Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People

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Usually Liberals fell like they are the victims and that the Conservatives are their oppressors.
Victimhood is a very powerful position to take and it absolves the person of any responsibility.
It sounds like you are confusing Liberals with welfare recipients. And even with welfare recipients you have a large part that are disabled and yes some that are entitled “takers”. But back to Liberals, you don’t seem to be accounting for the millions of self sufficient and upper class liberals who are giving more that they are taking. The ones who believe in giving back to their communities and who find happiness in servicing others. Sass was right in defining Lefists as different than liberals, you should learn the difference as well

I have heard Liberals boast about their investments and then complain about rich people and corporations.
They believe that they are the victims of the "rich" and capitalism.
Some probably do feel that way as the ideology of liberalism is about personal freedom. Progressives and Leftists are for more government control which it sounds like you keep confusing with Liberals
The progs/regressives, and Commies hijacked the term liberal, just like the Radical Fundamentalist Muslims hijacked Islam. Until you liberals get your side back under control, you will be bunched into Liberals, whether you like it or not. God I hate liberals.....
Nobody hijacked anything, you right wing propaganda spewers like to call Liberals “Leftists” just as you like to lump Islamic fundamentalist radicals in with all of Islam. It’s dishonest and wrong and does not represent the majority but you need to lie to make your arguments seem stronger and fuel divide. It’s cheap, petty, and very transparent.
Actually, who's happy and who isn't depends in what party is holding the presidency.
When Obama was president, the right was crying and whining constantly and liberals were happy.
Now Trump is president and the right and the left have switched places.
It's a historical fact. Thus, the thread doesn't have a long-term point.
Enough said.
Yeah when Obama was in office, he wanted to turn this country into a 3rd world shithole.. Liberals were unhappy not enough was done.
Trump wants to make America great again, and is doing it, libtards are furious, and the right is loving it.

Big fucking difference there bud...
So do you just make shit up and delude yourself into thinking you are right? I mean couldn’t I use your same debate style and say something ridiculous like, Trump hates all minorities and is trying to turn our country into an elitist white nation where only Russian hookers are allowed to enter as long as they pee on us and themselves. And wouldn’t you shake your head at that comment and find it as baseless and empty as I’m finding yours?
country into an elitist white nation where
I don't remember saying anything about race, so once again, you prove how much of a RACIST you liberals are...

And stupid as fuck too...

View attachment 190094
Yeah, I was mocking you. I guess it went right over your head
Actually, who's happy and who isn't depends in what party is holding the presidency.
When Obama was president, the right was crying and whining constantly and liberals were happy.
Now Trump is president and the right and the left have switched places.
It's a historical fact. Thus, the thread doesn't have a long-term point.
Enough said.
Yeah when Obama was in office, he wanted to turn this country into a 3rd world shithole.. Liberals were unhappy not enough was done.
Trump wants to make America great again, and is doing it, libtards are furious, and the right is loving it.

Big fucking difference there bud...
So do you just make shit up and delude yourself into thinking you are right? I mean couldn’t I use your same debate style and say something ridiculous like, Trump hates all minorities and is trying to turn our country into an elitist white nation where only Russian hookers are allowed to enter as long as they pee on us and themselves. And wouldn’t you shake your head at that comment and find it as baseless and empty as I’m finding yours?

Obama's Economic Vision: The U.S. as a Third World Nation | HuffPost
The Obama Administration’s economic vision for America is coming into focus and it’s not pretty — the United States as a third-world nation.
America Became a 3rd World Nation Under Obama - Live Trading News
Growing income inequality is turning the US into a dual economy, with one economy for the rich and another for the poor, according to an MIT professor, who warns that the middle class is vanishing.
I am done with you, you mother fucker, if you don't want to wake up and get your head out of your ass, then you deserve all the misery the liberals want to FORCE upon you. buh bye you are now joining the rest of the libtards on the ignore list.

Conservatives always get dragged out eventually. And progress continues, goal posts shift, society advances.

Your idea of Progress.....VENEZUELA (with a murderous dictator and rampant financial collapse)...is vastly different than the prosperity and freedom Conservatives cherish.....

Actually, who's happy and who isn't depends in what party is holding the presidency.
When Obama was president, the right was crying and whining constantly and liberals were happy.
Now Trump is president and the right and the left have switched places.
It's a historical fact. Thus, the thread doesn't have a long-term point.
Enough said.
Yeah when Obama was in office, he wanted to turn this country into a 3rd world shithole.. Liberals were unhappy not enough was done.
Trump wants to make America great again, and is doing it, libtards are furious, and the right is loving it.

Big fucking difference there bud...
So do you just make shit up and delude yourself into thinking you are right? I mean couldn’t I use your same debate style and say something ridiculous like, Trump hates all minorities and is trying to turn our country into an elitist white nation where only Russian hookers are allowed to enter as long as they pee on us and themselves. And wouldn’t you shake your head at that comment and find it as baseless and empty as I’m finding yours?

Obama's Economic Vision: The U.S. as a Third World Nation | HuffPost
The Obama Administration’s economic vision for America is coming into focus and it’s not pretty — the United States as a third-world nation.
America Became a 3rd World Nation Under Obama - Live Trading News
Growing income inequality is turning the US into a dual economy, with one economy for the rich and another for the poor, according to an MIT professor, who warns that the middle class is vanishing.
I am done with you, you mother fucker, if you don't want to wake up and get your head out of your ass, then you deserve all the misery the liberals want to FORCE upon you. buh bye you are now joining the rest of the libtards on the ignore list.

I see, because somebody wrote an article about it, it must be true. There isn’t even an arguement to be made. The US is the world super power. To say a president wants to turn it into a third world country is just insane. You can disagree with his policies and make a case that they weaken our economy, but you don’t seem capable of having an honest debate like that. Instead you use divisive hyperbole which just makes you sound like a joke

So run off now and ignore me if you must. Being challenged must make your head hurt. I believe Alex Jones is on anyway, so time to get your next scoop of bullshit propaganda.
Makes sense. Conservatives like to be safe in their traditions and unchanging conditions, while liberals want more. Back in the day conservatives wanted to stay comfortable in the cave, while liberals wanted to venture out.

Same with the American Revolution. Liberals fought King George while conservatives spied for him.

Liberals always want to change to status quo. Watching a documentary about the bleaching of coral, the whole point was to do whatever possible and necessary to stop coral starving to death and save what coral is still alive.

Monsanto. Libs hate the death of small family farms, pouring more poison on our food, ending diversity in our seed stores. Conservatives worship Big Business and the damage they do.

They're weird though -- I just posted a thread about Jeff Bezos' effect on other businesses. RWs loved Walmart destroying small businesses and some actually posted they shop more at Walmart because libs wanted to save small business. (Impossible but libs also tend to bang their foreheads on brick walls) The right now hates Amazon doing doing the same thing. Why? Because trump told them to. Bet they'll still shop there though.

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Uncle John and his conservative appropo dogshit articles..
Usually Liberals fell like they are the victims and that the Conservatives are their oppressors.
Victimhood is a very powerful position to take and it absolves the person of any responsibility.
It sounds like you are confusing Liberals with welfare recipients. And even with welfare recipients you have a large part that are disabled and yes some that are entitled “takers”. But back to Liberals, you don’t seem to be accounting for the millions of self sufficient and upper class liberals who are giving more that they are taking. The ones who believe in giving back to their communities and who find happiness in servicing others. Sass was right in defining Lefists as different than liberals, you should learn the difference as well

The only reason they are giving so much more is because they created a society of out of control cost of living. A 350K home here is a million bucks in leftist states. That's why they copped such a bitch when Trump drew the line on mortgage tax deductions.

Here a single person can live somewhat comfortably in a relatively safe neighborhood making $20.00 an hour. $20.00 an hour in NYC is poverty and likely have you living under a bridge.

So while people make much more (and pay more in taxes) in blue states, they are really not living a much better life than lower cost of living areas and lower taxes for less wages.
Usually Liberals fell like they are the victims and that the Conservatives are their oppressors.
Victimhood is a very powerful position to take and it absolves the person of any responsibility.

If we could ever rid this country of victims and government dependents, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.

Without those groups, the Democrat party has no power. If they feel they are running out of victims, no problem, just create more.

Under DumBama, between food stamps and Commie Care alone, he proudly created over 40 million additional government dependents. It was no accident either.

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
The liberals are smart enough to see the trouble we are in.

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives
Actually, who's happy and who isn't depends in what party is holding the presidency.
When Obama was president, the right was crying and whining constantly and liberals were happy.
Now Trump is president and the right and the left have switched places.
It's a historical fact. Thus, the thread doesn't have a long-term point.
Enough said.

I guess if you think happiness relies on who is President.

But you do make somewhat of a point: Democrats are in disparity if they are not in charge of the White House. Republicans? We do care if Democrats are there, but it certainly doesn't make our life miserable.
Makes sense. Conservatives like to be safe in their traditions and unchanging conditions, while liberals want more. Back in the day conservatives wanted to stay comfortable in the cave, while liberals wanted to venture out.

What liberals want to see is a country of freaks. Men kissing men in public, guys in dresses, women in Pussy Hats, young girls with butch haircuts tattooed head to toe........

We conservatives are traditionalists because we adhere to an old saying: If it's not broke--don't fix it.
Every conservative talking point is based on fear and bigotry. Not happy people at all.
Makes sense. Conservatives like to be safe in their traditions and unchanging conditions, while liberals want more. Back in the day conservatives wanted to stay comfortable in the cave, while liberals wanted to venture out.

What liberals want to see is a country of freaks. Men kissing men in public, guys in dresses, women in Pussy Hats, young girls with butch haircuts tattooed head to toe........

We conservatives are traditionalists because we adhere to an old saying: If it's not broke--don't fix it.

Great example ! Libs don’t care what you do so long as you don’t hurt others .

Cons fly into a tizzy because two guys kiss.

Who are the happy ones?
Makes sense. Conservatives like to be safe in their traditions and unchanging conditions, while liberals want more. Back in the day conservatives wanted to stay comfortable in the cave, while liberals wanted to venture out.

What liberals want to see is a country of freaks. Men kissing men in public, guys in dresses, women in Pussy Hats, young girls with butch haircuts tattooed head to toe........

We conservatives are traditionalists because we adhere to an old saying: If it's not broke--don't fix it.

Great example ! Libs don’t care what you do so long as you don’t hurt others .

Cons fly into a tizzy because two guys kiss.

Who are the happy ones?

Oh really?

A lib sees a man in the park smoking a cigarette bothering nobody. The liberal petitions his representatives to make smoking in the park illegal, thus taking happiness away from the smoker in the park.

A liberal sees a man secured with a firearm. He is protecting himself and perhaps his family. The liberal will protest that people are carrying guns in public.

A man and his children are happily eating combo meals at McDonald's. The liberal doesn't like to see people happy at McDonald's, so he petitions his legislatures to tax those meals out of existence or otherwise pressure the restaurant to replace those fatty meals with something more nutritious.

A liberal is at a high school football field, and the announcer asks people for a moment of silence to pray for a deceased student, the liberal will call the ACLU and tell them to disallow such religious rituals in public.

A liberal moves to a small town and his son or daughter tells him a picture of Jesus Christ is hanging on the school wall bothering nobody. The liberal will contact the ACLU to threaten a lawsuit for a picture that hung on that wall for generations until the liberals moved in.

A liberal sees a historic statue of a former slave owner bothering nobody. The liberal will organize a mob to tear that statue down that stood for generations.

A liberal is not happy unless they are making everybody else miserable. The most offensive thing for a liberal to see is happy people.
Usually Liberals fell like they are the victims and that the Conservatives are their oppressors.
Victimhood is a very powerful position to take and it absolves the person of any responsibility.
It sounds like you are confusing Liberals with welfare recipients. And even with welfare recipients you have a large part that are disabled and yes some that are entitled “takers”. But back to Liberals, you don’t seem to be accounting for the millions of self sufficient and upper class liberals who are giving more that they are taking. The ones who believe in giving back to their communities and who find happiness in servicing others. Sass was right in defining Lefists as different than liberals, you should learn the difference as well

The only reason they are giving so much more is because they created a society of out of control cost of living. A 350K home here is a million bucks in leftist states. That's why they copped such a bitch when Trump drew the line on mortgage tax deductions.

Here a single person can live somewhat comfortably in a relatively safe neighborhood making $20.00 an hour. $20.00 an hour in NYC is poverty and likely have you living under a bridge.

So while people make much more (and pay more in taxes) in blue states, they are really not living a much better life than lower cost of living areas and lower taxes for less wages.
Are you really attributing real estate prices to left wing policy? What about the law of supply and demand and the fact that these places you speak of are on coastlines and in major cities where it is most desirable to live... think that might have something to do with the high rate of appreciation in their RE markets?
Usually Liberals fell like they are the victims and that the Conservatives are their oppressors.
Victimhood is a very powerful position to take and it absolves the person of any responsibility.
It sounds like you are confusing Liberals with welfare recipients. And even with welfare recipients you have a large part that are disabled and yes some that are entitled “takers”. But back to Liberals, you don’t seem to be accounting for the millions of self sufficient and upper class liberals who are giving more that they are taking. The ones who believe in giving back to their communities and who find happiness in servicing others. Sass was right in defining Lefists as different than liberals, you should learn the difference as well

The only reason they are giving so much more is because they created a society of out of control cost of living. A 350K home here is a million bucks in leftist states. That's why they copped such a bitch when Trump drew the line on mortgage tax deductions.

Here a single person can live somewhat comfortably in a relatively safe neighborhood making $20.00 an hour. $20.00 an hour in NYC is poverty and likely have you living under a bridge.

So while people make much more (and pay more in taxes) in blue states, they are really not living a much better life than lower cost of living areas and lower taxes for less wages.
Are you really attributing real estate prices to left wing policy? What about the law of supply and demand and the fact that these places you speak of are on coastlines and in major cities where it is most desirable to live... think that might have something to do with the high rate of appreciation in their RE markets?

Maybe in California or something like that. But what's so great about Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey?

Liberal states are taxed to death so people have to make more to pay those taxes. Strong union support and minimum wage increases are contributors as well. How would you like to be a smoker in NYC where a carton of cigarettes costs $120.00?

I've never been there, but from what I heard on the Howard Stern show, you have to tip everybody: your mailman, your garbage man, your doorman, your street vendors, your tailors, your sandwich shop employees........

Several years ago I rented one of my houses to a kid going to school here. He was from NY. I actually didn't rent to him--but his mother since he didn't have a job. I gave him the place for $450.00 a month, and they jumped on it immediately. Later on, he told me if that very same tiny house was anywhere near NYC, I would be getting about $1,700 a month or better, and have a waiting list to get it.

The cost of living in blue states is astronomical compared to other states like Texas or Florida. When things cost more, you need to make more. When you make more, you pay higher taxes.
Yeah, at the bottom of this page there is a link to a “prepper forum”…it is something like 99% conservative morons there. Not one of them has ever had a good day.
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