It’s Not A “Gun Culture” Killing America…


I need an update:

You wrote this:

I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.

I wrote:

Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?

You responded:


post 5

That's true enough but don't leave it hanging without offering the reason why it's true.

Racism is likely very close to 95% of the problems in America, at the roots of the problems.

The BLM slogan literally screams as an objection to the problem.

It can also be said that the 'problem' of racism doesn't escape the minds of 95% of Americans in the least.

You with your spam threads are 95% about racism hon!
Its more like its a republican culture, Dems wouldn't have assault weapons.
There is literally no difference between an "assault weapon "and anything not considered an "assault weapon."

Zero difference.

This is why we believe you motherfuckers want to take all the guns away. Because there is no difference.

This is why we say "fuck you, we want machine guns."

It is only a matter of time. Texas is already heading that direction. No gun laws would have stopped this shooting.
There is literally no difference between an "assault weapon "and anything not considered an "assault weapon."

Zero difference.

This is why we believe you motherfuckers want to take all the guns away. Because there is no difference.

This is why we say "fuck you, we want machine guns."

It is only a matter of time. Texas is already heading that direction. No gun laws would have stopped this shooting.
The media tells them that all rifles are automatic and they must be taken away. They don't have the slightest clue of what semi or auto even means. They think that you just pull the trigger on any gun and it just starts firing dozens of bullets.
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Let me reiterate one more time. No mistake. He is exponentially more qualified to run the Country than the corrupt Trump.

I love it!

I always said you were abjectly dishonest, and equally stupid.....and I will keep making you prove it.
7. What happens to the thinking in weak mined, poorly brought up individuals when subjected to decades of Democrat media, schools, pop culture…..the Democrat culture?

The effect of the lawless culture authored by the Left/Democrats can be seen in this recent post by a Democrat adherent:

In answer to this….. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

….he actually admitted what passes for thinking among Democrats:

“I don't know, it all sounds pretty wonderful to me.”
Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact post #69

And a certain proportion of them go further, act out, and we have murders and mass killings: Democrat culture.
Poor Stinky. A failed liar.

Every time one of you claims I lie.....but can't come up with a single example......I have authored quite a few posts...... have effectively admitted that everything I post is 100% true, accurate and correct.

Write soon, y'hear!
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I know a former teacher who said the same thing, he brought his rifle to high school, the rifle team.
My biology teacher took us to his farm where he got out a .22 and shot a cow, which he then butchered to give us a real-life lesson on internal bovine anatomy. No one shrieked in horror, ran screaming into the fields, or in any other way melted down at the sight of the gun, nor did anyone try to shoot up the class with it.

The difference is the culture. When I was young, you could find guns on virtually every farm, and NO ONE ever considered shooting up the school.
My biology teacher took us to his farm where he got out a .22 and shot a cow, which he then butchered to give us a real-life lesson on internal bovine anatomy. No one shrieked in horror, ran screaming into the fields, or in any other way melted down at the sight of the gun, nor did anyone try to shoot up the class with it.

The difference is the culture. When I was young, you could find guns on virtually every farm, and NO ONE ever considered shooting up the school.

Do you have a view on how or what changed the culture?
Do you have a view on how or what changed the culture?
A number of things. Primary in my experience was Viet Nam. Until then, people generally trusted the government and each other and children were expected to respect their parents. My teen years were in the 70's, and I saw things change. Before, TV shows depicted Mom, and especially Dad, as respected, generally wise characters who loved their children and guided them as they were growing up. Afterwards, Mom, and especially Dad, are depicted as morons, kept out of the picture until they are needed for comic relief. Certainly no one would take any advice from them.

I really believe the breakdown of the nuclear family has cost us a foundation we always relied on.

The loss of respect for God and Godly institutions has caused a great deal of problems, as again, people are left with no foundation of faith with which to face tough times.

Those are just a few of the things I think caused a lot of change.
A number of things. Primary in my experience was Viet Nam. Until then, people generally trusted the government and each other and children were expected to respect their parents. My teen years were in the 70's, and I saw things change. Before, TV shows depicted Mom, and especially Dad, as respected, generally wise characters who loved their children and guided them as they were growing up. Afterwards, Mom, and especially Dad, are depicted as morons, kept out of the picture until they are needed for comic relief. Certainly no one would take any advice from them.

I really believe the breakdown of the nuclear family has cost us a foundation we always relied on.

The loss of respect for God and Godly institutions has caused a great deal of problems, as again, people are left with no foundation of faith with which to face tough times.

Those are just a few of the things I think caused a lot of change.

Well thought out post.

Readers will have no problem connecting it with a certain political perspective.
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8. There’s lots of evidence that guns are not the problem.

….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

The major political party today stands for infanticide and abortion post-birth.

Their attachment to an earlier iteration is the problem:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise. If an individual with a positive view of other human beings, and of the value of human life, has the gun, problem.
If it is a licensed, law abiding citizen.....the ones that the Democrats aim "gun control" are stats:
Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen
  1. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
  3. ( .00086%)

Democrats make certain that only criminals have guns.
The same is true of who has nuclear weapons. (memo to the Democrats about Iran.)
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Handgun sales have increased here since the stabbing attacks Islamic State claimed credit for. Why? The best defense against a knife armed attacker is a handgun.

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