Why JFKs casket remained closed -- very interesting story

The warren commission found no conspiracy. Of course that's to be expected when the foxes are running the hen house. The house of reps in 1979 found that there may have been another shooter. Remember, JFK wasn't well liked by the cia.
I blame George Soros.
The warren commission found no conspiracy. Of course that's to be expected when the foxes are running the hen house. The house of reps in 1979 found that there may have been another shooter. Remember, JFK wasn't well liked by the cia.

After 60 years, no evidence of a conspiracy has been found.
Mainly because there was none
JFK died from a gunshot to the head
A No Brainer
Well there was still some brain left. But where is it now? The back of his head was an exit wound. No way that shot came from behind like the Warren Commission claimed.
I accept the report stating Oswald was the only killer.
In truth I honestly don't know. There is enough smoke of other involvement to make wondering reasonable. However, I can accept that it was possible for Oswald to be the lone gunman. One very detailed documentary revealed that Connelly was not sitting in a regular car seat at the time but was sitting in a jump seat which, especially because he had turned to look back at the President, put him in line so that the same bullet(s) that hit Kennedy could also have hit him. And that fact, if true, dispels one of the conspiracy theories that the bullet couldn't have made a turn to hit both men.

But we don't know for sure who, if anyone, hired Oswald to do the shooting, whether the same person(s) hired Ruby to take out Oswald, the theorized LBJ involvement, the Cuban connection. It all is very interesting and likely unprovable. Or if the truth is known by anyone other than those who conspired to kill Kennedy, if such people exist, nobody is talking.

So I am okay with both theories--one shooter or the grassy knoll. And wonder if some day the whole truth will come out. But for sure JFK's head was blown to smithereens and that no doubt caused his appearance to be so awful Jackie chose to keep the casket closed.
He was shot in the head. The question is how the Kennedy clan had so much power that they were able to seal JFK's public record autopsy results.
But we don't know for sure who, if anyone, hired Oswald to do the shooting, whether the same person(s) hired Ruby to take out Oswald,

Oswald had a $19.95 rifle and he made his escape on a city bus. Not the markings of someone who has someone helping him.

Ruby sent a Western Union money order six minutes before he shot Oswald. Not the actions of someone who was waiting downstairs to kill Oswald
In truth I honestly don't know. There is enough smoke of other involvement to make wondering reasonable. However, I can accept that it was possible for Oswald to be the lone gunman. One very detailed documentary revealed that Connelly was not sitting in a regular car seat at the time but was sitting in a jump seat which, especially because he had turned to look back at the President, put him in line so that the same bullet(s) that hit Kennedy could also have hit him. And that fact, if true, dispels one of the conspiracy theories that the bullet couldn't have made a turn to hit both men.

But we don't know for sure who, if anyone, hired Oswald to do the shooting, whether the same person(s) hired Ruby to take out Oswald, the theorized LBJ involvement, the Cuban connection. It all is very interesting and likely unprovable. Or if the truth is known by anyone other than those who conspired to kill Kennedy, if such people exist, nobody is talking.

So I am okay with both theories--one shooter or the grassy knoll. And wonder if some day the whole truth will come out. But for sure JFK's head was blown to smithereens and that no doubt caused his appearance to be so awful Jackie chose to keep the casket closed.
Well, all I recall is that I was at that time in Germany, at the Schweinfurt Army Airfield working to prepare the place for a future inspector General to check us out. One of the other guys there was there and not where he first was assigned for a dumb ass trick. A General flew in on a Huey and this kid saw a coke bottle laying on the tarmac and grabbed it and tossed it. Right into the spinning rotor of the Huey with the General in it. He crawled out of the Huey and demanded this kid be removed to a place not remotely around aircraft. Some person assigned him to the Schweinfurt Airfield where he told us his story. We laughed. But him hitting the spinning rotor was a very serious matter. They had to replace it and they cost a lot of money.
Well, all I recall is that I was at that time in Germany, at the Schweinfurt Army Airfield working to prepare the place for a future inspector General to check us out. One of the other guys there was there and not where he first was assigned for a dumb ass trick. A General flew in on a Huey and this kid saw a coke bottle laying on the tarmac and grabbed it and tossed it. Right into the spinning rotor of the Huey with the General in it. He crawled out of the Huey and demanded this kid be removed to a place not remotely around aircraft. Some person assigned him to the Schweinfurt Airfield where he told us his story. We laughed. But him hitting the spinning rotor was a very serious matter. They had to replace it and they cost a lot of money.
I was pretty young when JFK was shot but old enough for it all to be crystal clear in my memory--how we felt when we heard and the long weekend of a funeral fit for a king that has us all glued to our television sets.

Your war story reminded me of a story my hubby tells one time when they were out on bivouac and the crew next to his 105 recoilless rifle was firing a 105mm Howitzer trying to hit targets set up several miles away on the other side of a little hill. The next thing they knew a very angry general was racing his jeep over the hill to tell them the shells landed pretty close to his tent and who ordered that . . .

Nobody got hurt and so it was pretty funny. But such things happen in the military.
I was pretty young when JFK was shot but old enough for it all to be crystal clear in my memory--how we felt when we heard and the long weekend of a funeral fit for a king that has us all glued to our television sets.

Your war story reminded me of a story my hubby tells one time when they were out on bivouac and the crew next to his 105 recoilless rifle was firing a 105mm Howitzer trying to hit targets set up several miles away on the other side of a little hill. The next thing they knew a very angry general was racing his jeep over the hill to tell them the shells landed pretty close to his tent and who ordered that . . .

Nobody got hurt and so it was pretty funny. But such things happen in the military.
Two events came to mind upon reading your story. One was this young tank driver of an M-60 main battle tank crawled back into the tank to find something. It was totally shut down. But in grabbing for something, he bumped the main electic switch and it caused the gun turrent to rise and of course inside the tank the breech end came down, crushing his head.

Second was the day of a Helicopter crash and victims were flown to the local hospital on our base and I think there were maybe a dozen victims there at the time. I only got this information from others on the base.
Hydrostatic pressure......intensified by sudden impact.
Could of blown off the back of his head.
Or out his mouth?
Out both ears?
So no need for anything magical.
None of that was part of Spector's Magical Bullet theory. Perhaps it was a magic spell the warlock Oswald cast on it.
The warren commission found no conspiracy. Of course that's to be expected when the foxes are running the hen house. The house of reps in 1979 found that there may have been another shooter. Remember, JFK wasn't well liked by the cia.

That ^^^:thup:

WATCH: Unseen Footage of Doctors Who Treated JFK Destroys ANOTHER Key Government Narrative Regarding His Assassination​

Dr. Robert McClelland, who died aged 89 in 2019 and was the assistant professor of surgery at the hospital in 1963,
stated bluntly there was more than one shooter and alleged a probable conspiracy to cover up the real truth.

Nov. 19, 2023 1:20 pm
Yes, we visited those graves also when looking for a friend buried there.

As for the conspiracy theories I've studied all of them including documentaries illustrating how Oswald could have been and probably was the only gunman and others illustrating the improbability of that. The absolute truth of it all probably will never be known. But that's what makes something a long lasting conspiracy theory after all.
Well, since this story is very old, I too have seen the conspiracy theories. And those have all been examined under a microscope. I have no reason to think that Oswald had partners. He was gunned down and I think that is what promotes conspiracies.
Well, since this story is very old, I too have seen the conspiracy theories. And those have all been examined under a microscope. I have no reason to think that Oswald had partners. He was gunned down and I think that is what promotes conspiracies.

Anyone planning on killing a President would select a much more stable assassin than Oswald and would provide him with basics like a decent sniper rifle, money to support him and a means to escape

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