Why not give all Mexian citizens American citizenship?

Two or three years ago, there was somehting going on that had to do with illegal immigration. (Invasion) It caused there to be protests in various U.S. cities by "latinos." Many of the marchers carried crucifixes. Quite a few others carried mexican flags. That definitely wasn't to piss off Trump. Another disgusting thing is how those racist marchers got the money to put on those demonstrations. In the last ten years, between the U.S. government and Bill Gates, that racist group has received over 10 million dollars. I think that just to be fair and impartial, an equal amount of money should be given to the National Socialist Party or the KKK. After all, isn't being fair and impartial supposed to be what our country is all about?
and 2 or 3 years ago when that happened and i was still delivering mail the Mexicans on my route who had jobs were at their jobs that day,when i asked them why they are not out there too,they told me in English, that those are the ones who dont work and just want something given to them....today many are out there who want to piss off trump and his followers........

I don't believe in god. Though if I did, I would say that until god himself can show up and say "Those are the good ones and those are the bad ones," I say that they "ALL" need to go! If I had my way about it and nothing else was working, I would just fucking kill them all and let god sort them out. Also, I just don't believe your bullshit story. But even "if" it is true, chances are that those mexicans you spoke to were simply not wanting to be offensive.

Another thing is that there is no way to know for sure. But I would say it was a good bet that at least 80% of the "latinos" in this country wouldn't be bothered by the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico basically disappearing completely. Not just as it is now. Where it is only mostly gone. For example, the mexican who shot some White woman in San Francisco some months ago, apparently just for the hell of it, had been deported 5 times before. Apart from those who die in the desert, it is probably something arounf 350% of those who sneak into the U.S. eventually succeed. After all, I have heard of OIISSM who went back to mexico just to visit relatives. Then snuck back in.
you dont believe my stories but im supposed to believe the shit you put up?...gotcha.....
Got ya? I advise everyone to be skeptical , you or I are free to believe whatever. Use a little healthy common sense, that is the only reply I can give you.
if you dont believe something i am telling you,then you should not be telling me something you believe....krypto said my mailman story was bullshit but then proceeds to tell me a bunch of shit himself about Mexicans....

I already explained why.
and 2 or 3 years ago when that happened and i was still delivering mail the Mexicans on my route who had jobs were at their jobs that day,when i asked them why they are not out there too,they told me in English, that those are the ones who dont work and just want something given to them....today many are out there who want to piss off trump and his followers........

I don't believe in god. Though if I did, I would say that until god himself can show up and say "Those are the good ones and those are the bad ones," I say that they "ALL" need to go! If I had my way about it and nothing else was working, I would just fucking kill them all and let god sort them out. Also, I just don't believe your bullshit story. But even "if" it is true, chances are that those mexicans you spoke to were simply not wanting to be offensive.

Another thing is that there is no way to know for sure. But I would say it was a good bet that at least 80% of the "latinos" in this country wouldn't be bothered by the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico basically disappearing completely. Not just as it is now. Where it is only mostly gone. For example, the mexican who shot some White woman in San Francisco some months ago, apparently just for the hell of it, had been deported 5 times before. Apart from those who die in the desert, it is probably something arounf 350% of those who sneak into the U.S. eventually succeed. After all, I have heard of OIISSM who went back to mexico just to visit relatives. Then snuck back in.
you dont believe my stories but im supposed to believe the shit you put up?...gotcha.....

You have to admit that mexicans in this country speaking badly about other mexicans in this country is pretty unbelievable.
then you dont know any mexicans.....i have lived among them 40+ years....the ones born here are more critical of illegals than non-mexicans.....but you wont see many of them saying so because of the way many fucking righties have made the immigration thing racial....otherwise MANY actually agree that its a problem and should be dealt with....

I've known many mexicans too. My sister is even married to one. Though I have to admit, I've never discissed illegal immigration with any of them. Because I either "A" didn't want to be lied to or "B" I didn't want to basically get into a fight over it. If any mexican american ever told you that they were against illegal immigration, chances are that they were LYING to you! Why? For one thing, if it wasn't for illegal immigration, chances are that they wouldn't even be here. Also, blood is thicker than a border fence. With that having been said, you can guess what I think about your basic assertion that mexicans are invading our country because White people want them here.

More ignorant nonsense from headcase.^^^^

I have spoken with Latinos about this, many hundreds. Guess what? They are individual human beings like everyone else. Many people have different opinions *shock!* The great majority of folks I've talked to about it recognize it as a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Headcase there has no fucking clue what he's talking about.
I don't believe in god. Though if I did, I would say that until god himself can show up and say "Those are the good ones and those are the bad ones," I say that they "ALL" need to go! If I had my way about it and nothing else was working, I would just fucking kill them all and let god sort them out. Also, I just don't believe your bullshit story. But even "if" it is true, chances are that those mexicans you spoke to were simply not wanting to be offensive.

Another thing is that there is no way to know for sure. But I would say it was a good bet that at least 80% of the "latinos" in this country wouldn't be bothered by the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico basically disappearing completely. Not just as it is now. Where it is only mostly gone. For example, the mexican who shot some White woman in San Francisco some months ago, apparently just for the hell of it, had been deported 5 times before. Apart from those who die in the desert, it is probably something arounf 350% of those who sneak into the U.S. eventually succeed. After all, I have heard of OIISSM who went back to mexico just to visit relatives. Then snuck back in.
you dont believe my stories but im supposed to believe the shit you put up?...gotcha.....

You have to admit that mexicans in this country speaking badly about other mexicans in this country is pretty unbelievable.
then you dont know any mexicans.....i have lived among them 40+ years....the ones born here are more critical of illegals than non-mexicans.....but you wont see many of them saying so because of the way many fucking righties have made the immigration thing racial....otherwise MANY actually agree that its a problem and should be dealt with....

I've known many mexicans too. My sister is even married to one. Though I have to admit, I've never discissed illegal immigration with any of them. Because I either "A" didn't want to be lied to or "B" I didn't want to basically get into a fight over it. If any mexican american ever told you that they were against illegal immigration, chances are that they were LYING to you! Why? For one thing, if it wasn't for illegal immigration, chances are that they wouldn't even be here. Also, blood is thicker than a border fence. With that having been said, you can guess what I think about your basic assertion that mexicans are invading our country because White people want them here.

More ignorant nonsense from headcase.^^^^

I have spoken with Latinos about this, many hundreds. Guess what? They are individual human beings like everyone else. Many people have different opinions *shock!* The great majority of folks I've talked to about it recognize it as a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Headcase there has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

Oh. I see. The reason they're invading this country is because White people want them to. I will just do what I usually do and disregard what you say.
I am not the one with the language issues, Spanish to English translators are in great demand. Gringo isn't a term of endearment.......

It means, essentially, someone who is not Latino. It doesn't carry a negative connotation unless such intention is expressed in tone or context.

You are braindead. Of course "gringo" is an ethnic slur. .....

Wrong again, headcase.

It is as I explained it.
you dont believe my stories but im supposed to believe the shit you put up?...gotcha.....

You have to admit that mexicans in this country speaking badly about other mexicans in this country is pretty unbelievable.
then you dont know any mexicans.....i have lived among them 40+ years....the ones born here are more critical of illegals than non-mexicans.....but you wont see many of them saying so because of the way many fucking righties have made the immigration thing racial....otherwise MANY actually agree that its a problem and should be dealt with....

I've known many mexicans too. My sister is even married to one. Though I have to admit, I've never discissed illegal immigration with any of them. Because I either "A" didn't want to be lied to or "B" I didn't want to basically get into a fight over it. If any mexican american ever told you that they were against illegal immigration, chances are that they were LYING to you! Why? For one thing, if it wasn't for illegal immigration, chances are that they wouldn't even be here. Also, blood is thicker than a border fence. With that having been said, you can guess what I think about your basic assertion that mexicans are invading our country because White people want them here.

More ignorant nonsense from headcase.^^^^

I have spoken with Latinos about this, many hundreds. Guess what? They are individual human beings like everyone else. Many people have different opinions *shock!* The great majority of folks I've talked to about it recognize it as a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Headcase there has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

Oh. I see. The reason they're invading this country is because White people want them to. ....

Oh look, more irrational comments completely unrelated to what I posted.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.

Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

Why not? Because mexicans are worthless animals. Their country is screwed up, which causes them to come here, because they are screwed up. Hell, as it is, almost half of the channels on cable are Spanish language. Let them have their way, and it will probably end up being as the poster I will show. And the part that is still America will probably be officially written as is is shown.

View attachment 76312

Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.


Texas petitioned to join the Union. The other territory you mentioned was PURCHASED from Mexico at the conclusion of a war THEY started. And it was territory they hadn't exercised real governance over for a long time.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.


Texas petitioned to join the Union. The other territory you mentioned was PURCHASED from Mexico at the conclusion of a war THEY started. And it was territory they hadn't exercised real governance over for a long time.

What's the deal. You said something sensible here. Is it only me you spout bullshit to? Also, are you a Jap? Or do you just have an avatar of one. But either way, after WW II, there were many Japanese that wanted Japan to become part of the U.S. Luckily, we didn't take them up on it.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?
Because 100 million more will come, from all over the World, and there are already too many unemployed Americans. You need a better reason?
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.


Texas petitioned to join the Union. The other territory you mentioned was PURCHASED from Mexico at the conclusion of a war THEY started. And it was territory they hadn't exercised real governance over for a long time.

Unkotare = Japanese for full of shit

The Nation Expands
Mexican Cession, 1848

After Texas joined the United States in 1846, a boundary dispute broke out almost immediately between the United States and Mexico, the country from which Texas had won its independence a decade earlier. The U.S. said the southern boundary of the state should be the Rio Grande, which was further south of the original boundary set by the Nueces River. On April 25, 1846, after the U.S. cavalry ignored an order from the Mexican army to retreat to the Nueces River and instead advanced south to the Rio Grande, fighting broke out. Three weeks later, Congress declared war on Mexico.

Fighting continued for more than a year, and ended in September 1847. In February 1848, the two countries signed the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The treaty recognized Texas as a U.S. state, and ceded a large chunk of land — about half the area that belonged to the Mexican republic — to the United States for the cost of $15 million. The Mexican Cession included land that would later become California, Nevada, and Utah, as well as portions of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming.

The treaty also stated that Mexicans who remained in the state would be permitted to become U. S. citizens, and that they would be allowed to keep their property. However, the treaty was never fully honored. In the decades following the signing of the treaty, Mexican-Americans were stripped of nearly 20 million acres of their land by American businessmen, ranchers and railroad companies, as well as by the U.S. Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.


Texas petitioned to join the Union. The other territory you mentioned was PURCHASED from Mexico at the conclusion of a war THEY started. And it was territory they hadn't exercised real governance over for a long time.

What's the deal. You said something sensible here. .......

You wouldn't know "sensible" if it walked up to you, bitch-slapped your sorry ass, and dropped you on your empty head.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.


Texas petitioned to join the Union. The other territory you mentioned was PURCHASED from Mexico at the conclusion of a war THEY started. And it was territory they hadn't exercised real governance over for a long time.

Unkotare = Japanese for full of shit

The Nation Expands
Mexican Cession, 1848

After Texas joined the United States in 1846, a boundary dispute broke out almost immediately between the United States and Mexico, the country from which Texas had won its independence a decade earlier. The U.S. said the southern boundary of the state should be the Rio Grande, which was further south of the original boundary set by the Nueces River. On April 25, 1846, after the U.S. cavalry ignored an order from the Mexican army to retreat to the Nueces River and instead advanced south to the Rio Grande, fighting broke out. Three weeks later, Congress declared war on Mexico.

Fighting continued for more than a year, and ended in September 1847. In February 1848, the two countries signed the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The treaty recognized Texas as a U.S. state, and ceded a large chunk of land — about half the area that belonged to the Mexican republic — to the United States for the cost of $15 million. The Mexican Cession included land that would later become California, Nevada, and Utah, as well as portions of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming.

The treaty also stated that Mexicans who remained in the state would be permitted to become U. S. citizens, and that they would be allowed to keep their property. However, the treaty was never fully honored. In the decades following the signing of the treaty, Mexican-Americans were stripped of nearly 20 million acres of their land by American businessmen, ranchers and railroad companies, as well as by the U.S. Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture.

That's ok. I didn't really believe unkatore about who started the war anyway.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.


Texas petitioned to join the Union. The other territory you mentioned was PURCHASED from Mexico at the conclusion of a war THEY started. And it was territory they hadn't exercised real governance over for a long time.

What's the deal. You said something sensible here. .......

You wouldn't know "sensible" if it walked up to you, bitch-slapped your sorry ass, and dropped you on your empty head.

Says the person who was wrong about tho was to blame for the war with the mixikins.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.


Texas petitioned to join the Union. The other territory you mentioned was PURCHASED from Mexico at the conclusion of a war THEY started. And it was territory they hadn't exercised real governance over for a long time.

Unkotare = Japanese for full of shit

The Nation Expands
Mexican Cession, 1848

After Texas joined the United States in 1846, a boundary dispute broke out almost immediately between the United States and Mexico, the country from which Texas had won its independence a decade earlier. The U.S. said the southern boundary of the state should be the Rio Grande, which was further south of the original boundary set by the Nueces River. On April 25, 1846, after the U.S. cavalry ignored an order from the Mexican army to retreat to the Nueces River and instead advanced south to the Rio Grande, fighting broke out. Three weeks later, Congress declared war on Mexico.

Fighting continued for more than a year, and ended in September 1847. In February 1848, the two countries signed the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The treaty recognized Texas as a U.S. state, and ceded a large chunk of land — about half the area that belonged to the Mexican republic — to the United States for the cost of $15 million. The Mexican Cession included land that would later become California, Nevada, and Utah, as well as portions of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming.

The treaty also stated that Mexicans who remained in the state would be permitted to become U. S. citizens, and that they would be allowed to keep their property. However, the treaty was never fully honored. In the decades following the signing of the treaty, Mexican-Americans were stripped of nearly 20 million acres of their land by American businessmen, ranchers and railroad companies, as well as by the U.S. Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture.

That's ok. I didn't really believe unkatore about who started the war anyway.

It is just as I explained to your empty head. Wiki-boy's link includes the same relevant information. Mexico started the war, they lost, and they agreed to the terms of the deal by which we purchased the land. Wiki-boy had to Google to find information any high school graduate (not you) would know.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?



I thought that WAS the plan.

So far the US has annexed Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

Slowly but surely.


Texas petitioned to join the Union. The other territory you mentioned was PURCHASED from Mexico at the conclusion of a war THEY started. And it was territory they hadn't exercised real governance over for a long time.

What's the deal. You said something sensible here. .......

You wouldn't know "sensible" if it walked up to you, bitch-slapped your sorry ass, and dropped you on your empty head.

Says the person who was wrong about tho was to blame for the war with the mixikins [sic].

Not even a little, dummy.
The US has a population of about 318 million, Mexico having around 122 million.
That would leave a minimum of 25% of US voters likely to vote against anything republican.
Since they're US citizens, they'll have to right to enter the US without restriction, making Trump's wall seem like a very silly idea.

When your mother was pregnant with you, did she have Zika virus? Because what you said sounds like it came from a very small brain. I bet you think it's too bad we don't share a land border with places like China, India or Pakistan. And maybe even Syria. There is an old saying that says, "Good fences make good neighbors." The same is especially true for borders.

As you appear to be a total moron, perhaps I should explain I was putting holes into the OP's position, not supporting it.

Anyone with a working brain could see that.
The US has a population of about 318 million, Mexico having around 122 million.
That would leave a minimum of 25% of US voters likely to vote against anything republican.
Since they're US citizens, they'll have to right to enter the US without restriction, making Trump's wall seem like a very silly idea.
fred ....people from mexico,who live there are not US citizens.....and do not have the right to enter without restriction....

I think you have to read the thread title, then read my post again.
The one thing that amazes me more than anything else about this topic is how proud the Mexican government is to do everything in their power to help "their people" escape their miserable shit hole of a country.

Exactly. The Mexican government does nothing for it's poor citizens. They have strict immigration policies and do not tolerate illegal entry. But, they know that we are lame when it comes to border security and they know that their poor are desperate. They enter illegally, drop anchor so they qualify for welfare and then get a job. They live off welfare and send a lot of their paychecks home, which the Mexican government relies on. Of course, the government there is all about encouraging their people to come here. Instead of helping their poor, they use them. They'll never do anything to help their poor because they want them desperate enough to move to the U.S.

And our government, despite sending so many jobs to Mexico, go along with their plan to take advantage of us. Win/win for Mexico but the American tax payers are fucked. We spend billions on illegal aliens each year and more come in every day.

Taking away incentives to come here is the best way to solve the problem.
No automatic citizenship for the child when parents are here illegally.
No welfare for illegal aliens.
No working for those here illegally.
No renting or buying houses for those here illegally.
The one thing that amazes me more than anything else about this topic is how proud the Mexican government is to do everything in their power to help "their people" escape their miserable shit hole of a country..
Exactly. The Mexican government does nothing for it's poor citizens. They have strict immigration policies and do not tolerate illegal entry. But, they know that we are lame when it comes to border security and they know that their poor are desperate. They enter illegally, drop anchor so they qualify for welfare and then get a job. They live off welfare and send a lot of their paychecks home, which the Mexican government relies on. Of course, the government there is all about encouraging their people to come here. Instead of helping their poor, they use them. They'll never do anything to help their poor because they want them desperate enough to move to the U.S.

And our government, despite sending so many jobs to Mexico, go along with their plan to take advantage of us. Win/win for Mexico but the American tax payers are fucked. We spend billions on illegal aliens each year and more come in every day.

Taking away incentives to come here is the best way to solve the problem.
No automatic citizenship for the child when parents are here illegally.
No welfare for illegal aliens.
No working for those here illegally.
No renting or buying houses for those here illegally.
I would love to know what this conversation sounds like, internally, in Mexico. How can a government justify being so supportive of their people escaping? It's like a reverse North Korea. Get the fuck out, run, while you can, we'll try to help!

Has the government there just publicly given up to the cartels? Is the job of the Mexican government to help its people escape? Is that in their Constitution? What kind of self respect does a government official have to be so open about supporting their people in getting the hell out?

And I never hear this seemingly obvious question within the border debate. Seems like a pretty freaking important element, no?
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