why it does not bother trump to lie like a rug

braggadocios??? He id FUCKING lying.

You elected a liar who did lie about important things. Like colluding with the Russians. Like lying about his campaign's contact with the Russians.

You can laugh off his lies whren they have pissed off our allies & started a trade war & put us to the brink of nuclear war.

Buy hey,. you knew that.

Trump lied about Hillary & the result is you believed it.

Trump lied to win an election to the most powerful position in the world & you write it off as eccentric & unimportant. What a fool you are.
1. You have no proof that Trump colluded (whatever that means) with the Russians.

2. Trade war is good for the USA. We have the big MARKET. They need us more than we need them. Trade war ? We'll eat their lunch.

3. Hillary lied about Trump, and you believed THAT. Like all those lying TV ads she ran during the campaign. You remember. Don't say you don't.

3. Obama is who put us on the brink of nuclear war. Trump is who has cooled that off, with NK doing good things now.

4. Hillary is who LIED to win an election > disabled reporter, outsourcing, McCain, Muslim gold star father, etc.

1) Trump lied, Jr lied, Manafort lied, Flynn lied, Sessions lied all about Russian connections. Why did they lie?
2) Trump is killing America. He has made no trade deals. He ended the US participation in the TPP & China took our place. If our steel mills can't compete with Canadian & European mills, they deserve to no longer exist. Punishing our allies when they had nothing to do with it is stupid, ignorant & childish. Being surprised when retaliatory tariff happen is just being stupid.
3) What lie did Hillary say about Trump?
4) Again, whst Hillary lie, Ttrump mocked a disabled reporter. It is on video for Christ's sake,. How fucking dumb are you?

Truimp outsourced most f is Trump lines. Trump even imported labor for his resorts & Vineyard.

Trump said McCain was not a hero. He trashed a Gold Star family. He trashed POWs. Then you vote for the draft dodging POS who had the nerve to dis US veterans?

That goes for his crafty dog whistle statements, too.
For example?

"Asked if he would publicly reject the support of former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said, 'I just don’t know anything about him.' "
  • Duke ran for governor of Louisiana in 1991 as a Republican, and Trump said at the time that President George H.W. Bush was right “to come out against” Duke’s campaign. Duke lost but he won a majority of the white vote — which Trump found troubling. “I hate seeing what it represents,” Trump said, referring to what he called the “anger vote.”
  • In 2000, Trump considered running for the Reform Party presidential nomination but did not run because he said he did not want to be associated with Pat Buchanan, who had left the Republican Party to seek the Reform Party nomination, and David Duke, who supported Buchanan. Trump at the time called Duke “a bigot, a racist, a problem.”
Trump's David Duke Amnesia - FactCheck.org

I think in this case, Jim, it is clear that Trump was sidestepping the issue, knowing that a good number of his supporters were racists.

Yeah, I agree that Trump sidestepped it, but I disagree that he intended that as a 'dog whistle', but simply wanted to keep the narrative moving along in a direction he prefered; building his base and making liberals go ape-shit.

This whole notion of a dog whistle statement is completely indefensible. As one cannot hear a dog whistle, were a person accusing someone of making a dog whistle without a device, the accused person cannot defend themselves from such an accusation. "You dont know how to do that?" "Suuurrreeee you dont, but the dogs are cominig, you fascist!"

Did it ever dance across anyone's mind that for David Duke to claim he supports Trump and Trump to then deny it is to give David Duke more air time? And if Trump doesnt want to do that because he does not want to help David Duke, he tries to avoid the topic instead, but that is a dog whistle to Duke supporters?.

That is not a dog whistle, that is intelligently media manipulation.
You win my prize for Biggest Stretch to Defend Trump. Unbelievable.
It was a quiet nod to his racist constituents that he would not let them down. As he did not let them down when he talked about the many fine people on BOTH sides of the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.
Yeah, everyone that supports Trump is a racist. You keep going with that and democrats will keep losing ground every election.

Not exactly, but everyone that supports the Orange Virus is willfully supporting a racist.
Kinda weird that Trump was never called a racist until he defeated Hillary and became President. You and your pals are turning into the boy that cried "wolf". No one is paying attention.

Actually rump was called aracist before this election. You obviously asren't paying attention else you would not support Trump the proven fraud, business cheat, liar, woman abuser & overall crappy business m,an.
Here's something the Faunicator can be really proud of
Watch old Faunicator come back with some fabricated Left wing BS saying Trump did something similar.
And what's even funnier.....ole Faunicator will BELIEVE IT ...funny...sad.....but funny

Obama administration approved $200G grant to group with Al Qaeda ties

Obama administration approved $200G grant to group with Al Qaeda ties
Sorry, but this is as far as I got in your link...

”...a conservative think tank revealed this week.”

Translation... fake news
braggadocios??? He id FUCKING lying.

You elected a liar who did lie about important things. Like colluding with the Russians. Like lying about his campaign's contact with the Russians.

You can laugh off his lies whren they have pissed off our allies & started a trade war & put us to the brink of nuclear war.

Buy hey,. you knew that.

Trump lied about Hillary & the result is you believed it.

Trump lied to win an election to the most powerful position in the world & you write it off as eccentric & unimportant. What a fool you are.
1. You have no proof that Trump colluded (whatever that means) with the Russians.

2. Trade war is good for the USA. We have the big MARKET. They need us more than we need them. Trade war ? We'll eat their lunch.

3. Hillary lied about Trump, and you believed THAT. Like all those lying TV ads she ran during the campaign. You remember. Don't say you don't.

3. Obama is who put us on the brink of nuclear war. Trump is who has cooled that off, with NK doing good things now.

4. Hillary is who LIED to win an election > disabled reporter, outsourcing, McCain, Muslim gold star father, etc.

1) Trump lied, Jr lied, Manafort lied, Flynn lied, Sessions lied all about Russian connections. Why did they lie?
2) Trump is killing America. He has made no trade deals. He ended the US participation in the TPP & China took our place. If our steel mills can't compete with Canadian & European mills, they deserve to no longer exist. Punishing our allies when they had nothing to do with it is stupid, ignorant & childish. Being surprised when retaliatory tariff happen is just being stupid.
3) What lie did Hillary say about Trump?
4) Again, whst Hillary lie, Ttrump mocked a disabled reporter. It is on video for Christ's sake,. How fucking dumb are you?

Truimp outsourced most f is Trump lines. Trump even imported labor for his resorts & Vineyard.

Trump said McCain was not a hero. He trashed a Gold Star family. He trashed POWs. Then you vote for the draft dodging POS who had the nerve to dis US veterans?
Ending participation in TPP is a GOOD thing. An accomplishment. As for our steel mills, of course they can compete with anyone in the world, and now are on the road to doing just that. The largest market for steel is right here in the US, and shipping to US customers, US steel companies don't have to spend a fortune in shipping costs to ship the heavy steel.

We are "punishing no one. Our tariffs simply put us back on an even keel with the foreigners. And no one is surprised at retaliatory tariffs. But these are just postures, to appeal to voters in the presidents' own countries. They know they cannot trade war with the US, because we have the BIG MARKET, and they need it to sell to. They need us more than we need them. They know that even if you don't.

How Fn dumb are YOU ? 2 years after the 2016 campaign and you STILL don't know the disabled reporter ad was a scam ? Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle) read closely becsue you don't want to make a fool out of yourself again >>

OK.let's go through th Hillary TV ad lies one at a time, since you've been completely hoodwinked.

1. Serge Kovaleski - Trump was referring to Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says "Ah, I can't remember. Ah, I don't know what I said"

He was mocking Kovaleski's refusal to admit to what he had written. It had nothing to do with any disability. And Kovaleski DESERVED to be mocked over that. He was pretending to not remember what he had said.

Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski or his disability. Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability. Hillary twisted the video, to portray it as mocking a disability, to demonize Trump.

The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION, perpetrated by Hillary and the MSM.

Amazing that you're still conned over this. :rolleyes:

2. Trump ties made in China, were not outsourcing They were merely brand licensing. The Chinese pay Trump for the use of his name. The ties were never made in America, weren't moved anywhere, and no American workers were ever involved. They are Chinese ties that just have Trump's name stamped on them.
In contrast, Hillary supported NAFTA for years, supported TPP (right up until the election), and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relation (both prime outsourcing orgs) She's the biggest Globalist (outsourcer) in America, and Bernie is a hypocrite idiot for supporting her.

3. John McCain - He was NOT a war hero - he was a COLLABERATOR with the North Vietnamese (according to his fellow POWs) His nickname was "Songbird" (for all the military secrets he gave to the NV. He wasn't tortured. His fellow POWs were. In contrast, McCain got wine, women, and song. He keeps "serving" in the Senate despite advanced age, so he can keep his military secret record sealed. Trump was right on McCain.

4. Khizir Khan - Muslim Brotherhood author, immigration lawyer, Clinton Foundation connection, paid by DNC $50K. Handpicked by Obama. Pure Hillary/DNC shill masquerading as only a poor father who lost a son in a war. Grade A PHONY. The press knew it, and never exposed the truth about him. He is also an immigration lawyer who specializes working with Muslims immigrants, and thus had a personal vested interest in stopping Trump who hd an announced a proposal (now enacted law) to block Muslim immigration. When this was exposed, he deleted his website, to cover his tracks.

All these things were spun by the DNC to try to make Trump look bad to the American (and illegal alien) voters, in time for the 2016 election. Pure BS propaganda, and you fell for it.

5. Trump did not did US veterans, and dodging the draft in the 1960s was nt a bad thing since the nutjob US politicians were attacking people who never attacked us (or even threatened us).

6. The use of foreign labor for Trump's MAr-a-Lago resort is justified, The New York Times article published on the same day, was more honest than the National Trump-Basher. Here's part of what they wrote >>

"For anyone not hired, the employer must tell the Labor Department why. Among the reasons Mar-a-Lago gave: that the applicants could not be reached or were not qualified, as Mr. Trump suggested in his recent interview, and that they did not want the jobs.

That was the case for Austin L. Cohen of Delray Beach, who received a call from Mar-a-Lago and a tour of the 20-acre resort after sending in his résumé for a wait staff position that paid $10.60 an hour for at least 30 hours a week.

Mr. Cohen said that he ultimately chose to keep looking for a permanent job, and that he wanted benefits; the job listing did not mention any. “It was more like a temporary position,” Mr. Cohen said. “You work six months and then you’re out of work again. It was my decision not to take the job.”

Some applicants said they decided against working at Mar-a-Lago because, like some other private clubs, it discourages gratuities; its job listings say “no tips.” Local labor analysts say that private clubs often lose job candidates to restaurants where tipping is permitted."

Florida has a seasonal employment situation. The state is inundated with northerners and Canadians who live in Florida just during the winter months, and not many Americans want to work just for 6 months, if that long. Many apply out of desperation, but never follow through. This is common all over the state in winter.

You also have a lot of people who apply who aren't qualified, have no experience or training (the foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates), and/or have criminal records (which is why they're unemployed to begin with).

Finding clean record, qualified workers in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task. Trump (and all Florida seasonal employers) has had trouble finding QUALIFIED people to work in his hotels. In hotels (I have worked in them & I live in Florida), workers need to be experienced or trained, and LOOK GOOD. Appearance is important in hotel work, as is a non-criminal record. Just because you get applicants, doesn't mean you get hirable workers.

Trump hired some workers from an agency in Europe whose workers have graduated from training schools in hotel work, and they speak good English, have no criminal record, and look good.

You want to hire THESE GUYS ?


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The latest according to Leftard News Network is Trump lies 2000 times...a day. :cuckoo:
How many times a day to you consider acceptable?

He has lied and deceived the American people far less than Obama, that's for sure. Only thing is that the media provided cover for that piece of shit no matter what he did or said. Trump has kept all his promises.

Sorry but Trump has lied far more than other Presidents.

Yesterday Trump was saying he opened Europe for syybeans./

Now, even a dumbfuck likes you knows that US farmers had been selling soybeans into Europe for years.

That is a lie. A big fat lie that was meant to dupe his dumbass followers like you.
No not really other presidents lied and were better at it. They lied about more important things you haven't even begun to find out about yet. Trumps braggadocios in a silly kind of way. In other times he would have been referred to as eccentric. Everybody takes it with a grain of salt because we knew that before we elected him. Seriously did anyone really think he would build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Be real we knew what we were getting.

The ironic thing is the Democrats are responsible for getting Trump elected. They let Hillary rig the DNC when it became clear Sanders would probably win if the vote was left alone. This created discord and some Sanders supporters defected to Trump or did not vote at all. Had they allowed Sanders win and run for President I think a lot of Republicans would have crossed Party lines thinking Trump too over the top to be president and Sanders would be President now. After Benghazi, the E-mail scandal and the rigged DNC there was no way Hillary would win. The DNC should have grown a back bone and given her the boot. If you don 't like Trump blame the Democrats.

braggadocios??? He id FUCKING lying.

You elected a liar who did lie about important things. Like colluding with the Russians. Like lying about his campaign's contact with the Russians.

You can laugh off his lies whren they have pissed off our allies & started a trade war & put us to the brink of nuclear war.

Buy hey,. you knew that.

Trump lied about Hillary & the result is you believed it.

Trump lied to win an election to the most powerful position in the world & you write it off as eccentric & unimportant. What a fool you are.
Oh I'm sorry I should have elected Hillary Clinton who rigged the DNC, couldn't handle hooking up to to a secure server when she was secretary of state where classified information could be easily taken by hackers I.E. the Russians, then she erased said e-mails to avoid prosecution,had a record, along with her Husband Bill, of making shady deals I.E. White water,and gave not one fuck for Ambassador Stevens when he repeatedly(about 10 to 12 times) asked for better security. Her incompetence lead to the death of ambassador Stevens and three others in a horrific manner and then continued to not give a shit when congress questioned her incompetence. If she couldn't handle secretary of state I sure as hell wasn't going to be dumb enough to elect her to the Presidency. As for Trump and the Russians the Democrats have been searching for a year and a half wasting tax payer dollars on an investigation that has led no where. But if you really want to talk about collusion how about Obama giving Iran 4.2 billion to Iran a country with nuclear ambitions and has hated us since the seventy's hostage crisis. Yeah Trump is so much worse than those POS. Give me a break. Those were the choices and Trump was the best option. I'm going to stand behind him because he's the last hope for this country.
No not really other presidents lied and were better at it. They lied about more important things you haven't even begun to find out about yet. Trumps braggadocios in a silly kind of way. In other times he would have been referred to as eccentric. Everybody takes it with a grain of salt because we knew that before we elected him. Seriously did anyone really think he would build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Be real we knew what we were getting.

The ironic thing is the Democrats are responsible for getting Trump elected. They let Hillary rig the DNC when it became clear Sanders would probably win if the vote was left alone. This created discord and some Sanders supporters defected to Trump or did not vote at all. Had they allowed Sanders win and run for President I think a lot of Republicans would have crossed Party lines thinking Trump too over the top to be president and Sanders would be President now. After Benghazi, the E-mail scandal and the rigged DNC there was no way Hillary would win. The DNC should have grown a back bone and given her the boot. If you don 't like Trump blame the Democrats.

The sad takeaway from all this is that it takes extreme behavior and severe adversity before the right-wing becomes active.
They'll sit back fat and comfortable and talk....but do nothing until things are in a crisis. A dangerously passive bunch.
That's how Venezuela got a dictator.

it's how people like BS and Ortiz are slowly acclimating the US to an eventual Socialist takeover one itty bitty allowance at a time.
People always brag "Ah. it'll NEVER happen here"!! Like they said we'd NEVER have Socialized medicine. oops.
That's because when they do take action it may very well turn into another civil war and nobody wants that especially the left.

Consider this. If the left wins a civil war we will become a socialist shit hole. If the right wins the South will rise again and there will be backlash that will make the carpet baggers look like choir boys. Or we can get behind Trump try to work shit out. If we fire most or Washington this November and get people up there that will work with Trump and get shit done, all hell will be averted. The right wants a wall, policed borders and immigration laws enforced. The Left wants DACA and people to be able to come here for a better life. I can tell you from personal experience with an illegal that when you are illegal in this country you get treated for shit and that better life isn't all it's cracked up to be. If the left really cares about people they will write legislation to bring people here legally so they are not exploited like they are now. Give Trump the wall and dot the wall with points of entry.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


Because he's a lifelong practitioner of the art of self-delusion.

If you can lie with a straight face that something happened or didn't happen to other people, you can lie to yourself.
Whelp --- I only saw the OP and didn't notice there were five hundred posts in the thread already. Didn't take long at all for les derailleurs to shunt the thread off to "b-but but Hillary! b-but..but John McCain"! b-but.. but Khzir Khan!" Actually started on Page One ---- even after the OP specifically proscribed Tu Quoque fallacies in post number one.

That's a lotta nickels for Pogo's Law. Best investment I ever made, still paying dividends. :eusa_dance:

And it's revealing how Rumpbots simply cannot face the facts and will bend over backward to avoid them.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


More unprofessional psych analysis.

I can explain your title question perfectly AND a lot more accurately than the babble from your "researchers".

ALL of worlds greatest entrepreneurs "stretch the truth" and exaggerate. They stake their reputation and fortunes on risky ventures that require confidence from employees and investors and the public --- and a LOT of selling. This is what happens when the CEO addresses the annual sales meeting. It's what's in the press releases of start-up companies trying to make the case for their new company being a "game changer". Trump is no different in this exaggeration and confidence building than Musk or Zuckerburg or Bezos. If they DIDN'T DO IT -- they'd fail.

So when Elon Musk brags about "creating a nation-wide network of solar charging stations" for Tesla owners", he's doing much the same. ESPECIALLY when he deems it "DONE" -- when it really isn't. Or doesn't explain that the "solar" part of it is NOT 100% solar.

20 years in Silicon Valley put me in positions to work with these types. And I had to suffer their "arrogance" and "fibbing". BUT -- I realized that INDEED --- this is what it takes to get you thru bad times and FOCUS on the goals.. Sometimes you declare the goals achieved when the negotiations are FAR from over.

Got NOTHING to do with just plain liars. These folks are NOT liars. They are PROMOTERS. And THAT'S HOW PROMOTERS roll.

Simple and true.
That's because when they do take action it may very well turn into another civil war and nobody wants that especially the left.

Consider this. If the left wins a civil war we will become a socialist shit hole. If the right wins the South will rise again and there will be backlash that will make the carpet baggers look like choir boys. Or we can get behind Trump try to work shit out. If we fire most or Washington this November and get people up there that will work with Trump and get shit done, all hell will be averted. The right wants a wall, policed borders and immigration laws enforced. The Left wants DACA and people to be able to come here for a better life. I can tell you from personal experience with an illegal that when you are illegal in this country you get treated for shit and that better life isn't all it's cracked up to be. If the left really cares about people they will write legislation to bring people here legally so they are not exploited like they are now. Give Trump the wall and dot the wall with points of entry.
The left's plan is to solidify their power by inundating America with illegal aliens, and turn the US into a third world hellhole.
Yeah, I agree that Trump sidestepped it, but I disagree that he intended that as a 'dog whistle', but simply wanted to keep the narrative moving along in a direction he prefered; building his base and making liberals go ape-shit.

This whole notion of a dog whistle statement is completely indefensible. As one cannot hear a dog whistle, were a person accusing someone of making a dog whistle without a device, the accused person cannot defend themselves from such an accusation. "You dont know how to do that?" "Suuurrreeee you dont, but the dogs are cominig, you fascist!"

Did it ever dance across anyone's mind that for David Duke to claim he supports Trump and Trump to then deny it is to give David Duke more air time? And if Trump doesnt want to do that because he does not want to help David Duke, he tries to avoid the topic instead, but that is a dog whistle to Duke supporters?.

That is not a dog whistle, that is intelligently media manipulation.
You win my prize for Biggest Stretch to Defend Trump. Unbelievable.
It was a quiet nod to his racist constituents that he would not let them down. As he did not let them down when he talked about the many fine people on BOTH sides of the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.
Yeah, everyone that supports Trump is a racist. You keep going with that and democrats will keep losing ground every election.

Not exactly, but everyone that supports the Orange Virus is willfully supporting a racist.
Kinda weird that Trump was never called a racist until he defeated Hillary and became President. You and your pals are turning into the boy that cried "wolf". No one is paying attention.

Actually rump was called aracist before this election. You obviously asren't paying attention else you would not support Trump the proven fraud, business cheat, liar, woman abuser & overall crappy business m,an.
Trump wasn't called a racist 24/7 on political forums like he is today until he defeated Hillary. End of story.
braggadocios??? He id FUCKING lying.

You elected a liar who did lie about important things. Like colluding with the Russians. Like lying about his campaign's contact with the Russians.

You can laugh off his lies whren they have pissed off our allies & started a trade war & put us to the brink of nuclear war.

Buy hey,. you knew that.

Trump lied about Hillary & the result is you believed it.

Trump lied to win an election to the most powerful position in the world & you write it off as eccentric & unimportant. What a fool you are.
1. You have no proof that Trump colluded (whatever that means) with the Russians.

2. Trade war is good for the USA. We have the big MARKET. They need us more than we need them. Trade war ? We'll eat their lunch.

3. Hillary lied about Trump, and you believed THAT. Like all those lying TV ads she ran during the campaign. You remember. Don't say you don't.

3. Obama is who put us on the brink of nuclear war. Trump is who has cooled that off, with NK doing good things now.

4. Hillary is who LIED to win an election > disabled reporter, outsourcing, McCain, Muslim gold star father, etc.

1) Trump lied, Jr lied, Manafort lied, Flynn lied, Sessions lied all about Russian connections. Why did they lie?
2) Trump is killing America. He has made no trade deals. He ended the US participation in the TPP & China took our place. If our steel mills can't compete with Canadian & European mills, they deserve to no longer exist. Punishing our allies when they had nothing to do with it is stupid, ignorant & childish. Being surprised when retaliatory tariff happen is just being stupid.
3) What lie did Hillary say about Trump?
4) Again, whst Hillary lie, Ttrump mocked a disabled reporter. It is on video for Christ's sake,. How fucking dumb are you?

Truimp outsourced most f is Trump lines. Trump even imported labor for his resorts & Vineyard.

Trump said McCain was not a hero. He trashed a Gold Star family. He trashed POWs. Then you vote for the draft dodging POS who had the nerve to dis US veterans?
Ending participation in TPP is a GOOD thing. An accomplishment. As for our steel mills, of course they can compete with anyone in the world, and now are on the road to doing just that. The largest market for steel is right here in the US, and shipping to US customers, US steel companies don't have to spend a fortune in shipping costs to ship the heavy steel.

We are "punishing no one. Our tariffs simply put us back on an even keel with the foreigners. And no one is surprised at retaliatory tariffs. But these are just postures, to appeal to voters in the presidents' own countries. They know they cannot trade war with the US, because we have the BIG MARKET, and they need it to sell to. They need us more than we need them. They know that even if you don't.

How Fn dumb are YOU ? 2 years after the 2016 campaign and you STILL don't know the disabled reporter ad was a scam ? Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle) read closely becsue you don't want to make a fool out of yourself again >>

OK.let's go through th Hillary TV ad lies one at a time, since you've been completely hoodwinked.

1. Serge Kovaleski - Trump was referring to Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says "Ah, I can't remember. Ah, I don't know what I said"

He was mocking Kovaleski's refusal to admit to what he had written. It had nothing to do with any disability. And Kovaleski DESERVED to be mocked over that. He was pretending to not remember what he had said.

Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski or his disability. Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability. Hillary twisted the video, to portray it as mocking a disability, to demonize Trump.

The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION, perpetrated by Hillary and the MSM.

Amazing that you're still conned over this. :rolleyes:

2. Trump ties made in China, were not outsourcing They were merely brand licensing. The Chinese pay Trump for the use of his name. The ties were never made in America, weren't moved anywhere, and no American workers were ever involved. They are Chinese ties that just have Trump's name stamped on them.
In contrast, Hillary supported NAFTA for years, supported TPP (right up until the election), and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relation (both prime outsourcing orgs) She's the biggest Globalist (outsourcer) in America, and Bernie is a hypocrite idiot for supporting her.

3. John McCain - He was NOT a war hero - he was a COLLABERATOR with the North Vietnamese (according to his fellow POWs) His nickname was "Songbird" (for all the military secrets he gave to the NV. He wasn't tortured. His fellow POWs were. In contrast, McCain got wine, women, and song. He keeps "serving" in the Senate despite advanced age, so he can keep his military secret record sealed. Trump was right on McCain.

4. Khizir Khan - Muslim Brotherhood author, immigration lawyer, Clinton Foundation connection, paid by DNC $50K. Handpicked by Obama. Pure Hillary/DNC shill masquerading as only a poor father who lost a son in a war. Grade A PHONY. The press knew it, and never exposed the truth about him. He is also an immigration lawyer who specializes working with Muslims immigrants, and thus had a personal vested interest in stopping Trump who hd an announced a proposal (now enacted law) to block Muslim immigration. When this was exposed, he deleted his website, to cover his tracks.

All these things were spun by the DNC to try to make Trump look bad to the American (and illegal alien) voters, in time for the 2016 election. Pure BS propaganda, and you fell for it.

5. Trump did not did US veterans, and dodging the draft in the 1960s was nt a bad thing since the nutjob US politicians were attacking people who never attacked us (or even threatened us).

6. The use of foreign labor for Trump's MAr-a-Lago resort is justified, The New York Times article published on the same day, was more honest than the National Trump-Basher. Here's part of what they wrote >>

"For anyone not hired, the employer must tell the Labor Department why. Among the reasons Mar-a-Lago gave: that the applicants could not be reached or were not qualified, as Mr. Trump suggested in his recent interview, and that they did not want the jobs.

That was the case for Austin L. Cohen of Delray Beach, who received a call from Mar-a-Lago and a tour of the 20-acre resort after sending in his résumé for a wait staff position that paid $10.60 an hour for at least 30 hours a week.

Mr. Cohen said that he ultimately chose to keep looking for a permanent job, and that he wanted benefits; the job listing did not mention any. “It was more like a temporary position,” Mr. Cohen said. “You work six months and then you’re out of work again. It was my decision not to take the job.”

Some applicants said they decided against working at Mar-a-Lago because, like some other private clubs, it discourages gratuities; its job listings say “no tips.” Local labor analysts say that private clubs often lose job candidates to restaurants where tipping is permitted."

Florida has a seasonal employment situation. The state is inundated with northerners and Canadians who live in Florida just during the winter months, and not many Americans want to work just for 6 months, if that long. Many apply out of desperation, but never follow through. This is common all over the state in winter.

You also have a lot of people who apply who aren't qualified, have no experience or training (the foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates), and/or have criminal records (which is why they're unemployed to begin with).

Finding clean record, qualified workers in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task. Trump (and all Florida seasonal employers) has had trouble finding QUALIFIED people to work in his hotels. In hotels (I have worked in them & I live in Florida), workers need to be experienced or trained, and LOOK GOOD. Appearance is important in hotel work, as is a non-criminal record. Just because you get applicants, doesn't mean you get hirable workers.

Trump hired some workers from an agency in Europe whose workers have graduated from training schools in hotel work, and they speak good English, have no criminal record, and look good.

You want to hire THESE GUYS ?



The TPP went on with China now leading all those countries in a trade pact that no longer includes the US. Your
orange POS said he would make unilateral deals with these countries? Where are those deals?

I can import a truckload of steel from anywhere in the world & it would be cheaper than trucking across the country. If our steel mills can compete with Canada & Europe, why did the Duympster slap on tariffs?

Trump was waving his arms all about & making a weirder than normal face but you claim he was not mocking that man's disability? Wow., Just fucking wow. that you would defend this obvious maneuver. Are you really that big of a piece of shit or what?

Trump sells this shit on his websites. Trump & Ivanla get shit made overseas while he was duping feeble minded jerkoffs like you with his "America First" bullshit.

Then you slam McCain for collaborating. There is zero proof that this happened. You are as fucking bad as Trump. John McCain is a hero. Far far far far far more than than bone spurred chickenshit you are defending. What military secrets does a pilot even have.

Mr Kahan responded to Truup's spewing hate towards Muslims & how we need to ban Muslims. Guess what, Khan's son was a Muslim who gave his life for this cou trey & you support a draft dodging PIOS to slam that young man. His father spoke up. Too bad you were to big of an ass to do the same. You & Trump are fucking bigoted fucks who have no place denigrading the service of any veteran.

I don't care that Trump dodged the draft. I'm thinking that young man that took his spot might feel differently. It is the idea that Trump disparages veterans. Like McCain, like all POWs, like Khan's son & that widow of a fallen soldier. How dare he. Then he mocked our generals when he claimed to know more about their jobs than they do. This is the piece of shit you voted for.

Trump's excuse of seasonal work. All those stores at Christmas time seem to do it. Ski lodges do it. Trump wants cheap labor. He imports it. Yep, that is "America First" right asshole.
Supporting trashing veterans & mocking disabled people. Fuck you & your God Damn lying & bullshit. Grow a fucking pair for once & speak up for what is right. Not the crap Trump spoons feeds you & your ilk everyday.
You just keep proving how fucking dumb Trump supporters are with your patheic lies & stupid excuses for your orange hero.

And finally,. who the fuck knew everyone in Florida had a tattoed face & was a skinhead. This is how pathetic you people really are.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


More unprofessional psych analysis.

I can explain your title question perfectly AND a lot more accurately than the babble from your "researchers".

ALL of worlds greatest entrepreneurs "stretch the truth" and exaggerate. They stake their reputation and fortunes on risky ventures that require confidence from employees and investors and the public --- and a LOT of selling. This is what happens when the CEO addresses the annual sales meeting. It's what's in the press releases of start-up companies trying to make the case for their new company being a "game changer". Trump is no different in this exaggeration and confidence building than Musk or Zuckerburg or Bezos. If they DIDN'T DO IT -- they'd fail.

So when Elon Musk brags about "creating a nation-wide network of solar charging stations" for Tesla owners", he's doing much the same. ESPECIALLY when he deems it "DONE" -- when it really isn't. Or doesn't explain that the "solar" part of it is NOT 100% solar.

20 years in Silicon Valley put me in positions to work with these types. And I had to suffer their "arrogance" and "fibbing". BUT -- I realized that INDEED --- this is what it takes to get you thru bad times and FOCUS on the goals.. Sometimes you declare the goals achieved when the negotiations are FAR from over.

Got NOTHING to do with just plain liars. These folks are NOT liars. They are PROMOTERS. And THAT'S HOW PROMOTERS roll.

Simple and true.

To stand there with a straight face and claim you got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan, or to swear that you saw thousands dancing on rooftops, or that it wasn't raining, or that you got more done than anybody since Truman ---- etc etc etc ---- has nothing to do with promotional hype. Those are quantifiable, disprovable fantasies. THAT's what the lying is about.

Declaring "I alone can fix it" and "I will be the greatest jock president since God" or whatever, THAT is your promotional hype. It can't be proven, it's just a sales pitch.

That's two different things. The equivalent of the difference between "facts" and "opinions' You'll notice that one is in future tense and the other in past.

That's why my answer to the OP goes back to the self-delusion he learned (and incorporated) at the foot of Norman Vincent Peale. When you can find a way to alter your own reality and actions from "would" to "wouldn't", when you can pretend you weren't mocking a congenital disability ----- simply because you found out later it wasn't going to work out as intended --- that's pure self-delusion. Which means refusal to own up to one's own words and actions. It begins with telling yourself you really didn't say that or do that, because how could you when it wasn't going to work, therefore it's "erased" and the deed becomes an unevent, the words become unwords and it never happened.

That's pure self-delusion. It's outright denial of reality. When you suggest that wasn't really your voice on the tape --- even though you're on video saying it ---- you're directly challenging REALITY. When you stand in front of a rally and declare "we have Trump steaks", a product that went out of business years ago and is really Bush Brothers steaks masquerading as his own --- that is outright denial of reality, because NO YOU DON'T have Trump steaks. They don't exist. And here he is pretending they do. :wtf:

And that in turn is another manifestation of the complete inability to take personal responsibility for anything, to ever admit to a mistake, to ever reverse course and admit that your previous course was different ("would" vs "wouldn't"). That's a waste product of the Narcissistic Personality Complex that can't handle any kind of failure ("I never went bankrupt") or criticism ("fake news", "blood coming out of her wherever") or responsibility ("I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company" etc).

That comes down to what has been my main complaint about Rump from the moment he announced --- he's a creature who has literally never taken responsibility for anything in his life. Shirked myriad business responsibilities, wanted no part of raising children, sidestepped the military, and has never even held a job, That strikes me as falling a wee bit short of the ideal candidate for the most responsible job in the world.

Facing reality, whether it's personally profitable to do so or not, is a responsibility.
That's why he can't handle it.

That goes for his crafty dog whistle statements, too.
For example?

"Asked if he would publicly reject the support of former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said, 'I just don’t know anything about him.' "
  • Duke ran for governor of Louisiana in 1991 as a Republican, and Trump said at the time that President George H.W. Bush was right “to come out against” Duke’s campaign. Duke lost but he won a majority of the white vote — which Trump found troubling. “I hate seeing what it represents,” Trump said, referring to what he called the “anger vote.”
  • In 2000, Trump considered running for the Reform Party presidential nomination but did not run because he said he did not want to be associated with Pat Buchanan, who had left the Republican Party to seek the Reform Party nomination, and David Duke, who supported Buchanan. Trump at the time called Duke “a bigot, a racist, a problem.”
Trump's David Duke Amnesia - FactCheck.org

I think in this case, Jim, it is clear that Trump was sidestepping the issue, knowing that a good number of his supporters were racists.

Yeah, I agree that Trump sidestepped it, but I disagree that he intended that as a 'dog whistle', but simply wanted to keep the narrative moving along in a direction he prefered; building his base and making liberals go ape-shit.

This whole notion of a dog whistle statement is completely indefensible. As one cannot hear a dog whistle, were a person accusing someone of making a dog whistle without a device, the accused person cannot defend themselves from such an accusation. "You dont know how to do that?" "Suuurrreeee you dont, but the dogs are cominig, you fascist!"

Did it ever dance across anyone's mind that for David Duke to claim he supports Trump and Trump to then deny it is to give David Duke more air time? And if Trump doesnt want to do that because he does not want to help David Duke, he tries to avoid the topic instead, but that is a dog whistle to Duke supporters?.

That is not a dog whistle, that is intelligently media manipulation.
You win my prize for Biggest Stretch to Defend Trump. Unbelievable.
It was a quiet nod to his racist constituents that he would not let them down. As he did not let them down when he talked about the many fine people on BOTH sides of the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.
Yeah, everyone that supports Trump is a racist. You keep going with that and democrats will keep losing ground every election.

Not exactly, but everyone that supports the Orange Virus is willfully supporting a racist.
Kinda weird that Trump was never called a racist until he defeated Hillary and became President. You and your pals are turning into the boy that cried "wolf". No one is paying attention.

I disagree.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


More unprofessional psych analysis.

I can explain your title question perfectly AND a lot more accurately than the babble from your "researchers".

ALL of worlds greatest entrepreneurs "stretch the truth" and exaggerate. They stake their reputation and fortunes on risky ventures that require confidence from employees and investors and the public --- and a LOT of selling. This is what happens when the CEO addresses the annual sales meeting. It's what's in the press releases of start-up companies trying to make the case for their new company being a "game changer". Trump is no different in this exaggeration and confidence building than Musk or Zuckerburg or Bezos. If they DIDN'T DO IT -- they'd fail.

So when Elon Musk brags about "creating a nation-wide network of solar charging stations" for Tesla owners", he's doing much the same. ESPECIALLY when he deems it "DONE" -- when it really isn't. Or doesn't explain that the "solar" part of it is NOT 100% solar.

20 years in Silicon Valley put me in positions to work with these types. And I had to suffer their "arrogance" and "fibbing". BUT -- I realized that INDEED --- this is what it takes to get you thru bad times and FOCUS on the goals.. Sometimes you declare the goals achieved when the negotiations are FAR from over.

Got NOTHING to do with just plain liars. These folks are NOT liars. They are PROMOTERS. And THAT'S HOW PROMOTERS roll.

Simple and true.

To stand there with a straight face and claim you got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan, or to swear that you saw thousands dancing on rooftops, or that it wasn't raining, or that you got more done than anybody since Truman ---- etc etc etc ---- has nothing to do with promotional hype. Those are quantifiable, disprovable fantasies. THAT's what the lying is about.

Declaring "I alone can fix it" and "I will be the greatest jock president since God" or whatever, THAT is your promotional hype. It can't be proven, it's just a sales pitch.

That's two different things. The equivalent of the difference between "facts" and "opinions' You'll notice that one is in future tense and the other in past.

That's why my answer to the OP goes back to the self-delusion he learned (and incorporated) at the foot of Norman Vincent Peale. When you can find a way to alter your own reality and actions from "would" to "wouldn't", when you can pretend you weren't mocking a congenital disability ----- simply because you found out later it wasn't going to work out as intended --- that's pure self-delusion. Which means refusal to own up to one's own words and actions. It begins with telling yourself you really didn't say that or do that, because how could you when it wasn't going to work, therefore it's "erased" and the deed becomes an unevent, the words become unwords and it never happened.

That's pure self-delusion. It's outright denial of reality. When you suggest that wasn't really your voice on the tape --- even though you're on video saying it ---- you're directly challenging REALITY. When you stand in front of a rally and declare "we have Trump steaks", a product that went out of business years ago and is really Bush Brothers steaks masquerading as his own --- that is outright denial of reality, because NO YOU DON'T have Trump steaks. They don't exist. And here he is pretending they do. :wtf:

And that in turn is another manifestation of the complete inability to take personal responsibility for anything, to ever admit to a mistake, to ever reverse course and admit that your previous course was different ("would" vs "wouldn't"). That's a waste product of the Narcissistic Personality Complex that can't handle any kind of failure ("I never went bankrupt") or criticism ("fake news", "blood coming out of her wherever") or responsibility ("I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company" etc).

That comes down to what has been my main complaint about Rump from the moment he announced --- he's a creature who has literally never taken responsibility for anything in his life. Shirked myriad business responsibilities, wanted no part of raising children, sidestepped the military, and has never even held a job, That strikes me as falling a wee bit short of the ideal candidate for the most responsible job in the world.

Facing reality, whether it's personally profitable to do so or not, is a responsibility.
That's why he can't handle it.

How can you "not take responsibility for anything in your life" and end up being able to sell just your NAME and BRAND for $$Millions? In Silicon Valley all these visionaries are delusional ---- until they are not.

What you don't understand is this a PRE-REQUISITE for sustaining the risk of tackling difficult tasks. All the successful entrepreneurs have tasted failure in many forms. They've been punished by the gods of risk and LEARN to motivate themselves, their backers and their employees THRU the periods of being called delusional.

Same deal with Elon Musk, when he melted down a week ago and called an Aussie naval rescue diver who had BEEN in that Thai cave a pedophile. It all happened because the guy attacked his "baby" rescue sub-pod. Those risks that these guys take are as personal as their body parts. And it becomes personal.

It's ALL well explained if you've spent time with the entrepreneurs that dream big and make the major breakthroughs.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

so its basically trump is so unethical that lies dont bother him...it should bother the voters
and dont start with obama lied .....deal with the current president the liar in chief


More unprofessional psych analysis.

I can explain your title question perfectly AND a lot more accurately than the babble from your "researchers".

ALL of worlds greatest entrepreneurs "stretch the truth" and exaggerate. They stake their reputation and fortunes on risky ventures that require confidence from employees and investors and the public --- and a LOT of selling. This is what happens when the CEO addresses the annual sales meeting. It's what's in the press releases of start-up companies trying to make the case for their new company being a "game changer". Trump is no different in this exaggeration and confidence building than Musk or Zuckerburg or Bezos. If they DIDN'T DO IT -- they'd fail.

So when Elon Musk brags about "creating a nation-wide network of solar charging stations" for Tesla owners", he's doing much the same. ESPECIALLY when he deems it "DONE" -- when it really isn't. Or doesn't explain that the "solar" part of it is NOT 100% solar.

20 years in Silicon Valley put me in positions to work with these types. And I had to suffer their "arrogance" and "fibbing". BUT -- I realized that INDEED --- this is what it takes to get you thru bad times and FOCUS on the goals.. Sometimes you declare the goals achieved when the negotiations are FAR from over.

Got NOTHING to do with just plain liars. These folks are NOT liars. They are PROMOTERS. And THAT'S HOW PROMOTERS roll.

Simple and true.

To stand there with a straight face and claim you got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan, or to swear that you saw thousands dancing on rooftops, or that it wasn't raining, or that you got more done than anybody since Truman ---- etc etc etc ---- has nothing to do with promotional hype. Those are quantifiable, disprovable fantasies. THAT's what the lying is about.

Declaring "I alone can fix it" and "I will be the greatest jock president since God" or whatever, THAT is your promotional hype. It can't be proven, it's just a sales pitch.

That's two different things. The equivalent of the difference between "facts" and "opinions' You'll notice that one is in future tense and the other in past.

That's why my answer to the OP goes back to the self-delusion he learned (and incorporated) at the foot of Norman Vincent Peale. When you can find a way to alter your own reality and actions from "would" to "wouldn't", when you can pretend you weren't mocking a congenital disability ----- simply because you found out later it wasn't going to work out as intended --- that's pure self-delusion. Which means refusal to own up to one's own words and actions. It begins with telling yourself you really didn't say that or do that, because how could you when it wasn't going to work, therefore it's "erased" and the deed becomes an unevent, the words become unwords and it never happened.

That's pure self-delusion. It's outright denial of reality. When you suggest that wasn't really your voice on the tape --- even though you're on video saying it ---- you're directly challenging REALITY. When you stand in front of a rally and declare "we have Trump steaks", a product that went out of business years ago and is really Bush Brothers steaks masquerading as his own --- that is outright denial of reality, because NO YOU DON'T have Trump steaks. They don't exist. And here he is pretending they do. :wtf:

And that in turn is another manifestation of the complete inability to take personal responsibility for anything, to ever admit to a mistake, to ever reverse course and admit that your previous course was different ("would" vs "wouldn't"). That's a waste product of the Narcissistic Personality Complex that can't handle any kind of failure ("I never went bankrupt") or criticism ("fake news", "blood coming out of her wherever") or responsibility ("I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company" etc).

That comes down to what has been my main complaint about Rump from the moment he announced --- he's a creature who has literally never taken responsibility for anything in his life. Shirked myriad business responsibilities, wanted no part of raising children, sidestepped the military, and has never even held a job, That strikes me as falling a wee bit short of the ideal candidate for the most responsible job in the world.

Facing reality, whether it's personally profitable to do so or not, is a responsibility.
That's why he can't handle it.

How can you "not take responsibility for anything in your life" and end up being able to sell just your NAME and BRAND for $$Millions? In Silicon Valley all these visionaries are delusional ---- until they are not.

Licensing one's name doesn't require a lick of responsibility. All it requires is connections. Like the ones Rump was handed by his father, for nothing beyond showing up. On the contrary it's yet another way to shirk responsibility --- something to hide behind while you weasel away with "it's not my fault, I didn't run the company, I only licensed my name". Conveniently forgetting of course that if said company went the other direction the spiel would have been the direct opposite, crowing about "what a good boy am I".

Which we've seen so many times I need not belabor.

What you don't understand is this a PRE-REQUISITE for sustaining the risk of tackling difficult tasks. All the successful entrepreneurs have tasted failure in many forms. They've been punished by the gods of risk and LEARN to motivate themselves, their backers and their employees THRU the periods of being called delusional.

Same deal with Elon Musk, when he melted down a week ago and called an Aussie naval rescue diver who had BEEN in that Thai cave a pedophile. It all happened because the guy attacked his "baby" rescue sub-pod. Those risks that these guys take are as personal as their body parts. And it becomes personal.

It's ALL well explained if you've spent time with the entrepreneurs that dream big and make the major breakthroughs.

Now you're back to the bombastic thing again. Not only do I disagree that such bombasticity is a pre-requisite for anything, I already drew the distinction between that and between outright denials of real events that really happened and real statements that really got said. They're still two different things just as they were this morning.

When you purport to be "John Miller" or "John Baron" (depending on I dunno, what day of the week it is), then you admit to having done it in a court deposition, then AFTER that deposition you deny ever having done what you already admitted to ----- that's blatant outright self-delusion. It is a mental aberration and it's utterly dishonest. Period.
The TPP went on with China now leading all those countries in a trade pact that no longer includes the US. Your
orange POS said he would make unilateral deals with these countries? Where are those deals?

I can import a truckload of steel from anywhere in the world & it would be cheaper than trucking across the country. If our steel mills can compete with Canada & Europe, why did the Duympster slap on tariffs?

Trump was waving his arms all about & making a weirder than normal face but you claim he was not mocking that man's disability? Wow., Just fucking wow. that you would defend this obvious maneuver. Are you really that big of a piece of shit or what?

Trump sells this shit on his websites. Trump & Ivanla get shit made overseas while he was duping feeble minded jerkoffs like you with his "America First" bullshit.

Then you slam McCain for collaborating. There is zero proof that this happened. You are as fucking bad as Trump. John McCain is a hero. Far far far far far more than than bone spurred chickenshit you are defending. What military secrets does a pilot even have.

Mr Kahan responded to Truup's spewing hate towards Muslims & how we need to ban Muslims. Guess what, Khan's son was a Muslim who gave his life for this cou trey & you support a draft dodging PIOS to slam that young man. His father spoke up. Too bad you were to big of an ass to do the same. You & Trump are fucking bigoted fucks who have no place denigrading the service of any veteran.

I don't care that Trump dodged the draft. I'm thinking that young man that took his spot might feel differently. It is the idea that Trump disparages veterans. Like McCain, like all POWs, like Khan's son & that widow of a fallen soldier. How dare he. Then he mocked our generals when he claimed to know more about their jobs than they do. This is the piece of shit you voted for.

Trump's excuse of seasonal work. All those stores at Christmas time seem to do it. Ski lodges do it. Trump wants cheap labor. He imports it. Yep, that is "America First" right asshole.
Supporting trashing veterans & mocking disabled people. Fuck you & your God Damn lying & bullshit. Grow a fucking pair for once & speak up for what is right. Not the crap Trump spoons feeds you & your ilk everyday.
You just keep proving how fucking dumb Trump supporters are with your patheic lies & stupid excuses for your orange hero.

And finally,. who the fuck knew everyone in Florida had a tattoed face & was a skinhead. This is how pathetic you people really are.
1. Re-entry into TPP has been discussed by Trump and Kudlow and is on the table, Its biggest flaws are 1) reduction of tariffs of which there is an ongoing program (still in process) of RAISING them, to even out trade imbalances, and 2) some degree of reduction of US sovereignty/nationalism, by entering into a multination partnership similar to the EU, which is a globalist ideology, which we're trying to get away from.

2. No, you CANNOT import steel (a very heavy commodity) from anywhere in the world, and have it be cheaper than moving it a relatively few miles inside the US. Is there no limit to the idiocy that you will believe listening to CNN, PBS, etc ? :rolleyes:

3. Waving arms doesn't mean it's referring to a disability. Kovaleski's LYING is what Trump was referring to. So you've been hoodwinked by the Hillary Kovaleski scam. Noted. I gave you enough info to deprogram you out of that, You have no excuse now.

4. OK noted also that you're still scammed by the outsourcing ads. The ties in China are brand licensing, Trump just gets paid to let them put his name on them. The ties are made in China by Chinese companies. How many times do you have to be told ? I'm getting tired of repeating to the dense. Sheesh.

5. In denial also about McCain. Looks like you're just going to follow the CNN-MSNBC line no matter what. How does McCain's fellow POWs sound for "proof" ? And plenty of proof. Even the North Vietnamese called McCain "Songbird" (as did the POWs). Sorry that you're a CNN-MSNBC dupe, but you're problem, not mine.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

6. I'm not even sure if the con-jobber Khizir khan even HAS a son at all, let alone one killed in US combat, but even if he did, all the things I said about him are true. He is a former Muslim Brotherhood operative, he has a vested interest in Trump losing, because he is an immigration lawyer specializing in Muslims from Muslim countries, which Trump said he would stop (and now has done so-upheld by the SCOTUS). Furthermore, he has connections to the Clinton Foundation, was handpicked by Obama, and PAID $50,000 to speak at the Democrat's convention. Man, are you ever gullible.

7. Where did you come up with the notion that Trump disparages veterans ? LOL. That is bizzare. Must be more CNN fake stuff. Trump consistently praises veterans and has authorized increase$$ to the VA.

8. AGAIN, Trump probably DID know more than Obama's generals. Obama (like Carter & Clinton before him) slashed the military budget, was very hostile to the military, and kept his generals uniformed.

9. Trump's foreign labor at Mar-a Lago is NOT CHEAP LABOR. They get paid the same as other resorts in Florida, doing the same jobs, and I specifically noted this in my prior post. Having reading comprehension difficulty ?

10. Now go home and wash you mouth out with soap.
Last edited:
To stand there with a straight face and claim you got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan, or to swear that you saw thousands dancing on rooftops, or that it wasn't raining, or that you got more done than anybody since Truman ---- etc etc etc ---- has nothing to do with promotional hype. Those are quantifiable, disprovable fantasies. THAT's what the lying is about.

Declaring "I alone can fix it" and "I will be the greatest jock president since God" or whatever, THAT is your promotional hype. It can't be proven, it's just a sales pitch.

That's two different things. The equivalent of the difference between "facts" and "opinions' You'll notice that one is in future tense and the other in past.

That's why my answer to the OP goes back to the self-delusion he learned (and incorporated) at the foot of Norman Vincent Peale. When you can find a way to alter your own reality and actions from "would" to "wouldn't", when you can pretend you weren't mocking a congenital disability ----- simply because you found out later it wasn't going to work out as intended --- that's pure self-delusion. Which means refusal to own up to one's own words and actions. It begins with telling yourself you really didn't say that or do that, because how could you when it wasn't going to work, therefore it's "erased" and the deed becomes an unevent, the words become unwords and it never happened.

That's pure self-delusion. It's outright denial of reality. When you suggest that wasn't really your voice on the tape --- even though you're on video saying it ---- you're directly challenging REALITY. When you stand in front of a rally and declare "we have Trump steaks", a product that went out of business years ago and is really Bush Brothers steaks masquerading as his own --- that is outright denial of reality, because NO YOU DON'T have Trump steaks. They don't exist. And here he is pretending they do. :wtf:

And that in turn is another manifestation of the complete inability to take personal responsibility for anything, to ever admit to a mistake, to ever reverse course and admit that your previous course was different ("would" vs "wouldn't"). That's a waste product of the Narcissistic Personality Complex that can't handle any kind of failure ("I never went bankrupt") or criticism ("fake news", "blood coming out of her wherever") or responsibility ("I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company" etc).

That comes down to what has been my main complaint about Rump from the moment he announced --- he's a creature who has literally never taken responsibility for anything in his life. Shirked myriad business responsibilities, wanted no part of raising children, sidestepped the military, and has never even held a job, That strikes me as falling a wee bit short of the ideal candidate for the most responsible job in the world.

Facing reality, whether it's personally profitable to do so or not, is a responsibility.
That's why he can't handle it.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

That's because when they do take action it may very well turn into another civil war and nobody wants that especially the left.

Consider this. If the left wins a civil war we will become a socialist shit hole. If the right wins the South will rise again and there will be backlash that will make the carpet baggers look like choir boys. Or we can get behind Trump try to work shit out. If we fire most or Washington this November and get people up there that will work with Trump and get shit done, all hell will be averted. The right wants a wall, policed borders and immigration laws enforced. The Left wants DACA and people to be able to come here for a better life. I can tell you from personal experience with an illegal that when you are illegal in this country you get treated for shit and that better life isn't all it's cracked up to be. If the left really cares about people they will write legislation to bring people here legally so they are not exploited like they are now. Give Trump the wall and dot the wall with points of entry.
The left's plan is to solidify their power by inundating America with illegal aliens, and turn the US into a third world hellhole.
That's why we want to vet anyone who comes in. Of course you're correct and the left just wants illegals to come in, but not because they are concerned or all warm and fuzzy sharing the American dream but to enslave illegals as cheap labor and do all those jobs American's don't want to do. Democrats may have taken the white sheets off but they haven't changed anything else.

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