Why not give all Mexian citizens American citizenship?

Look at all the conservative totally not racist posts.

You say "racist" like it was a bad thing.


Looking forward to hearing all the wingnuts either explain that you aren't a conservative or somehow you as a conservative are not a racist.

Most likely they will sit there and do nothing. While the real conservatives have been tagged as 'RINOs' for not being racist enough.
Career politician = RINO
Look at all the conservative totally not racist posts.

You say "racist" like it was a bad thing.


Looking forward to hearing all the wingnuts either explain that you aren't a conservative or somehow you as a conservative are not a racist.

Most likely they will sit there and do nothing. While the real conservatives have been tagged as 'RINOs' for not being racist enough.
RINO = career politician

Ronald Reagan became a career politician. However I've never heard the term RINO defined that way, have a source or are you just full of shit?

Jeff Sessions is a RINO? Wasn't he the first senator to endorse Trump? He's a career politician.
Look at all the conservative totally not racist posts.

You say "racist" like it was a bad thing.


Looking forward to hearing all the wingnuts either explain that you aren't a conservative or somehow you as a conservative are not a racist.

Most likely they will sit there and do nothing. While the real conservatives have been tagged as 'RINOs' for not being racist enough.
RINO = career politician

Ronald Reagan became a career politician. However I've never heard the term RINO defined that way, have a source or are you just full of shit?

Jeff Sessions is a RINO? Wasn't he the first senator to endorse Trump? He's a career politician.
It is what it is, a RINO no matter the side of the isle is a career politician.
Look at all the conservative totally not racist posts.

You say "racist" like it was a bad thing.


Looking forward to hearing all the wingnuts either explain that you aren't a conservative or somehow you as a conservative are not a racist.

Most likely they will sit there and do nothing. While the real conservatives have been tagged as 'RINOs' for not being racist enough.
RINO = career politician

Ronald Reagan became a career politician. However I've never heard the term RINO defined that way, have a source or are you just full of shit?

Jeff Sessions is a RINO? Wasn't he the first senator to endorse Trump? He's a career politician.
It is what it is, a RINO no matter the side of the isle is a career politician.

RINO literally stands for "Republican In Name Only". I could care less how that translates to your make believe language.

Safe to assume you don't have a source.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?
Why not give all Americans mexican citizenship, then we can take over their nation.
Why would we want to annex Mexico?

More beaches.

Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

Only if Mexico is willing to do the same with us. This one way bullshit must stop.
Why would we want to annex Mexico?

Well... I could think of one good reason. The biggest reason that the cartels OWN Mexico and access to the border with the U S is that the Mexican military and just about all the elected officials are in bed with the drug lords.

If for no other reason than to clean up the policing of Mexico and the smuggling of people and narcotics.

If we had the authority to tackle the bad guys South of our border it would be entirely possible to clean up that whole mess.

I've been in Mexico a lot and it is corrupt from top to bottom. I believe the citizens of Mexico would gladly have a dependable military that wouldn't rob them and take payoffs from the cartels. If we regulated their elections their society would be fair and much more honest in short order.

I'm not saying that Mexico's problems would be solved over night but just getting rid of most of the corruption and a free hand at access to the cartels would make our Southern states much more safe and there would be no need for a wall at all.

The vast majority of Mexicans living in their country are good people just trying to get by. I have no problem welcoming them into our sphere of influence.

North America would certainly be a lot safer for them and for us.

Even if the gringos did go and clean up their countries, and make them work well, they would only resent gringos for doing it. Because it would be hurtful to their pride that they couldn't do it themselves. Maybe what we need to do is implant everybody with a biometric chip that would keep track of them. But there is a 100% guaranteed all natural solution that wouldn't require that kind of intervention. Because about 98% of the time, you can tell if somebody is mexican or White just by looking at them. All that needs to be done is not allow the ones that look mexican into the U.S. All those problems then would be SOLVED!

I wasn't suggesting taking over Mexico by force. The vast majority of Mexicans would welcome an honest society. It would only work if they were all given U S ID's and petitioned to become a US protectorate. It's a crazy idea on the surface but if they wanted it we could solve many of the problems their citizens face just by helping them become a more honest place to live.

I was just thinking about access to go there and wipe out the cartels. Maybe a treaty that gave us permission to go after the worst criminals would be enough. Right now their police system is a joke. That tunnel for El Chapo happened right under their noses. If they invited us to help them fight crime there I would be for it.

I'm not talking about putting chips in anybody. That's wack.
Why not delcare all wing
Look at all the conservative totally not racist posts.
You know the difference between debating and baiting? Apparently NOT.

Really? You call my post out that's calling out the racism as not debating?
Please, let lay off the phony outrage, it's not working. Racism shmashism.

Outrage? At wingnuts being racist? It's expected, I'm only pointing to it as a reminder when they claim they aren't racists.

Unless you want to prove me wrong, you won't, you can't, so your next best option is to change the subject. If the posts weren't racist then demonstrate it.
Why not delcare all wing
Look at all the conservative totally not racist posts.
You know the difference between debating and baiting? Apparently NOT.

Really? You call my post out that's calling out the racism as not debating?
Please, let lay off the phony outrage, it's not working. Racism shmashism.

Outrage? At wingnuts being racist? It's expected, I'm only pointing to it as a reminder when they claim they aren't racists.

Unless you want to prove me wrong, you won't, you can't, so your next best option is to change the subject. If the posts weren't racist then demonstrate it.
Drama queen aren't you?
Why not delcare all wing
Look at all the conservative totally not racist posts.
You know the difference between debating and baiting? Apparently NOT.

Really? You call my post out that's calling out the racism as not debating?
Please, let lay off the phony outrage, it's not working. Racism shmashism.

Outrage? At wingnuts being racist? It's expected, I'm only pointing to it as a reminder when they claim they aren't racists.

Unless you want to prove me wrong, you won't, you can't, so your next best option is to change the subject. If the posts weren't racist then demonstrate it.
Drama queen aren't you?

If you have a problem with my post and find disagreement with it, then point it out. Where was I wrong? More than happy to have a little debate with you but you have to bring something to the table.
The best way to do that is to annex Mexico. The Liberals always complain about the income gap, exploitation of workers, corruption, and voter ID. This is prevalent in Mexico. What says you liberals?
The last few years have been OTM problem from other hell holes dow south. 50K/mo pass up to border across mexico. Almost as if crooked-BHO worked out deal with corrupt Mexico. RINO DINO do nothing but give funding.
Damn......pass thru on trains! Mexico does nothing about it. This touch type covers the post. Edit does not work, never has? PC keyboard or touch tablet keybaord, edit not work. Quote feature not work well on tablet. Cut paste? Fahget bout it....
sure they do....i know a quite a few who went through the process and consider themselves Americans....in order to know this you would actually have to know 1 or 2...and with the attitude you display here towards others and yourself,i seriously doubt you know any.....

I know and have known own plenty.... from Mexico, Columbia, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, etc.... very rarely do they acclimate to being Americans. They may be Mexicans, Columbiana, etc.... WHO LIVE IN AMERICA but they don't become AMERICANS.

The best example of this..... Copa America (a soccer tournament here in the US) starts next Friday. Watch how many of these folks fly their (supposedly) FORMER nation's colors on match day rather than wearing the Red White and Blue. This is why the USMNT will not play Mexico anywhere on US soil closers to the border than COLUMBUS, OHIO.
oh really?....is that why they played Mexico here at the rose bowl last Oct?.....like i said,you dont know any brown skinned people.....

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