Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous...

Your site basically supports what I said. It says nothing about "leadership."

It said that "roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes"
As in 80% of the leadership comes from 20% of the people.

It is not science but if you have ever worked with a random group of people more wish to follow than lead.
Leadership is hard work when the folks hold the leader to task. Dominant personalities tend to leadership, but they are not allways the best leaders.. Most folks don't lead but only some of those don't want to lead. There is a limited number of leadership positions. Saying the folks not leading just don't want to lead is what the leaders like to tell themselves in the board room as they give themselves bonuses for offshoring labor to china.

Agreed. I really just meant it in the most generic way pertaining to the hypothetical situation I posted earlier.
I originally subscribed to this thread because I hoped there would be a calm, informed discourse. Instead, it's turned into a childish name-calling series of idiotic posts that have nothing to do with the thread as it started.

What a shame.
That is only true when you are dealing with marginal utility not when you are trying to survive.

It's always true. That's why the Jamestown settlers starved. They even recorded the fact that few people wanted to plow the fields or sow the grain. It's an historical fact.
from wiki:
"In addition to the malarial swamp the settlers arrived too late in the year to get crops planted.[11] Many in the group were gentlemen unused to work, or their manservants, equally unaccustomed to the hard labor demanded by the harsh task of carving out a viable colony."

In "Smith's rude answer" he said he needed people with skills.

You theory doesn't hold because many native American tribes worked collectively and managed to survive for centuries.

Yeah, and we all know Wiki is a totally unbiased source!
I originally subscribed to this thread because I hoped there would be a calm, informed discourse. Instead, it's turned into a childish name-calling series of idiotic posts that have nothing to do with the thread as it started.

What a shame.

You have posted here more than 3000 times and hoped for calm, informed discourse?:eusa_eh:

Which forum do you hang out?

You are right of course, I was about to debate if Wikipedia is bias or not.

Good day.
Not at all, Bripat seemed to put some thought into it, I hadn't really thought about a lottery.

I didn't expect a serious attempt because it would probably be better suited for a project in a government class than on a message board.

I just have trouble seeing a libertarian society existing in the real world but not because the idea is bad.

That's because you have swallowed the fascist/socialist bullshit that you need a government bureaucrat guiding your every step.

I think it has to do with the fact that I am more grounded in reality but good luck with making your dream happen. I will be the first to admit my error when it does.

And what does "reality" tells you?

That the majority subscribes to parasitism and will gang up on the producers ?

I originally subscribed to this thread because I hoped there would be a calm, informed discourse. Instead, it's turned into a childish name-calling series of idiotic posts that have nothing to do with the thread as it started.

What a shame.

You have posted here more than 3000 times and hoped for calm, informed discourse?:eusa_eh:

Which forum do you hang out?

You are right of course, I was about to debate if Wikipedia is bias or not.

Good day.

Have you ever seen me resort to profanity? Or name-calling? Or personal attacks? :eusa_angel:
I originally subscribed to this thread because I hoped there would be a calm, informed discourse. Instead, it's turned into a childish name-calling series of idiotic posts that have nothing to do with the thread as it started.

What a shame.

You have posted here more than 3000 times and hoped for calm, informed discourse?:eusa_eh:

Which forum do you hang out?

You are right of course, I was about to debate if Wikipedia is bias or not.

Good day.

Have you ever seen me resort to profanity? Or name-calling? Or personal attacks? :eusa_angel:
I was just surprised that you were surprised that the thread turned to name calling... All the threads here seem to turn to name-calling.

That's because you have swallowed the fascist/socialist bullshit that you need a government bureaucrat guiding your every step.

I think it has to do with the fact that I am more grounded in reality but good luck with making your dream happen. I will be the first to admit my error when it does.

And what does "reality" tells you?

That the majority subscribes to parasitism and will gang up on the producers ?


That for good or bad, there will never be a libertarian government.
No, not at all. They fear having to make decisions on their own. The responsibility for the decision comes later.

If you MUST make your own decision, then you must face the fact that the decision will be either right or wrong. Liberitarians have no problem with doing such, most people fear it. They want the government to take that responsibility of self determination off of their backs.

What's the point of being an ADULT if your not allow to go your own way?

Why go your own way if you don't want to? Some folks don't have good ideas. Some folks don't have desire for independence. Some folks are more social and just want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Why should we force stupid folks to starve in the woods? Nah.. we should let folks be worker bees and followers if that's what they want.

And Darwin was a Hoax......lol

Hint... the bee hive is a successful community no? How many of the hive are fully independent?
People who hate the idea of libertarianism are simply ADULTS who fear the prospect of making their own decisions.

fear taking responsibility for their own lives you mean...

They don't seem to have a problem with making the decision to take authority over others by force.
Oh, the irony!...Oh, the projection! :lmao:
So libertarians don't allow for groups or leadership or type-A personalities? If they don't I'll just stick to constitutional conservative. I don't think I'd like to live in a world where everyone was forced to live independently.
fear taking responsibility for their own lives you mean...

They don't seem to have a problem with making the decision to take authority over others by force.
Oh, the irony!...Oh, the projection! :lmao:
So libertarians don't allow for groups or leadership or type-A personalities? If they don't I'll just stick to constitutional conservative. I don't think I'd like to live in a world where everyone was forced to live independently.
Independence from the initiation of force, yes. From other human beings? No. People still work together and live together. No libertarian believes everyone should just be on their own. Group leadership? Sure why not. Leadership? Well of course, how could any society function without it? Type-A personalities? Again, sure. Libertarians are not against any of those things.
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fear taking responsibility for their own lives you mean...

They don't seem to have a problem with making the decision to take authority over others by force.
Oh, the irony!...Oh, the projection! :lmao:
So libertarians don't allow for groups or leadership or type-A personalities? If they don't I'll just stick to constitutional conservative. I don't think I'd like to live in a world where everyone was forced to live independently.
That comment wasn't about libertarians, but about how much dour and pessimistic wretches such as yourself, project your dour and pessimistic wretchery upon people you don't even know.

You aren't afraid that others won't take responsibility...You are afraid that YOU won't take responsibility.

You project your authoritarian proclivities upon others, to rationalize your desire to force them, at gunpoint if necessary, to live as you would have them live.

Sorry, comrade, but the Mao jackets are only available in gray.
Oh, the irony!...Oh, the projection! :lmao:
So libertarians don't allow for groups or leadership or type-A personalities? If they don't I'll just stick to constitutional conservative. I don't think I'd like to live in a world where everyone was forced to live independently.
Independence from the initiation of force, yes. From other human beings? No. People still work together and live together. No libertarian believes everyone should just be on their own. Group leadership? Sure why not. Leadership? Well of course, how could any society function without it? Type-A personalities? Again, sure. Libertarians are not against any of those things.

So can I choose to live in a sub-division that has a mandatory tax on property to pay for security, fire, and maintenance of the common areas of the sub-division? Or would libertarians make those illegal? The above discussions sure seemed to indicate their authority over us would result in forcing us to not have any form of mandatory taxation for commonly held property.
Oh, the irony!...Oh, the projection! :lmao:
So libertarians don't allow for groups or leadership or type-A personalities? If they don't I'll just stick to constitutional conservative. I don't think I'd like to live in a world where everyone was forced to live independently.
That comment wasn't about libertarians, but about how much dour and pessimistic wretches such as yourself, project your dour and pessimistic wretchery upon people you don't even know.

You aren't afraid that others won't take responsibility...You are afraid that YOU won't take responsibility.

You project your authoritarian proclivities upon others, to rationalize your desire to force them, at gunpoint if necessary, to live as you would have them live.

Sorry, comrade, but the Mao jackets are only available in gray.

Let me get this straight. If I choose to live in Texas because I like it here, that is equivalent to forcing everyone in Texas to bend to my will? If my neighbor signs a contract that I signed that is equivalent to forcing my neighbor to sign the contract? That I freely choose to live in the middle of no where surrounded by ranches that share the cost of the road to our ranches, that makes me a communist?

Are you are drugs? Cmon what drugs are you taking?
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So libertarians don't allow for groups or leadership or type-A personalities? If they don't I'll just stick to constitutional conservative. I don't think I'd like to live in a world where everyone was forced to live independently.
Independence from the initiation of force, yes. From other human beings? No. People still work together and live together. No libertarian believes everyone should just be on their own. Group leadership? Sure why not. Leadership? Well of course, how could any society function without it? Type-A personalities? Again, sure. Libertarians are not against any of those things.

So can I choose to live in a sub-division that has a mandatory tax on property to pay for security, fire, and maintenance of the common areas of the sub-division? Or would libertarians make those illegal? The above discussions sure seemed to indicate their authority over us would result in forcing us to not have any form of mandatory taxation for commonly held property.
That question right there gives away your complete ignorance of libertarian principles.

Best you STFU and quit embarrassing yourself any further.

Go watch Pawn Stars or Survivor....You're way over your intellectual pay grade here.
So libertarians don't allow for groups or leadership or type-A personalities? If they don't I'll just stick to constitutional conservative. I don't think I'd like to live in a world where everyone was forced to live independently.
That comment wasn't about libertarians, but about how much dour and pessimistic wretches such as yourself, project your dour and pessimistic wretchery upon people you don't even know.

You aren't afraid that others won't take responsibility...You are afraid that YOU won't take responsibility.

You project your authoritarian proclivities upon others, to rationalize your desire to force them, at gunpoint if necessary, to live as you would have them live.

Sorry, comrade, but the Mao jackets are only available in gray.

Let me get this straight. If I choose to live in Texas because I like it here, that is equivalent to forcing everyone in Texas to bend to my will? If my neighbor signs a contract that I signed that is equivalent to forcing my neighbor to sign the contract? That I freely choose to live in the middle of no where surrounded by ranches that share the cost of the road to our ranches, that makes me a communist?

Are you are drugs? Cmon what drugs are you taking?
You have nothing straight.

After going through this thread, I'm certain that you have no desire to get anything straight.

Just go back to watching CNN and Duck Dynasty.
That comment wasn't about libertarians, but about how much dour and pessimistic wretches such as yourself, project your dour and pessimistic wretchery upon people you don't even know.

You aren't afraid that others won't take responsibility...You are afraid that YOU won't take responsibility.

You project your authoritarian proclivities upon others, to rationalize your desire to force them, at gunpoint if necessary, to live as you would have them live.

Sorry, comrade, but the Mao jackets are only available in gray.

Let me get this straight. If I choose to live in Texas because I like it here, that is equivalent to forcing everyone in Texas to bend to my will? If my neighbor signs a contract that I signed that is equivalent to forcing my neighbor to sign the contract? That I freely choose to live in the middle of no where surrounded by ranches that share the cost of the road to our ranches, that makes me a communist?

Are you are drugs? Cmon what drugs are you taking?
You have nothing straight.

After going through this thread, I'm certain that you have no desire to get anything straight.

Just go back to watching CNN and Duck Dynasty.

You can piss in my Wheaties, but stay off my Duck Dynasty. CNN still on the air?

Oh and glad to hear in your opinion there is nothing wrong with contracts for fees to pay for roads. After looking at your posts... do you ever do anything but throw rocks at people. I mean you act like your gonna say something important, but then it's like someone pulled your mic or something.
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Far more patient posters than I have 'splained all of the principles and nuances to you...I've watched them do so in the thread.

If you're so imbecilic as to not have allowed the least of those principles borrow their way into your thick skull, you're beyond salvage.

Just go watch some Gilligan's Island reruns and order a Dominos pizza.

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