Why N. Koreas recent hydrogen bomb test could be a good thing.


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
One thing about practically all the analysis one sees from the media is that they are flat wrong...mainly because they do not grasp China's game. The journalists labor under their illusion that China has similar goals regarding N. Korea that America does....nothing could be farther from the truth.

Yet it is possible.....'The recent test, a slap in the face for both China and the US, could have a sobering effect on the two powers, sharpening the choices that lay before them and strengthening their resolve to cooperate for a solution'...but I am still not convinced of that. Because I seriously doubt if China wants a solution for America regarding N. Korea. China as always is concerned about what benefits China and what hurts or may hurt China....so far they really do not see N. Korea as a real problem for them....thus they are trying to milk the situation for all the benefit they may get from it. Now according to reports they are 'concerned' about possible radioactive fallout from the latest test....but it was an underground test...now I suppose it is possible that some may leak into the atmosphere...and if that is the case...China would be concerned....but I seriously doubt N. Korea would have proceeded with that test without China's approval. I remain convinced the two work together...and whilst many fail to see their goal...I think it remains one of attempting to drive America out of their sphere of influence and to drive a wedge between America and S. Korea...in order to get America totally expunged from S. Korea and to eventually also break down the ties between Taiwan and America....China is absolutely obsessed with getting control over Taiwan...they will never veer from that course. For now they want to achieve that goal peacefully but if that does not work...there will come a time when China may be willing to use their military might (which is rapidly increasing) to gain control of Taiwan.

North Korea
The fear from the test is....North Korea has been testing in the same place with all it's nuclear explosion detonations and many fear the ground is going to implode releasing the radioactive pollutants..

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