Why it is important to identify and call out the groomers and child sexual abusers


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
FFWD this video to the :26 mark.
Here you will see a "trans" person, married to another "trans" person, the pair have two children.
This sick fuck then states he is a parent of two trans children. And is speaking HERE IN AMERICA (Minnesota) to pass a law to guarantee, and have taxpayers foot the bill to pay for physical mutilation and chemical experimentation on MINOR children.

Point 1 - Jordan Peterson a couple weeks ago, quoted one of Canada's leading sexual biologist speaking on a trans couple who claimed they had ONE child they adopted at birth as being trans.
The basic math, using well documented trans numbers - the likelihood of an actual trans person adopting a child at birth - and the child also being actual trans is approximately 1 in 90,000.
This deviant couple claim not ONE trans child, but miraculously TWO trans children. The likelihood of this happening is basically impossible. You can't fit that many numbers on a calculator.
Point 2 - This couple is not under investigation because woke people refuse to identify them as groomers and call them out. These two men want to take their children and alter their bodies for their own narcissistic insanity.

We must identify and call them out everywhere we see them.

Transanity must be stopped in this country.
Coming after the kids with grooming, gender confusion & LGBFJB+ derangement can never be allowed.
They can only get away with it if we refuse to call them out for what they are- demented perverts with serious mental illnesses that need professional help instead of wokester coddling
Unfortunately, the right wing has taken this terribly important word, this terribly important issue, and diluted it by completely overusing the term for the sake of perceived political advantage.

Just as the left wing did with "racism".

The two ends of our political spectrum are killing us with their intellectual dishonesty and their destructive rhetoric.
Transanity must be stopped in this country.
Coming after the kids with grooming, gender confusion & LGBFJB+ derangement can never be allowed.
They can only get away with it if we refuse to call them out for what they are- demented perverts with serious mental illnesses that need professional help instead of wokester coddling
Unfortunately, the right wing has taken this terribly important word, this terribly important issue, and diluted it by completely overusing the term for the sake of perceived political advantage.

Just as the left wing did with "racism".

The two ends of our political spectrum are killing us with their intellectual dishonesty and their destructive rhetoric.
What word is that?
Unfortunately, the right wing has taken this terribly important word, this terribly important issue, and diluted it by completely overusing the term for the sake of perceived political advantage.

Just as the left wing did with "racism".

The two ends of our political spectrum are killing us with their intellectual dishonesty and their destructive rhetoric.

Nope, sorry but the left owns this when they began using actual gender dysphoria to cover fetishes and parents not being able to tell their kids no for the few months it would take them to phase out of their so called gender confusion.
Unfortunately, the right wing has taken this terribly important word, this terribly important issue, and diluted it by completely overusing the term for the sake of perceived political advantage.

Just as the left wing did with "racism".

The two ends of our political spectrum are killing us with their intellectual dishonesty and their destructive rhetoric.
So then, to you, what these two adults have done, and want to do to their children is not grooming?
Seriously?? What they are proposing is not extreme?
I would not think you are one of those protect the left at all cost types.
So then, to you, what these two adults have done, and want to do to their children is not grooming?
I would not think you are one of those protect the left at all cost types.
That's not what I said at all.

If you can come within a few miles of what I actually said, I'll respond.
This thread is a prime example of the problem.
The left refusing to even address the issue.
These two ADULTS are actively out to literally surgically and chemically modify their minor children's bodies to feed their own narcistic madness and not one person from the left here is even willing to address it. Or say it is wrong.
What you did was deflect.
You alluded to the right "overusing" the term.
Why did you say that? What about my post makes you say it is "overusing" the term?
I didn't say it was about your post. I pointed out, clearly, that this issue is made more difficult because the term is overused.

I also clearly used the word "dilute", meaning that a case like this is diluted because the word is overused. I also said this is a terribly important issue.

The first word in my post was "unfortunately", referring to that.

My post was pretty clear.

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