Why isn't the media covering the killing of an unarmed white youth by a black police officer?

lol. It amuses me that you think I am racist.

no it doesn't. or you wouldn't have hit the little red x. apparently it bothered you. so you pout.

the fact that you think you can view this in the same light as the epidemic of murders of unarmed black men is laughable. and if you don't want people to think you're racist, don't raise silly issues.
Are you retarded? I Redex'd it because I don't agree with your take on it. There is no pouting, but there does seem to be some tears forming in your eyes. Poor dear.

obviously there is. because you felt the need to comment.

or do you forget what you do?

Hello? Is anyone home McFly? Try to digest this:
I commented because that is what message boards and threads and forums are for, sweetums. I posted it because it's a message board. I commented because that is what the reply button is for. Hello? HelloOOooooo?

trust me, bubbalah... there is nothing you could say that I can't "digest". but your little show is kind of amusing.

now go stamp your feet. you got nailed for repeating something by someone you don't even understand. that's your problem. not mine.
Look, let's not make ths a racial issue. It is about the fact that the police are trained to shoot to kill whatever the circumstances. At some point, we have to ask why? At 20 ft. I can hit one leg or the other with a pistol. And I do not consider myself an expert with a handgun. Why cannot the police?

it is a racial issue because of the frequency with which young, unarmed black men are victimized. the right trots out unrelated alleged bad acts (which would NEVER be admissible in court under any circumstances) to justify those murders. out of all the unarmed people killed unnecessarily, there was ONE (repeat... ONE) white man killed by a black officer. and worldnutdaily and rushbot started to do their white victim dance. so what happens? a writer, from rightwingwatch posts that information and suddenly the o/p is wondering why the "media" isn't doing their job, when she doesn't even understand that the writer cited is simply relaying the rightwingnut spin.

the "media" isn't focused on it because the murder of unarmed white men by black cops is not an endemic problem.

that said, no one should die unnecessarily. but the cheerleaders who thought it was ok to chase down and murder an unarmed young man in florida and who don't care that a woman was blown away for simply going to someone's door and knocking... and who continue to justify the shooting of a man who was only stopped by the cops for jaywalking (no matter what else he may or may not have done in his life).... are simply deciding in advance that if someone is walking while black, they should expect to be shot.
Aww. How will I ever survive knowing Raving and Jillian think I am a racist?
Boo fuckin' hoo.
The negligible coverage of the Taylor case by the mainstream media prompted many conservative critics to address the racial double standard. The Washington Times reports: "Talk-show host Rush Limbaugh blamed the discrepancy between the two cases on 'the liberal world view' that portrays whites as oppressors and blacks as victims."

The Times noted that CNN news host Jake Tapper acknowledged the discrepancy between the two cases, and noted that "the press often undercovers such topics as inner-city violence and the high rates of black-on-black crime."

According to Tapper, though, the Brown case is more newsworthy because of the national reaction it sparked, though some question whether the excessive media coverage of the violent protests actually served to fuel them.

--Teresa Mull

Washington Times?

If you want to be taken seriously, you better stop using dopey partisan sources in the Current Events forum.

And that hyper-partisan Tea Bag rag doesn't get to call itself "the times". There's one paper of record, and it ain't it.
lol. It amuses me that you think I am racist.

no it doesn't. or you wouldn't have hit the little red x. apparently it bothered you. so you pout.

the fact that you think you can view this in the same light as the epidemic of murders of unarmed black men is laughable. and if you don't want people to think you're racist, don't act like one. it's really simple.

awww,,, how cute. gracie's nutty friends hitting the x because they're insulted for her.

The negligible coverage of the Taylor case by the mainstream media prompted many conservative critics to address the racial double standard. The Washington Times reports: "Talk-show host Rush Limbaugh blamed the discrepancy between the two cases on 'the liberal world view' that portrays whites as oppressors and blacks as victims."

The Times noted that CNN news host Jake Tapper acknowledged the discrepancy between the two cases, and noted that "the press often undercovers such topics as inner-city violence and the high rates of black-on-black crime."

According to Tapper, though, the Brown case is more newsworthy because of the national reaction it sparked, though some question whether the excessive media coverage of the violent protests actually served to fuel them.

--Teresa Mull

Washington Times?

If you want to be taken seriously, you better stop using dopey partisan sources in the Current Events forum.

And that hyper-partisan Tea Bag rag doesn't get to call itself "the times". There's one paper of record, and it ain't it.

exactly. :cuckoo:
Not too many "Nobodies" here, Jillian. So sorry your little attempts failed. All you got is Raving and Godless Ashtrashy. lol
Not too many "Nobodies" here, Jillian. So sorry your little attempts failed. All you got is Raving and Godless Ashtrashy. lol

you keep making stupid comments. the only failure is your whining little thread.

and you might try hitting the reply button occasionally instead of continuously posting to air. lol.
Are you enjoying trolling the thread?
I can play that game too, ya know. Oh. Wait. You don't post much here. You only come to shit all over the living room floor.
Not too many "Nobodies" here, Jillian. So sorry your little attempts failed. All you got is Raving and Godless Ashtrashy. lol

you keep making stupid comments. the only failure is your whining little thread.

and you might try hitting the reply button occasionally instead of continuously posting to air. lol.

oh... and little gracie... no one cares about your meltdown. take a valium if you need to.
You are making an ass of yourself. Do continue. It's great entertainment!
lol. It amuses me that you think I am racist.

no it doesn't. or you wouldn't have hit the little red x. apparently it bothered you. so you pout.

the fact that you think you can view this in the same light as the epidemic of murders of unarmed black men is laughable. and if you don't want people to think you're racist, don't act like one. it's really simple.
What epidemic? Link?
The only epidemic of the black man is they love to kill each other.
lol. It amuses me that you think I am racist.

no it doesn't. or you wouldn't have hit the little red x. apparently it bothered you. so you pout.

the fact that you think you can view this in the same light as the epidemic of murders of unarmed black men is laughable. and if you don't want people to think you're racist, don't act like one. it's really simple.

awww,,, how cute. gracie's nutty friends hitting the x because they're insulted for her.


Are you yurting? Why yes! I do believe you are! LOL
lol. It amuses me that you think I am racist.

no it doesn't. or you wouldn't have hit the little red x. apparently it bothered you. so you pout.

the fact that you think you can view this in the same light as the epidemic of murders of unarmed black men is laughable. and if you don't want people to think you're racist, don't act like one. it's really simple.
What epidemic? Link?
The only epidemic of the black man is they love to kill each other.

awww... all the little racists come out to play. lol.

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