Why JFKs casket remained closed -- very interesting story

The HSCA forensic pathology panel concluded that the autopsy had "extensive failings" and that the pathologists made multiple procedural errors, as following:[45]

  • Failing to confer with the Parkland doctors prior to the autopsy
  • Failing to examine clothing, which could have indicated trajectories
  • Failing to determine the exact exit point of the head bullet
  • Failing to dissect the back and neck
  • Failing to determine the angles of gunshot injuries relative to body axis
  • Failing to take proper and sufficient photographs
  • Failing to properly examine the brain
A meeting of the House Select Committee on Assassinations
The forensic panel concluded that the three pathologists were not qualified to conduct a forensic autopsy. Panel member Milton Helpern, Chief Medical Examiner for New York City, went so far as to say that selecting Humes (who had only taken a single course on forensic pathology) to lead the autopsy was "like sending a seven-year-old boy who has taken three lessons on the violin over to the New York Philharmonic and expecting him to perform a Tchaikovsky symphony".[46]

The HSCA forensic pathology panel concluded that the autopsy had "extensive failings" and that the pathologists made multiple procedural errors, as following:[45]

  • Failing to confer with the Parkland doctors prior to the autopsy
  • Failing to examine clothing, which could have indicated trajectories
  • Failing to determine the exact exit point of the head bullet
  • Failing to dissect the back and neck
  • Failing to determine the angles of gunshot injuries relative to body axis
  • Failing to take proper and sufficient photographs
  • Failing to properly examine the brain
A meeting of the House Select Committee on Assassinations
The forensic panel concluded that the three pathologists were not qualified to conduct a forensic autopsy. Panel member Milton Helpern, Chief Medical Examiner for New York City, went so far as to say that selecting Humes (who had only taken a single course on forensic pathology) to lead the autopsy was "like sending a seven-year-old boy who has taken three lessons on the violin over to the New York Philharmonic and expecting him to perform a Tchaikovsky symphony".[46]


JFK died from a gunshot to the head
A No Brainer
JFK died from a gunshot to the head
A No Brainer


Better give you a few clues as you are rehashing and not thinking .
A homosexual -- that knocked you sideways.
A faked death -- not him in the car . See excellent Post no 23 from Sparky which implies that there is a whole lot more to add to that impressive list .
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Better give you a few clues as you are rehashing and not thinking .
A homosexual -- that knocked you sideways.
A faked death -- not him in the car . See excellent Post no 23 from Sparky which implies that there is a whole lot more to add to that impressive list .
You goofy
Who was ?
That's the evidence that needs most researching .

The fact that lazy and often those with poor education backgrounds choose to call Critical Thinking" Conspiracy " is simply witness to an inability to look at matters in calm , sane and reasoned detail .

Just as a random thought .
What might you consider doing if you were President and knew that the most powerful people in the world wanted you out of the way and would literally do anything to achieve it and had everything required to guarantee that it became reality ?
Rhetorical .
It’s not about “critical thinking” as much as it is about 60 years, and nothing has come out that disproves the official interpretation of events, other than conspiracy theories….

Let me ask you this, do you believe we landed on the moon?
This story is about one of America's presidents. She covers the whole thing. Especially for the younger groups, she covers the arrival at Love field, the shooting, facts about him you may not know and more. And you learn more about funerals and prices for them.

Sorry, I didn't listen to the video. I just assumed he had a closed casket because that's what they normally do when someone has had their brains blown out.
This story is about one of America's presidents. She covers the whole thing. Especially for the younger groups, she covers the arrival at Love field, the shooting, facts about him you may not know and more. And you learn more about funerals and prices for them.

Confessing that I didn't take the time to watch the video. . .

JFK's casket was closed because half his skull was blown off. It might have been due to family preference even if that had not been the case. I was a bit amused by the thread title though. Since JFK has now been gone 60 years, I would hope the casket remains closed. :) (Okay sorry. It's a slow news day and I'm psyching myself up for another depressing trip to the grocery store. :) )
I don’t do conspiracy…AFAIC, Kennedy was shot in TX by LH Oswald, and it’s case closed.
I don't appeal to the Kennedy haters. But she brings up some very interesting things.
Confessing that I didn't take the time to watch the video. . .

JFK's casket was closed because half his skull was blown off. It might have been due to family preference even if that had not been the case. I was a bit amused by the thread title though. Since JFK has now been gone 60 years, I would hope the casket remains closed. :)
Morticians half assed fixed his wounds. The complaint was he looked to be made of plastic. I have been in Arlington Cemetery where I saw his site and Jackie and their son and also Roberts graves. She presented absolutely no conspiracy theory either.
Morticians half assed fixed his wounds. The complaint was he looked to be made of plastic. I have been in Arlington Cemetery where I saw his site and Jackie and their son and also Roberts graves. She presented absolutely no conspiracy theory either.
Yes, we visited those graves also when looking for a friend buried there.

As for the conspiracy theories I've studied all of them including documentaries illustrating how Oswald could have been and probably was the only gunman and others illustrating the improbability of that. The absolute truth of it all probably will never be known. But that's what makes something a long lasting conspiracy theory after all.
I don't appeal to the Kennedy haters. But she brings up some very interesting things.
Well, I admit I did not watch the video, but my experience with this crap, is that it’s nonsense.
"The complaint was he looked to be made of plastic."

I'll add 2-cents worth right here:

I've been to a couple hundred open-casket funerals in my long life.
And I'm here to tell ya........"looking like they are plastic".....ain't all that uncommon.
Most especially, if the deceased is very old, or suffered the ravages of some disease.

With no disrespect towards those families, or spouses, but......but a closed casket, or a cremation may probably have been preferred by the deceased himself (or herself).

I'll add 2-cents worth right here:

I've been to a couple hundred open-casket funerals in my long life.
And I'm here to tell ya........"looking like they are plastic".....ain't all that uncommon.
Most especially, if the deceased is very old, or suffered the ravages of some disease.

With no disrespect towards those families, or spouses, but......but a closed casket, or a cremation may probably have been preferred by the deceased himself (or herself).

I don't believe JFK expressed a preference. So Jackie did it for him. She was wise at the time.
Yes, we visited those graves also when looking for a friend buried there.

As for the conspiracy theories I've studied all of them including documentaries illustrating how Oswald could have been and probably was the only gunman and others illustrating the improbability of that. The absolute truth of it all probably will never be known. But that's what makes something a long lasting conspiracy theory after all.
I accept the report stating Oswald was the only killer.
The warren commission found no conspiracy. Of course that's to be expected when the foxes are running the hen house. The house of reps in 1979 found that there may have been another shooter. Remember, JFK wasn't well liked by the cia.

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