Why large Corporations "love" the GOP

So corporations suck up to whoever holds the power, right?

Yes......that is true.....but you're forgetting HOW those who hold the power, got THAT power.........Weren't you one of those that kept harping on how Trumpsters control EVERY facet of government........those who helped to pass the tax scam?
I don't think anyone loves the GOP.

The GOP is a sold out worthless group of Zionist Traitors... but that still is a better option than the bigoted lying kleptocrats of the Dems...
n 2015, Trump said that he "makes a lot of money with" the Saudis and that "they pay me millions and hundreds of millions." And at a rally, he suggested he likes Saudi Arabia specifically because of his business dealings there. "They buy apartments from me," he said. "They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much." Brendan Morrow MONEY TALKS
Do idiots like you realize that Solyndra has not paid back the money loaned to them?

A. This thread is NOT about Solyndra

B. Solyndra went bankrupt.(ask Trump...the expert.... what filing bankruptcy means)

C. Why do fuckheads like you concentrate on the exceptions???

Sure, why not dismiss it, wasn't your money...dumb fricken ass.
Corporations like Solyndra love the DNC they get half a billion tax payer dollars then go belly up and abscond with the dough

Do morons like you realize that Solyndra has been out of business for over EIGHT years?
YEah they went out of business (moron, that's what goes belly up means or didn't you know that?) after Obama handed then half a billion tax payer dollars
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1) the GOP have always played the trickle down canard , which is a proven failure aka Reaganomics and/or Voodoo economics.
Citizens United along with it's followup McCutcheon V FEC, SpeechNow V FEC basically allow for any corporate OR foreign entity to buy votes. (there's your collusion folks) , all have been shot down by the scotus so far

ask yourself WHY

2)nearly doubling the GND makes Trumps predecessors look like tighwads.
Except Reagan who repeatedly told us 'big gub'mit bad' , or 'GubMit is the problem', and did the exact same thing
Regan was a great actor , and louy potus
Trump stole Reagan's script, but is lousy at either

3)deniers ARE corporations & their toadie conspiratists.

YEah they went out of business (moron, that's what goes belly up means or didn't you know that?)

I see that you're a close follower and fan of Trump's bankruptcies' policies.

See, there IS something to be learned from the orange charlatan......LOL
YEah they went out of business (moron, that's what goes belly up means or didn't you know that?)

I see that you're a close follower and fan of Trump's bankruptcies' policies.

See, there IS something to be learned from the orange charlatan......LOL

If Trump took a HALF BILLION DOLLARS from the government I'd be saying the same thing

IDGAF if a company files bankruptcy but when a company takes HALF A BILLION tax payer dollars and then files bankruptcy I tend to give a fuck
Based on the thread's title, a follow-up title should be, "Why the hell do common, working-class Americans be so dumb to love the GOP.."

But, here are the 3 main reasons why large corporations love the GOP:

1. The Citizen United decision, which gave full legality to bribe any elected officials to screw over consumers and reap huge profits for the bribing corporations.

2. Tax-breaks....As we have seen, Trump borrowed a trillion dollars to compensate for the tax scam that gave the wealthiest Americans (most corporation leaders_) EIGHTY-THREE percent of that money. As Trump famously told these rich bastards a short while after the tax scam passed. :I just made you guys a LOT of money."

3. Republicans as "climate change" deniers......This stance taken by GOP'ers, is further confirmation that elected republicans have vowed to uphold the bidding of those corporations that supply them with cash (somewhat related to the first of these stated reasons.)...........I am sure that most elected republicans are FULLY aware of the serious environmental catastrophes that will devastate the planet in a couple more decades......BUT THEY DON'T CARE.....only looking forward to get re-elected.

Corporations pay off the party in charge in hopes of laws and regulations that favor them.

You’re beloved Hussein loved giving tax dollars to failed green energy companies. Solyndra ring a bell, dingbat?
If Trump took a HALF BILLION DOLLARS from the government I'd be saying the same thing

IDGAF if a company files bankruptcy but when a company takes HALF A BILLION tax payer dollars and then files bankruptcy I tend to give a fuck

Trump ass lickers.....like you......will always bring up Solyndra as an Obama failure....never mind the Trump tax scam and wasted dollars on other energy giants under this administration.

Bear in your half brain that the loan given to Solyndra started BEFORE Obama took office and was granted in March 2009.....I am NOT defending the Obama fuck up, but if morons like you simply harp on this one failure and ignore the fuck ups by Trump and his corrupt cabinet, then it's no use debating this thread with Trump cult members like you.

Stay fucking stupid.
You’re beloved Hussein loved giving tax dollars to failed green energy companies. Solyndra ring a bell, dingbat?

Yet another orange-lipped, Trump ass licker........

Never mind the upcoming scandals in how the Trump administration has DE-FUNDED virtually all consumer protection agencies to favor big banks
If Trump took a HALF BILLION DOLLARS from the government I'd be saying the same thing

IDGAF if a company files bankruptcy but when a company takes HALF A BILLION tax payer dollars and then files bankruptcy I tend to give a fuck

Trump ass lickers.....like you......will always bring up Solyndra as an Obama failure....never mind the Trump tax scam and wasted dollars on other energy giants under this administration.

Bear in your half brain that the loan given to Solyndra started BEFORE Obama took office and was granted in March 2009.....I am NOT defending the Obama fuck up, but if morons like you simply harp on this one failure and ignore the fuck ups by Trump and his corrupt cabinet, then it's no use debating this thread with Trump cult members like you.

Stay fucking stupid.

It was a failure and it was just one example of a failure

you people don't care if a democrat gives money to corporations only if a republican does

we should have let GM fend for itself
we should have let all those too big to fail assholes fend for themselves

I've ALWAYS took that line and ALWAYS will
It seems to me this thread reflects the Republican effort to repeal all regulations which allow for higher profits and in many cases harm our air, water or soil, damages access to our nation's healthcare and supports the Military Industrial Complex.

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