Why No Justice Department Announcement of Domestic Terrorist Arrest

How come they never called the attack by Sander's supporter James Hodgkinson a "terrorist attack" when he opened fire on a republican baseball team? Actress Kathie Griffon should be in jail for promoting domestic terrorism when she held up a facsimle of the President's bloody head. Actor Peter Fonda should be in jail for domestic terrorism when he tried to promote the kidnapping of the Press Secretary's kids.
You truly are a ridiculous coward, address the topic, stop with the tedious sophistry.
you calling someone a coward?....the guy who post something putting up lots of bullshit, but is to much of a coward to defend what he puts up?....go back to your legos jones,mommy might come home and catch you using her PC....
Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
It’s none of your damn business. You are Canadian!

It's none of your damn business. You are Russian.

80,000 posts in 10 years. Amazing! Truly amazing. That's 1 post every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for 10 years running. Who devotes that kind of time and effort to posting on a message board?
Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
was he jailed?
It’s none of your damn business. You are Canadian!

It's none of your damn business. You are Russian.

80,000 posts in 10 years. Amazing 1 posts per hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for 10 years running. Who devotes that kind of time and effort to posting on a message board?
This is also none of your damn business. But your nose up your ass, that’s where your business is.
Normally when the Justice Department thwarts a major terrorist attack on members of Congress and the national media, the Department holds a press conference to thank the investigators and tout the success of their counter-terrorism forces, but there hasn't been word one out of President Trump's Justice Department about the arrest of this guy:

Christopher Paul Hasson wanted to kill Democrats and journalists, feds say - CNNPolitics

Sharp eyed reporters spotted the case on the local docket and brought it to national attention. Nothing to see here folks. Just the third major incident of domestic right wing terrorism in less than a year. The pipe bombings by the guy in the MAGA Film, and the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

The real National Emergency is sitting in the White House, calling the press the "enemy of the people", the Mueller Investigation a "witch hunt", and stories of his corruption, his dishonesty, and his theft from the public purse "fake news".
what's his crime? what's different than what mccabe did?

McCabe wasn't plotting to murder anyone.
Normally when the Justice Department thwarts a major terrorist attack on members of Congress and the national media, the Department holds a press conference to thank the investigators and tout the success of their counter-terrorism forces, but there hasn't been word one out of President Trump's Justice Department about the arrest of this guy:

Christopher Paul Hasson wanted to kill Democrats and journalists, feds say - CNNPolitics

Sharp eyed reporters spotted the case on the local docket and brought it to national attention. Nothing to see here folks. Just the third major incident of domestic right wing terrorism in less than a year. The pipe bombings by the guy in the MAGA Film, and the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

The real National Emergency is sitting in the White House, calling the press the "enemy of the people", the Mueller Investigation a "witch hunt", and stories of his corruption, his dishonesty, and his theft from the public purse "fake news".
what's his crime? what's different than what mccabe did?

McCabe wasn't plotting to murder anyone.
he was plotting to take a out a sitting president and undermine a sitting president, you're right it was worse.
As a retired Coast Guardsman, I'm ashamed for my service. He was a Marine first though...
Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
was he jailed?

They were all jailed. Trump is really, really quiet about these guys, but let some Muslim in Europe spit on the sidewalk while saying "Allah Akbar", and the they're comning for you next.
Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
was he jailed?

They were all jailed. Trump is really, really quiet about these guys, but let some Muslim in Europe spit on the sidewalk while saying "Allah Akbar", and the they're comning for you next.
all I want are criminals brought to justice. I don't care a party? why would you care, you're canadian, it doesn't relate to you. shut up.
Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
was he jailed?

They were all jailed. Trump is really, really quiet about these guys, but let some Muslim in Europe spit on the sidewalk while saying "Allah Akbar", and the they're comning for you next.
all I want are criminals brought to justice. I don't care a party? why would you care, you're canadian, it doesn't relate to you. shut up.

All you want is for Trump to continue to aid "Mother Russia", as you called it.
Normally when the Justice Department thwarts a major terrorist attack on members of Congress and the national media, the Department holds a press conference to thank the investigators and tout the success of their counter-terrorism forces, but there hasn't been word one out of President Trump's Justice Department about the arrest of this guy:

Christopher Paul Hasson wanted to kill Democrats and journalists, feds say - CNNPolitics

Sharp eyed reporters spotted the case on the local docket and brought it to national attention. Nothing to see here folks. Just the third major incident of domestic right wing terrorism in less than a year. The pipe bombings by the guy in the MAGA Film, and the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

The real National Emergency is sitting in the White House, calling the press the "enemy of the people", the Mueller Investigation a "witch hunt", and stories of his corruption, his dishonesty, and his theft from the public purse "fake news".
The Enemy of Freedom, Truth and Democracy is

Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
was he jailed?

They were all jailed. Trump is really, really quiet about these guys, but let some Muslim in Europe spit on the sidewalk while saying "Allah Akbar", and the they're comning for you next.
all I want are criminals brought to justice. I don't care a party? why would you care, you're canadian, it doesn't relate to you. shut up.

All you want is for Trump to continue to aid "Mother Russia", as you called it.
I love that you Loon Tards keep talking about Russia, doing Putin's bidding and setting yourselves up for a landslide bludgeoning of your Socialist party in 2020.

please, please....give us more Russia.
Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
was he jailed?

They were all jailed. Trump is really, really quiet about these guys, but let some Muslim in Europe spit on the sidewalk while saying "Allah Akbar", and the they're comning for you next.
all I want are criminals brought to justice. I don't care a party? why would you care, you're canadian, it doesn't relate to you. shut up.
She's a Socialist Globalist and just Like Islamocists, they don't want to keep their Agenda Contained within their own Borders. They want to Export it.

They are a lot like a Virus giving the planet a fever.
It's likely that Stephen Paddock's (Vegas) mass shooting was an example of domestic terrorism but the "justice dept" at the time and the FBI were reluctant to call it because the targets were conservative.
Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
was he jailed?

They were all jailed. Trump is really, really quiet about these guys, but let some Muslim in Europe spit on the sidewalk while saying "Allah Akbar", and the they're comning for you next.
all I want are criminals brought to justice. I don't care a party? why would you care, you're canadian, it doesn't relate to you. shut up.

All you want is for Trump to continue to aid "Mother Russia", as you called it.
Trump continues to be president. I'm still waiting for any day now.
It's likely that Stephen Paddock's (Vegas) mass shooting was an example of domestic terrorism but the "justice dept" at the time and the FBI were reluctant to call it because the targets were conservative.
Or Fast and Furious was still going on, and it was a major screw up. Someone didn't like the deal they were getting or got suspicious. When you are dealing with Mexican Drug Cartels and selling them weapons, or handing off weapons to be transported, anything can happen.

Remember the missing hard drive from the laptop they found in his hotel room?

You don't need a laptop to do a mass shooting.

And then remember just a couple days after that, they raided his brother's house under the guise that he had child porn on his PC, and they took his computer too?

I don't believe Paddock killed a single person.

But whomever was in the room with him did. I believe the shooting was to cause a panic and a diversion.

When the actual police got to Paddock's room, he was already dead imo, and the people who did the shooting were long gone, and just blended in with the crowd in the chaos.
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Normally when the Justice Department thwarts a major terrorist attack on members of Congress and the national media, the Department holds a press conference to thank the investigators and tout the success of their counter-terrorism forces, but there hasn't been word one out of President Trump's Justice Department about the arrest of this guy:

Christopher Paul Hasson wanted to kill Democrats and journalists, feds say - CNNPolitics

Sharp eyed reporters spotted the case on the local docket and brought it to national attention. Nothing to see here folks. Just the third major incident of domestic right wing terrorism in less than a year. The pipe bombings by the guy in the MAGA Film, and the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

The real National Emergency is sitting in the White House, calling the press the "enemy of the people", the Mueller Investigation a "witch hunt", and stories of his corruption, his dishonesty, and his theft from the public purse "fake news".
Suspicious timing, no? Right after the Smellit case blew up.
Normally when the Justice Department thwarts a major terrorist attack on members of Congress and the national media, the Department holds a press conference to thank the investigators and tout the success of their counter-terrorism forces, but there hasn't been word one out of President Trump's Justice Department about the arrest of this guy:

Christopher Paul Hasson wanted to kill Democrats and journalists, feds say - CNNPolitics

Sharp eyed reporters spotted the case on the local docket and brought it to national attention. Nothing to see here folks. Just the third major incident of domestic right wing terrorism in less than a year. The pipe bombings by the guy in the MAGA Film, and the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

The real National Emergency is sitting in the White House, calling the press the "enemy of the people", the Mueller Investigation a "witch hunt", and stories of his corruption, his dishonesty, and his theft from the public purse "fake news".

Blame Jussie Smollett and his talk show circuit.......fucked you guys so hard
Because he’s white ! White people can do whatever .

And the cons want to spin their propaganda that left wingers are violent .

Don’t forget that righty kook who mailed powder to every big democrat in the country .
was he jailed?

They were all jailed. Trump is really, really quiet about these guys, but let some Muslim in Europe spit on the sidewalk while saying "Allah Akbar", and the they're comning for you next.
Tough shit Canadian tough shit

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