Why not give all Mexian citizens American citizenship?

If they did not have a one party system, over run with corruption, and speak a different language, merger with Mexico is a better idea.

Merger with Canada is highly possible if we take on a parlimentary system--that means no more presidential elections!!

Does the term "Overpopulating Illegal Invader Scab Scum Mexicans" hold any signifigance for you? But screw ALL those ugly Central American, human cockroach injins and mestizos. The indains back about 350 years ago used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The rest of the bodies were consumed by the populace. As for the Spanish part of them, Spain was probably heavily interbred with the sand negros that ruled their country for about 400 years.

Also, who wants to be part of Canadia. They're a bunch of idiot royalists. Another thing is that in the U.S., "latinos" are the fastest growing ethnic group. Canadia also has mexicans of a sort. They are called indains or first nations people. There, they are the fastest growing ethnic group too. What we need to do is create a White homeland. Everybody else can fuck off and die.
Why NOT just keep illegals accountable to immigration laws and stop pandering? Imagine how much better and fair that would be. Imagine that.

Trying to keep a maggot accountable for anything is a fools errand. Also, just imagine not having to be searched or delayed at airports. Because all of the non-whites who wish us harm wouldn't be living amongst Whites to plant bombs. Separation is the only way to go. For zillions of reasons.
Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......

Feeding off the desperation of those from even poorer countries doesn't prove anything.
IF anything, I am tired of the authoritarian liberal fascists trying to dictate what the rest of us plebes have to suffer with for their ideals. I am tired of running away from Mexicans and their pathetic inability to acclimate. You can bet the OP of this thread and his ilk never had to deal with this issue in the first person. That being said, what is wrong with expecting immigrants to acclimate to the current culture?
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......

A mixed societ, population or whatever IS a good thing. But not with the illegals from mexico. Typically we get people working low end jobs off books. They do this while collecting their food stamps and other bennifets. You can deny that all one wants, but if you were to walk into the food stamp office You would see a diffrence story. There is also the fact that where ever these illegals settle they absolutely destroy the neighbor hood while racking up crime in the area. Deer Park, Pasadina, Spring Branch texas as well as many more towns and neighborhoods across the nation are destroyed by them settling. Can't say where you work, but we don't get typical breaks in an 12 hour day, but the mexicans definitely fuck off way to much. They also lead the pack in work place accidents and generally drive wages down while increasing costs due to the shit type quality of their work as well as accidants. As far as the bennifets go, there is no way you can say wet backs take less because no one has to answer about ethnicity and the food stamp peop,e don't ask about legal status. There are also all the wonderful diseases the illegal mexican bring with them li,e drug resistant TB, Swine flue years back and tons of otheres. If we got serious and slectivly let mexican we would be getting the better men and women who like those who I'm me grate legally won't be a burden on society. We would also not get all their child molesters and rapists.

I can agree with some of what you say. But a miltiethnic culture is definately a disaster. Though when you are talking about English, German, Swedish, Scottish or things like that, that is a different matter. Because they are all the same kinds of people. White people. Which makes integration almost no problem at all.
IF anything, I am tired of the authoritarian liberal fascists trying to dictate what the rest of us plebes have to suffer with for their ideals. I am tired of running away from Mexicans and their pathetic inability to acclimate. You can bet the OP of this thread and his ilk never had to deal with this issue in the first person. That being said, what is wrong with expecting immigrants to acclimate to the current culture?

First, you are right about the status quo not caring what happens to the peons. But that is an old story. Next, the mexicans can acclimate just fine. It is their ability to integrate that is largely just a fairy story. Because like all non-whites, they are aesthetically jealous of White people. As well as in other ways. For them to integrate into White culture, they would basically have to admit that there is something wrong with them. (Which there is) Only a moron would expect them to do so. And only a tyrant would expect White people to be accepting of them. Next, if you are talking about me as the OP, I have had to deal with many issues. Far more than you know.
You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......

A mixed societ, population or whatever IS a good thing. But not with the illegals from mexico. Typically we get people working low end jobs off books. They do this while collecting their food stamps and other bennifets. You can deny that all one wants, but if you were to walk into the food stamp office You would see a diffrence story. There is also the fact that where ever these illegals settle they absolutely destroy the neighbor hood while racking up crime in the area. Deer Park, Pasadina, Spring Branch texas as well as many more towns and neighborhoods across the nation are destroyed by them settling. Can't say where you work, but we don't get typical breaks in an 12 hour day, but the mexicans definitely fuck off way to much. They also lead the pack in work place accidents and generally drive wages down while increasing costs due to the shit type quality of their work as well as accidants. As far as the bennifets go, there is no way you can say wet backs take less because no one has to answer about ethnicity and the food stamp peop,e don't ask about legal status. There are also all the wonderful diseases the illegal mexican bring with them li,e drug resistant TB, Swine flue years back and tons of otheres. If we got serious and slectivly let mexican we would be getting the better men and women who like those who I'm me grate legally won't be a burden on society. We would also not get all their child molesters and rapists.

I can agree with some of what you say. But a miltiethnic culture is definately a disaster. Though when you are talking about English, German, Swedish, Scottish or things like that, that is a different matter. Because they are all the same kinds of people. White people. Which makes integration almost no problem at all.
Multi ethnic diversity is great. I don't accept illegals as a new class because diversity is excusing a new form of Jim Crow separate but equal. I thought we got over that? Used to be colored people had separate whatever, now Hispanics NEED special treatment to keep them apart from Anglos? Interpreters, Spanish language voting forms, SAP broadcast. They NEED this? They can't learn English, integrate and go on with their lives?
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IF anything, I am tired of the authoritarian liberal fascists trying to dictate what the rest of us plebes have to suffer with for their ideals. I am tired of running away from Mexicans and their pathetic inability to acclimate. You can bet the OP of this thread and his ilk never had to deal with this issue in the first person. That being said, what is wrong with expecting immigrants to acclimate to the current culture?

First, you are right about the status quo not caring what happens to the peons. But that is an old story. Next, the mexicans can acclimate just fine. It is their ability to integrate that is largely just a fairy story. Because like all non-whites, they are aesthetically jealous of White people. As well as in other ways. For them to integrate into White culture, they would basically have to admit that there is something wrong with them. (Which there is)
IF anything, I am tired of the authoritarian liberal fascists trying to dictate what the rest of us plebes have to suffer with for their ideals. I am tired of running away from Mexicans and their pathetic inability to acclimate. You can bet the OP of this thread and his ilk never had to deal with this issue in the first person. That being said, what is wrong with expecting immigrants to acclimate to the current culture?

First, you are right about the status quo not caring what happens to the peons. But that is an old story. Next, the mexicans can acclimate just fine. It is their ability to integrate that is largely just a fairy story. Because like all non-whites, they are aesthetically jealous of White people. As well as in other ways. For them to integrate into White culture, they would basically have to admit that there is something wrong with them. (Which there is) Only a moron would expect them to do so. And only a tyrant would expect White people to be accepting of them. Next, if you are talking about me as the OP, I have had to deal with many issues. Far more than you know.
Sorry, Krypto, I wasn't directing the focus on you. Right now I am really fed up with both liberalism and the immigration system both of which seem broken and out of touch.
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......

A mixed societ, population or whatever IS a good thing. But not with the illegals from mexico. Typically we get people working low end jobs off books. They do this while collecting their food stamps and other bennifets. You can deny that all one wants, but if you were to walk into the food stamp office You would see a diffrence story. There is also the fact that where ever these illegals settle they absolutely destroy the neighbor hood while racking up crime in the area. Deer Park, Pasadina, Spring Branch texas as well as many more towns and neighborhoods across the nation are destroyed by them settling. Can't say where you work, but we don't get typical breaks in an 12 hour day, but the mexicans definitely fuck off way to much. They also lead the pack in work place accidents and generally drive wages down while increasing costs due to the shit type quality of their work as well as accidants. As far as the bennifets go, there is no way you can say wet backs take less because no one has to answer about ethnicity and the food stamp peop,e don't ask about legal status. There are also all the wonderful diseases the illegal mexican bring with them li,e drug resistant TB, Swine flue years back and tons of otheres. If we got serious and slectivly let mexican we would be getting the better men and women who like those who I'm me grate legally won't be a burden on society. We would also not get all their child molesters and rapists.

I can agree with some of what you say. But a miltiethnic culture is definately a disaster. Though when you are talking about English, German, Swedish, Scottish or things like that, that is a different matter. Because they are all the same kinds of people. White people. Which makes integration almost no problem at all.
Multi ethnic diversity is great. I don't accept illegals as a new class because diversity is excusing a new form of Jim Crow separate but equal. I thought we got over that? Used to be colored people had separate whatever, now Hispanics NEED special treatment to keep them apart from Anglos? Interpreters, Spanish language voting forms, SAP broadcast. They NEED this? They can't learn English and go on with their lives?

Your views about a multiethnic society is moronic to the EXTREME!!!!!!! Sure, we have gained things from things like negro, mexican and italian cultures. But nothing we couldn't easily do without. And they definitely aren't worth the price we paid.

For example, between 2003-2008, the number of black on White rapes-sexual assaults was 135,206. The number of White on black rapes-sexual assaults was 0! Also, between 1965-2003, there were 806,316 murders in the U.S. 588,611 were committed by negroes. Of those, 179,808 were White men, women and children murdered by negroes. Which is about 65,000 more than the allied losses in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined! I will include two things. One is a page of stastics. The other is someone elses thread. "Read'em and weep."
2007 Murders by race - age.jpg
the cost of not backing hitler.jpg
Hey let's do it from the north too.Canucks. We at least can speak two languages, are at least intelligent, and have some of the best rockers on the planet.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?
The only reason they come to the USA is to get free medical and all the other free stuff, I was in Mexico a few years ago in vacation, I cut my hand and the clinic down there did not want to treat me wound right away and almost bleed to death. I just hope trump will stop the free stuff we give out.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?
The only reason they come to the USA is to get free medical and all the other free stuff, ...

Wrong again.
If they did not have a one party system, over run with corruption, and speak a different language, merger with Mexico is a better idea.

Merger with Canada is highly possible if we take on a parlimentary system--that means no more presidential elections!!

Does the term "Overpopulating Illegal Invader Scab Scum Mexicans" hold any signifigance for you? But screw ALL those ugly Central American, human cockroach injins and mestizos. The indains back about 350 years ago used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The rest of the bodies were consumed by the populace. As for the Spanish part of them, Spain was probably heavily interbred with the sand negros that ruled their country for about 400 years.

Also, who wants to be part of Canadia. They're a bunch of idiot royalists. Another thing is that in the U.S., "latinos" are the fastest growing ethnic group. Canadia also has mexicans of a sort. They are called indains or first nations people. There, they are the fastest growing ethnic group too. What we need to do is create a White homeland. Everybody else can fuck off and die.

The ignorant, racist troll has been reduced to repeating the same tired old lies and fears of his cowardly, uneducated ilk. The troll is just spamming now.
Krypto: My view of the systemic failures of the immigration system is based on first hand experience, not your cherry picked facts ( and I won't argue with either way). For instance... really? Have you actually lived with illegal aliens for an extended period of time? If you bother to actually DO that, you might find out why some people are so hostile. Instead of the condescending you know everything attitude. Give it a break.
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......

Feeding off the desperation of those from even poorer countries doesn't prove anything.
i have proved one thing here....you are just another fucking racist.....you do realize your master is an illegal alien too.....
Krypto: My view of the systemic failures of the immigration system is based on first hand experience, not your cherry picked facts ( and I won't argue with either way). For instance... really? Have you actually lived with illegal aliens for an extended period of time? If you bother to actually DO that, you might find out why some people are so hostile. Instead of the condescending you know everything attitude. Give it a break.

I agree. let them be sitting on their porch and watch a car load of wet backs pull off and piss in the bushes across the street, or see how every neighborhood gets all trashed up by the illegals, or the crime go up, cars get broken into and so on. Then there are places like ElPaso and all the other cities on the border. go find a place the wet backs have not colonized using their section 8 housing vouchers. Then there are the rural areas where anyone who stops at a park or rest area will be treated to warning signs stating that smuggling go's on in the area and to be ware. The best and brightest are not what we are getting. We are getting rapist, robbers and thugs.

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