why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

That’s a different site, ya retard. I’m talking about Yongbyon, not Sohae. Satellite imagery shows they’re building it up.
I don't care what site it is, or what site you were talking about. The general idea you were talking about was KJU not honoring the Singapore agreement, and the Soahae dismantle contradicts that. Fool!
You’re fucking rightarded. I posted a link how they’re building up another nuclear facility. Your TDS prevents you from comprehending tearing down one site while building up another does not eliminate their nuclear arsenal.
Donald Trump may have lied a few times, we accept that politicians do, but then there's the Professional Liars... Meet Barack Hussein Obama, Liar in Chief


"Not even a Smidgen of corruption." (in reference to IRS scandals, later proven 100% false)
Barack Obama

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." (Many were in fact not able to keep their doctors)
Barack Obama

"I will close Guantanamo Bay." (he released dangerous Jihadists who went on to kill more Americans, but he never closed the facility)
Barack Obama

"The steel industry is producing as much steel in the United States as it ever was. It’s just (that) it needs one-tenth of the workers that it used to."
Barack Obama

"My position hasn’t changed" on using executive authority to address immigration issues.
Barack Obama

Says his comment about extremists being a JV team "wasn’t specifically referring to" Islamic State.
Barack Obama

"We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion."
Barack Obama

The "most realistic estimates" for jobs created by Keystone XL are "maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline."
Barack Obama

"We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas."
Barack Obama

"Throughout, we have kept Congress fully informed of our efforts" to create a legal framework on counterterrorism.
Barack Obama

"If the House of Representatives fails to extend the middle-class tax cuts, 400,000 middle-class Rhode Island families will see their federal income taxes increase."
Barack Obama

Says Mitt Romney "called the Arizona law a model for the nation."
Barack Obama

Because of Obamacare, "over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years."
Barack Obama

Over the last four years, the deficit has gone up, but 90 percent of that is as a consequence of" President George W. Bush’s policies and the recession.
Barack Obama

"Fast and Furious" began under the Bush administration.
Barack Obama

"The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me."
Barack Obama

"Under the Romney/Ryan budget, interest rates on federal student loans would be allowed to double."
Barack Obama

The media described Obama’s sermon, delivered from the musallah of a Baltimore mosque with a long track record of preaching hate and supporting terrorism, as a “touching” tribute to tolerance. But in truth, the speech was a tissue of lies.

Obama mouthed no fewer than 20 flagrant falsehoods during his 5,000-word speech, including: “For more than 1,000 years, people have been drawn to Islam’s message of peace. And the very word itself, Islam, comes from salam — peace."

In fact, Islam means "submission,” a very different matter. Submitting to Allah and obtaining submission from others, if necessary by force, is the great commission of Islam. Peace, or salam, is achieved when the world submits to Allah’s laws.

OBAMA: "Islam prohibits terrorism, for the Quran says whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind.”

FACT: The Quranic verse the president quotes — 5:32 — actually condones killing those who "murder" Muslims, "wage war against Allah" or spread "mischief in the land.” Mischief is defined as "treason against Allah," and the very next verse — 5:33 — calls for guilty infidels to be beheaded. Obama glosses over all of this in his edited version.

(It's extremely telling that the president and other Islamic apologists can cite only one verse in the Quran to dispute the demonstrable fact that Islam is inherently violent. Even then, they have to dishonestly abridge that verse to disguise its underlying violent meaning.)

OBAMA: “Islam has always been a part of America . . . Jefferson and John Adams had their own copies of the Quran."

FACT: Jefferson obtained an English translation of the Quran not because he was a fan of the religion, as Obama suggests, but because he was studying law and wanted to understand foreign laws including Islamic law. He later went on to publicly slam the religion as anti-science and anti-reason.

President Adams, for his part, studied the Muslim holy book to gain insights on the thinking of America’s first Islamic enemy in our out first war on terrorism — the Muslim pirates on the Barbary coast terrorizing American merchant ships. He learned that “it was written in their Quran that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners (and) it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found,” and that every Muslim slain in battle “was sure to go to Paradise.” (Sound familiar?)

His successor Jefferson sent the U.S. Marines to "the shore of Tripoli” to destroy the Islamic barbarians.

President John Quincy Adams, moreover, condemned the violent nature of Islam, noting “the precept of the Quran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God . . . The command to propagate the Muslim creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike by fraud or by force."

OBAMA: “Benjamin Franklin wrote that 'even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach to us, he would find a pulpit at his service.’ “

FACT: Franklin was referring to a Philadelphia meeting hall being so secular in design it could accommodate any sect. Taking the quote out of context, Obama made it sound as if another founding father were eagerly embracing Islam.

OBAMA: "By the way, Thomas Jefferson’s opponents tried to stir things up by suggesting he was a Muslim — so I was not the first. No, it’s true, it’s true. Look it up. I’m in good company."

FACT: Jefferson was accused of being an atheist, not a Muslim. Obama's source is a Muslim apologist from the University of Texas who got the history wrong. She also claims Jefferson held the first “Iftar” dinner for Muslims in the White House, when in fact he merely hosted a Tunisian official for the sole purpose of negotiating the release of an American ship his Muslim pirates were holding captive.

So no, Mr. President, you decidedly are not in good company. Try as you may to revise American history, you remain the first and only Defender-in-Chief of Islam.

265 Other famous Obama Lies (hey, if the Left can Cite CNN and MSNBC, this link is just as credible if not more credible than those proven fake news sources.)
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.
Aww, how cute... you found 17 lies in 8 years. Now compare that to more than 3000 lies in a year and a half...

Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far

Barack Hussein Obama Proudly.......

Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush

While Senator, Obama voted for the $700 billion TARP bank bailout bill. The bailout rewarded irresponsible and illegal behavior. It redirected resources from more productive uses to less productive uses. It punished the hard working taxpayers who had played by the rules and obeyed the law. It created horrible incentives, and sent the wrong message. The bailout was evil because it rewarded the bad people and punished the good people. No society that does this can expect to remain free or prosperous. Instead of bailing out these corrupt corporations, we should have let them cease to exist, like we did with Enron.

Waged the biggest war against medical marijuana of any president, which was the opposite of what he had promised

In May 2008, Obama campaign spokesperson Ben LaBolt said that Obama would end DEA raids on medical marijuana in states where it’s legal. Also in 2008, Obama said that he supported the “basic concept of using medical marijuana for the same purposes and with the same controls as other drugs” and that he was “not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws.”

However, in February 2010, DEA agents raided a medical marijuana grower in Highlands Ranch in Colorado, a state where medical marijuana is legal. Also in February 2010, DEA agents raided a medical marijuana dispensary in Culver City in California, a state where medical marijuana is legal. In July 2010, the DEA raided at least four medical marijuana growers in San Diego, California. Also in July 2010, the DEA raided a medical marijuana facility in Covelo, California. Then in September 2010, the DEA conducted raids on at least five medical marijuana dispensaries in Las Vegas, Nevada, where medical marijuana is legal. In 2011, the DEA conducted raids on medical marijuana in Seattle, Washington, West Hollywood, California, and Helena, Montana, all places where it is legal. In April 2012, the DEA carried out several raids on medical marijuana in Oakland, California.

In February 2012, Rolling Stone magazine wrote that Obama’s war against medical marijuana went “far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush.” In April 2012, Mother Jones magazine wrote: “The president campaigned on the promise that he’d stop federal raids on medical marijuana operations that were in compliance with state laws, a vow that Attorney General Eric Holder repeated after the election. But then the Obama administration raided more than 100 dispensaries in its first three years and is now poised to outpace the Bush administration’s crackdown record.” In May 2012, the Washington Post wrote: “Obama has become more hostile to medical marijuana patients than any president in U.S. history.” In May 2012, U.S. Congressperson Nancy Pelosi (D-California) said she had “strong concerns” about Obama’s forced closure of five medical marijuana facilities in Pelosi’s congressional district. In April 2012, commenting on Obama’s crackdown on medical marijuana, U.S. Congressman Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) said, “I’m very disappointed… They look more like the Bush administration than the Clinton administration.”

In July 2012, federal prosecutors filed civil forfeiture actions against Harborside Health Center, a medical marijuana dispensary in Oakland, CA, which claims to be the world’s largest, and which claims to serve more than 100,000 medical marijuana patients. In April 2012, federal agents raided Oaksterdam University, an educational institution in Oakland, CA, which teaches people about medical marijuana. In April 2012, federal agents raided a medical marijuana facility which had been serving 1,500 patients near Lake Elsinore, CA. In June 2012, the Obama administration filed asset-forfeiture lawsuits against two landlords who rented their buildings to medical marijuana stores in Santa Fe Springs, CA. The Obama administration also sent warning letters which threatened similar legal action to dozens of other, nearby landlords. During the first seven months of 2012, the DEA shut down40 medical marijuana dispensaries in Colorado, all of which had been operating in compliance with state and local law.

In July 2013, the DEA conducted multiple medical marijuana raids in Washington state, including the cities of Olympia, Tacoma, and Seattle.

In May 2012, ABC News reported that during Obama’s youth, he often smoked large quantities of recreational marijuana. Obama’s marijuana smoking wasn’t even medical – it was recreational. And yet now, he is taking large scale, widespread action to prevent people with AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, and other illnesses, who have prescriptions from their doctors, from using their prescription medicine – how cold hearted can a person be?

Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws

Obama nominated Timothy Geithner, a repeat tax cheater, to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws.
Aww, how cute... you found 17 lies in 8 years. Now compare that to more than 3000 lies in a year and a half...
Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far

The Verbal Faunicator arrives to talk more uninformed worthless shit.

Not surprised you have to talk so much shit.......you're exceptionally butt-hurting over having a President that cares about America.

Run for the Prep-H now....run along
Says an idiot who’s actually trying to compare 3000 lies in year and a half with 17 lies over eight years.

The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


It should bother everyone.

Take last week for an example:

The Russian Ambassador said that there were agreements between Putin and Trump. While I do not trust the Russian Ambassador, Trump, or Putin; the mention of the agreements is either true or not.

In the future when Trump makes a decisions that could affect Russia positively;

  • lessening sanctions
  • agreements between the nations
  • force reductions in Europe
is he doing it because of these agreements or is he doing it for another reason?

No matter what he says...we know he's a inveterate liar...so we can't trust his stated motives.

Can we also talk about Putin saying that he funneled $400 million into Hillary's campaign?

(Troll level 100 over in Siberia.)

Show me the FEC documents showing as such....and we can talk about it all day long.

hmmm more proof that lefties have zero sense of humor...
Says an idiot who’s actually trying to compare 3000 lies in year and a half with 17 lies over eight years.

Obama lied TENS of THOUSANDS of times in 8 years......only a fool like yourself ASSumes I posted the entire list of Obama the Hack's lies

Don't you know verbal Faunication is an imbeciles way? Stop being a dog and spreading your filth
You’re fucking rightarded.

Oh? What’s lame about that? You’re actually trying to compare one president whose average just over two lies here with another one who is averaging about 2000 lies per year. That sounds pretty retarded to me.


Stop making shit up and eating from the horses ass (Lamestream left Media)
They could tell you that jumping from a tall building will harm Trump and your stupid ass would believe it.

Says an idiot who’s actually trying to compare 3000 lies in year and a half with 17 lies over eight years.

Obama lied TENS of THOUSANDS of times in 8 years......only a fool like yourself ASSumes I posted the entire list of Obama the Hack's lies

Don't you know verbal Faunication is an imbeciles way? Stop being a dog and spreading your filth

And you protest over me pointing out you’re fucking retarded?

You find 17 lies, and in the face of Trump’s 3000 lies, 17 suddenly becomes 10’s of thousands??

“Fiction writers, magicians, politicians and priests are the only people rewarded for entertaining us with their lies”
And you protest over me pointing out you’re fucking retarded?
You find 17 lies, and in the face of Trump’s 3000 lies, 17 suddenly becomes 10’s of thousands??

You find yourself very amusing huh?
truth is ....you're a pathetic misinformed loser who thrives on an IV of Leftist Media horseshit

That's not funny.....it's a waste of perfectly good O2 (look it up)

And you protest over me pointing out you’re fucking retarded?
You find 17 lies, and in the face of Trump’s 3000 lies, 17 suddenly becomes 10’s of thousands??

You find yourself very amusing huh?
truth is ....you're a pathetic misinformed loser who thrives on an IV of Leftist Media horseshit

That's not funny.....it's a waste of perfectly good O2 (look it up)

Funny chit. Replace the Muslim with a Republican evangelical & nearly all the same applies.
Says an idiot who’s actually trying to compare 3000 lies in year and a half with 17 lies over eight years.

Obama lied TENS of THOUSANDS of times in 8 years......only a fool like yourself ASSumes I posted the entire list of Obama the Hack's lies

Don't you know verbal Faunication is an imbeciles way? Stop being a dog and spreading your filth
Lying was the least of Hussein Obama's problems, the bastard managed to divide Americans along racial, ethnic, and income levels like never before, and the rejection of his presidency is why Trump got elected. Dumb Leftards will never get this very basis conclusion.
You’re fucking rightarded. I posted a link how they’re building up another nuclear facility. Your TDS prevents you from comprehending tearing down one site while building up another does not eliminate their nuclear arsenal.
Tearing down a site such as the Sohae Station, DOES work toward eliminating their nuclear arsenal.

Now go wash you mouth out with soap.
Oh? What’s lame about that? You’re actually trying to compare one president whose average just over two lies here with another one who is averaging about 2000 lies per year. That sounds pretty retarded to me.
You just told a lie yourself. "about 2000 lies per year." You should be ashamed.

As for your credibility, it's on the rocks >>

In Post # 445, you said Trump lied 3000 times.

In Post # 449, you said Trump lied 2000 times.

In Post # 451, you've got it back up to 3000 times again.

No, we don't want to buy "your" bridge in Brooklyn. Or anything else you're selling. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Funny chit. Replace the Muslim with a Republican evangelical & nearly all the same applies.
So Republican evangelicals have been killing 300 people by knocking down tall buildings ? They've been running around shooting and beheading people ? They've been killing Army soldiers in Army forts ? They've been bombing marathon races ?

I haven't heard.
Oh? What’s lame about that? You’re actually trying to compare one president whose average just over two lies here with another one who is averaging about 2000 lies per year. That sounds pretty retarded to me.
You just told a lie yourself. "about 2000 lies per year." You should be ashamed.

As for your credibility, it's on the rocks >>

In Post # 445, you said Trump lied 3000 times.

In Post # 449, you said Trump lied 2000 times.

In Post # 451, you've got it back up to 3000 times again.

No, we don't want to buy "your" bridge in Brooklyn. Or anything else you're selling. :rolleyes:
The latest according to Leftard News Network is Trump lies 2000 times...a day. :cuckoo:

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