Why it is important to identify and call out the groomers and child sexual abusers

Man, I feel so blessed for my life being the way it was, and so sorry for Dogmaphobe. :(

Dogmaphobe , that's not how it's supposed to be, bro. All you can do is what you can that's good now.

It wasn't your fault. What you do from here on out is.
Thanks, man. With me, it didn't get past the groping and squeezing (not that there was much to grope and squeeze then) but I was lucky because the other boys returned from what they were doing and they were loud enough so he heard them and pulled his hand out before they got there.

Damn, I can still swear I can still smell his cologne.

I'm pretty lucky compared to most. If that much had the effect it had on me, I can only imagine what it did to those who dealt with true horrors.
Unfortunately, the right wing has taken this terribly important word, this terribly important issue, and diluted it by completely overusing the term for the sake of perceived political advantage.

Just as the left wing did with "racism".

The two ends of our political spectrum are killing us with their intellectual dishonesty and their destructive rhetoric.
Although I don't agree with you, I think you make a good point.

I suppose the Left actually believes the world is full of racists, and I can tell you first-hand that the Right feels that there are dangerous groomers everywhere now.

It's debatable as to which is more of a problem. We have our own opinions on this.

Me, I think that the racist panic is way overblown, as you implied, but the Left is hypocritically using the false narrative to implement a new form of "acceptable racism" - diversity, equity and inclusion, etc.

The grooming may be more limited than Right Wing news portrays. It's certainly not happening in every classroom, nor even every school, but there are countless examples of it now, and it irks us greatly.

A big difference between the two subjects - racism and child groomers - seems to be the mainstream media coverage. They have extensively covered the so-called widespread racism, while they have largely ignored the grooming and disfiguring of children.

I will note that this discussion board has a thread on the subject....
The powers that be have re-affirmed that members here may not refer to other members as groomers. It's unclear to me if the same rule applies to calling others racists. Hmm. Would that be a double standard? What could the motivation for that be?
FFWD this video to the :26 mark.
Here you will see a "trans" person, married to another "trans" person, the pair have two children.
This sick fuck then states he is a parent of two trans children. And is speaking HERE IN AMERICA (Minnesota) to pass a law to guarantee, and have taxpayers foot the bill to pay for physical mutilation and chemical experimentation on MINOR children.

Point 1 - Jordan Peterson a couple weeks ago, quoted one of Canada's leading sexual biologist speaking on a trans couple who claimed they had ONE child they adopted at birth as being trans.
The basic math, using well documented trans numbers - the likelihood of an actual trans person adopting a child at birth - and the child also being actual trans is approximately 1 in 90,000.
This deviant couple claim not ONE trans child, but miraculously TWO trans children. The likelihood of this happening is basically impossible. You can't fit that many numbers on a calculator.
Point 2 - This couple is not under investigation because woke people refuse to identify them as groomers and call them out. These two men want to take their children and alter their bodies for their own narcissistic insanity.

We must identify and call them out everywhere we see them.

Tell Gym Jordan that....he was a Mandatory Reporter and blew his duty off.
I gotta give you Dogmaphobe a lot of credit for telling your story. Thank you.

I think it's why I am so sensitive to issues regarding children and sex.

When I see extremely smug posters taunting people by saying they want kids to view pornographic images of 12 year old boys performing fellatio, it sends me into the stratosphere.

The usual reaction I get here is to be called a homophobe by all the leftists. I don't mind adults doing anything they want, but every time somebody advocates for the sexualization of children, it takes me back.

I have been taken back more and more often lately.
Tell Gym Jordan that....he was a Mandatory Reporter and blew his duty off.
STFU fat dyke commie shill. Go trim That 70s Pussy or something. Nobody wants your 2" pubes up to the belly.
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This thread is a bit of a revelation. Not in a pleasant way, either.

I suspect there is a good sound biological reason for sane people to feel at least a bit of revulsion when they see some freakish guy dressed up in drag — particularly when they’re around children.
The only goddamn grooming I see is by the church. There's simply no evidence to support the mindset and it is generally bad for society. When we're talking these children at least we have science and hundreds of years of studies and evidence supporting the necessity of doing such treatment and the improvement it provides within their lives. Of course the fundies don't like it because it goes against their taliban style control of society and over peoples lives. Talk about big government.

The biggest problem with religion is it tells you to suffer and die and somehow you'll be rewarded after you die for walking a line. To hell with doing what is right for the individual or making it easier. We attempt to make the life of the person better through giving them what they need.
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I would invite others who have been sexually abused as children in all its myriad ways to share their stories here.

I'm hoping if more tell their stories, then maybe USMB might possibly come to the point where instead of telling the recipients of child abuse that they are the actual pedophiles, maybe it could learn to oppose the abuse of children, instead.
Although I don't agree with you, I think you make a good point.

I suppose the Left actually believes the world is full of racists, and I can tell you first-hand that the Right feels that there are dangerous groomers everywhere now.

It's debatable as to which is more of a problem. We have our own opinions on this.

Me, I think that the racist panic is way overblown, as you implied, but the Left is hypocritically using the false narrative to implement a new form of "acceptable racism" - diversity, equity and inclusion, etc.

The grooming may be more limited than Right Wing news portrays. It's certainly not happening in every classroom, nor even every school, but there are countless examples of it now, and it irks us greatly.

A big difference between the two subjects - racism and child groomers - seems to be the mainstream media coverage. They have extensively covered the so-called widespread racism, while they have largely ignored the grooming and disfiguring of children.

I will note that this discussion board has a thread on the subject....
The powers that be have re-affirmed that members here may not refer to other members as groomers. It's unclear to me if the same rule applies to calling others racists. Hmm. Would that be a double standard? What could the motivation for that be?
Both issues have become politicized, and politics perverts and damages everything it touches.

I have been called both names here by the ends of the spectrum, and while that doesn't affect me personally, I do wonder why someone would do that. And personally, I think part of this whole "pedo" thing is partially a reaction to being called a "racist" for so many years. The Right wanted its own rhetorical bludgeon. So they've taken this horrific, vicious, awful act and turned it into a political weapon, just as they feel was done to them.

Those who spray those words around like water are part of the problem. They are not helping, they are diluting & trivializing the words and making things worse. You don't change a person's mind, or convince them of something, by screaming RACIST or GROOMER at them. And if you purposely put them on the defensive like that, you're slowing the process down. Obviously. Any reasonably intelligent adult should know that instinctively.

Do we want to fix this, or just politicize it? It seems to me that we can't do both at the same time.
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FFWD this video to the :26 mark.
Here you will see a "trans" person, married to another "trans" person, the pair have two children.
This sick fuck then states he is a parent of two trans children. And is speaking HERE IN AMERICA (Minnesota) to pass a law to guarantee, and have taxpayers foot the bill to pay for physical mutilation and chemical experimentation on MINOR children.

Point 1 - Jordan Peterson a couple weeks ago, quoted one of Canada's leading sexual biologist speaking on a trans couple who claimed they had ONE child they adopted at birth as being trans.
The basic math, using well documented trans numbers - the likelihood of an actual trans person adopting a child at birth - and the child also being actual trans is approximately 1 in 90,000.
This deviant couple claim not ONE trans child, but miraculously TWO trans children. The likelihood of this happening is basically impossible. You can't fit that many numbers on a calculator.
Point 2 - This couple is not under investigation because woke people refuse to identify them as groomers and call them out. These two men want to take their children and alter their bodies for their own narcissistic insanity.

We must identify and call them out everywhere we see them.

The thing with transexual people is that often they have mental issues.

In the US, mental issues are often scoffed at, especially by the right wing who don't want to pay for other people's problems. The problem is, when such issues get worse, this is the result.

You can attack for "narcissistic insanity", but really, is this just some kind of mental problem, and you're just attacking people with mental problems because.....

Had mental issues been dealt with, had the right not decided to go on a binge of attack gay people, then these people might feel more comfortable being who they are, and not feel the need for going extreme towards surgery.....
... The likelihood of this happening is basically impossible. You can't fit that many numbers on a calculator ...

Twice at 1-in-90,000 is 1-in-8,100,000,000, or once every day somewhere in the world ... you can't fit a couple of 9's in your calculator? ... why not in your head? ... the State of California expects 8-year-olds to do this ...

9 x 9 = 81 ...easy peasy ...
Twice at 1-in-90,000 is 1-in-8,100,000,000, or once every day somewhere in the world ... you can't fit a couple of 9's in your calculator? ... why not in your head? ... the State of California expects 8-year-olds to do this ...

9 x 9 = 81 ...easy peasy ...
The thing with transexual people is that often they have mental issues.

In the US, mental issues are often scoffed at, especially by the right wing who don't want to pay for other people's problems. The problem is, when such issues get worse, this is the result.

You can attack for "narcissistic insanity", but really, is this just some kind of mental problem, and you're just attacking people with mental problems because.....

Had mental issues been dealt with, had the right not decided to go on a binge of attack gay people, then these people might feel more comfortable being who they are, and not feel the need for going extreme towards surgery.....
Uh... yeah no.
I am attacking a system that is allowing narcissistic madness to affect children.
To actually go as far as surgically altering minor childrens bodies to feed their own madness.

try again

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