Why judge anyone? Why can't beliefs about transgender identity be respected equally?

There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...
What is wrong with people having conflicting beliefs about transgender identity.
To some people it's internal, and not a choice.
To others it's about external appearance, a behavioral choice.
Why not treat both approaches as creeds, and weigh and respect them equally under law?
Is that really too much to ask?

If Hindus, Muslims and Vegans don't agree on not eating beef, pork or no meat at all;
does this require govt to pass a policy imposing one and excluding another? For matters of beliefs or creeds, what happened to govt generally staying out of conflicts and letting people work it out and decide for themselves how to exercise their beliefs without stepping on each other's boundaries.

Do we see Lutherans suing to force Catholics to open up their communions to everyone to avoid discrimination? The policy of letting institutions work out their own systems works in private; why can't bathroom policies be treated as personal. Sure, where public institutions are involved, nobody should be discriminated against, but that goes both ways; a policy that seeks to CORRECT an issue of discrimination can't impose a different one and be pushed as a solution.

If a couple is the only Vegan at a dinner is there anything wrong with preparing a meal differently for that couple, WITHOUT changing the whole menu for all the other guests so they are all treated the same?

Let's compare some other scenarios, tell me if you see the similarities or not:

When Muslims want to pray at work, they may request a special arrangement with their management to have a quiet place to pray 5 times a day.
Does this mean EVERYONE has to be subject to that? No. it's kept in private.
There is nothing shameful about being different, and doing something in a private
room or corner that nobody else has to ask for and do.

If Christians want to express or share their beliefs in ways that affect others, people have the right to say NO I don't feel comfortable. Don't impose that on me in public, keep it in private. This isn't considered discrimination but courtesy to understand other people may not take it the same way it is meant.

Some people don't get how is it imposing on Christians to ask them to keep their ways to themselves. But some of their belief is based on duty to share with others, and they feel excluded and a sense of loss at being denied what is natural to them as free expression and exercise. to others it is imposing and pushing religion in public.

Here isn't something similar happening? Both sides have beliefs that impact the others.
Neither side is going to get their way without infringing on the sense of security of the others. So that is why Unisex restrooms or neutral / singlestalled facilities seem the best option which don't require EITHER side to change their views or change how they act.

The rest of the debate appears to be emotional attachment and personal meaning this issue has to different people.

Since it isn't scientifically proven what is going on with transgender identity, it's all personal beliefs and faith based. So why not respect those equally and impose none, and exclude none. Allow people freedom to work out their issues they are bringing to the table. And as for the restrooms, it seems unisex restrooms don't cause any conflict, so why not remain neutral? isn't that what govt policy should be ideally, totally neutral?

The emotional and personal factors involved here are what is really causing the debates to escalate beyond repair. The facts are simple that NOTHING is proven, so it's all faith based on both sides. The sooner we can accept that, and separate our personal stakes and meaning this has to us from the actual policies that are going to work or going to fail, the better we can take steps to avoid failure and to seek what is more effective.

I hope the hoopla and upset calms down, and people rise above the personal issues at stake to work out fair policies that respect all people and restore a sense of normal standards. Thanks for letting me share, and I hope you will also! Yours truly, Emily

It's because the majority are afraid of things that they don't understand. They're normal, so everyone else should be like them. It they're not like them, they're discriminated against, attacked and hated.

In my town, I there was a little boy, who's parents sent him to school in dresses. He wore his hair like a little girl, and he was happy being a little girl. People blamed the parents for not whiping him into shape and thinking like a little boy. Once we learned more, we understood that the parents had tried everything--and nothing worked. So the school allowed this youngster to go & into the girls bathrooms, and there was nothing more made of it.

Will some men take advantage of dressing up like a woman and entering a woman's bathroom? I suspect some crazy will do that, but it won't be the norm.

prev men who dress like women are interested in men, not women and little girls .... these RW's morons must be afraid they'll like it like that.

Then why do they want to pee with women? Seems like they'd be down with the dong show!
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

Since Jake ran away like a coward rather than answering. I'll ask you.


is that guy a man, or is he a cat that was born in the wrong body? B/c quite clearly he believes he's a cat..
prev men who dress like women are interested in men, not women and little girls .... these RW's morons must be afraid they'll like it like that.

Then why do they want to pee with women? Seems like they'd be down with the dong show!
Ah...another one who doesn't seem to know the difference between a cross-dresser, and a transgender. Ya know, when you guys don't even understand the concepts involved, you make it really difficult to have an intelligent exchange. The policies of Target, and the opposition to the resultant trans-phobic laws is not from cross-dressing men, but from transgenders.
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

I think he means it is no different in the sense they both have mental issues. I man can identify as woman or a tree for that matter, they are nor woman nor a tree.

And yes, we understand the difference between cross dressers and transgender. Point is, they both have mental issues.
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

Depends on their chromosomes
prev men who dress like women are interested in men, not women and little girls .... these RW's morons must be afraid they'll like it like that.

Then why do they want to pee with women? Seems like they'd be down with the dong show!
Ah...another one who doesn't seem to know the difference between a cross-dresser, and a transgender. Ya know, when you guys don't even understand the concepts involved, you make it really difficult to have an intelligent exchange. The policies of target, and the opposition to the resultant trans-phobic laws is not from cross-dressing men, but from transgenders.

Uhm he said they a crossdressing man is interested in men. Do try and keep up; I did not say that.
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

I think he means it is no different in the sense they both have mental issues. I man can identify as woman or a tree for that matter, they are nor woman nor a tree.

And yes, we understand the difference between cross dressers and transgender. Point is, they both have mental issues.

Same to you. If a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

Depends.. it's a chromosomal thingy Einstein.
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

Depends on their chromosomes
So, when a person with tits, and a vagina wants to use the ladies room, how would you suggest enforcing the NC law that demands that a person must use the bathroom of the "gender of their birth"?
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

I think he means it is no different in the sense they both have mental issues. I man can identify as woman or a tree for that matter, they are nor woman nor a tree.

And yes, we understand the difference between cross dressers and transgender. Point is, they both have mental issues.

Same to you. If a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

If a person has cat like teeth, facial looks and ears, he is a ........????
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

Depends on their chromosomes
So, when a person with tits, and a vagina wants to use the ladies room, how would you suggest enforcing the NC law that demands that a person must use the bathroom of the "gender of their birth"?

Neither of us have supported that law you fucking idiot.

Now back to my question, why do you avoid it?


Trans species, or mentally ill?
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

I think he means it is no different in the sense they both have mental issues. I man can identify as woman or a tree for that matter, they are nor woman nor a tree.

And yes, we understand the difference between cross dressers and transgender. Point is, they both have mental issues.

Same to you. If a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

If a person has cat like teeth, facial looks and ears, he is a ........????

You notice neither he nor Jake want any part of that. Why ? Because they of course know that that guy is mentally ill to think he's a cat.
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

Depends.. it's a chromosomal thingy Einstein.
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

I think he means it is no different in the sense they both have mental issues. I man can identify as woman or a tree for that matter, they are nor woman nor a tree.

And yes, we understand the difference between cross dressers and transgender. Point is, they both have mental issues.

Same to you. If a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

If a person has cat like teeth, facial looks and ears, he is a ........????
Feline Furry. it's a thing. Look it up. Furries don't believe they are the animals they resemble. They believe they embody the qualities of the animals they represent.

See how cool it is to learn shit?
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

Depends on their chromosomes
So, when a person with tits, and a vagina wants to use the ladies room, how would you suggest enforcing the NC law that demands that a person must use the bathroom of the "gender of their birth"?

Neither of us have supported that law you fucking idiot.

Now back to my question, why do you avoid it?


Trans species, or mentally ill?
Neither. Furry. Look it up.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

Depends on their chromosomes
So, when a person with tits, and a vagina wants to use the ladies room, how would you suggest enforcing the NC law that demands that a person must use the bathroom of the "gender of their birth"?

Neither of us have supported that law you fucking idiot.

Now back to my question, why do you avoid it?


Trans species, or mentally ill?

It's different.... wait for it....
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

There are no fucking facts that show that a man can really be a woman.

Why do you hate science?

Science, if you have XX chromosomes, you are a boy, no matter what the voices in your head are telling you.

So, if a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

Depends.. it's a chromosomal thingy Einstein.
There is no fucking difference.
That has been Jake Starkey's point. You honestly believe there is no difference. Why don't you go get yourself educated a little bit, and then come on back, when you are capable of intelligent input into the conversation.

Although why I bothered including a helpful website link, I have no idea. Obviously you believe what you believe, and do not want to be bothered by a little thing like facts...

I think he means it is no different in the sense they both have mental issues. I man can identify as woman or a tree for that matter, they are nor woman nor a tree.

And yes, we understand the difference between cross dressers and transgender. Point is, they both have mental issues.

Same to you. If a person has tits, and a vagina, they are a...?

If a person has cat like teeth, facial looks and ears, he is a ........????
Feline Furry. it's a thing. Look it up. Furries don't believe they are the animals they resemble. They believe they embody the qualities of the animals they represent.

See how cool it is to learn shit?

No , that guy believed he was a cat.

Nice try though

See this is what happens when you defend weak positions. You get your ass kicked in.

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