Why it's important to have guns at home

Statistically, living in Chicago is vastly more dangerous than living in a rural area filled with honest gunowning homeowners.

Chicago is plauged with violent ****holes that ring downtown. Perhaps you and mayor Emanual can go door to door in these killzones and make sure everyone has registered their guns with the city. You can also hand out literature from the Brady Group and Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods
I watched it. It is very frustrating to see her caught unprepared like that. First, Mike, if she wasn't comfortable with a gun, this would have done the job:


Second, there are alarm systems available for as little as 99 dollars to install it and a monthly fee of under a hundred dollars I believe - and it automatically brings the police to your home - there is also video surveillance you can wire and mount camouflaged on your property - especially if it is large - they won't even know where the cameras are to disable them - there is also an inexpension alarm system ( they have more elaborate ones also ) that wire your ground so that when someone drives onto your property, driveway or walks on it - bells will go off inside your house - you will know well in advance that someone is coming for a visit. I've got it and it's great.

3rd - How much is the protection of you and your family worth? That is something everyone needs to consider and then do what is necessary to ensure the woman in the video does not become you.

4th - if you are not going to own a gun or a weapon that can knock them out at least buy a dog and have him trained for defense. Bounty Hunters use dogs and can probably point people in the right direction for best training, etc.

5th - There are excellent self defense courses ( best one out there is done by an Israeli outfit ) available to women and men. It isn't an option not to know how to defend yourself these days. You owe it to your family to be prepared.

- Jeri
You have to click that link and then the dazzler weapon to read this:

This weapon would have done the job for her:

Glare Mout dazzler made by B.E. MeyersA dazzler is a directed-energy weapon intended to temporarily blind or disorient its target with intense directed radiation. Targets can include sensors or human vision. Dazzlers emit infrared or invisible light against various electronic sensors, and visible light against humans, when they are intended to cause no long-term damage to eyes.

The emitters are usually lasers, making what is termed a laser dazzler. Most of the contemporary systems are man-portable, and operate in either the red (a laser diode) or green (a diode-pumped solid-state laser, DPSS) areas of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Initially developed for military use, non-military products are becoming available for use in law enforcement and security.[1][2]

Weapons designed to cause permanent blindness are banned by the 1995 United Nations Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons. The dazzler is a non-lethal weapon intended to cause temporary blindness or disorientation and therefore falls outside this protocol.
after watching that video i am so fucking enraged, if i had that fucking ****** in my control i would slit his jugular and laff my ass off until he bled out then piss in his mouth in his last gasping breath !!!

just in case anyone wants to call me a racist.., let me make it clear, a person of any COLOR who will do this to ANY unarmed woman is a fucking maggot ******, and they come in ALL colors !! :up:

one last thing..., "racist" means nothing to me, i'll laff in your face if you try to pull that shit out of your mouth ! the word is an over used word that has lost it's meaning over the pst 40 years

LOL, let's be honest. You wouldn't do shit. I'd be shocked if you were able to rock your fat ass off the couch before the whole thing was over.

You internet Rambo's are pretty funny, your are certainly good for a laff.

what a fucking loser you are, i am a retired military Vet, if you only knew my history you would cringe in a corner of your mommies basement if you even heard my voice !!

yaa i would LAFF in your face and pis in your mouth :up: :laugh2:

So what?! One of my best buddies and neighbors is retired a Navy Seal Commando who is the 5th top Sniper in the World. There is always someone tougher. Give me a break here. Do you share his outrage for the attack on this woman or don't you? If you don't - you're no hero in my book.

- Jeri
Why is it important to have a newspaper or a book in the home that might not promote the political agenda of the government? Because the Constitution says we can?
how did the guy get through the front door?

She didn't have her property wired. That was her first line of defense. She had no outside surveillance cameras only a nanny cam. that was her second line of defense. She had no dogs outside in the yard before getting to door and no dog inside after he came through door - that was her 4th line of defense - she had no laser weapon to paralyze him and blind him while she went for her gun. ( because she had neither of those either )

Which was her last line of defense.

- Jeri
Only if the people in that home have enough sense to handle them as the dangerous tool they are. The fact that most do not is reflected in the fact that the gun in the home is much more likely to kill one of the inhabitants of that home than an intruder. Something like 40 times more likely.

Old Rocks... WHERE ARE YOUR sources for your "40 times"???
Are you saying there are 40 times more DEATHS from accidental shooting?

According to Center for Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_06.pdf in 2011, there were:
- 851 deaths due to accidental discharge of firearms
falls 26,631
accidental drowning 3,555
exposure smoke.fire 2,621

You know OLD Rocks I think you would be so embarrassed to put "guesses", hysterical comments which ANYONE INCLUDING EVEN me can find the facts!
Using YOUR LOGIC!!! Falls kill 26,631... BAN FALLS!
Drownings.. 4 times greater then gun accidents!

Get the FACT Ignorant OLD MAN!!!
stuff like this makes me want to remove my guns...remove them from the other room into the front room...myself i will keep my guns close

Just get comfortable with using it. Go to the range and practice. Get someone who knows alot about guns and gun safety to help you until you feel you've got it.
How about spending money on a secure front door that cant be "kicked in"?
How about spending money on a secure front door that cant be "kicked in"?

Gee why don't you tell the parents in Newtown they should have had a door for the school that couldn't be shot open
I watched it. It is very frustrating to see her caught unprepared like that. First, Mike, if she wasn't comfortable with a gun, this would have done the job:


Second, there are alarm systems available for as little as 99 dollars to install it and a monthly fee of under a hundred dollars I believe - and it automatically brings the police to your home - there is also video surveillance you can wire and mount camouflaged on your property - especially if it is large - they won't even know where the cameras are to disable them - there is also an inexpension alarm system ( they have more elaborate ones also ) that wire your ground so that when someone drives onto your property, driveway or walks on it - bells will go off inside your house - you will know well in advance that someone is coming for a visit. I've got it and it's great.

3rd - How much is the protection of you and your family worth? That is something everyone needs to consider and then do what is necessary to ensure the woman in the video does not become you.

4th - if you are not going to own a gun or a weapon that can knock them out at least buy a dog and have him trained for defense. Bounty Hunters use dogs and can probably point people in the right direction for best training, etc.

5th - There are excellent self defense courses ( best one out there is done by an Israeli outfit ) available to women and men. It isn't an option not to know how to defend yourself these days. You owe it to your family to be prepared.

- Jeri

I think a dog gives security as well (number 4 on your list) especially a Pit Bull, German Shepard, Doberman, etc.

Plus they give great companionship.

We have dog on the first floor who make great alarm systems.

We also have firearms

I thnk we have a good mult layer defensive system.
Only if the people in that home have enough sense to handle them as the dangerous tool they are. The fact that most do not...
This is a lie.

is reflected in the fact that the gun in the home is much more likely to kill one of the inhabitants of that home than an intruder.
This is an invalid metric and therefore meaningless.

Thank you for further illustrating that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

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