Why Liberals hate Corporations......

Why do liberals have corporate America?

  • Liberal hate everything, even themselves, but do what ever the talking points tell them to do.

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Liberals drink plenty of kool aid, and when their polical hacks hate Corp Amer, they follow lockstep

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Liberals hate the CEO's who wealth is way more than normal people, just like Pro's and moviestars.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Liberals love anyone who towes the liberal line, like Warren Buffet, and hollywood, who they adore.

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Liberals dont take chances on making success, so they rely on Gov. to care for them, cradle to grave

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?

Mostly because corporations make their money cheating the people who work for them and the people who buy their products.

If you've ever had to fight with an insurance company to get services AFTER they have your money, you'd know EXACTLY why most of us hate corporations.
Incidentally, I do think that athletes and movie stars make too much money, but to the credit of those industries, the supporting positions are unionized and the people who aren't stars are getting a fair shake.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?

Mostly because corporations make their money cheating the people who work for them and the people who buy their products.

If you've ever had to fight with an insurance company to get services AFTER they have your money, you'd know EXACTLY why most of us hate corporations.
Joe just proved he didn't read anything in the article I just posted, as typical of a Hypocrite who owns two houses. Hey Joe , you said you own your own business, and do you pay the employees that work for you the same amount that you get? Or are you self employed making PROFITS, so you can keep both houses? Why aren't you employing others so they can share in your success, you fucking hypocrite? As for those who make uber money, CEO's are like Pro Athletes and Movie Stars as it take plenty of education and time to achieve CEO status, so dumbass, why should liberal elites make more money and employ no one, yet CEOs make less and employ thousands?
Joe is a Hypocrite, Joe is a Hypocrite, Joe is a Hypocrite, Joe is a Hypocrite, Joe is a Hypocrite, Joe is a Hypocrite, Joe is a Hypocrite, Joe is a Hypocrite, Joe is a Hypocrite,
Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?

I don't hate corporations. IBM has a some issues.
IBM Settles With Texas Over Failed $863M Data Contract - Law360
IBM and the Holocaust - Home Page
Where to start...

Leftists do not appear to understand what a "corporation" is. It is a FICTITIOUS person, created by the state, at the request of an investor or investors. The reason for its creation is generally revealed in the articles of incorporation, but the corporations in question are created for one purpose: to make money for the investors. Period. They are not created to be kind or generous, or to be "good citizens."

The officers and managers and employees of a corporation have one overriding goal: To protect the interests of the Owners/Shareholders. To make them money, and hopefully increase the value of their investment.

They make money by providing desirable goods or services to people who want them, at a price that is greater than the cost to produce them, thus rendering a "profit." EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER of that corporation believes, at the time of purchase, that the value of the goods and services is greater than or equal to the price paid. Otherwise the customer is an idiot.

So consider the hiring of an employee. Say the corporation requires someone who can use sophisticated equipment to apply paint and other coatings to their products. And say that this skill can be learned by a reasonably intelligent person in a couple of days. If the corporation can find such a person who is willing to work for $10/hour, why would it pay $10.01? Or more?

The corporation doesn't care if the prospective employee has school loans, has a family to feed, or lives under a bridge - nor should it. And if it CAN'T find someone acceptable to work for $10/hr and has to pay $12 in order to get the people they want to apply, the corporation will do that. Or if it finds that people hired at $10/hr tend to be lazy, unreliable, or accident prone, then they might decide to pay more and raise their standards. It is neither good nor bad, it just is.

Leftists think corporations should be obliged to be "kind" and "generous" to their employees (and to their customers). They think that corporations should BE FORCED to pay a "living wage." But this is literally stupid, as well as counter-productive.

Employment is, in the private sector, an entirely voluntary affair. EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE has made the decision, whether s/he thinks about it overtly or not, that THIS PARTICULAR JOB is the BEST THAT S/HE CAN DO at that given time. If there were a better job available, s/he would take it. And the employer has decided that this employee is worth the money it pays; otherwise the employee would be replaced.

IT IS AN ENTIRELY VOLUNTARY ARRANGEMENT. To say that the corporation should pay more because some outside agency believes that the wages are "not enough" is just silly.

But then, Leftists are silly.
I hate Humanity!

I am fiscal Conservative and Social Liberal!

Why do you not understand the difference between a Progressive Trotsky and a True Blue Liberal?
I hate Humanity!

I am fiscal Conservative and Social Liberal!

Why do you not understand the difference between a Progressive Trotsky and a True Blue Liberal?
Because just like with Islam, the radicals have hi-jacked the term Liberal and have made it their ideologue. If you don't like me using the term liberals to describe Marxist/Communists/Socialists/Fascists/Progressives, then do something about the liberals who have bastardized the term. Muslims don't step up against the radicals, the liberals don't stand up either against the radicals.

Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom.
Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

Obama: 'Help Us Destroy Jesus And Start A New Age Of Liberal Darkness'
The thunderous 45-minute address—during which the president argued for a second term so that he could “finally kill Jesus once and for all, as well as all those who worship him”—was well received by the frenzied, wild-eyed audience, whose piercing chants of “Four more years!” and “Slaughter the believers!” echoed throughout the Time Warner Cable Arena.
I hate Humanity!

I am fiscal Conservative and Social Liberal!

Why do you not understand the difference between a Progressive Trotsky and a True Blue Liberal?

Probably because people don't know the difference

Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?
So you dig up this rambling generality, 7 years old, full of syllogistic fallacies and pigeon holing for what reason?
Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?
So you dig up this rambling generality, 7 years old, full of syllogistic fallacies and pigeon holing for what reason?
Any time you want to put up links PROVING I am wrong, I will gladly read your links. Just because you say what you say, doesn't mean it is the truth.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?
For the same but opposite reason the right hates the poor.
Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?
So you dig up this rambling generality, 7 years old, full of syllogistic fallacies and pigeon holing for what reason?
Any time you want to put up links PROVING I am wrong, I will gladly read your links. Just because you say what you say, doesn't mean it is the truth.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

View attachment 123429
I should put up links proving that I never said that as a liberal I hated corporatio??...Aren't you sly to the lie..
It's politics. The Dems typically bash the corps to appeal to the working man and woman, but then go to those same people asking for donations. Which they get, corps not being stupid do not want to get in bad with whoever wins. Funny how the rich CEOs and Hollywood elites love to trash the wealthy after they themselves got rich. Maybe I missed it, but when did Michael Moore or those like him voluntarily give more to the gov't as opposed to the Democratic Party.

Corporate America employs a lot of people, not just their own but in suppliers and satellite companies they do business with. They innovate all the time, and for the most part their products and services help competition and lower prices for the middle and lower income people. How far would your spending dollars go today without the corps? Not nearly as far as they do now.
Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?
For the same but opposite reason the right hates the poor.

This is one very stupid post. NOBODY on the right hates the poor and anyone who really believes that is an idiot. An ideological idiot.
I'm socially right wing, or Fascist leaning.

I see Corporations as becoming a threat to American national security, and American livelihood, as they export jobs to a hostile China which chases U.S ships, or wages currency wars on the U.S, and as they import illegals to Balkanize the U.S.A, as many illegal Mexicans don't assimilate awful well, and a good deal of them want to retake the U.S Southwest.
All in the meantime they undercut Americans out of work, or into cheaper wages.
Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?
For the same but opposite reason the right hates the poor.

This is one very stupid post. NOBODY on the right hates the poor and anyone who really believes that is an idiot. An ideological idiot.
the same, but opposite is true of the left; we don't hate corporations any more than the right hates on the poor.
Where to start...

Leftists do not appear to understand what a "corporation" is. It is a FICTITIOUS person, created by the state, at the request of an investor or investors. The reason for its creation is generally revealed in the articles of incorporation, but the corporations in question are created for one purpose: to make money for the investors. Period. They are not created to be kind or generous, or to be "good citizens."

The officers and managers and employees of a corporation have one overriding goal: To protect the interests of the Owners/Shareholders. To make them money, and hopefully increase the value of their investment.

They make money by providing desirable goods or services to people who want them, at a price that is greater than the cost to produce them, thus rendering a "profit." EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER of that corporation believes, at the time of purchase, that the value of the goods and services is greater than or equal to the price paid. Otherwise the customer is an idiot.

So consider the hiring of an employee. Say the corporation requires someone who can use sophisticated equipment to apply paint and other coatings to their products. And say that this skill can be learned by a reasonably intelligent person in a couple of days. If the corporation can find such a person who is willing to work for $10/hour, why would it pay $10.01? Or more?

The corporation doesn't care if the prospective employee has school loans, has a family to feed, or lives under a bridge - nor should it. And if it CAN'T find someone acceptable to work for $10/hr and has to pay $12 in order to get the people they want to apply, the corporation will do that. Or if it finds that people hired at $10/hr tend to be lazy, unreliable, or accident prone, then they might decide to pay more and raise their standards. It is neither good nor bad, it just is.

Leftists think corporations should be obliged to be "kind" and "generous" to their employees (and to their customers). They think that corporations should BE FORCED to pay a "living wage." But this is literally stupid, as well as counter-productive.

Employment is, in the private sector, an entirely voluntary affair. EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE has made the decision, whether s/he thinks about it overtly or not, that THIS PARTICULAR JOB is the BEST THAT S/HE CAN DO at that given time. If there were a better job available, s/he would take it. And the employer has decided that this employee is worth the money it pays; otherwise the employee would be replaced.

IT IS AN ENTIRELY VOLUNTARY ARRANGEMENT. To say that the corporation should pay more because some outside agency believes that the wages are "not enough" is just silly.

But then, Leftists are silly.
You may consider me a leftist or a liberal in this regard but many of the bigger corporations have gotten out of hand. They believe and they do act as though they are above the law. They believe that congress is theirs to control for their profit margins alone, they do payoff bureaucrats, break the law, and pay off officials to overcome their own illegal actions. It is a failed system when they can claim they are too big to fail, use their power, connections, and positions to abuse the law, to payoff legislators, foreign nationals, or bureaucrats to make rules and decisions that put them in a favorable light when it can, has, and will damage others. Many of them go to a lot of efforts avoid a level playing field for all. Those kind of dynasties are not what this country was made great on. Its a form of communism that will fail as giants are allowed to rule over every aspect of other peoples lives in this country. To attempt to overcome these rabid wolves that have infiltrated our Republic Donald Trump was favored in the election. My hopes are that the people of this country will be able to recover the liberty that has been stolen from them by wolves in sheep's clothing
Why Do Liberals Hate Corporate America?
Liberals seem to view corporations as some living being that makes money at the expense of other people.
A large company like, say, IBM, is comprised of, first and foremost, of a bunch of employees. Some of them make a lot of money and some make less, based on a free market determination of their value. The CEO makes more than the guy sweeping the halls at night. But, the guy who sweeps the floors is “profiting” from IBM’s success and would suffer by the failure many liberals would wish upon it (by losing his job). And, today, the floor sweeper is getting very generous benefits, including healthcare (benefits he will soon lose under Obamacare – more on that in my next blog entry).
IBM is owned by public shareholders, which are primarily large mutual funds, whose underlying shareholders (through IRAs, 401(k)’s, and pension funds, but often directly as well) are individuals, increasingly middle class individuals. So, when IBM does well and their stock price goes up, middle class shareholders do well.
So why do liberals hate corporations, yet say nothing about the WEALTH of liberal professional athletes and liberal Hollywood elites?
For the same but opposite reason the right hates the poor.

This is one very stupid post. NOBODY on the right hates the poor and anyone who really believes that is an idiot. An ideological idiot.
the same, but opposite is true of the left; we don't hate corporations any more than the right hates on the poor.

The rhetoric from many on the Left indicates otherwise.

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