why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

braggadocios??? He id FUCKING lying.
You elected a liar who did lie about important things. Like colluding with the Russians. Like lying about his campaign's contact with the Russians.
You can laugh off his lies whren they have pissed off our allies & started a trade war & put us to the brink of nuclear war.
Buy hey,. you knew that.
Trump lied about Hillary & the result is you believed it.
Trump lied to win an election to the most powerful position in the world & you write it off as eccentric & unimportant. What a fool you are.

Why weren't you this passionate when the Clintons and the DNC were lying to an even grander scale?

Which candidate stole the Presidential debate questions BEFORE the debates?

A.) Trump & the Lying Trump campaign and the Dishonest RNC


B). The angelic, trustworthy, always transparent Leftwing Hillary Clinton and the DNC ?

I know this is a tough one for you and you need to time to gather your thoughts.....you have 100 years....GO !!
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If you think twisting this around hides Trumps total incompatence and out right treason you are mistaken.

Trump will be charged with "treason"; as in collaborating with America's worst enemy. Trump knows Russia got him elected in 1017 and Trump is hoping in a devilish prayers way for them to get him re-elected in 2020.

And I am sure; with your help..,.,. in any way you can

Yeah, right....
Trump is SOOOOOO incompetent the economy is doing better than it has in 15 years and BLACK unemployment is at historical RECORD lows.

They say you can't fix stupid......thanks for proving it.
Why weren't you this passionate when the Clintons and the DNC were lying to an even grander scale?

Some morons believe that witches tail but that g-d the majority of us can see threw that cold black smokescreen.

Hillary will run again in 2020 and win. So my advice to those who chastised her; get out of town; ---- move to Russia where they will give you free cookies and milk.
Trump is SOOOOOO incompetent the economy is doing better than it has in 15 years and BLACK unemployment is at historical RECORD lows.

Which has nothing, zilch, nada, zip to do with Trump but wait; his term isn't over, he can still crash the stock market and get us into a real war.
Which has nothing, zilch, nada, zip to do with Trump but wait; his term isn't over, he can still crash the stock market and get us into a real war.

Ahhhh....yeah......connecting the dots requires an IQ...sry you couldn't.

I'm sure you're hoping for it
Coulda ...woulda....shoulda.....if if if if if if if if if if if

And should we get into a war, it's only because pansy, weak Democraps loved to screw the pooch instead of looking out for America's best interests over the years.

The Clintons gave Russia our Uranium and China our technology
Obama gave Iran & North Korea the bomb

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Oh? What’s lame about that? You’re actually trying to compare one president whose average just over two lies here with another one who is averaging about 2000 lies per year. That sounds pretty retarded to me.
You just told a lie yourself. "about 2000 lies per year." You should be ashamed.

As for your credibility, it's on the rocks >>

In Post # 445, you said Trump lied 3000 times.

In Post # 449, you said Trump lied 2000 times.

In Post # 451, you've got it back up to 3000 times again.

No, we don't want to buy "your" bridge in Brooklyn. Or anything else you're selling. :rolleyes:
The latest according to Leftard News Network is Trump lies 2000 times...a day. :cuckoo:
How many times a day to you consider acceptable?

He has lied and deceived the American people far less than Obama, that's for sure. Only thing is that the media provided cover for that piece of shit no matter what he did or said. Trump has kept all his promises.

Sorry but Trump has lied far more than other Presidents.

Yesterday Trump was saying he opened Europe for syybeans./

Now, even a dumbfuck likes you knows that US farmers had been selling soybeans into Europe for years.

That is a lie. A big fat lie that was meant to dupe his dumbass followers like you.

Well how about if coolaid drinking leftie nutjobs like you like your psychiatrists, you can keep your psychiatrists, period!
Trump is SOOOOOO incompetent the economy is doing better than it has in 15 years and BLACK unemployment is at historical RECORD lows.

Which has nothing, zilch, nada, zip to do with Trump but wait; his term isn't over, he can still crash the stock market and get us into a real war.
And an asteroid could still hit the earth right when you are sitting on the toilet seat and pooping, but meanwhile, Obama was the worst president in history, for Blacks.
Trump is SOOOOOO incompetent the economy is doing better than it has in 15 years and BLACK unemployment is at historical RECORD lows.

Which has nothing, zilch, nada, zip to do with Trump but wait; his term isn't over, he can still crash the stock market and get us into a real war.
And an asteroid could still hit the earth right when you are sitting on the toilet seat and pooping, but meanwhile, Obama was the worst president in history, for Blacks.
"Obama was the worst president in history, for Blacks."


Bless your heart...

Putting a black man in the White House drove you & your racist buddies into a frenzy. It had nothing to do with Obama's actions, just his skin color,
Race card died out after the OJ Simpson trial in 1994. Liberals still use it, profusely. :puhleeze:
So, Donnie the Draft Evader knew more about ISIS than the generals? Must have been all that military training he got in that military private school?
He probably DID know more than THOSE generals. At the time he said that, Obama was president, and closely colluding with al Baghdadi (ISIS).Obama might have even been the real # 1 guy of ISIS. His generals were kept in the dark about everything ISIS was doing.
Sorry but Trump has lied far more than other Presidents.

Yesterday Trump was saying he opened Europe for syybeans./

Now, even a dumbfuck likes you knows that US farmers had been selling soybeans into Europe for years.

That is a lie. A big fat lie that was meant to dupe his dumbass followers like you.
As usual another liberal loon calling just plain speech, a lie. EU deal that Trump swung, included Europe agreeing to buy a large amount of soybeans from America. So whether that US farmers had been selling soybeans into Europe for years or not, is moot. Trump got them a market they didn't have CURRENTLY. Get it ?
braggadocios??? He id FUCKING lying.

You elected a liar who did lie about important things. Like colluding with the Russians. Like lying about his campaign's contact with the Russians.

You can laugh off his lies whren they have pissed off our allies & started a trade war & put us to the brink of nuclear war.

Buy hey,. you knew that.

Trump lied about Hillary & the result is you believed it.

Trump lied to win an election to the most powerful position in the world & you write it off as eccentric & unimportant. What a fool you are.
1. You have no proof that Trump colluded (whatever that means) with the Russians.

2. Trade war is good for the USA. We have the big MARKET. They need us more than we need them. Trade war ? We'll eat their lunch.

3. Hillary lied about Trump, and you believed THAT. Like all those lying TV ads she ran during the campaign. You remember. Don't say you don't.

3. Obama is who put us on the brink of nuclear war. Trump is who has cooled that off, with NK doing good things now.

4. Hillary is who LIED to win an election > disabled reporter, outsourcing, McCain, Muslim gold star father, etc.
Which has nothing, zilch, nada, zip to do with Trump but wait; his term isn't over, he can still crash the stock market and get us into a real war.
It has everything to do with Trump. Lowering the corporate tax rate, deporting illegal aliens, deregulating scores of industries, bringing companies back to the US, beefing up the military, tapping into US energy assets, etc
Here's something the Faunicator can be really proud of

ISIS, Israel, Iraq, And Syria: It’s All Part Of The Plan--?
Putin Aide Says Israel is Training ISIS
Putin Aide Says Israel is Training ISIS

Updated: Israeli General Captured in Iraq Confesses to Israel-Isis Coalition\“There is a strong cooperation between MOSSAD and ISIS top military commanders...Israeli advisors helping the Organization on laying out strategic and military plans, and guiding them in the battlefield”
Updated: Israeli General Captured in Iraq Confesses to Israel-Isis Coalition - Veterans Today | News - Military Foreign Affairs Policy

UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria
UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria - 21st Century Wire

ISIS is a Creation of the Mossad
ISIS is a Creation of the Israeli Mossad - NODISINFO

ISIS, Israel, Iraq, And Syria: It’s All Part Of The Plan
ISIS, Israel, Iraq, And Syria: It’s All Part Of The Plan

That goes for his crafty dog whistle statements, too.
For example?

"Asked if he would publicly reject the support of former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said, 'I just don’t know anything about him.' "
  • Duke ran for governor of Louisiana in 1991 as a Republican, and Trump said at the time that President George H.W. Bush was right “to come out against” Duke’s campaign. Duke lost but he won a majority of the white vote — which Trump found troubling. “I hate seeing what it represents,” Trump said, referring to what he called the “anger vote.”
  • In 2000, Trump considered running for the Reform Party presidential nomination but did not run because he said he did not want to be associated with Pat Buchanan, who had left the Republican Party to seek the Reform Party nomination, and David Duke, who supported Buchanan. Trump at the time called Duke “a bigot, a racist, a problem.”
Trump's David Duke Amnesia - FactCheck.org

I think in this case, Jim, it is clear that Trump was sidestepping the issue, knowing that a good number of his supporters were racists.

Yeah, I agree that Trump sidestepped it, but I disagree that he intended that as a 'dog whistle', but simply wanted to keep the narrative moving along in a direction he prefered; building his base and making liberals go ape-shit.

This whole notion of a dog whistle statement is completely indefensible. As one cannot hear a dog whistle, were a person accusing someone of making a dog whistle without a device, the accused person cannot defend themselves from such an accusation. "You dont know how to do that?" "Suuurrreeee you dont, but the dogs are cominig, you fascist!"

Did it ever dance across anyone's mind that for David Duke to claim he supports Trump and Trump to then deny it is to give David Duke more air time? And if Trump doesnt want to do that because he does not want to help David Duke, he tries to avoid the topic instead, but that is a dog whistle to Duke supporters?.

That is not a dog whistle, that is intelligently media manipulation.
You win my prize for Biggest Stretch to Defend Trump. Unbelievable.
It was a quiet nod to his racist constituents that he would not let them down. As he did not let them down when he talked about the many fine people on BOTH sides of the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.
Yeah, everyone that supports Trump is a racist. You keep going with that and democrats will keep losing ground every election.

Not exactly, but everyone that supports the Orange Virus is willfully supporting a racist.
Kinda weird that Trump was never called a racist until he defeated Hillary and became President. You and your pals are turning into the boy that cried "wolf". No one is paying attention.

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