Why murder rose 29% last year....no, it isn't guns. The democrat war on police is a major problem.

Once again...you claim that he had his hands up while the Coroner's report quite clearly indicates that he did not!

except there's really no way a coroner could prove where his hands were when the first bullet hit him.

So let's try a little experiment.

You have your hands up. Not straight up over your head, but with your upper arms at a 45 degree angle and your forearms up. This is how most people would put their hands up.

The first bullet hits you, your instinctive reflect would be to bring your arms down to protect your body. The other five bullets hit him while he was in the process of doubling over, until the last one hit him in the top of the head.
except there's really no way a coroner could prove where his hands were when the first bullet hit him.

So let's try a little experiment.

You have your hands up. Not straight up over your head, but with your upper arms at a 45 degree angle and your forearms up. This is how most people would put their hands up.

The first bullet hits you, your instinctive reflect would be to bring your arms down to protect your body. The other five bullets hit him while he was in the process of doubling over, until the last one hit him in the top of the head.

The Washington Post story explained it....so now you have to tap dance and lie about what they said......

The witnesses stated he charged the police officer and his hands were not up.....obama's very own gestapo at the Justice Department couldn't find enough evidence to string up that cop....you moron.......if the obama's gestapo couldn't get it done, it couldn't get done......you idiot.
The Washington Post story explained it....so now you have to tap dance and lie about what they said......

The witnesses stated he charged the police officer and his hands were not up.....obama's very own gestapo at the Justice Department couldn't find enough evidence to string up that cop....you moron.......if the obama's gestapo couldn't get it done, it couldn't get done......you idiot.

Naw, man, that just proved that Obama and Holder were kind of wusses...

Of course, it's kind of hard to bring a Federal Civil Rights action after a state court has acquitted, that's kind of the thing.

The only case where it was successful was when they retried the Rodney King Cops, and even then, half those guys were acquitted despite being caught on tape doing exactly what they were accused of.

16 Witnesses said that he had his hands up. Period. Full stop.

There are people in jail on a lot less evidence...but they are poor and black, so that makes it okay.
Naw, man, that just proved that Obama and Holder were kind of wusses...

Of course, it's kind of hard to bring a Federal Civil Rights action after a state court has acquitted, that's kind of the thing.

The only case where it was successful was when they retried the Rodney King Cops, and even then, half those guys were acquitted despite being caught on tape doing exactly what they were accused of.

16 Witnesses said that he had his hands up. Period. Full stop.

There are people in jail on a lot less evidence...but they are poor and black, so that makes it okay.

And the actual investigation as posted in my post….shows those witnesses lied or just repeated what they heard everybody else say.
You mean after the cops and DA threatened them, some of them changed their story.

Come on, if Wilson wasn't a cop, he'd be in prison right now.
The truth, Joey...which you stubbornly refuse to admit...is that the majority of your "eyewitnesses" that claimed Brown had his hands up admitted later that they hadn't actually SEEN that happen but they had HEARD that's what happened! Other witnesses that actually saw what happened and testified to the FBI that Brown didn't have his hands up and was moving towards Wilson when he was shot said they were reluctant to speak up because of the way it was being reported by the media.
And the actual investigation as posted in my post….shows those witnesses lied or just repeated what they heard everybody else say.

You mean investigators who had no interest in actually prosecuting a cop? This is the whole problem, it's why you have BLM Riots. Cops do this shit, they bully witnesses, they lie on reports, and the proseuctors usually give them a pass unless you have a videotape.

Let's go closer to home. When Laquan McDonald was shot, the cops filed false reports, intimidated witnesses, rushed around to neighboring stores to erase videotapes, and of 8 cop cars there, seven of them didn't record anything.

Only one car did, and the CPD tried to hide the evidence, paid the family a 5 million dollar bribe, and fought the press for a year on the release of that tape.

The truth, Joey...which you stubbornly refuse to admit...is that the majority of your "eyewitnesses" that claimed Brown had his hands up admitted later that they hadn't actually SEEN that happen but they had HEARD that's what happened! Other witnesses that actually saw what happened and testified to the FBI that Brown didn't have his hands up and was moving towards Wilson when he was shot said they were reluctant to speak up because of the way it was being reported by the media.

See above. Yes, it's really hard to get justice when you have the authorities intimidate witnesses.
This article looks at the massive increase in murder......it shows in the charts how the rise in murder correlates to the blm and democrat party attacks on police following the George Floyd case......the democrats have decided they want to put control of police in Federal hands......so they did everything they could to undermine the police....using their terrorist wings, the blm and antifa thugs of the democrat party...

It’s something but I still think the Times is downplaying the obvious a bit. Here’s the chart of the monthly murder rate. What you’ll see is that the first month where the murder rate started to spike above the average in previous years was May. Why in May? Because George Floyd was killed on May 25th and by the next day the video was going viral. The final weekend of May became a weekend of violent protests which pushed the monthly numbers out of orbit. And from there the murder rate continued to go up as sometimes violent anti-police protests were taking place around the country:


Why would the death of George Floyd be connected with a wave of violence? I think the answer to that has to do with the nature of the protests, which were explicitly hostile to police. Police pulled back as protesters created autonomous zones in some cities.

It was basically the Ferguson Effect all on a national scale.

As police pulled back, criminals had less fear of consequences and also, some people felt more inclined to seek street justice rather than call the police when a disagreement arose. That’s the “increased distrust” mentioned above. The protests last year didn’t have to actually defund police departments in order to have a significant impact on the behavior of both cops and criminals.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Portland had some of the most consistent and most violent protests last year and also lost a lot of officers to retirement and resignations. Portland was a worst case scenario for the connection between anti-police protests and increased violence and the numbers seem to reflect that.

Gee, who was in charge last year?
Whether or not
It's amusing how you keep trotting out that fake narrative that Michael Brown had his hands up. The truth is that he had turned and was coming back at the Police officer that he had just assaulted. Why is it, Joey that all of your "examples" need to be enhanced with untruths?
Brown didn't assault Wilson and the fact is he was unarmed. So whether he had his hands up or not there was no threat to Wilson.
Only one of the many reasons democrats need hunted down like rabid dogs and extinguished on sight Unless someone knows a democRat worth his salt. Let me know.

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