Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People

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Liberals complain, and today's liberals demonstrate they've run out of ideas to complain about. So they create narratives and grab the cause on the bus of bitches with the feminists, college students, crabby LGBT, pissed off black people, and the other victims who are charged emotionally.
Liberals complain, and today's liberals demonstrate they've run out of ideas to complain about. So they create narratives and grab the cause on the bus of bitches with the feminists, college students, crabby LGBT, pissed off black people, and the other victims who are charged emotionally.
Thanks for sharing that complaint:CryingCow:

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
They are spoiled adults, anytime they see someone with more they get miserable, the idea of working to get that more, makes them miserable.

This is why reality stars are so popular with them, they literally seem to do very little to achieve fame and fortune, which is the leftist dream.
Just look at the threads that get started here; few conservatives seem remotely happy.

Why do you on the left equate discussions with happiness? I don't care who you are, you would always like to see things go better. Why do liberals come here, to say how great things are?

Liberals and conservatives come here to bitch. That's what political discussion is all about. But because you would like to see better this or better that doesn't mean you are unhappy.

In other words I hated DumBama. So what? I didn't let his presidency ruin my life. Liberals on the other hand were marching, protesting, fighting with Trump supporter, talking about leaving the country when it was realized Trump had an actual chance at winning, and when he did win, OMG!!!!!

So obsessed are you with the Trump win that until this day, post after post about how the Donald will get kicked out of office. Focusing on stupid shit like what kind of shoes his wife wears or if he had a difficult time holding her hand. I mean really.........

Then there is talk about changing our entire election system to make sure you win the next time. You people are so obsessed with losing one presidential election. We know you are miserable people.

Russian  dressing.jpeg
Makes sense. Conservatives like to be safe in their traditions and unchanging conditions, while liberals want more. Back in the day conservatives wanted to stay comfortable in the cave, while liberals wanted to venture out.

Same with the American Revolution. Liberals fought King George while conservatives spied for him.

Liberals always want to change to status quo. Watching a documentary about the bleaching of coral, the whole point was to do whatever possible and necessary to stop coral starving to death and save what coral is still alive.

Monsanto. Libs hate the death of small family farms, pouring more poison on our food, ending diversity in our seed stores. Conservatives worship Big Business and the damage they do.

They're weird though -- I just posted a thread about Jeff Bezos' effect on other businesses. RWs loved Walmart destroying small businesses and some actually posted they shop more at Walmart because libs wanted to save small business. (Impossible but libs also tend to bang their foreheads on brick walls) The right now hates Amazon doing doing the same thing. Why? Because trump told them to. Bet they'll still shop there though.
Funny back in the day people who wanted Freedom from the government used guns to get their freedom, today, morons like you want to give up the guns so the government can rule you. You fuckers have gone completely 180 in liberalism(classical) and moved hard left Communist.
Liberals complain, and today's liberals demonstrate they've run out of ideas to complain about.

Ah yes, the uncomplaining conservatives. :rolleyes:




Tell us more moon dweller.
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Just look at the threads that get started here; few conservatives seem remotely happy.

Why do you on the left equate discussions with happiness? I don't care who you are, you would always like to see things go better. Why do liberals come here, to say how great things are?

Liberals and conservatives come here to bitch. That's what political discussion is all about. But because you would like to see better this or better that doesn't mean you are unhappy.

In other words I hated DumBama. So what? I didn't let his presidency ruin my life. Liberals on the other hand were marching, protesting, fighting with Trump supporter, talking about leaving the country when it was realized Trump had an actual chance at winning, and when he did win, OMG!!!!!

So obsessed are you with the Trump win that until this day, post after post about how the Donald will get kicked out of office. Focusing on stupid shit like what kind of shoes his wife wears or if he had a difficult time holding her hand. I mean really.........

Then there is talk about changing our entire election system to make sure you win the next time. You people are so obsessed with losing one presidential election. We know you are miserable people.

View attachment 190217

trump is trying to destroy the United States. Nobody cares about the orange whore and the whore he married. Trash will always be trash, and their actions are the reason that their relationship is on the low level that it is on. They certainly are not on the level of Mr. and Mrs. Obama. And to think that trump has installed morons in the federal government to tell Americans not to fuck (pardon my French, but this reflects the cesspool that "conservatives" now have us drowning in). Oh. Please.

It's the policies that he is putting into place to endanger the American People, our physical safety, our rights, and our standing in the world that are the chief concern as they adversely affect millions, if not billions of people, along with the fairly convincing evidence that he might have consorted with an enemy nation to install himself in the presidency. Obama did nothing to screw us up. The orange whore does. Yes. Decent people are "obsessed" with preventing our nation from going down the drain.
If I am not mistaken, at Fort Hood quite a few soldiers were shot to death by a Muslim.
If I am not mistaken, at San Bernardino a few Christians who were at a party were shot to death by a couple of Muslims.
If I am not mistaken, at Orlando in a Gay Bar, quite a few Gays were shot to death by a Muslim.

Liberals are the stupidest people on the planet...
Makes sense. Conservatives like to be safe in their traditions and unchanging conditions, while liberals want more. Back in the day conservatives wanted to stay comfortable in the cave, while liberals wanted to venture out.

What a bummer, you tried to sound so cool, but only come off as a retard. Yeah, you libtards are real innovative explorer types allright .
Just look at the threads that get started here; few conservatives seem remotely happy.

Why do you on the left equate discussions with happiness? I don't care who you are, you would always like to see things go better. Why do liberals come here, to say how great things are?

Liberals and conservatives come here to bitch. That's what political discussion is all about. But because you would like to see better this or better that doesn't mean you are unhappy.

In other words I hated DumBama. So what? I didn't let his presidency ruin my life. Liberals on the other hand were marching, protesting, fighting with Trump supporter, talking about leaving the country when it was realized Trump had an actual chance at winning, and when he did win, OMG!!!!!

So obsessed are you with the Trump win that until this day, post after post about how the Donald will get kicked out of office. Focusing on stupid shit like what kind of shoes his wife wears or if he had a difficult time holding her hand. I mean really.........

Then there is talk about changing our entire election system to make sure you win the next time. You people are so obsessed with losing one presidential election. We know you are miserable people.

View attachment 190217

trump is trying to destroy the United States. Nobody cares about the orange whore and the whore he married. Trash will always be trash, and their actions are the reason that their relationship is on the low level that it is on. They certainly are not on the level of Mr. and Mrs. Obama. And to think that trump has installed morons in the federal government to tell Americans not to fuck (pardon my French, but this reflects the cesspool that "conservatives" now have us drowning in). Oh. Please.

It's the policies that he is putting into place to endanger the American People, our physical safety, our rights, and our standing in the world that are the chief concern as they adversely affect millions, if not billions of people, along with the fairly convincing evidence that he might have consorted with an enemy nation to install himself in the presidency. Obama did nothing to screw us up. The orange whore does. Yes. Decent people are "obsessed" with preventing our nation from going down the drain.

I take it that the person who rated this post "funny" has no defense of trump's policies. This does not surprise me at all.
Just look at the threads that get started here; few conservatives seem remotely happy.

Why do you on the left equate discussions with happiness? I don't care who you are, you would always like to see things go better. Why do liberals come here, to say how great things are?

Liberals and conservatives come here to bitch. That's what political discussion is all about. But because you would like to see better this or better that doesn't mean you are unhappy.

In other words I hated DumBama. So what? I didn't let his presidency ruin my life. Liberals on the other hand were marching, protesting, fighting with Trump supporter, talking about leaving the country when it was realized Trump had an actual chance at winning, and when he did win, OMG!!!!!

So obsessed are you with the Trump win that until this day, post after post about how the Donald will get kicked out of office. Focusing on stupid shit like what kind of shoes his wife wears or if he had a difficult time holding her hand. I mean really.........

Then there is talk about changing our entire election system to make sure you win the next time. You people are so obsessed with losing one presidential election. We know you are miserable people.

View attachment 190217

trump is trying to destroy the United States. Nobody cares about the orange whore and the whore he married. Trash will always be trash, and their actions are the reason that their relationship is on the low level that it is on. They certainly are not on the level of Mr. and Mrs. Obama. And to think that trump has installed morons in the federal government to tell Americans not to fuck (pardon my French, but this reflects the cesspool that "conservatives" now have us drowning in). Oh. Please.

It's the policies that he is putting into place to endanger the American People, our physical safety, our rights, and our standing in the world that are the chief concern as they adversely affect millions, if not billions of people, along with the fairly convincing evidence that he might have consorted with an enemy nation to install himself in the presidency. Obama did nothing to screw us up. The orange whore does. Yes. Decent people are "obsessed" with preventing our nation from going down the drain.

I take it that the person who rated this post "funny" has no defense of trump's policies. This does not surprise me at all.

your post was to stewpud for a reply.

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Yeah I'm sure all these sad faces will just be heartbroken when they get good paying jobs with their degree while conservatives that are happy flipping burgers will cause red states to need the most welfare from the federal government. Take the sad emoticons off the image and you'll see people with a full set of healthy teeth. How disappointed they must be.

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Yeah I'm sure all these sad faces will just be heartbroken when they get good paying jobs with their degree while conservatives that are happy flipping burgers will cause red states to need the most welfare from the federal government. Take the sad emoticons off the image and you'll see people with a full set of healthy teeth. How disappointed they must be.
Yeah it was Obama who said that people would need a college degree just to be middle class, while the rest of US realized that there is a shortage of trade skill workers.. So be an educated Starbucks barista and you too will be a liberal success story.

Before reading the article, I would guess it's because they can't or won't do anything for themselves - always counting on others to take the lead.

Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge. Many data sets show this. For example, the Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades. The question isn’t whether this is true, but why.

If you want to find out, go to Why Liberals Are More Likely to Be Unhappy People | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Yeah I'm sure all these sad faces will just be heartbroken when they get good paying jobs with their degree while conservatives that are happy flipping burgers will cause red states to need the most welfare from the federal government. Take the sad emoticons off the image and you'll see people with a full set of healthy teeth. How disappointed they must be.
Yeah it was Obama who said that people would need a college degree just to be middle class, while the rest of US realized that there is a shortage of trade skill workers.. So be an educated Starbucks barista and you too will be a liberal success story.

Do you use your left or right hand on the spatula.
Liberals complain, and today's liberals demonstrate they've run out of ideas to complain about.

Ah yes, the uncomplaining conservatives. :rolleyes:



Tell us more moon dweller.
We were just quoting the Lion of the Democrat party...Why are you so angry at US, it was your side who started it.

Hey stupid, time to wake and smell the politics, then find some way to talk like you weren't born yesterday.
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