Why Liberal Attacks on Gun Nuts Will Lose a Culture War


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
Gun grabbers continue to make fools of themselves. No facts, incorrect facts, hysteria, making the mistake that their opponents are nothing more than hillbilly gun nuts and some neo-Nazis. They face a well organized and now galvanized, very educated and resourceful opponent who have facts and the constitution on their side.

Why Liberal Attacks on Gun Nuts Will Lose a Firearm Culture War - Businessweek

Why Liberal Attacks on Gun Nuts Will Lose a Culture War

Watching liberal activists circle and poke at the National Rifle Association and even more extreme gun-rights groups reminds me of bear baiting. Except in this version of the spectacle, the bear wins. Two current examples from my e-mail in-box:

• Ted Nugent spews crazy, racist venom, Media Matters has learned. At this late date, what sentient American citizen doesn’t know that the over-the-hill rocker and NRA director has a screw loose? Don’t get me wrong. The man is noxious. I’ve sat in the audience at NRA pep rallies as he intersperses ear-splitting electric guitar solos with spitting-angry rants about nonexistent conspiracies to take away his Glock pistols. In one recent dispatch, Media Matters breathlessly informed me that Nugent wrote a column for the paranoiac WND website in which he discussed how “the squawking poor just keep getting poorer, and as is always the case, they have no one to blame but themselves. Stupid is as stupid does.” In another alert, Media Matters noted a Nugent column opining that President Barack Obama’s election represented “the worst case of racism I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.” Insightful stuff.

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