Why not Donnie ?

You've offended


Trump doubles down on Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' attack after Native American woman calls him 'offensive'

may as well piss off Native Americans too ..
Yep, and yet ...

RCP Average 5/13 - 5/24 -- -- 43.8 42.8 Clinton +1.0
Rasmussen Reports 5/23 - 5/24 1000 LV 3.0 40 39 Clinton +1
ABC News/Wash Post 5/16 - 5/19 829 RV 3.5 44 46 Trump +2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 5/15 - 5/19 1000 RV 3.1 46 43 Clinton +3
FOX News 5/14 - 5/17 1021 RV 3.0 42 45 Trump +3
CBS News/NY Times 5/13 - 5/17 1109 RV 3.0 47 41 Clinton +6
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

Which begs the question, Trump has been going out of his way to offend everybody he can and Clinton has been going out of her way to NOT offend anyone, how can the national polls possibly be this close?

Could it possibly be that both candidates suck ass ? :cool:

I hope you realize looking at polls before any one has a nomination is a worthless exercise.

LOL, why is that? Do you have any data which would provide a better indicator of the probable outcome at this point? I mean other than asking that partisan lemming that stares back at you from within the mirror.

Sure. The white vote is about 70% today, down 15% since 1980. To win 50.1% of the popular vote Republicans will need to win 64% of the white vote. This is why Democrats have been telling Republicans since 2012, that you will need the women vote, the Latino Vote, the Gay vote, etc. Of course Republicans don't listen they have made huge issues out of Abortion, Immigration, Gay marriage etc and have effectively built a wall around those voters. You needed those voters in this election and now what?
Trump is still behind Romneys numbers... and Willard lost his ass before the polls on the west coast closed ...

ponder that.
You've offended


Trump doubles down on Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' attack after Native American woman calls him 'offensive'

may as well piss off Native Americans too ..

Actually he seems to be far better at offending progressive whites, who of course get to decide what is offensive to the various groups that they patronize.

and add the word "progressive or democratic" before each group up there if you want to be accurate.
He was a progressive white four years ago. LOL

And 4 years ago Hillary was against gay marriage. If its Hillary/Trump, consistency will have no place on either side of the election.
ah, the old She did it too defense.
You've offended


Trump doubles down on Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' attack after Native American woman calls him 'offensive'

may as well piss off Native Americans too ..

Actually he seems to be far better at offending progressive whites, who of course get to decide what is offensive to the various groups that they patronize.

and add the word "progressive or democratic" before each group up there if you want to be accurate.

Yeah, right. Or rather, you are wrong as usual. Here's the woman who called his arrogant ass out yesterday.


Donald Trump's Pocahontas comment draws 'that's very offensive' from blogger
Nicole Robertson critical of presidential candidate's remarks before his North Dakota rally

"It's not good. And for someone that's going to be maybe the next American president, you know, he needs to definitely look at building relationships on a nation-to-nation basis with all Native-American leadership in this country."

Robertson, who is Cree, says on her LinkedIn page she created Muskwa Productions in part to help "First Nations in their communication strategies to create accurate representations of their news and events to educate and inform mainstream media."
The sheer arrogance of this motherfucker to stand in the heart of Sioux Nation in North Dakota and make a "Pocahontas" comment shows just how out of touch this megalomaniacal, impotent bastard is.

His fear of women is beyond belief. I truly think he's got a size problem in his Gucci trousers. I suspect the only time he can get an erection is when he's by himself in the bathroom and his children were spawned by artificial insemination.
Nicole Robertson critical of presidential candidate's remarks before his North Dakota rally

"It's not good. And for someone that's going to be maybe the next American president, you know, he needs to definitely look at building relationships on a nation-to-nation basis with all Native-American leadership in this country."
Ms Robertson really needs to take some remedial English lessons.
Nicole Robertson critical of presidential candidate's remarks before his North Dakota rally

"It's not good. And for someone that's going to be maybe the next American president, you know, he needs to definitely look at building relationships on a nation-to-nation basis with all Native-American leadership in this country."
Ms Robertson really needs to take some remedial English lessons.

Go oink yourself, that was her comment when a live camera and mic were put in her face.
You don't ever have to worry about that since no one gives a fuck what you think.

She had the balls to call him out. Something you don't have at all.
Nicole Robertson critical of presidential candidate's remarks before his North Dakota rally

"It's not good. And for someone that's going to be maybe the next American president, you know, he needs to definitely look at building relationships on a nation-to-nation basis with all Native-American leadership in this country."
Ms Robertson really needs to take some remedial English lessons.

Ya, it's how they do book lernin' in them ingun schools.
You can always count on lefties who are led around by the nose by the liberal media to believe that perception is reality. While democrats and the left are demeaning real women and forcing girls to "overcome their fear of a penis" the low information left actually thinks that Trump is the one who is alienating women. When Trump actually offers plans about securing the borders and overcoming terrorism, lefties think he is alienating Hispanics and Muslems. The world is upside down to the left and they will find out this coming November.
You can always count on lefties who are led around by the nose by the liberal media to believe that perception is reality. While democrats and the left are demeaning real women and forcing girls to "overcome their fear of a penis" the low information left actually thinks that Trump is the one who is alienating women. When Trump actually offers plans about securing the borders and overcoming terrorism, lefties think he is alienating Hispanics and Muslems. The world is upside down to the left and they will find out this coming November.

There is nothing new here about Drumphf or any other Republican candidate here. As far as the left is concerned all Republicans want woman to shut up and sit there and crap out babies. Nothing new there at all.

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