Why It's Hard to Have an Intelligent Political Debate With Progressives

You can't have a conversation with people that think tyranny is freedom.

When they can't grasp how wrong that is, how to you explain to them that islam would kill them first given the chance?

All the attacks in the western world are in cities. what lives in cities? leftists. So who are the muslims killing and who cares that they are getting killed?

how bizarre is it that we care that leftist are being killed while they support their killers?
You talk about us like we are BLACKS. Now I know how blacks feel.

So tell us what would you do?
you have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't judge people on their looks, I judge them by their words and actions.

what would I do about what?

getting facts across is impossible
asking, begging, demanding that you not take more freedoms falls on deaf ears

on and on, it's pointless to reason with spoiled children, you just scream and pout until you get what you demand. of course your party gleefully gives it to you

Because you can show them information like this – and they will either ignore or try to deflect from it. The blogger goes on to outline one fact after another that his counterpart either ignores or simply brushes aside.

At what point to de learn that even trying to debate with progressives is a losing proposition?

Read more @ Obama’s speech highlights why it’s hard to have an intelligent political debate with Progressives

Alright, it is true there are Radicals that want to kill innocent people throughout the world, but the reality of me being killed by Muslim terrorist is less than me being killed by some drunk drive on 59 in Houston.

I am not saying it can not happen but very unlikely.

Now there is my response and now I will await for you to call me retarded and a progressive that love terrorism!

To be honest, the danger of being killed by one of these savages is a minor issue to me. If that was the only concern I wouldn't make much of a stink about. I'm more concerned about what happens when we import millions of these barbarians, they begin to reproduce in great numbers, and they attempt to impose their despicable values on this country.

Because you can show them information like this – and they will either ignore or try to deflect from it.

See the difference between a Conservative like you- and a "Progressive" like me- is that I challenge unsubstantiated claims like this- while you choose to believe them at face value.

You believe whatever your Conservative Bloggers tell you.

Even though that image has no links- no source- you blindly believe it.

Progressives like myself actually look for Facts that can be corroborated.

First off, I do not consider myself to be a "conservative". I am first and foremost a Constitutionalist.

Second, I spend hours every day seeking out the facts of situations so I can make intelligent decisions.

And third, I am open enough to accept input from a wide variety of sources. And, when that input is in the form of an opinion, a recognize it as such.

Then as a self-imagined constitutionalist you should be aware that Muslim-Americans have every single right that Christian-Americans enjoy.

Of course they do! Nobody argues with that at all.

And, as they accept American citizenship, it is their duty, first and foremost to obey the laws based upon the US Constitution. If they wish to live by the Hadith and Sharia - I would suggest they move to countries where those are the laws.

Muslim Americans can live by Hadith and Sharia as they will in the United States- so long as doing so does not conflict with American laws- just as ultra-orthodox Jews can live by Talmudic Law.

What is Un-American is telling Americans that they have to conform to your particular religious preference- as you want to do.

Because you can show them information like this – and they will either ignore or try to deflect from it.

See the difference between a Conservative like you- and a "Progressive" like me- is that I challenge unsubstantiated claims like this- while you choose to believe them at face value.

You believe whatever your Conservative Bloggers tell you.

Even though that image has no links- no source- you blindly believe it.

Progressives like myself actually look for Facts that can be corroborated.

First off, I do not consider myself to be a "conservative". I am first and foremost a Constitutionalist.

Second, I spend hours every day seeking out the facts of situations so I can make intelligent decisions.

And third, I am open enough to accept input from a wide variety of sources. And, when that input is in the form of an opinion, a recognize it as such.

Clearly you don't spend hours seeking out 'facts'- when you blind copy and paste something from a Conservative Blog without looking to see whether this is factual- or BS.

See the difference between a Conservative like you- and a "Progressive" like me- is that I challenge unsubstantiated claims like this- while you choose to believe them at face value.

You believe whatever your Conservative Bloggers tell you.

Even though that image has no links- no source- you blindly believe it.

Progressives like myself actually look for Facts that can be corroborated.

We aren't at war with just Isis. We're at war with jihadists. No matter what faction they are the one trait they share...they're Muslim.


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country. forcing the Syrians to become international refugees

You are as bad as Longknife when it comes to posting unsubstantiated crap.

Because you can show them information like this – and they will either ignore or try to deflect from it. The blogger goes on to outline one fact after another that his counterpart either ignores or simply brushes aside.

At what point to de learn that even trying to debate with progressives is a losing proposition?

Read more @ Obama’s speech highlights why it’s hard to have an intelligent political debate with Progressives

Alright, it is true there are Radicals that want to kill innocent people throughout the world, but the reality of me being killed by Muslim terrorist is less than me being killed by some drunk drive on 59 in Houston.

I am not saying it can not happen but very unlikely.

Now there is my response and now I will await for you to call me retarded and a progressive that love terrorism!

Just because the chances of YOU being killed by a terrorist are slim to none does not mean you can ignore the danger they present.

As you'll see in another post of mine, heart attacks kill more Americans than guns and terrorist/mass killings are even fewer.

Do you not put on your seat belt thinking that your chances of being in an accident are so small?
What is a shame, Longknife, is that this thread is a great example of why it is hard to have an intelligent thread with a Conservative.

And of course my statement is just as over-reaching and insulting as yours.

I see this from both sides all the time- and unfortunately your OP is a prime example of it- you cited a Conservative Blog making a claim- and making unsubstantiated claims to attack 'Progressives'

I see the same thing being done by those on the left also.

The reality is that the beginning of any intelligent debate is an honestly framed issue, and a willingness to engage in an honest, factual debate.

Looking at the majority of threads here at USMB- including a fair number of the ones you start(not the essentially non-partisan ones), I think few OP's can claim to have started an intelligent political debate. Most are either open or hardly veiled partisan attacks.

The ones that claim that one side or the other is always dishonest or is always stupid are the worst of the lot.
We aren't at war with just Isis. We're at war with jihadists. No matter what faction they are the one trait they share...they're Muslim.


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country. forcing the Syrians to become international refugees
And this is an example of the 'intelligent debate' common to many on the right 'progressives' are supposed to engage with.


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country. forcing the Syrians to become international refugees

Why It's Hard to Have an Intelligent Political Debate With Progressives


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

1) that was the UN
2) It's got to be more than that. I think that's just the yearly pay out
3) what utter bullshit
4) more non-sense

making shit up is not debate


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine examined the Palestinian question and recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain a corpus separatum under international control administered by the United Nations.
Creation of Israel, 1948 - 1945–1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian
no homeless

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact
Congress Watch: A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel: More Than $130 Billion

#3 is your assumption, provide a link that proves Israel ordered us in

Obama rules out Syria ground invasion in passionate defence of Isis strategy

3 of your 4 have been proven wrong, with links.

please prove your assumption is correct.

actually, fuck that, we know your lying.[/QUOTE]


Firstly , in 1949 there were 650,000 Jewish NEWLY ARRIVED inhabitants, and 1,300,000 Muslims .

In a Nov. 10, 1945 meeting with American diplomats brought in from their posts in the Middle East to urge Truman not to heed Zionist urgings, Truman had bluntly explained his motivation:

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism: I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents."

Partition was adopted only after ruthless arm-twisting by the US government and by 26 pro-Zionist US senators who, in telegrams to a number of UN member states, warned that US goodwill in rebuilding their World War II-devastated economies might depend on a favorable vote for partition.

The Arabs did not vote for nor sought the partititon

"Immediately after the plan was adopted, however, extensive fighting broke out between Jews and Arabs, just as US diplomats had predicted. The Arab states categorically rejected the partition by outside parties of an overwhelmingly Arab land.:

Letter From Saudi King Al Saud to FDR:

The Saudi King was undiplomatically direct in his opposition to this possibility:

“This right [of the Arabs] men now seek to destroy by injustice unparalleled and unequaled in history. Such is the right of the Arabs in Palestine which the spokesmen of Jewish Zionism wish to scorn and abolish by the use of various forms of lying propaganda, invented, concealed and employed by them throughout the world.… They are preparing to create a form of Nazi fascism within sight and hearing of the democracies and in the midst of the Arab countries as well as in their very heart and in the heart of the East which has proved itself loyal to the Allied cause in these critical times….. We state frankly and plainly that to help Zionism in Palestine not only means to endanger Palestine but all neighboring countries.”

On April 5, FDR responded with an extremely warm note. In it he offered the king a firm commitment.

“Your Majesty will doubtless recall that on previous occasions I communicated to you that I would take no action in my capacity as chief of the executive branch of this government which might prove hostile to the Arab people.”

As long as he continued to serve as President, he made clear that the dream of the Jewish people of return to their homeland would not be fulfilled

General Geo Marshall predicted that Israel would become US tarbaby -

And israhell has indeed become a tarbaby.

Why It's Hard to Have an Intelligent Political Debate With Progressives


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

1) that was the UN
2) It's got to be more than that. I think that's just the yearly pay out
3) what utter bullshit
4) more non-sense

making shit up is not debate


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine examined the Palestinian question and recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain a corpus separatum under international control administered by the United Nations.
Creation of Israel, 1948 - 1945–1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian
no homeless

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact
Congress Watch: A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel: More Than $130 Billion

#3 is your assumption, provide a link that proves Israel ordered us in

Obama rules out Syria ground invasion in passionate defence of Isis strategy

3 of your 4 have been proven wrong, with links.

please prove your assumption is correct.

actually, fuck that, we know your lying.


Firstly , in 1949 there were 650,000 Jewish NEWLY ARRIVED inhabitants, and 1,300,000 Muslims .

In a Nov. 10, 1945 meeting with American diplomats brought in from their posts in the Middle East to urge Truman not to heed Zionist urgings, Truman had bluntly explained his motivation:

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism: I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents."

Partition was adopted only after ruthless arm-twisting by the US government and by 26 pro-Zionist US senators who, in telegrams to a number of UN member states, warned that US goodwill in rebuilding their World War II-devastated economies might depend on a favorable vote for partition.

The Arabs did not vote for nor sought the partititon

"Immediately after the plan was adopted, however, extensive fighting broke out between Jews and Arabs, just as US diplomats had predicted. The Arab states categorically rejected the partition by outside parties of an overwhelmingly Arab land.:

Letter From Saudi King Al Saud to FDR:

The Saudi King was undiplomatically direct in his opposition to this possibility:

“This right [of the Arabs] men now seek to destroy by injustice unparalleled and unequaled in history. Such is the right of the Arabs in Palestine which the spokesmen of Jewish Zionism wish to scorn and abolish by the use of various forms of lying propaganda, invented, concealed and employed by them throughout the world.… They are preparing to create a form of Nazi fascism within sight and hearing of the democracies and in the midst of the Arab countries as well as in their very heart and in the heart of the East which has proved itself loyal to the Allied cause in these critical times….. We state frankly and plainly that to help Zionism in Palestine not only means to endanger Palestine but all neighboring countries.”

On April 5, FDR responded with an extremely warm note. In it he offered the king a firm commitment.

“Your Majesty will doubtless recall that on previous occasions I communicated to you that I would take no action in my capacity as chief of the executive branch of this government which might prove hostile to the Arab people.”

As long as he continued to serve as President, he made clear that the dream of the Jewish people of return to their homeland would not be fulfilled

General Geo Marshall predicted that Israel would become US tarbaby -

And israhell has indeed become a tarbaby.

It was still done by the UN, sure, Truman had his part, but he couldn't make it happen w/o the UN


and back up that claim I asked you to back up.

fucking gasbag
Why It's Hard to Have an Intelligent Political Debate With Progressives


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

1) that was the UN
2) It's got to be more than that. I think that's just the yearly pay out
3) what utter bullshit
4) more non-sense

making shit up is not debate


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine examined the Palestinian question and recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain a corpus separatum under international control administered by the United Nations.
Creation of Israel, 1948 - 1945–1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian
no homeless

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact
Congress Watch: A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel: More Than $130 Billion

#3 is your assumption, provide a link that proves Israel ordered us in

Obama rules out Syria ground invasion in passionate defence of Isis strategy

3 of your 4 have been proven wrong, with links.

please prove your assumption is correct.

actually, fuck that, we know your lying.


Firstly , in 1949 there were 650,000 Jewish NEWLY ARRIVED inhabitants, and 1,300,000 Muslims .

In a Nov. 10, 1945 meeting with American diplomats brought in from their posts in the Middle East to urge Truman not to heed Zionist urgings, Truman had bluntly explained his motivation:

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism: I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents."

Partition was adopted only after ruthless arm-twisting by the US government and by 26 pro-Zionist US senators who, in telegrams to a number of UN member states, warned that US goodwill in rebuilding their World War II-devastated economies might depend on a favorable vote for partition.

The Arabs did not vote for nor sought the partititon

"Immediately after the plan was adopted, however, extensive fighting broke out between Jews and Arabs, just as US diplomats had predicted. The Arab states categorically rejected the partition by outside parties of an overwhelmingly Arab land.:

Letter From Saudi King Al Saud to FDR:

The Saudi King was undiplomatically direct in his opposition to this possibility:

“This right [of the Arabs] men now seek to destroy by injustice unparalleled and unequaled in history. Such is the right of the Arabs in Palestine which the spokesmen of Jewish Zionism wish to scorn and abolish by the use of various forms of lying propaganda, invented, concealed and employed by them throughout the world.… They are preparing to create a form of Nazi fascism within sight and hearing of the democracies and in the midst of the Arab countries as well as in their very heart and in the heart of the East which has proved itself loyal to the Allied cause in these critical times….. We state frankly and plainly that to help Zionism in Palestine not only means to endanger Palestine but all neighboring countries.”

On April 5, FDR responded with an extremely warm note. In it he offered the king a firm commitment.

“Your Majesty will doubtless recall that on previous occasions I communicated to you that I would take no action in my capacity as chief of the executive branch of this government which might prove hostile to the Arab people.”

As long as he continued to serve as President, he made clear that the dream of the Jewish people of return to their homeland would not be fulfilled

General Geo Marshall predicted that Israel would become US tarbaby -

And israhell has indeed become a tarbaby.

It was still done by the UN, sure, Truman had his part, but he couldn't make it happen w/o the UN


and back up that claim I asked you to back up.

fucking gasbag[/QUOTE]


Why It's Hard to Have an Intelligent Political Debate With Progressives


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

1) that was the UN
2) It's got to be more than that. I think that's just the yearly pay out
3) what utter bullshit
4) more non-sense

making shit up is not debate


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine examined the Palestinian question and recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain a corpus separatum under international control administered by the United Nations.
Creation of Israel, 1948 - 1945–1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian
no homeless

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact
Congress Watch: A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel: More Than $130 Billion

#3 is your assumption, provide a link that proves Israel ordered us in

Obama rules out Syria ground invasion in passionate defence of Isis strategy

3 of your 4 have been proven wrong, with links.

please prove your assumption is correct.

actually, fuck that, we know your lying.


Firstly , in 1949 there were 650,000 Jewish NEWLY ARRIVED inhabitants, and 1,300,000 Muslims .

In a Nov. 10, 1945 meeting with American diplomats brought in from their posts in the Middle East to urge Truman not to heed Zionist urgings, Truman had bluntly explained his motivation:

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism: I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents."

Partition was adopted only after ruthless arm-twisting by the US government and by 26 pro-Zionist US senators who, in telegrams to a number of UN member states, warned that US goodwill in rebuilding their World War II-devastated economies might depend on a favorable vote for partition.

The Arabs did not vote for nor sought the partititon

"Immediately after the plan was adopted, however, extensive fighting broke out between Jews and Arabs, just as US diplomats had predicted. The Arab states categorically rejected the partition by outside parties of an overwhelmingly Arab land.:

Letter From Saudi King Al Saud to FDR:

The Saudi King was undiplomatically direct in his opposition to this possibility:

“This right [of the Arabs] men now seek to destroy by injustice unparalleled and unequaled in history. Such is the right of the Arabs in Palestine which the spokesmen of Jewish Zionism wish to scorn and abolish by the use of various forms of lying propaganda, invented, concealed and employed by them throughout the world.… They are preparing to create a form of Nazi fascism within sight and hearing of the democracies and in the midst of the Arab countries as well as in their very heart and in the heart of the East which has proved itself loyal to the Allied cause in these critical times….. We state frankly and plainly that to help Zionism in Palestine not only means to endanger Palestine but all neighboring countries.”

On April 5, FDR responded with an extremely warm note. In it he offered the king a firm commitment.

“Your Majesty will doubtless recall that on previous occasions I communicated to you that I would take no action in my capacity as chief of the executive branch of this government which might prove hostile to the Arab people.”

As long as he continued to serve as President, he made clear that the dream of the Jewish people of return to their homeland would not be fulfilled

General Geo Marshall predicted that Israel would become US tarbaby -

And israhell has indeed become a tarbaby.


#3 is your assumption, provide a link that proves Israel ordered us in

Be glad to, thought you would never ask

1- IRAQ: War Launched to Protect Israel – Bush Adviser

By Emad Mekay

WASHINGTON, Mar 29 2004 (IPS) - Iraq under Saddam Hussein did not pose a threat to the United States but it did to Israel, which is one reason why Washington invaded the Arab country, according to a speech made by a member of a top-level White House intelligence group.


January 26, 1998 The Honorable William J. Clinton President of the United States Washington, DC Dear Mr. President:," the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel" signed by American Likudnicks and neocrazies

3- The installation of Israel as a regional power

the strategic doctrine at the heart of U.S. Middle Eastern policy: the installation of Israel as regional hegemon.

This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert,Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:

Put that in your pipe and smoke , you miserable murderous bastard

Why It's Hard to Have an Intelligent Political Debate With Progressives


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

1) that was the UN
2) It's got to be more than that. I think that's just the yearly pay out
3) what utter bullshit
4) more non-sense

making shit up is not debate


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing the Syrians to become international refugees.

Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine examined the Palestinian question and recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain a corpus separatum under international control administered by the United Nations.
Creation of Israel, 1948 - 1945–1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian
no homeless

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact
Congress Watch: A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel: More Than $130 Billion

#3 is your assumption, provide a link that proves Israel ordered us in

Obama rules out Syria ground invasion in passionate defence of Isis strategy

3 of your 4 have been proven wrong, with links.

please prove your assumption is correct.

actually, fuck that, we know your lying.


Firstly , in 1949 there were 650,000 Jewish NEWLY ARRIVED inhabitants, and 1,300,000 Muslims .

In a Nov. 10, 1945 meeting with American diplomats brought in from their posts in the Middle East to urge Truman not to heed Zionist urgings, Truman had bluntly explained his motivation:

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism: I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents."

Partition was adopted only after ruthless arm-twisting by the US government and by 26 pro-Zionist US senators who, in telegrams to a number of UN member states, warned that US goodwill in rebuilding their World War II-devastated economies might depend on a favorable vote for partition.

The Arabs did not vote for nor sought the partititon

"Immediately after the plan was adopted, however, extensive fighting broke out between Jews and Arabs, just as US diplomats had predicted. The Arab states categorically rejected the partition by outside parties of an overwhelmingly Arab land.:

Letter From Saudi King Al Saud to FDR:

The Saudi King was undiplomatically direct in his opposition to this possibility:

“This right [of the Arabs] men now seek to destroy by injustice unparalleled and unequaled in history. Such is the right of the Arabs in Palestine which the spokesmen of Jewish Zionism wish to scorn and abolish by the use of various forms of lying propaganda, invented, concealed and employed by them throughout the world.… They are preparing to create a form of Nazi fascism within sight and hearing of the democracies and in the midst of the Arab countries as well as in their very heart and in the heart of the East which has proved itself loyal to the Allied cause in these critical times….. We state frankly and plainly that to help Zionism in Palestine not only means to endanger Palestine but all neighboring countries.”

On April 5, FDR responded with an extremely warm note. In it he offered the king a firm commitment.

“Your Majesty will doubtless recall that on previous occasions I communicated to you that I would take no action in my capacity as chief of the executive branch of this government which might prove hostile to the Arab people.”

As long as he continued to serve as President, he made clear that the dream of the Jewish people of return to their homeland would not be fulfilled

General Geo Marshall predicted that Israel would become US tarbaby -

And israhell has indeed become a tarbaby.


#3 is your assumption, provide a link that proves Israel ordered us in

Be glad to, thought you would never ask

1- IRAQ: War Launched to Protect Israel – Bush Adviser

By Emad Mekay

WASHINGTON, Mar 29 2004 (IPS) - Iraq under Saddam Hussein did not pose a threat to the United States but it did to Israel, which is one reason why Washington invaded the Arab country, according to a speech made by a member of a top-level White House intelligence group.


January 26, 1998 The Honorable William J. Clinton President of the United States Washington, DC Dear Mr. President:," the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel" signed by American Likudnicks and neocrazies

3- The installation of Israel as a regional power

the strategic doctrine at the heart of U.S. Middle Eastern policy: the installation of Israel as regional hegemon.

This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert,Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:

Put that in your pipe and smoke , you miserable murderous bastard

ok retard, the large bold letters are hard to read, so show some manners and c-p that down to a readable size.

went over some of that, and it reeks of conspiracy nut non-sense that requires tons of assumption


go fuck yourself
What point is there in discussing an issue with some person that has reached the conclusion in advance that you are ignorant and uneducated because of religious and political leanings and they alone have all the solutions hidden in their lock box.
Wow! All the shouting and screaming. That's a reasonable debate?

Point made!
In every thread with the Far Right Vigilante you will see similar posts.

It isn't a Right or Left issue- it is a screaming issue.
How about reality .

How many Muslims live in the US be those that have terrorized the U.S. ?

You are just looking for an excuse to vent your bigotry .

False allegations of racism are vile. We have no way to check out the muslims from Syria, and it simply makes more sense to settle them in the area they came from...it is cheaper, safer for them than traveling all over Europe...and if the muslims ever get their act together they can get home quicker.....

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