Why not give all Mexian citizens American citizenship?

The one thing that amazes me more than anything else about this topic is how proud the Mexican government is to do everything in their power to help "their people" escape their miserable shit hole of a country.

There is more than one way to invade and conquer a country. Just ask a mexican. Also, in mexico they have the day of LaRaza. I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about. There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza. Which means "The Race." Most other "latinos" here probably support it. I don't know what kind of mutt race their "LaRaza" is. Hell, even Spain itself was ruled by sand negros for hundreds of years. Which the population probably interbred with a lot. Is a "Mestizo" mutt supposed to be some "race?" I think what they might be doing is shoving a lot of their unwanted injins northward.

There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza
there are some not many.....most here can care less about la raza....
I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about.
but yet you will make a statement like you did....
Last time I went to a wedding, most were Spanish speaking Mexicans, one of which asked another (in Spanish), "What are all these gringos doing here?" Really?
The one thing that amazes me more than anything else about this topic is how proud the Mexican government is to do everything in their power to help "their people" escape their miserable shit hole of a country.

There is more than one way to invade and conquer a country. Just ask a mexican. Also, in mexico they have the day of LaRaza. I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about. There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza. Which means "The Race." Most other "latinos" here probably support it. I don't know what kind of mutt race their "LaRaza" is. Hell, even Spain itself was ruled by sand negros for hundreds of years. Which the population probably interbred with a lot. Is a "Mestizo" mutt supposed to be some "race?" I think what they might be doing is shoving a lot of their unwanted injins northward.

There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza
there are some not many.....most here can care less about la raza....
I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about.
but yet you will make a statement like you did....

I don't know what the mexican holiday "Day Of LaRaza" is all about. But I know what LaRaza means. It means "The Race." And for those who are members of LaRaza here, it isn't the White race they are all about. As to how many members of LaRaza thare are here, I don't know if I could find the answer if I looked. But the government probably keeps track of how many members of the KKK there are. So I could probably find the answer to that. Also, have you been seeing all those anti Trump rallies lately? With many in the crowd holding up mexican flags? For those there who aren't members of LaRaza, you can bet your ass that 99% of them at least support the organization.
Last time I went to a wedding, most were Spanish speaking Mexicans, one of which asked another (in Spanish), "What are all these gringos doing here?" Really?


I can answer that. If I can do so without being accused of "race bating," being "offensive" or doing some other bullshit other than what I AM doing. Which is giving my opinion. "And" they should be sent back over the border using catapults or wood chippers. Who's fucking country IS this anyway. Sometimes, like it or not, you have to fight tooth & nail to keep what's yours!
The one thing that amazes me more than anything else about this topic is how proud the Mexican government is to do everything in their power to help "their people" escape their miserable shit hole of a country.

There is more than one way to invade and conquer a country. Just ask a mexican. Also, in mexico they have the day of LaRaza. I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about. There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza. Which means "The Race." Most other "latinos" here probably support it. I don't know what kind of mutt race their "LaRaza" is. Hell, even Spain itself was ruled by sand negros for hundreds of years. Which the population probably interbred with a lot. Is a "Mestizo" mutt supposed to be some "race?" I think what they might be doing is shoving a lot of their unwanted injins northward.

There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza
there are some not many.....most here can care less about la raza....
I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about.
but yet you will make a statement like you did....

I don't know what the mexican holiday "Day Of LaRaza" is all about. But I know what LaRaza means. It means "The Race." And for those who are members of LaRaza here, it isn't the White race they are all about. As to how many members of LaRaza thare are here, I don't know if I could find the answer if I looked. But the government probably keeps track of how many members of the KKK there are. So I could probably find the answer to that. Also, have you been seeing all those anti Trump rallies lately? With many in the crowd holding up mexican flags? For those there who aren't members of LaRaza, you can bet your ass that 99% of them at least support the organization.
i think you will find many are doing that to piss off trump and his followers....otherwise many of them could care less about la raza...pissed off people sometimes do stupid things.....and the day of La Raza or the day of the race is an answer to Columbus Day....both are celebrated on the same day....Columbus i guess was not very nice to the people in the new world and this was their "homage" to him and his cruelty and disease he bought with him.......
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

Why not stop posting idiocy? What are you trying to prove, exactly? I'm confident the majority of posters here would be happy to stipulate to your bonafide idiocy,

why continue to try to make that argument?

Mexico is a failure that is dependent on US. Mexicans who come here illegally have the audacity to wave a flag of a Nation that has failed them.
I have been to many weddings, and there's always been some kind of in- law friction. But a Mexican marries an American, and one of his in-laws asks "what are all the Gringos doing here"? Hello! that goes into the twilight zone, what the hell..? Not only is this AMERICA, but, um he's marrying a GRINGA, from heaven's sake. I don't know what category to put this under, ignorant , stupid or Mexican arrogance or what.
The one thing that amazes me more than anything else about this topic is how proud the Mexican government is to do everything in their power to help "their people" escape their miserable shit hole of a country.

There is more than one way to invade and conquer a country. Just ask a mexican. Also, in mexico they have the day of LaRaza. I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about. There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza. Which means "The Race." Most other "latinos" here probably support it. I don't know what kind of mutt race their "LaRaza" is. Hell, even Spain itself was ruled by sand negros for hundreds of years. Which the population probably interbred with a lot. Is a "Mestizo" mutt supposed to be some "race?" I think what they might be doing is shoving a lot of their unwanted injins northward.

There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza
there are some not many.....most here can care less about la raza....
I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about.
but yet you will make a statement like you did....

I don't know what the mexican holiday "Day Of LaRaza" is all about. But I know what LaRaza means. It means "The Race." And for those who are members of LaRaza here, it isn't the White race they are all about. As to how many members of LaRaza thare are here, I don't know if I could find the answer if I looked. But the government probably keeps track of how many members of the KKK there are. So I could probably find the answer to that. Also, have you been seeing all those anti Trump rallies lately? With many in the crowd holding up mexican flags? For those there who aren't members of LaRaza, you can bet your ass that 99% of them at least support the organization.
i think you will find many are doing that to piss off trump and his followers....otherwise many of them could care less about la raza...pissed off people sometimes do stupid things.....and the day of La Raza or the day of the race is an answer to Columbus Day....both are celebrated on the same day....Columbus i guess was not very nice to the people in the new world and this was their "homage" to him and his cruelty and disease he bought with him.......

Two or three years ago, there was somehting going on that had to do with illegal immigration. (Invasion) It caused there to be protests in various U.S. cities by "latinos." Many of the marchers carried crucifixes. Quite a few others carried mexican flags. That definitely wasn't to piss off Trump. Another disgusting thing is how those racist marchers got the money to put on those demonstrations. In the last ten years, between the U.S. government and Bill Gates, that racist group has received over 10 million dollars. I think that just to be fair and impartial, an equal amount of money should be given to the National Socialist Party or the KKK. After all, isn't being fair and impartial supposed to be what our country is all about?
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

Why not stop posting idiocy? What are you trying to prove, exactly? I'm confident the majority of posters here would be happy to stipulate to your bonafide idiocy,

why continue to try to make that argument?

Mexico is a failure that is dependent on US. Mexicans who come here illegally have the audacity to wave a flag of a Nation that has failed them.

To a large degree, mexico does receive a lot of money from illegals who are here. But mexico itself is a country with a lot of natural resources. Which they make plenty of money from. Also, in trade, they receive about 65 billion dollars from your country. If they had their shit together, they wouldn't need money from our country. But you are right about the ones who are here waving a mexican flag. If those worthless slime felt that strongly about mexico, what in the hell are they doing here. That is, apart from the same old story. Invasion.
I have been to many weddings, and there's always been some kind of in- law friction. But a Mexican marries an American, and one of his in-laws asks "what are all the Gringos doing here"? Hello! that goes into the twilight zone, what the hell..? Not only is this AMERICA, but, um he's marrying a GRINGA, from heaven's sake. I don't know what category to put this under, ignorant , stupid or Mexican arrogance or what.

I know what would sort them out. Send them to the border where there are wood chippers and catapults to send them back across the border. And do you know what would make a good border fence? A line of impaled mexicans. Like what Vlad the Impaler did. It is very unlikely that they would try to cross that border fence. Or even tunnel under it.
The one thing that amazes me more than anything else about this topic is how proud the Mexican government is to do everything in their power to help "their people" escape their miserable shit hole of a country.

There is more than one way to invade and conquer a country. Just ask a mexican. Also, in mexico they have the day of LaRaza. I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about. There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza. Which means "The Race." Most other "latinos" here probably support it. I don't know what kind of mutt race their "LaRaza" is. Hell, even Spain itself was ruled by sand negros for hundreds of years. Which the population probably interbred with a lot. Is a "Mestizo" mutt supposed to be some "race?" I think what they might be doing is shoving a lot of their unwanted injins northward.

There are also many mexicans here who are members of a group called LaRaza
there are some not many.....most here can care less about la raza....
I can't be exactaly too sure what that's all about.
but yet you will make a statement like you did....

I don't know what the mexican holiday "Day Of LaRaza" is all about. But I know what LaRaza means. It means "The Race." And for those who are members of LaRaza here, it isn't the White race they are all about. As to how many members of LaRaza thare are here, I don't know if I could find the answer if I looked. But the government probably keeps track of how many members of the KKK there are. So I could probably find the answer to that. Also, have you been seeing all those anti Trump rallies lately? With many in the crowd holding up mexican flags? For those there who aren't members of LaRaza, you can bet your ass that 99% of them at least support the organization.
i think you will find many are doing that to piss off trump and his followers....otherwise many of them could care less about la raza...pissed off people sometimes do stupid things.....and the day of La Raza or the day of the race is an answer to Columbus Day....both are celebrated on the same day....Columbus i guess was not very nice to the people in the new world and this was their "homage" to him and his cruelty and disease he bought with him.......

Two or three years ago, there was somehting going on that had to do with illegal immigration. (Invasion) It caused there to be protests in various U.S. cities by "latinos." Many of the marchers carried crucifixes. Quite a few others carried mexican flags. That definitely wasn't to piss off Trump. Another disgusting thing is how those racist marchers got the money to put on those demonstrations. In the last ten years, between the U.S. government and Bill Gates, that racist group has received over 10 million dollars. I think that just to be fair and impartial, an equal amount of money should be given to the National Socialist Party or the KKK. After all, isn't being fair and impartial supposed to be what our country is all about?
and 2 or 3 years ago when that happened and i was still delivering mail the Mexicans on my route who had jobs were at their jobs that day,when i asked them why they are not out there too,they told me in English, that those are the ones who dont work and just want something given to them....today many are out there who want to piss off trump and his followers........
Last time I went to a wedding, most were Spanish speaking Mexicans, one of which asked another (in Spanish), "What are all these gringos doing here?" Really?


I can answer that. If I can do so without being accused of "race bating," being "offensive" or doing some other bullshit other than what I AM doing. Which is giving my opinion. "And" they should be sent back over the border using catapults or wood chippers. Who's fucking country IS this anyway. Sometimes, like it or not, you have to fight tooth & nail to keep what's yours!

Lighten up, francis.
I have been to many weddings, and there's always been some kind of in- law friction. But a Mexican marries an American, and one of his in-laws asks "what are all the Gringos doing here"? Hello! that goes into the twilight zone, what the hell..? Not only is this AMERICA, but, um he's marrying a GRINGA, from heaven's sake. I don't know what category to put this under, ignorant , stupid or Mexican arrogance or what.

I know what would sort them out. Send them to the border where there are wood chippers and catapults to send them back across the border. And do you know what would make a good border fence? A line of impaled mexicans. Like what Vlad the Impaler did. It is very unlikely that they would try to cross that border fence. Or even tunnel under it.
this is America we dont that kind of shit here.....if you want that try N.Korea they might do stuff like that.....
I have been to many weddings, and there's always been some kind of in- law friction. But a Mexican marries an American, and one of his in-laws asks "what are all the Gringos doing here"? Hello! that goes into the twilight zone, what the hell..? Not only is this AMERICA, but, um he's marrying a GRINGA, from heaven's sake. I don't know what category to put this under, ignorant , stupid or Mexican arrogance or what.

What is upsetting you so much?
I have been to many weddings, and there's always been some kind of in- law friction. But a Mexican marries an American, and one of his in-laws asks "what are all the Gringos doing here"? Hello! that goes into the twilight zone, what the hell..? Not only is this AMERICA, but, um he's marrying a GRINGA, from heaven's sake. I don't know what category to put this under, ignorant , stupid or Mexican arrogance or what.

I know what would sort them out. Send them to the border where there are wood chippers and catapults to send them back across the border. And do you know what would make a good border fence? A line of impaled mexicans. Like what Vlad the Impaler did. It is very unlikely that they would try to cross that border fence. Or even tunnel under it.

You go ahead and get started on that, tough boy.
I have been to many weddings, and there's always been some kind of in- law friction. But a Mexican marries an American, and one of his in-laws asks "what are all the Gringos doing here"? Hello! that goes into the twilight zone, what the hell..? Not only is this AMERICA, but, um he's marrying a GRINGA, from heaven's sake. I don't know what category to put this under, ignorant , stupid or Mexican arrogance or what.

What is upsetting you so much?
WELL, unlike USMB, that was real life and we can't just ignore those things. Switch sides and pretend an Asian was marrying a Negro. One of the Blacks ask; what are all these chinks doing here? A major event in you life, and someone makes a horrid insensitive racist remark like that. It speaks to attitudes. And that can't be ignored.
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Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

Why not stop posting idiocy? What are you trying to prove, exactly? I'm confident the majority of posters here would be happy to stipulate to your bonafide idiocy,

why continue to try to make that argument?

Mexico is a failure that is dependent on US. Mexicans who come here illegally have the audacity to wave a flag of a Nation that has failed them.

To a large degree, mexico does receive a lot of money from illegals who are here. But mexico itself is a country with a lot of natural resources. Which they make plenty of money from. Also, in trade, they receive about 65 billion dollars from your country. If they had their shit together, they wouldn't need money from our country. But you are right about the ones who are here waving a mexican flag. If those worthless slime felt that strongly about mexico, what in the hell are they doing here. That is, apart from the same old story. Invasion.

Bottom line.....they don't have their shit together. Perhaps, Mexico should be more like US. If US were more like Mexico, Canada would be screaming about illegals and building a wall.

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