Why it is important to identify and call out the groomers and child sexual abusers

We either allow it and do it with a trained doctor or these kids are going to do it themselves on the black market. They'll do it in far more dangerous ways. Every fucking thing you pieces of religious crap have ever tried to micromanaged peoples lives has failed and it will only make it more popular.

These children need this as it is part of who they're and telling them not too will only make their lives hell. They'll find ways around your bs.

No child that is not a teenager needs any sort of medial intervention about their sex. If they were born the sex of male leave them that way till they are old enough to make informed decisions. If they were born the sex of female leave them that way till they are old enough to make informed decisions.
Unless the children are late teen, they do not know who they wish to live and need to be guided by their parents
Very...very...very late teens.

Other than that...we actually agree on something.

It's a sure sign of the apocalypse.

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FFWD this video to the :26 mark.
Here you will see a "trans" person, married to another "trans" person, the pair have two children.
This sick fuck then states he is a parent of two trans children. And is speaking HERE IN AMERICA (Minnesota) to pass a law to guarantee, and have taxpayers foot the bill to pay for physical mutilation and chemical experimentation on MINOR children.

Point 1 - Jordan Peterson a couple weeks ago, quoted one of Canada's leading sexual biologist speaking on a trans couple who claimed they had ONE child they adopted at birth as being trans.
The basic math, using well documented trans numbers - the likelihood of an actual trans person adopting a child at birth - and the child also being actual trans is approximately 1 in 90,000.
This deviant couple claim not ONE trans child, but miraculously TWO trans children. The likelihood of this happening is basically impossible. You can't fit that many numbers on a calculator.
Point 2 - This couple is not under investigation because woke people refuse to identify them as groomers and call them out. These two men want to take their children and alter their bodies for their own narcissistic insanity.

We must identify and call them out everywhere we see them.

Damn. Heshe looks exactly like groomer George Santos in drag!
No it wasn't clear.
Because the first point you make is a problem of the right.
I'm sorry Mac, but when I first saw this video, the last thing I thought of was anything other than the outrageousness of how fucked up wokeness has gone that this sick, demented individual is not under investigation to immediately have his children removed and placed in psychiatric care.
These two kids are mind fucked. Perhaps for life.
THEY ARE GROOMERS. By it's very definition.
They have taken two minor children, convinced them they are trans... and now are petitioning the government to change laws so they can finish the job.
That is the only issue that matters here.

What was done to my wife when she was a little girl, being compelled over a two-year period to give blowjobs to her father, was very damaging.

What has been done so far to these children' is much, much worse, and what is yet to be done to them, if this is not stopped, far worse even still than that.

When it came out what my father-in-law had been doing to his daughter, he did the very best thing that he had ever done in his life, which as to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. I've repeatedly said, in a few threads that have burning over the past few days on related topics, that the world would be a much better place, if everyone who engages in, defends advocates, or in any way supports the sexual abuse of children would follow my father-in-law's final example.

In the case of these two, they deserve much worse. They do not deserve a death as clean, quick, and painless as my father-in-law's death. They deserve something slow, painful, degrading, humiliating. Scaphism comes to a mind as a punishment that might come somewhere to within an order of magnitude of appropriate for these crimes.
There's nothing sexual about letting children live the way they wish to live. It is freedom and liberty. One could argue that forcing one to submit to a church is the very thing you're accusing our side.


Because teaching children about God, and about sound moral principles, is exactly comparable to grooming and encouraging them to be fucked up sexual deviants like you.
Groomers means that you're a pedo and that is just sick. There's a huge difference between an adult sexually harming children and letting children be who they're. Huge difference. Ones sick and the other is personal freedom on the part of the individual.
These are groomers. Stop supporting grooming.

You might as well ask a house fly to stop eating shit.
What was done to my wife when she was a little girl, being compelled over a two-year period to give blowjobs to her father, was very damaging.

What has been done so far to these children' is much, much worse, and what is yet to be done to them, if this is not stopped, far worse even still than that.

When it came out what my father-in-law had been doing to his daughter, he did the very best thing that he had ever done in his life, which as to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. I've repeatedly said, in a few threads that have burning over the past few days on related topics, that the world would be a much better place, if everyone who engages in, defends advocates, or in any way supports the sexual abuse of children would follow my father-in-law's final example.

In the case of these two, they deserve much worse. They do not deserve a death as clean, quick, and painless as my father-in-law's death. They deserve something slow, painful, degrading, humiliating. Scaphism comes to a mind as a punishment that might come somewhere to within an order of magnitude of appropriate for these crimes.
I want to give you positive feedback for this post, but a like, winner or brilliant won't do an adequate job of conveying how sorry I am that this happen to your wife and how much I agree with you conclusion.

Thanks for sharing that...I know it had to be difficult.
What you won't see in leftist American news.........


After mutilating 30,000 people.... of which over 1000 have filed lawsuits - The British Government shuts down the worlds largest gender mutilation center.

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This thread is a prime example of the problem.
The left refusing to even address the issue.
These two ADULTS are actively out to literally surgically and chemically modify their minor children's bodies to feed their own narcistic madness and not one person from the left here is even willing to address it. Or say it is wrong.
They never do.

They always just attack those who DO say it is wrong. They mock them. They deride them. They call them names, and doing so, they develop a patter. The pattern is that they always attack those who DON'T support it. This is the same exact pattern shown during the Pakistani rape gangs of Britich children years ago. Again, always the same pattern -- all attack.

Now in Mathematics -1 x -1 = +1. If all you do is attack those who object, OF COURSE you are supporting. Now, invariably, the deceitful people say, no no no, of course I don't support it but their pattern of behavior belies their claims.

OF COURSE the leftists here support this crap. All they do is attack anybody who opposes it.
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What was done to my wife when she was a little girl, being compelled over a two-year period to give blowjobs to her father, was very damaging.

What has been done so far to these children' is much, much worse, and what is yet to be done to them, if this is not stopped, far worse even still than that.

When it came out what my father-in-law had been doing to his daughter, he did the very best thing that he had ever done in his life, which as to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. I've repeatedly said, in a few threads that have burning over the past few days on related topics, that the world would be a much better place, if everyone who engages in, defends advocates, or in any way supports the sexual abuse of children would follow my father-in-law's final example.

In the case of these two, they deserve much worse. They do not deserve a death as clean, quick, and painless as my father-in-law's death. They deserve something slow, painful, degrading, humiliating. Scaphism comes to a mind as a punishment that might come somewhere to within an order of magnitude of appropriate for these crimes.
Of course, you know my story which is not NEARLY so bad, but when I told of mine here, one person used the information to try to hurt me by calling me the pedo. She said my opposition to pedophilia was because I was "Projecting" ipso/facto, I'm the pedophile.

That's why it is so hard to share this information. It is used to hurt you. I couldn't have possibly told anybody about this back when I was 12 because it would have stuck to me like shit until I left home.

I know a lot of people probably wonder why I'm so worked up these days, but it gets pretty damn tiring to withstand the barrage of abuse that results from trying to stand up for kids. Maybe I'm just trying to stand up for the 12 year old me, really, but I couldn't do so then and I'm not succeeding now.
There's nothing sexual about letting children live the way they wish to live. It is freedom and liberty. One could argue that forcing one to submit to a church is the very thing you're accusing our side.
Leave children alone. They don't need you to help them discover their sexuality.

I had an adult trying to help me discover my sexuality when I was 12, and I don't remember a day between the day that happened and when I finally moved away from home when I was not filled with anger, confusion and a sense of humiliation.

Leave the children alone. They don't need you.
Unfortunately, the right wing has taken this terribly important word, this terribly important issue, and diluted it by completely overusing the term for the sake of perceived political advantage.

Just as the left wing did with "racism".

The two ends of our political spectrum are killing us with their intellectual dishonesty and their destructive rhetoric.
You're a filthy liar everyday. It's child abuse, you mutilator.
Mac...groomer is a much nicer term than the alternative terms.
With me, it started with him taking an interest in me. I got lots of praise for being smarter than the other boys. I rose in position faster. I was given greater responsibilities. He found time to mentor me, first in a group and then alone, and well, yeah

There is always a pattern and the pattern is called grooming. It's all about familiarity and trust.

It's' kinda hard to trust people after that, you now.
The Right focuses on the word. They use it as an attack mechanism. That's why the Left ignores it. Hell, I've been called a groomer here. I've been called a pedophile here.

I've also been called a racist here by the Left. Several times. That's why the Right ignored it, mocked it, and now use it themselves.

I know that words and behaviors matter. And I'm seeing plenty of similarities here. Two terribly important issues being trivialized and diluted. My original point.
Taking away the word to describe something does not take away what it is describing.

"The revolution will be complete when the language is perfect" -- George Orwell.
With me, it started with him taking an interest in me. I got lots of praise for being smarter than the other boys. I rose in position faster. I was given greater responsibilities. He found time to mentor me, first in a group and then alone, and well, yeah

There is always a pattern and the pattern is called grooming. It's all about familiarity and trust.

It's' kinda hard to trust people after that, you now.
I'm sorry to hear that. I can't begin to imagine.

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