Why more and more people distrust Biden and the BIASED MSM..."GA bans volunteers from delivering water, etc. BIG ASS LIE!

Why are you all making this faux outrage

IMO because people who are incensed about something are more likely to be motivated to vote. Fox News proved that in 2010.
Don't disagree...the left is spreading lies and propaganda, and race baiting...which is all common for them...in attempts to try to get more people to vote in GA against the GOP. They can't win on policies...so they lie
See the attached Google search on "GA bill prohibits water" over 2,550,000 stories lies!
FACTS and reality!
Biden said "“You can’t provide water for people about to vote”
And the biased MSM as you can see below as well as Biden are total LIARS!
WHAT is ILLEGAL is the democrat vote solicitor who holds a bottle of water in front of the voter and says.."are you thirsty?... OK if you vote for Biden I'll give you this water"!! THAT's what is illegal!
But of course people like MSM and Biden are just so stupid and say you can't get water if you are standing in voting line!
HOW dumb!
Let’s take a look at what S.B. 202 actually says:
No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter]
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.
The parts in bold are what S.B. 202 added to the statute.

Now, first of all, notice what is not prohibited here.
Voters can still bring bottled water or other food or beverages with them to stand on line to vote, as people often do when waiting at Disney World or to buy concert tickets or in other public places where people stand on long lines.
Voters can still also, if they like, order food; the bill doesn’t stop the Domino’s Pizza man or the local hot dog cart or taco truck from doing business.
And if you feel impelled to donate food and drink to voters, you can still do that, too; you just have to give it to the poll workers so they can put it out for general use.
The president’s claim that “You can’t provide water for people about to vote” is just false.
And the MSM again LIES... See below!

View attachment 473693

We are still claiming your new laws do make it illegal to hand out water to people waiting in long lines. Long lines because you under staff the voting precincts where blacks vote. And you make it harder to do absentee voting. Republicans are such racists. They say this isn't designed to stop black people from voting but we know it is.

Just last week, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed a bill into law that imposes new requirements to vote by mail, restricts the use of drop boxes and criminalizes people who give water or food to voters standing in line. Many of the most restrictive elements of the Georgia bill are also being pushed by Republican legislators in 43 states.

Voting rights experts and activists have compared the repressive policies to racist voter suppression laws enacted during the Jim Crow era because of their disproportionate impact on nonwhite voters, and last week, President Joe Biden called the Georgia bill “Jim Crow in the 21st century.”

In Wednesday’s joint statement, the group of Black executives said, “The disproportionate racial impact of these allegedly ‘neutral laws’ should neither be overlooked nor excused.”

For weeks, activists in Georgia have threatened to boycott several large, Georgia-based corporations ― including Coca-Cola, Home Depot and Delta ― if the companies don’t use their power to oppose voter suppression measures. On Wednesday, Delta’s CEO reversed course after Delta originally supported the bill. In a memo to employees, CEO Ed Bastian said the company now finds the bill “unacceptable” after “having time to now fully understand” what is in it.
in attempts to try to get more people to vote in GA against the GOP

They learned the technique from Faux News, who combined with the Neo-GOP made spreading half truths, lies and propaganda, an art-form. Infotainment. Yellow opinion based talk shows disguised as News 24/7/365 on a 2 and 4 year cycle.
in attempts to try to get more people to vote in GA against the GOP

They learned the technique from Faux News, who combined with the Neo-GOP made spreading half truths, lies and propaganda, an art-form. Infotainment. Yellow opinion based talk shows disguised as News 24/7/365 on a 2 and 4 year cycle.
hahah the left has been playing divisionist racist politics long before Fox News ever existed.
in attempts to try to get more people to vote in GA against the GOP

They learned the technique from Faux News, who combined with the Neo-GOP made spreading half truths, lies and propaganda, an art-form. Infotainment. Yellow opinion based talk shows disguised as News 24/7/365 on a 2 and 4 year cycle.
hahah the left has been playing divisionist racist politics long before Fox News ever existed.

Yellow journalism and mass propaganda has certainly been around and used by powerful interests for a long time. However, political messaging was limited by law in the early days of nationwide network radio broadcasts and was extended to include the television networks when they arrived. They understood the dangers of one party controlling the airwaves and broadcasting from a single political perspective and excluding any other point of view. They discarded that doctrine in the late 80's which led to the rise of the radio talk shows and they did that very thing, broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7/365 and excluding any other point of view.. Their audience grew during the Clinton years and they flexed their power when GW tried to pass immigration reform with amnesty. They have created an alterative fact universe for their avid fans. They are an integral part of the Faux Right Wing Echo Chamber. They just got a head start but the other side is catching up.
in attempts to try to get more people to vote in GA against the GOP

They learned the technique from Faux News, who combined with the Neo-GOP made spreading half truths, lies and propaganda, an art-form. Infotainment. Yellow opinion based talk shows disguised as News 24/7/365 on a 2 and 4 year cycle.
hahah the left has been playing divisionist racist politics long before Fox News ever existed.

Yellow journalism and mass propaganda has certainly been around and used by powerful interests for a long time. However, political messaging was limited by law in the early days of nationwide network radio broadcasts and was extended to include the television networks when they arrived. They understood the dangers of one party controlling the airwaves and broadcasting from a single political perspective and excluding any other point of view. They discarded that doctrine in the late 80's which led to the rise of the radio talk shows and they did that very thing, broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7/365 and excluding any other point of view.. Their audience grew during the Clinton years and they flexed their power when GW tried to pass immigration reform with amnesty. They have created an alterative fact universe for their avid fans. They are an integral part of the Faux Right Wing Echo Chamber. They just got a head start but the other side is catching up.
I believe you are referring to the Fairness Doctrine...media, including radio media was around long before it was put into place in the 1949....it was formally removed as a rule under the Obama admin in 2011.

Certainly I don't disagree, that once it was not enforced...talk radio became more popular for a source...but you are ignoring the rise of cable and the 24/7 news...such as the first...CNN. It served a purpose in the early days of TV, because of the limits to broadcast media...but doesn't today, since there are so many different places to hear and discussion controversial issues....be it, the TV, radio, or internet. ....back in the day there were only three TV networks, and they also controlled radio.

The Fairness Doctrine really didn't do much...people are going to listen to who they want...and i think you might be confusing it with the "equal-time rule" which is still in place, that requires broadcasters to give the other candidates equal time to express their views.
in attempts to try to get more people to vote in GA against the GOP

They learned the technique from Faux News, who combined with the Neo-GOP made spreading half truths, lies and propaganda, an art-form. Infotainment. Yellow opinion based talk shows disguised as News 24/7/365 on a 2 and 4 year cycle.
hahah the left has been playing divisionist racist politics long before Fox News ever existed.

Yellow journalism and mass propaganda has certainly been around and used by powerful interests for a long time. However, political messaging was limited by law in the early days of nationwide network radio broadcasts and was extended to include the television networks when they arrived. They understood the dangers of one party controlling the airwaves and broadcasting from a single political perspective and excluding any other point of view. They discarded that doctrine in the late 80's which led to the rise of the radio talk shows and they did that very thing, broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7/365 and excluding any other point of view.. Their audience grew during the Clinton years and they flexed their power when GW tried to pass immigration reform with amnesty. They have created an alterative fact universe for their avid fans. They are an integral part of the Faux Right Wing Echo Chamber. They just got a head start but the other side is catching up.
I believe you are referring to the Fairness Doctrine...media, including radio media was around long before it was put into place in the 1949....it was formally removed as a rule under the Obama admin in 2011.

Certainly I don't disagree, that once it was not enforced...talk radio became more popular for a source...but you are ignoring the rise of cable and the 24/7 news...such as the first...CNN. It served a purpose in the early days of TV, because of the limits to broadcast media...but doesn't today, since there are so many different places to hear and discussion controversial issues....be it, the TV, radio, or internet. ....back in the day there were only three TV networks, and they also controlled radio.

The Fairness Doctrine really didn't do much...people are going to listen to who they want...and i think you might be confusing it with the "equal-time rule" which is still in place, that requires broadcasters to give the other candidates equal time to express their views.

First, the idea of “equal time” is born out of the regulation that has to do with political advertising. Simply put, if a broadcast station sells ad time or offers free time to a candidate for an office, it has to offer similar access to other qualified candidates. The equal time rule still exists today, but the Fairness Doctrine does not.

The Federal Communications Commission abolished The Fairness Doctrine in 1987. The regulation stretched back to the Radio Act of 1927 that mandated broadcast license holder “serve the public interest.” In 1949, The FCC introduced the fairness doctrine regulation just as the FCC was issuing broadcast licenses, and when three TV networks (NBC, ABC and CBS) ruled the television airwaves.

in attempts to try to get more people to vote in GA against the GOP

They learned the technique from Faux News, who combined with the Neo-GOP made spreading half truths, lies and propaganda, an art-form. Infotainment. Yellow opinion based talk shows disguised as News 24/7/365 on a 2 and 4 year cycle.
hahah the left has been playing divisionist racist politics long before Fox News ever existed.

Yellow journalism and mass propaganda has certainly been around and used by powerful interests for a long time. However, political messaging was limited by law in the early days of nationwide network radio broadcasts and was extended to include the television networks when they arrived. They understood the dangers of one party controlling the airwaves and broadcasting from a single political perspective and excluding any other point of view. They discarded that doctrine in the late 80's which led to the rise of the radio talk shows and they did that very thing, broadcasting from a single political perspective 24/7/365 and excluding any other point of view.. Their audience grew during the Clinton years and they flexed their power when GW tried to pass immigration reform with amnesty. They have created an alterative fact universe for their avid fans. They are an integral part of the Faux Right Wing Echo Chamber. They just got a head start but the other side is catching up.
I believe you are referring to the Fairness Doctrine...media, including radio media was around long before it was put into place in the 1949....it was formally removed as a rule under the Obama admin in 2011.

Certainly I don't disagree, that once it was not enforced...talk radio became more popular for a source...but you are ignoring the rise of cable and the 24/7 news...such as the first...CNN. It served a purpose in the early days of TV, because of the limits to broadcast media...but doesn't today, since there are so many different places to hear and discussion controversial issues....be it, the TV, radio, or internet. ....back in the day there were only three TV networks, and they also controlled radio.

The Fairness Doctrine really didn't do much...people are going to listen to who they want...and i think you might be confusing it with the "equal-time rule" which is still in place, that requires broadcasters to give the other candidates equal time to express their views.

First, the idea of “equal time” is born out of the regulation that has to do with political advertising. Simply put, if a broadcast station sells ad time or offers free time to a candidate for an office, it has to offer similar access to other qualified candidates. The equal time rule still exists today, but the Fairness Doctrine does not.

The Federal Communications Commission abolished The Fairness Doctrine in 1987. The regulation stretched back to the Radio Act of 1927 that mandated broadcast license holder “serve the public interest.” In 1949, The FCC introduced the fairness doctrine regulation just as the FCC was issuing broadcast licenses, and when three TV networks (NBC, ABC and CBS) ruled the television airwaves.

As you highlighted the FCC introduced the doctrine in 49...it was taken off the Federal Register by the Obama Admin in 2011.

The Equal Time doctrine is more the ads...broadcasters have to give the other side a chance to present their view..the other side can certainly say no. But they must at least attempt.
I googled “2021 passed Georgia election laws”. Although some contributors to this thread posted 2nd parties’ selected excerpts to what they allege to be true transcripts of the laws’ text, the NY Times or other 2n party publishers are not authoritative sources of the laws’ texts.
But the NY times link is allegedly a transcript of the entire, rather than a small excerpt of Georgia’s election laws passed in 2021. The NY Times link is:
Georgia Voting Law: Full Text - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Referring to excerpts from section 33, line numbers 1867 - 1889, as previously excerpted from other 2nd parties published alleged excerpts from their transcriptions of the newly passed 2021 Georgia election laws: there‘
s nothing that effectively would prevent election officials to wrongfully decide that that persons on voting lines are being illegally enticed or bribed, and effectively prohibit water or food to be brought to the lines.

Although election officials and poll workers are permitted to assist waiting voter be made more comfortable, they are not required to do so, and again, election officials can prohibit such support be granted to those on the voting lines. Georgia elected officials have effectively been granted the power to deny water to those waiting on voting lines.
If you believe otherwise, search the 98-page, 2,512-line transcript and find what could effectively prevent election officials from denying water to persons on voting lines.
Respectfully, Supposn
I googled “2021 passed Georgia election laws”. Although some contributors to this thread posted 2nd parties’ selected excerpts to what they allege to be true transcripts of the laws’ text, the NY Times or other 2n party publishers are not authoritative sources of the laws’ texts.
But the NY times link is allegedly a transcript of the entire, rather than a small excerpt of Georgia’s election laws passed in 2021. The NY Times link is:
Georgia Voting Law: Full Text - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Referring to excerpts from section 33, line numbers 1867 - 1889, as previously excerpted from other 2nd parties published alleged excerpts from their transcriptions of the newly passed 2021 Georgia election laws: there‘
s nothing that effectively would prevent election officials to wrongfully decide that that persons on voting lines are being illegally enticed or bribed, and effectively prohibit water or food to be brought to the lines.

Although election officials and poll workers are permitted to assist waiting voter be made more comfortable, they are not required to do so, and again, election officials can prohibit such support be granted to those on the voting lines. Georgia elected officials have effectively been granted the power to deny water to those waiting on voting lines.
If you believe otherwise, search the 98-page, 2,512-line transcript and find what could effectively prevent election officials from denying water to persons on voting lines.
Respectfully, Supposn

The volunteers are required to help them cast their vote...they aren't required to water and feed them...geez....these people are suppose to be adults voting...why are volunteers at a polling station required to feed them? What state requires polling station volunteers to feed people in line?

Are the folks at DMV going to be required to feed me now? There are much longer lines there.

Look if you are overly concerned...why don't you donate p[izzas and water? Give it to each polling station and they will make it openly available to all the people within 150 feet.
I googled “2021 passed Georgia election laws”. Although some contributors to this thread posted 2nd parties’ selected excerpts to what they allege to be true transcripts of the laws’ text, the NY Times or other 2n party publishers are not authoritative sources of the laws’ texts.
But the NY times link is allegedly a transcript of the entire, rather than a small excerpt of Georgia’s election laws passed in 2021. The NY Times link is:
Georgia Voting Law: Full Text - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Referring to excerpts from section 33, line numbers 1867 - 1889, as previously excerpted from other 2nd parties published alleged excerpts from their transcriptions of the newly passed 2021 Georgia election laws: there‘
s nothing that effectively would prevent election officials to wrongfully decide that that persons on voting lines are being illegally enticed or bribed, and effectively prohibit water or food to be brought to the lines.

Although election officials and poll workers are permitted to assist waiting voter be made more comfortable, they are not required to do so, and again, election officials can prohibit such support be granted to those on the voting lines. Georgia elected officials have effectively been granted the power to deny water to those waiting on voting lines.
If you believe otherwise, search the 98-page, 2,512-line transcript and find what could effectively prevent election officials from denying water to persons on voting lines.
Respectfully, Supposn

Ah, so this is all based on you ASSuming that, because there is not explicit language REQUIRING poll workers to provide coolers of water bottles and prohibiting them from demanding that people not bring their own water bottles, they are now going to OBVIOUSLY start walking down lines and smacking the Aquafina out of people's hands. Because poll workers are all sadistic sociopaths who have no greater concern or joy in life than torturing people with dehydration.
Any person who…in respect of any election during the hours of voting…gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than [poll workers and other voting officials], except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. N.Y. Elec. Law § 17-140

I take that back....NY is far more strict....
Looks like water is excepted there genius
I googled “2021 passed Georgia election laws”. Although some contributors to this thread posted 2nd parties’ selected excerpts to what they allege to be true transcripts of the laws’ text, the NY Times or other 2n party publishers are not authoritative sources of the laws’ texts.
But the NY times link is allegedly a transcript of the entire, rather than a small excerpt of Georgia’s election laws passed in 2021. The NY Times link is:
Georgia Voting Law: Full Text - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Referring to excerpts from section 33, line numbers 1867 - 1889, as previously excerpted from other 2nd parties published alleged excerpts from their transcriptions of the newly passed 2021 Georgia election laws: there‘
s nothing that effectively would prevent election officials to wrongfully decide that that persons on voting lines are being illegally enticed or bribed, and effectively prohibit water or food to be brought to the lines.

Although election officials and poll workers are permitted to assist waiting voter be made more comfortable, they are not required to do so, and again, election officials can prohibit such support be granted to those on the voting lines. Georgia elected officials have effectively been granted the power to deny water to those waiting on voting lines.
If you believe otherwise, search the 98-page, 2,512-line transcript and find what could effectively prevent election officials from denying water to persons on voting lines.
Respectfully, Supposn

Here is the exact words of S.B. 202 :
No person shall solicit votes [or] distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to [a voter] …
This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote.

Where in the above is there a denying water? "shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to [a voter] waiting in line to vote"

And your source NYT???
Now one of the most left wing biased fact checking says this
A Georgia law has not “criminalized giving people bottles of water.” It pertains to political organizations.
  • One provision of the new law includes a ban on giving away water or food to voters within a certain distance of voters or polling sites.
  • The new law allows poll workers to set up self-serve water stations for voters to use.

So again, where are voters denied water?
Any person who…in respect of any election during the hours of voting…gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than [poll workers and other voting officials], except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. N.Y. Elec. Law § 17-140

I take that back....NY is far more strict....
Looks like water is excepted there genius
No...water is "drink" - - what do you think the retail price of a bottle of water is in NYC?
Any person who…in respect of any election during the hours of voting…gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than [poll workers and other voting officials], except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. N.Y. Elec. Law § 17-140

I take that back....NY is far more strict....
Looks like water is excepted there genius
No...water is "drink" - - what do you think the retail price of a bottle of water is in NYC?
If the argument comes down to pennies...no one is going to enforce dumbass
I suffer from a disability that requires me to constantly be drinking water at all times or I will get a kidney stone.

I take water with me everywhere.

Since this whole pandemic started and these mask mandates have started? It has been a particular pain in the ass.

I really don't have any sympathy. . . none at all for folks bitching about not letting campaigns give them water. It is not that damn hard to take a water bottle with you. It really isn't.

It is stupid and silly.

If states want to prohibit the passing out of food and water by volunteers to keep campaigns from politicking around the polls? That is just fine.

Anyone that is bitching about it is a disingenuous partisan hack.
Fyi, the bitch was not about campaigns giving water to people who have to spend hours in line, waiting to vote.

Its been illegal for campaigns to campaign in the voter lines or within 150 of the polling place for a while....

The bitch is about making it illegal for anyone to hand out water to them.....

Maybe this was not the legislature's intention, but it is what the new law states.
Hey. You are better than that.

They made it illegal for someone being allowed to electioneer by offering something of value. The law allowed for deputized polling officials to offer water....what they tried to stop was water bottles saying "vote for Jane Doe" within 150 feet of a polling place.

I know it means little to you. I am OK with it. But your recent posts have made me feel differently about your agenda. I thought you were sincere...and I told you that....but for you to write this post? You are from from sincere.

I am disappointed. I know....you dont care about my disappointment. But I do.
good morning SC
Electioneering and campaigning within 150 yards from the polling place has been the law and illegal.... So what was the purpose of the new law?

And this new law, made it illegal for anyone to give out water or food to those waiting hours in line, not just those campaign workers.

That may not have been their intention, but it is how the law is written and interpreted by legal scholars.
It was written because it was noticed that people not affiliated with the poll were giving out water to people on line to vote during the Georgia senate re election. No big deal, but some people on line said they were being told they should vote one was over another. REP? DEM? I don't know....but there was never a law in Georgia that PREVENTED people from using the excuse of "offering basic needs" to voters on line....so Georgia said "we will offer water, but those not deputized as election officials can not". No freaking deal. Mkaes snese. Do you want Eric Trump giving water to voters with a bottle with Donalds face on it and saying "vote trump and you will get free stuff"?

As for your legAL scholars....they are no different than the LEGAL scholars that say otherwise.
Georgia did not mandate the water being given out in the law by polling places...it simply says THEY COULD do such. It left it up to the poll workers... If they are busy, they likely will not have a poll worker free to do such.... Or the polling place will have to pay extra for an additional poll worker to be a water boy, and buy bottles of water to set up outside at different intervals.... Its not like you can leave your place in line to walk to one of these water set up receptacles set up at the entry door...

Do you have a link for your claim that voters in line complained the water givers were campaigning and trying to convince voters to change their votes?
That is unfair.
You are saying the people in polling places have the right to deny people water.
So you are saying people want to see people suffer.
How can I respond to that?
This is a debate that has assumptions on your part that people have evil intentions.
How can I debate that?
FYI....poll workers are of all backgrounds. Here in SC? They are Jewish, Catholic, Black, White, Asian.....no agenda. Just there to make sure the voters are comfortable. They attest to doing that.

All Georgia wanted was to make sure that non deputized individuals had the ability to electioneer within the 150 foot perimeter.

And it seems your response is "those deputized individuals will allow people to suffer dehydration"

Sorry ....but that is an insult to human compassion and an insult to my integrity.

Go for it if it makes you feel good. Me? No interest. Based on our interaction, You are a fraud and I am ashamed I reached out to you personally.
Are you saying every polling place is going to buy bottled water by the case and store them at each polling place just in case they end up having a long line with hours of wait?

The law states NO ONE can pass out water or food 150 ft from poll.... A misdemeanor if anyone does.
And there's the rub. Beyond 150 feet there's no problem. You act like this law will force someone a quarter mile away, fainting from the heat, to die on the sidewalk. That's ridiculous.
I suffer from a disability that requires me to constantly be drinking water at all times or I will get a kidney stone.

I take water with me everywhere.

Since this whole pandemic started and these mask mandates have started? It has been a particular pain in the ass.

I really don't have any sympathy. . . none at all for folks bitching about not letting campaigns give them water. It is not that damn hard to take a water bottle with you. It really isn't.

It is stupid and silly.

If states want to prohibit the passing out of food and water by volunteers to keep campaigns from politicking around the polls? That is just fine.

Anyone that is bitching about it is a disingenuous partisan hack.
Fyi, the bitch was not about campaigns giving water to people who have to spend hours in line, waiting to vote.

Its been illegal for campaigns to campaign in the voter lines or within 150 of the polling place for a while....

The bitch is about making it illegal for anyone to hand out water to them.....

Maybe this was not the legislature's intention, but it is what the new law states.
Hey. You are better than that.

They made it illegal for someone being allowed to electioneer by offering something of value. The law allowed for deputized polling officials to offer water....what they tried to stop was water bottles saying "vote for Jane Doe" within 150 feet of a polling place.

I know it means little to you. I am OK with it. But your recent posts have made me feel differently about your agenda. I thought you were sincere...and I told you that....but for you to write this post? You are from from sincere.

I am disappointed. I know....you dont care about my disappointment. But I do.
good morning SC
Electioneering and campaigning within 150 yards from the polling place has been the law and illegal.... So what was the purpose of the new law?

And this new law, made it illegal for anyone to give out water or food to those waiting hours in line, not just those campaign workers.

That may not have been their intention, but it is how the law is written and interpreted by legal scholars.
It was written because it was noticed that people not affiliated with the poll were giving out water to people on line to vote during the Georgia senate re election. No big deal, but some people on line said they were being told they should vote one was over another. REP? DEM? I don't know....but there was never a law in Georgia that PREVENTED people from using the excuse of "offering basic needs" to voters on line....so Georgia said "we will offer water, but those not deputized as election officials can not". No freaking deal. Mkaes snese. Do you want Eric Trump giving water to voters with a bottle with Donalds face on it and saying "vote trump and you will get free stuff"?

As for your legAL scholars....they are no different than the LEGAL scholars that say otherwise.
Georgia did not mandate the water being given out in the law by polling places...it simply says THEY COULD do such. It left it up to the poll workers... If they are busy, they likely will not have a poll worker free to do such.... Or the polling place will have to pay extra for an additional poll worker to be a water boy, and buy bottles of water to set up outside at different intervals.... Its not like you can leave your place in line to walk to one of these water set up receptacles set up at the entry door...

Do you have a link for your claim that voters in line complained the water givers were campaigning and trying to convince voters to change their votes?
That is unfair.
You are saying the people in polling places have the right to deny people water.
So you are saying people want to see people suffer.
How can I respond to that?
This is a debate that has assumptions on your part that people have evil intentions.
How can I debate that?
FYI....poll workers are of all backgrounds. Here in SC? They are Jewish, Catholic, Black, White, Asian.....no agenda. Just there to make sure the voters are comfortable. They attest to doing that.

All Georgia wanted was to make sure that non deputized individuals had the ability to electioneer within the 150 foot perimeter.

And it seems your response is "those deputized individuals will allow people to suffer dehydration"

Sorry ....but that is an insult to human compassion and an insult to my integrity.

Go for it if it makes you feel good. Me? No interest. Based on our interaction, You are a fraud and I am ashamed I reached out to you personally.
Are you saying every polling place is going to buy bottled water by the case and store them at each polling place just in case they end up having a long line with hours of wait?

The law states NO ONE can pass out water or food 150 ft from poll.... A misdemeanor if anyone does.
And there's the rub. Beyond 150 feet there's no problem. You act like this law will force someone a quarter mile away, fainting from the heat, to die on the sidewalk. That's ridiculous.
That's not true. It states
"any voter in line"
Any person who…in respect of any election during the hours of voting…gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than [poll workers and other voting officials], except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. N.Y. Elec. Law § 17-140

I take that back....NY is far more strict....
Looks like water is excepted there genius
No...water is "drink" - - what do you think the retail price of a bottle of water is in NYC?
If the argument comes down to pennies...no one is going to enforce dumbass
So the argument now is enforcement, not the law? So how do you even know if anyone with enforce the law in GA?

it appears then your argument our outrage about the GA Law then is...faux.

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