Why legal weed is beginning to suck.

What health risks?

Here are several. Just a excerpt from the lung issues. There are several others.

Smoked marijuana, in any form, can harm lung tissues and cause scarring and damage to small blood vessels. 1-2 Smoke from marijuana contains many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco smoke. 3 Smoking marijuana can also lead to a greater risk of bronchitis, cough, and phlegm production. 4-8 These symptoms generally improve when marijuana smokers quit.

Health Effects | Marijuana | CDC
Smoke both. Just without the weird stuff in it. Tobacco companies are supposed to be pure evil in a bottle. Big weed is doing the same stuff, but they are forward thinking and cool. I don’t get it.

I don't smoke anything, but we have cigarettes demonized by society, law suits, and heavily taxed, yet many people are fine with the health risks of smoking pot.

What health risks?

Really? Lol. There are many health risks.
What health risks?

Here are several. Just a excerpt from the lung issues. There are several others.

Smoked marijuana, in any form, can harm lung tissues and cause scarring and damage to small blood vessels. 1-2 Smoke from marijuana contains many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco smoke. 3 Smoking marijuana can also lead to a greater risk of bronchitis, cough, and phlegm production. 4-8 These symptoms generally improve when marijuana smokers quit.

Health Effects | Marijuana | CDC

Is this same CDC that is a function of our government that you don't trust?

So can you also find what the health risks are of eating edibles? Not eating too much but actual health risks. I'm just too lazy this morning after three days of eating pot laced brownies for pain and at age 71 and trying to get ready for work I just don't have the time to do the research on my own. If I am still alive in a couple hours from all the years of using marijuana on and off, oh about 50 to be exact, I will check back in to read the health risks and debate if I should stop and see the error of my ways. Thanks man.
Sure, all the hipsters love legal pot. Hell, I do to but all good things must come to an end. Already we are getting big weed companies whose business model follows the big tobacco companies. They mimic the big alchohol company’s in how they run out and absorb smaller and private growers. They are even putting shit in the pot.

How the Feds Will Use DNA To Track Legal Weed

I’ll stick to the illegal stuff.

I think you’re way to stoned to post. There are few if any big players in the Cannabis industry here in Colorado. Certainly nothing like the tobacco industry. It’s still pretty much mom and pop operations. Big money won’t come in until they have access to banking services. BTW- the illegal growers will not last. The legal growers won’t stand for it considering the taxes they get hit with.
I am not against legalizing drugs, but why is it OK to smoke pot, but not cigarettes?

That’s like asking why is it ok to drink soda pop but not alcohol. They are 2 Different things, consumed for different reasons, and having different effects when consumed.
I don't smoke anything, but we have cigarettes demonized by society, law suits, and heavily taxed, yet many people are fine with the health risks of smoking pot.
Well maybe they see the health risks in pot as considerably less than cigs. For example, you don't have to smoke pot, you can eat it. If you ate the pot equivalent of a pack of cigs you would get a nice buzz, but if you ate a pack of cigs you would be dead. Children have eaten butts from an ashtray and died.
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Is this same CDC that is a function of our government that you don't trust?

So can you also find what the health risks are of eating edibles? Not eating too much but actual health risks. I'm just too lazy this morning after three days of eating pot laced brownies for pain and at age 71 and trying to get ready for work I just don't have the time to do the research on my own. If I am still alive in a couple hours from all the years of using marijuana on and off, oh about 50 to be exact, I will check back in to read the health risks and debate if I should stop and see the error of my ways. Thanks man.

I picked the CDC because it appeared first in my search. There are many other sources for the health risks. You can look them up. Hey, I think marijuana, and other drugs should be legalized. However, people demonize cigarettes, but are ok with smoking pot. That's the disconnect I have.
I would expect the cannabis to be even more heavily taxed so that marijuana substance abuse programs are in place to help these people end their addiction and see the danger of pot ie cigarettes and alcohol.
Heavy useage of marijuana can produce side effects however most will disappear when you quit using it. I don’t use it but it is probably better than using opiates to control pain.
I don't care whether they legalize it or not because I smoked that shit for 40 years before I finally figured out that I really didn't like it.

But it would be a nice gesture if the federal government would relax restrictions of suppressors and silencers. Hearing loss sucks.
So start a small company selling organic weed. "All the Highs with None of the Lies!". Then grow that company.

Pot-smokers have been crying out for “legal” weed for decades, but what they really want is “free” weed (not weed without cost, but freedom concerning weed). Government is not in the freedom business. You can’t get to the goal via that method. They’ll just claim the right to say who can grow and who can’t by issuing their holy permission to people who pay their fees and follow their rules, then tax the fuck out of it, and help large corporations get the edge over smaller growers. “Legality” is not the same as “freedom”.

Imagine you live on a deserted island, and you’re growing weed, then a group of assholes in suits show up and say, “Hey! You need our permission to grow that plant, and you’ve got to give us a cut, and you can only do XYZ with it, etc., etc., etc.” You’d immediately see this for the insanity that it is. “Who are you slimy bastards? And what the hell do you have to with me?” But when you’re raised to believe the lie that these people have a right to stick their nose into your life, “sanity” gets redefined according to the immoral cultural paradigm that we’re slaves who are answerable to other inherently equal humans.

Is this same CDC that is a function of our government that you don't trust?

So can you also find what the health risks are of eating edibles? Not eating too much but actual health risks. I'm just too lazy this morning after three days of eating pot laced brownies for pain and at age 71 and trying to get ready for work I just don't have the time to do the research on my own. If I am still alive in a couple hours from all the years of using marijuana on and off, oh about 50 to be exact, I will check back in to read the health risks and debate if I should stop and see the error of my ways. Thanks man.

I picked the CDC because it appeared first in my search. There are many other sources for the health risks. You can look them up. Hey, I think marijuana, and other drugs should be legalized. However, people demonize cigarettes, but are ok with smoking pot. That's the disconnect I have.

Like anything else that lowlifes become dependent of....they’re both “demonized” by most good, ambitious, productive folks.
I am not against legalizing drugs, but why is it OK to smoke pot, but not cigarettes?

The government has no business tell us what we can or can't smoke. I have no problem with tobacco use.
Heavy useage of marijuana can produce side effects however most will disappear when you quit using it. I don’t use it but it is probably better than using opiates to control pain.

I completely disagree. If you suffer from debilitating pain, opium and it's derivatives are the best pain relievers. Like Cannabis, the Latex from the Poppy plant has been used by mankind to relieve pain since before recorded history. Edibles can, if you eat enough, but you'll probably fall asleep first.

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