.

HAD you finished high school, you would probably be able to recognize this on your own.
I love how they compare a white guy running from police with an outstanding warrant for robbery that someone called the police to say had a gun in the OP's mind the same as a black guy with no record and no gun.

How many times was that white guy shot? Is he dead?

and that is why the whine is so silly. black cops killing white people is not a deep seated problem. no. no one should be killed for no reason. but there is a big difference between getting misinformation and the circumstances that have led repeatedly to young unarmed black men being murdered.

but you're talking to the people who don't understand that Zimmerman stalked and killed trevon martin and cheered for the death of the kid.... trashed his name.

now THIS is media bias...

In response to the killing of an unarmed black teen in Ferguson, Missouri, and the biased media coverage of the victim that followed, young people of color on social media began wondering how they might be portrayed if the same happened to them. These pictures are powerful reminders of how stories get told in America.

These Side-By-Side Photos Show Exactly What Media Bias Looks Like With One Stunning Question
your topic was shown to be silly.

why don't you just say you want to be high fived by rightwingnuts who agree with your premise.

Utter bullshit. The fact is that the media in the nation is racially biased. The facts of BOTH cases are that the police were justified in using deadly force, but the FACT that Furgeson became national news and this did not is purely racial, demonstrating the propensity of the media to fan the flames of the racial divide.

HAD you finished high school, you would probably be able to recognize this on your own.

Later Uncensored will say with a straight face that I should "wait for all the facts" and the Irony Fairy will get her wings
your topic was shown to be silly.

why don't you just say you want to be high fived by rightwingnuts who agree with your premise.

Utter bullshit. The fact is that the media in the nation is racially biased. The facts of BOTH cases are that the police were justified in using deadly force, but the FACT that Furgeson became national news and this did not is purely racial, demonstrating the propensity of the media to fan the flames of the racial divide.

HAD you finished high school, you would probably be able to recognize this on your own.

it must amuse you for you to pretend I have the same lack of education as you do. do you think it somehow troubles me? it just makes you look really really ignorant.

now be a good boy and look at post 98 so you have some inkling of just how silly this thread, and you, and your little friends are.
I love how they compare a white guy running from police with an outstanding warrant for robbery that someone called the police to say had a gun in the OP's mind the same as a black guy with no record and no gun.

How many times was that white guy shot? Is he dead?

Shot 5 times, and yes he is dead.

Next time click the link, Cletus.
your topic was shown to be silly.

why don't you just say you want to be high fived by rightwingnuts who agree with your premise.

Utter bullshit. The fact is that the media in the nation is racially biased. The facts of BOTH cases are that the police were justified in using deadly force, but the FACT that Furgeson became national news and this did not is purely racial, demonstrating the propensity of the media to fan the flames of the racial divide.

HAD you finished high school, you would probably be able to recognize this on your own.

High school has nothing to do with anything but your flametard interpretation.
your topic was shown to be silly.

why don't you just say you want to be high fived by rightwingnuts who agree with your premise.

Utter bullshit. The fact is that the media in the nation is racially biased. The facts of BOTH cases are that the police were justified in using deadly force, but the FACT that Furgeson became national news and this did not is purely racial, demonstrating the propensity of the media to fan the flames of the racial divide.

HAD you finished high school, you would probably be able to recognize this on your own.

High school has nothing to do with anything but your flametard interpretation.

nah.. it just annoys him that i'm more educated than he is. so he finds it amusing to say idiotic things like that in every post to me. meh
it must amuse you for you to pretend I have the same lack of education as you do. do you think it somehow troubles me? it just makes you look really really ignorant.

now be a good boy and look at post 98 so you have some inkling of just how silly this thread, and you, and your little friends are.


I realize that you imagine you can be anything you want on the interwebz, but reality again jilts you. Your educational level is quite apparent, as is mine. :)
I love how they compare a white guy running from police with an outstanding warrant for robbery that someone called the police to say had a gun in the OP's mind the same as a black guy with no record and no gun.

How many times was that white guy shot? Is he dead?

Shot 5 times, and yes he is dead.

Next time click the link, Cletus.

What kinda world do we live in when a nice white boy cant have a robbery record and skip bail without being approached by the man?
your topic was shown to be silly.

why don't you just say you want to be high fived by rightwingnuts who agree with your premise.

Utter bullshit. The fact is that the media in the nation is racially biased. The facts of BOTH cases are that the police were justified in using deadly force, but the FACT that Furgeson became national news and this did not is purely racial, demonstrating the propensity of the media to fan the flames of the racial divide.

HAD you finished high school, you would probably be able to recognize this on your own.

High school has nothing to do with anything but your flametard interpretation.

nah.. it just annoys him that i'm more educated than he is. so he finds it amusing to say idiotic things like that in every post to me. meh
You would think someone as educated as Jillian claims she is, wouldn't be making bs claims about an epidemic of unarmed black men being killed by white cops and not be able to back it up with one statistic. I guess a epidemic to jillian is one Gentle Giant.
The Brown case in Ferguson has mystery and drama. There are all kinds of angles to debate and argue. The Dillion case is open and shut. Remember kids, when the cops show up and point their guns at you and your friends at the 7-11 store, and the friends standing beside you are dropping to the grounds with their hands up and outstretched as they lay face down on the pavement, don't be reaching into your pocket. Not even to turn off your music or earphones. In fact, anytime the cops are pointing their guns at you you should refrain from reaching into your pockets.
Look, let's not make ths a racial issue. It is about the fact that the police are trained to shoot to kill whatever the circumstances. At some point, we have to ask why? At 20 ft. I can hit one leg or the other with a pistol. And I do not consider myself an expert with a handgun. Why cannot the police?

Whatever happened to taser guns? Couldn't the Ferguson PD afford them?

Bullets are cheaper, I guess, especially when it comes to blacks.


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