Why more and more people distrust Biden and the BIASED MSM..."GA bans volunteers from delivering water, etc. BIG ASS LIE!

Poll workers jobs are to ensure the voters get to vote and laws are followed. IE, make sure Dems are electioneering. It's hardly a undo burden to set a extra table up to place food or drink on..
And if poll workers just don't Feel like doing that?
No water allowed
No the Board does...the Sec of State still very much has a role. Obviously you didn't read the link. There was always a board of elections, and appointed the same way...the only difference is the SoS is not a voting member...taking politics further out of it.
Taking the Sec of State out of it...and making decisions opaque and more partisan than ever
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.

You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.

The SoS isn't out of it....they just don't have a vote...SoS are elected officals via the poltical process...this makes it less political...and actually more like our Federal Election Commission
The NY law says nothing about water.
Really? So what items that have a value of less than a dollar were they excepting?
Lutsenko had a history of corruption. Shokin had none.
Everyone involved understood that Shokin was corrupt. The IMF. The World Bank. The EU. The Ukrainian Parliament
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.

What has Shokin been convicted of? The Paraliament only acted after Quid Pro Joe's threat
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
Who's talking about police stations and going online?

This is about polling stations. A couple points about that, 1) people should learn to be prepared, they know they are going to a polling station..,which might be quite different about knowing if you are going to a police station 2) water can be given to you by anyone if you don't prepare (so long as iit's given to you 150 feet before the polling station) 3) if within the 150 feet, or if you are in line beyond that, the polling station can have it for you, to get yourself...and anyone can donate water to the station to make available.

Regarding long lines...this law actually goes a long way to fix the issue. Prior to the law, the State could only get involved AFTER the fact, after the election. The polling stations are run by localities, and frankly where the long lines were, were dem controlled areas...in and around ATL.

Now that the law has passed, the State can act in real time, and address the issues by adding more machines, or more polling stations....here's the new law: If, at the previous general election, a precinct contained more than 2,000 electors and if [voters] desiring to vote on the day of the election had to wait in line for more than one hour before checking in to vote, the superintendent shall either reduce the size of such precinct so that it shall contain not more than 2,000 electors…or provide additional voting equipment or poll workers, or both, before the next general election….The chief manager of a precinct which contained more than 2,000 electors at the previous general election shall submit a report thereof to the superintendent of the reported time from entering the line to checking in to vote. Such wait time shall be measured no fewer than three different times throughout the day (in the morning, at midday, and prior to the close of polls) and such results shall be recorded on a form provided by the Secretary of State.
The purpose is to SUPPRESS the vote and nothing more. Closing the polling stations at 5 pm so that workers can't make it to the polls? Totally unnecessary to legislate all of a sudden. He should be making it easier to vote. We all know what he is trying to do regardless of the excuses you make for his actions.
But it expands voting....early voting for example...and allows the State to come in before the fact now, and add polling stations and machines

I have not seen that the law changes the time the polls close to 5pm. What I have seen is that the polling stations can start tabulating absentee ballots earlier..two weeks eariler, and that all, including votes on election day, start being counted non-stop after the polls close and be done by 5pm the following day.

In actual fact, it does NOT mandate polls closing by 5 pm. What it does is require sparsely-populated areas, where the people who work on elections would normally only be part-time, to have polls open at least 8 hours a day, which some places were not doing previously.
Good...so it actually EXPANDS voting.....like I said
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
If you have 159 counties in a state the size of GA, there is a county in virtually every back yard. You have early voting and absentee voting for all in GA. If you wait in a line--YOU are the dumb f***!
That changes nothing.

Oh and of course the law makes absentee voting harder as well
No it in fact changes a lot...the law expands early voting, and makes it much easier to vote early.

Absentee voting, simply reverts to the standard prior to Covid, and makes it in line with voting by person.

The reality is, this faux outrage was mere propaganda by the left....and frankly Xiden's comments are a backhanded attempt to downplay the Dems Jim Crow era, and deflect from his part in trying to fight against Brown v Board of Education enforcement.
It is voter suppression. The legislature can recall local voting officials and replace them with people of its choice. The voting in Georgia was fine and would have retreated to pre-covid standards without new rules, obviously. The Blob
falsely complained about the "fraudulent" election, and conned his supporters, which resulted in 3 recounts and millions of taxpayer dollars wasted, and this is the unnecessary one-sided result.
Georgia: 61,837 votes separate Trump and Biden (0.2%), 16 electoral votes at stake.
Of the total Georgia votes of 4,935,487 almost 404,000 absentee ballots didn't have a record of being signed by the voter.
As of March 3, only 56 of Georgia’s 159 counties have provided ballot transfer form data to The Georgia Star News.The number of absentee by mail ballots delivered to registrars in those 56 counties total only 195,309, or 32.5 percent, of the estimated 600,000 absentee vote by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes and delivered to county registrars and counted in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.

In other words, there is no chain of custody for 67.5 percent – an estimated 404,691 – of the estimated 600,000 absentee vote by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes and delivered to county registrars and counted in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.
Read closely what The Georgia Star News has found in their efforts to get the audit trails and other verifications from the
159 GA counties. 56 counties have complied accounting for 32.5% of the absentee ballots. WHY NOT???

Four Months After 2020 Presidential Election in Georgia No Chain of Custody Documents Produced for 404,000 Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes; Fulton County One of 35 Scofflaw Counties

"There were myriad problems with the absentee processing system at Fulton Government headquarters," the report states, including no chain of custody forms being used as ballots move from room to room and a failure to sufficiently protect spoiled and rejected ballots in the mail room.

Still, the report said, there is no evidence of fraud.

Right... NO Evidence because there was no chain of custody to show the fraud.
Remember the premise of absentee voting is
A) The voter requests a form to complete and return WITH the voter's signature.
B) The voter receives a envelope containing another envelope that contains the ballot.
C) The voter checks off their choices and puts the ballot in the envelope.
D) Voter signs the envelope that contains the ballot.
E) Puts that envelope into the envelope that has the election office.
F) Election office opens the outside envelope retains the signed envelope.
G) Signed envelope is compared then with the voter's signed request for absentee ballot signature.
H) IF the poll worker that is comparing the request form signature to the envelope signature is truly
1) Qualified to recognize differences, i.e. vision is good and can distinguish distinctions
2) The ballot is considered valid and then removed from the envelope.
I) The ballot is now entered.

How many distinct handlings of this absentee ballot request, the returned request, the envelope containing the
absentee ballot envelope, the ballot comparison report, and finally the supposedly valid ballot has occurred?

See I know how this works as I've voted absentee and followed the trail.
Here is a GA signature comparison that was accepted:

View attachment 476869
Giuliani could face felony charges for precisely that sort of bullshit youre peddling.

The high-profile and scandal-plagued attorney also presented an edited security camera video which he told legislators was proof that an elections official had removed ballots from underneath a table and then “added in secret.” Giuliani claimed this footage was a “powerful smoking gun.”

That video and the claims made by Giuliani were immediately debunked by numerous Republican Party elections officials in the Peach State—including Georgia Secretary of State Chief Operating Officer Gabriel Sterling.
According to the Daily Beast, citing an anonymous source said to be “familiar with the matter,” Willis is “actively researching” whether Georgia Code §16-10-20 can be applied to Giuliani’s performance before a Georgia Senate Panel in early December 2020.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy

Do you think Schiff’s ridiculous dramatization of the Trump Ukraine phone call warrants prison for schiff? It was a lie. We all know it because we have the recording of the call.
Actually, no. I think that you have not included the whole enchilada in your ridiculous rhetoric. Schiff to jail? For what?
What Trump Said on the Ukraine Call
Key exchanges in the president’s July phone call with the Ukrainian leader
Two Key Takeaways From the Ukraine Call Record


Two Key Takeaways From the Ukraine Call Record
A call record released Wednesday by the White House shows that President Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, to “look into” former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. WSJ's Gerald F. Seib explains what elements of the call could be the most damaging and what could be the most helpful for the president as he tries to make the case he did nothing improper.

In key moments from a July phone call between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, Mr. Trump highlighted the aid that Washington provides to Kyiv while also asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to “look into” Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son.
Mr. Trump also asked Mr. Zelensky to probe matters related to Russia’s 2016 hack of Democratic computers, according to a record of the conversation released by the White House.
Some highlights of the conversation, and what the exchanges meant:
1. Reminder of U.S. Aid
“I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk and I think it’s something that you should really ask them about. … The United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn’t say that it’s reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.” — President Trump
President Trump emphasizes the aid that the U.S. provides to Ukraine, comparing it favorably with the level of European support. He also intimates that the support from Washington may not always be reciprocated by Kyiv. More than a week before the call, Mr. Trump had asked his acting chief of staff to place a hold on $391 million in aid.
That's all parody...the entire impeachment was parody...even Shit of Brains admitted it

Yeah, the call was so damning that the Dems had to resort to "parody" to impeach him. The impeachment was a clear abuse of power.
Trump's effort to hold Ukraine hostage, by withholding aid, was an abuse of power.
um...no it's perfectly reasonable to ensure a country we are giving aid to, isn't corrupt.
Trump didn't care about corruption in Ukraine. He wanted dirt to be manufactured just like in his conversation with the Georgia official.
we know that's a lie...hence why Shit for Brains had to resort to lies....and when they had to present their case...had zippy and the President was exonerated.

It was on national television bro...not sure how you missed it
Yo bro, National television didn't show Mr. Chaos holding up 391 million dollars in aid, yes? That was the key and not his phone call to demand dirt on the Bidens
Bro. Keep reinventing history if it makes you feel better. A phone call in itself means nothing but backed up with a stoppage of promised aid changes everything.
I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion.
I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours.
I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.
Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time
that my friend is extortion, and blackmail...from a desperate country that was being invaded by Putin, who obama had just promised to be more flexible with for help in the 2012 election
Try not to confuse the facts. Biden was sent by Obama along with officials from
40 other countries to tell the president of Ukraine to fire a known corrupt prosecutor or they would withhold aid. That is hardly extortion. Trump put a stop to aid and used it to extort because he wanted some dirt to be invented. Get the facts straight.
Quid pro quo?
Obama asks Medvedev for THIS QUID PRO QUO for Obama's re-election...

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…
(QUID..."give me space"...) in other words...flexibility."

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

Joe only got involved after Shokin restarted the probe into his son's company...
That ...is a lie. No? Then provide a valid link
Here...don't take my word for it, take Quid Pro Joe's

JOE BIDEN, 23 JANUARY 2018: And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made—I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was—not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to—convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him.

I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.
You can NOT take a hand out if you are in line to vote unless it comes from a poll worker. Period
You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
In Georgia...in Dem districts (where the are not enough machines) you are there or HOURS. Why do this? Was there a problem with electioneering? No? They're just trying to make voting harder in Dem Districts? Yea.
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.
When that law was written you could get water for under a dollar. And you can STILL fill a jug from your tap and hand out cups of water in NY.

In Georgia even THAT you can not do
Last edited:
What has Shokin been convicted of?
If he had been convicted, there would have been no problem.

From the NY Times circa 2016

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.
You can NOT take a hand out if yu are in line to vote unless it comes from a poll worker. Period
You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
In Georgia...in Dem districts (where the are not enough machines) you are there or HOURS. Why do this? Was there a problem with electioneering? No? They're just trying to make voting harder in Dem Districts? Yea.
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.
When that law was written you could get water. And you can STILL fill a jug from your tap and hand out cups of water in NY.

In Georgia even THAT you can not do
1) sorry I should have said before you were in line. The polls can simply put them on a table, and you are free to walk up and grab one. It's really not that big a deal..
2) this law goes a long way to address the long lines...prior to it the State couldn't act until after the election..now in real time, as time is being measured, if it's more then a hour long waiting, the State Board an add more machines or polling stations. Not sure why you are opposed to that.
Yes, there was...that's why it was banned before...there was a gray area about food and drink..this law simply makes that clear...and goes along with other states that have similar laws....that Dems said nothing about...like Minn for example.
3) NY hasn't change it has it?? haha when the law was written...you are free to fill your jug up with tap water in GA as well...and bring cups...and make them available to all the voters in line. Bring a table....give it to the poll workers that are there specifically to help voters. Here's my guess though...you won't...you won't donate one oz of water or drop of food...because you really don't care...and you know there is nothing wrong with the law, but you are stuck defending your lying Dear Leader
What has Shokin been convicted of?
If he had been convicted, there would have been no problem.

From the NY Times circa 2016

The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

As the problems festered, Kiev drew increasingly sharp criticism from Western diplomats and leaders. In a visit in December, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said corruption was eating Ukraine “like a cancer.” Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which props up Ukraine financially, said last month that progress was so slow in fighting corruption that “it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue.”
why wasn't he convicted of all the corruption you claimed then?

The person Xiden had him replaced with HAD been convicted though...
why wasn't he convicted of all the corruption you claimed then?
Because it' a corrupt country and this guy knew the right people.

By the way...Biden had no say in choosing his replacement
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.
You can NOT take a hand out if you are in line to vote unless it comes from a poll worker. Period
You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
In Georgia...in Dem districts (where the are not enough machines) you are there or HOURS. Why do this? Was there a problem with electioneering? No? They're just trying to make voting harder in Dem Districts? Yea.
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.
When that law was written you could get water. And you can STILL fill a jug from your tap and hand out cups of water in NY.

In Georgia even THAT you can not do
Where in the bill does it say you can not hand out water?
The below is from the bill and
ttps://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121 GA election laws

"No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

Now to give you dummies some common sense understanding.
What person was being described other than the person who solicits votes by handing out water!
The common sense interpretation is if you are soliciting votes YOU can't give out water, food,money,etc.
If you are NOT doing it to solicit votes... NOT a problem.
The minute an idiot like you hands water to someone and YOU are wearing a "Vote for dummy" hat or shirt... you are ejected.
Simple as that but dummies like you don't have any common sense!
1) sorry I should have said before you were in line. The polls can simply put them on a table, and you are free to walk up and grab one. It's really not that big a deal..
When you are in a two hour line to vote you can't even SEE the polling place where the water. And gee wouldn't it be great to have fights about who lost his place in line right?
WHY AGAIN ARE WE DOING THIS? Has there been a rash of electioneering issues? No? It's just one more stupid way to make voting hard in Dem Districts
2) this law goes a long way to address the long lines..
By shutting down polling places at 5:00 in the afternoon on working days?
NY hasn't change it has it??
Because it's stupid to change laws that are evident. It was clearly put in place BECAUSE water was excepted. There is no other reason for that exception.

And again..you can give out tapwater if you want to strictly follow that NY law.
You can NOT do so in Georgia
The common sense interpretation is if you are soliciting votes YOU can't give out water, food,money,etc.
If you are NOT doing it to solicit votes... NOT a problem.
This law makes no distinction for soliciting votes. It is flat out illegal to do so.

The League of Women voters (as non partisan as you can get) would be in breach of this law
Nope you can still bring your own water, and take handouts from 150 feet before you come.
You can NOT take a hand out if you are in line to vote unless it comes from a poll worker. Period
You are there to vote, not have dinner bro.
In Georgia...in Dem districts (where the are not enough machines) you are there or HOURS. Why do this? Was there a problem with electioneering? No? They're just trying to make voting harder in Dem Districts? Yea.
None...you can't get anything for less then a dollar in NYC.
When that law was written you could get water. And you can STILL fill a jug from your tap and hand out cups of water in NY.

In Georgia even THAT you can not do
Where in the bill does it say you can not hand out water?
The below is from the bill and
ttps://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121 GA election laws

"No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

Now to give you dummies some common sense understanding.
What person was being described other than the person who solicits votes by handing out water!
The common sense interpretation is if you are soliciting votes YOU can't give out water, food,money,etc.
If you are NOT doing it to solicit votes... NOT a problem.
The minute an idiot like you hands water to someone and YOU are wearing a "Vote for dummy" hat or shirt... you are ejected.
Simple as that but dummies like you don't have any common sense!
apparently the Poster is so lazy he can't walk over to a table and pour himself a water...he expects it to be handed to him. I mean really...talk about entitled.
The common sense interpretation is if you are soliciting votes YOU can't give out water, food,money,etc.
If you are NOT doing it to solicit votes... NOT a problem.
This law makes no distinction for soliciting votes. It is flat out illegal to do so.

The League of Women voters (as non partisan as you can get) would be in breach of this law
not if they donated the water...they are free to do that....as they do in a lot of states.

Why do you expect this women to walk up and hand you a bottle of water? I mean geez...they were nice enough to buy it and donate it...can't you at least walk to a table and get it?
1) sorry I should have said before you were in line. The polls can simply put them on a table, and you are free to walk up and grab one. It's really not that big a deal..
When you are in a two hour line to vote you can't even SEE the polling place where the water. And gee wouldn't it be great to have fights about who lost his place in line right?
WHY AGAIN ARE WE DOING THIS? Has there been a rash of electioneering issues? No? It's just one more stupid way to make voting hard in Dem Districts
2) this law goes a long way to address the long lines..
By shutting down polling places at 5:00 in the afternoon on working days?
NY hasn't change it has it??
Because it's stupid to change laws that are evident. It was clearly put in place BECAUSE water was excepted. There is no other reason for that exception.

And again..you can give out tapwater if you want to strictly follow that NY law.
You can NOT do so in Georgia
thankfully the law will make it so you don't have to wait that long....but if you are that concerned bring your own water with you. Why would you go to a voting place expecting them to give you food and drink? It's not McDonalds.

No there hasn't...because there have been laws against it for quite some time. Yes, there was an issue with if water and food were included in the ban.

So, it's stupid? But I thought making sure people got free water while in line was a big issue for you?
See the attached Google search on "GA bill prohibits water" over 2,550,000 stories lies!
FACTS and reality!
Biden said "“You can’t provide water for people about to vote”
And the biased MSM as you can see below as well as Biden are total LIARS!
WHAT is ILLEGAL is the democrat vote solicitor who holds a bottle of water in front of the voter and says.."are you thirsty?... OK if you vote for Biden I'll give you this water"!! THAT's what is illegal!
But of course people like MSM and Biden are just so stupid and say you can't get water if you are standing in voting line!
HOW dumb!
Let’s take a look at what S.B. 202 actually says:
No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.
The parts in bold are what S.B. 202 added to the statute.

Now, first of all, notice what is not prohibited here.
Voters can still bring bottled water or other food or beverages with them to stand on line to vote, as people often do when waiting at Disney World or to buy concert tickets or in other public places where people stand on long lines.
Voters can still also, if they like, order food; the bill doesn’t stop the Domino’s Pizza man or the local hot dog cart or taco truck from doing business.
And if you feel impelled to donate food and drink to voters, you can still do that, too; you just have to give it to the poll workers so they can put it out for general use.
The president’s claim that “You can’t provide water for people about to vote” is just false.
And the MSM again LIES... See below!

View attachment 473693

The trouble is that none of it happened. The people who were delivering food and water were non-partisan volunteers. They didn't ask who they were voting for or tell them to vote a certain way. The claim is true whether you wanht to acknowledge the truth or not. No other state has such a law. Even Lidsay Graham says it makes no sense.

Actually, other states DO have similar laws.

Just for example.

You are a liar as usual.

Montana: On election day, a candidate, a family member of a candidate, or a worker or volunteer for the candidate’s campaign may not distribute alcohol, tobacco, food, drink, or anything of value to a voter within a polling place or a building in which an election is being held or within 100 feet of an entrance to the building in which the polling place is located.

Montana only bans someone connected to a candidate from giving water.

New York: Furnishing money or entertainment to induce attendance at polls. Any person who directly or indirectly by himself or through any other person in connection with or in respect of any election during the hours of voting on a day of a general, special or primary election gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than persons who are official representatives of the board of elections or political parties and committees and persons who are engaged as watchers, party representatives or workers assisting the candidate, except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

Georia law specifically prevents anyone from giving food or water to a voter. Even Lindsay Graham admits this makes no sense.

YOU are a liar, as usual. I don't even need to read the post to know that, simply because A) you're a leftist, and B) you still have the gall to call ANYONE, let alone me, a liar.

Since we both know you didn't read the actual Election Integrity Act - and probably not the laws of Montana or New York, either - I did it for you. Here's the ENTIRE text of the relevant statute that the Election Integrity Act amended.

Chapter 2, Title 21 of the Official Code of Georgia, Section 33:

1868 Said chapter is further amended by revising subsections (a) and (e) of Code 1869 Section 21-2-414, relating to restrictions on campaign activities and public opinion polling
1870 within the vicinity of a polling place, cellular phone use prohibited, prohibition of candidates
1871 from entering certain polling places, and penalty, as follows:
1872 "(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any
1873 person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give,
1874 or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and
1875 drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any
1876 person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables
1877 or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast:
1878 (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is
1879 established;
1880 (2) Within any polling place; or
1881 (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place.
1882 These restrictions shall not apply to conduct occurring in private offices or areas which
1883 cannot be seen or heard by such electors."
1884 "(e) This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer from distributing
1885 materials, as required by law, which are necessary for the purpose of instructing electors
1886 or from distributing materials prepared by the Secretary of State which are designed solely
1887 for the purpose of encouraging voter participation in the election being conducted or from
1888 making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in
1889 line to vote."

The underlined parts are what the Election Integrity Act added to the existing statute. Context is everything. Georgia's law very clearly is excluding ONLY people who are using gifts of food or drinks for the purpose of electioneering, and is also only excluding them from doing it within 150 feet of the building, or 25 feet of the line itself. It's not excluding the Domino's delivery guy you ordered from, or your family member from running to the convenience store and bringing something back, or even from some nice person donating coolers of water for the poll workers to hand out to everyone.

So next time you want to prance in here and call me a liar on the basis of the talking points you were given to "prove" the talking points you started out with, you're cordially invited to go fuck yourself.
A. The GA law DOES criminalize providing water to people in line to vote

B. It DOES curtail voting hours

C. It takes the election out of the hands of the Secretary of State and gives it to the partisan legislature
All those are false.

A) people can still get water...and have it provided for them within 150 Feet.
B) Nope, the opposite...iit extends voting...makes voting early easier...and opens them up for more days "
Changes to early voting
One of the biggest changes in the bill would expand early voting access for most counties, adding an additional mandatory Saturday and formally codifying Sunday voting hours as optional. Counties can have early voting open as long as 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., or 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at minimum"

C) wrong again...it expands the authority of the State Election Board....one of the key things it does is allows it to step in, in real time when there are long lines, instead of waiting til after the fact, to add polling stations and machines.

It's obvious you haven't read the old law, or the new law. You are spreading already debunked propaganda.

It also cuts drop-off boxes. The number of droip boxes in Fulton County will go from 38 in 2020 to 8.
Prior to the emergency changes for Covid, there was no drop boxes in GA...like a lot of other states, so now...drop boxes are in fact the law...could they add more in the future if needed? Sure...because it's law.....it also makes non-excuse absentee voting, the law...Quid Pro Joe's home state doesn't allow for that.

With that said, it also greatly extends early voting...making the need for absentee ballots less.
It's no lie.

It used to be only campaign material was prohibited. Food and water were indeed added. The addition is completely idiotic. "Food" was one of the search terms I used when viewing the bill yesterday.
( Georgia republicans just made water an illegal substance )

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You left this out
1807 SECTION 33.
1808 Said chapter is further amended by revising subsections (a) and (e) of Code
1809 Section 21-2-414, relating to restrictions on campaign activities and public opinion polling
1810 within the vicinity of a polling place, cellular phone use prohibited, prohibition of candidates
1811 from entering certain polling places, and penalty, as follows:

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