Why not give all Mexian citizens American citizenship?

Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

We need to dump refugees from third world shit holes not keep collecting them.
Why not bomb the shit out of Mexico, we bombed the shit out of Afghanistan for killing fewer American citizens on 911 than illegals kill each year. Over 3,000 American citizens dead each year at the hands of illegals.

Sounds like a plan to me. But we need to ship all of our "latinos," legal or not, there first.

How about we send YOU with a big, red X to hold over your head so they know exactly where to aim?
talking about the illegal situation is one thing,when people like you make it a racial thing,then it becomes a whole different ballgame....and what is "intersesting"?....

It doesn't become a new "ballgame" to me. Thought it might to mexicans and negroes. Only a fool or deluded brainwashed psychopath would deny "racism." A multiethnic society is the cause of most of the problems in this country. Also, "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was some useful and necessary evolutionary need for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." If only you had the sense that a baby has. Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind. Even if they are only slightly different from a different kind of creature. And it is probably that way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. But somehow, those like you who are thoroughly indroctronated into your multiethnic cult are right. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?.... A multi ethnic society is also the reason for so many great things in this country......and racism exist because of the ignorant,yes that includes you.....Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind...we are supposed to be somewhat more evolved than the rest of nature,well some of us are anyway.....here krypto go fetch....

Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

We need to dump refugees from third world shit holes not keep collecting them.

Can we dump worthless trash like you while we're at it?
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

We need to dump refugees from third world shit holes not keep collecting them.

Can we dump worthless trash like you while we're at it?

Nope. I'm a tax paying citizen. You need us so you can keep getting disability and food stamps.
It doesn't become a new "ballgame" to me. Thought it might to mexicans and negroes. Only a fool or deluded brainwashed psychopath would deny "racism." A multiethnic society is the cause of most of the problems in this country. Also, "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was some useful and necessary evolutionary need for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." If only you had the sense that a baby has. Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind. Even if they are only slightly different from a different kind of creature. And it is probably that way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. But somehow, those like you who are thoroughly indroctronated into your multiethnic cult are right. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?.... A multi ethnic society is also the reason for so many great things in this country......and racism exist because of the ignorant,yes that includes you.....Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind...we are supposed to be somewhat more evolved than the rest of nature,well some of us are anyway.....here krypto go fetch....

Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?
As a multi level billionaire I am confident you will lead the way personally funding this responsibility. Good for you. Get the rest of your cheap ass friends to kick in. I'm curious how much you paid above and beyond your legally required taxes. Or is this yet another case of sanctimonious BS?
If they did not have a one party system, over run with corruption, and speak a different language, merger with Mexico is a better idea.

Merger with Canada is highly possible if we take on a parlimentary system--that means no more presidential elections!!
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?

We need to dump refugees from third world shit holes not keep collecting them.

Can we dump worthless trash like you while we're at it?

Nope. I'm a tax paying .........

So is everyone who buys as much as a dictionary or a pair of socks in this country.
do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?.... A multi ethnic society is also the reason for so many great things in this country......and racism exist because of the ignorant,yes that includes you.....Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind...we are supposed to be somewhat more evolved than the rest of nature,well some of us are anyway.....here krypto go fetch....

Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.

I have no doubt that most Mexicans work twice as hard as you ever have, big mouth.
do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?.... A multi ethnic society is also the reason for so many great things in this country......and racism exist because of the ignorant,yes that includes you.....Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind...we are supposed to be somewhat more evolved than the rest of nature,well some of us are anyway.....here krypto go fetch....

Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better......

Just like immigrants today.
on the surface yup. Same with gas and food, utilities. Big but though, Illegals collect allot of bennifets and cause allot of trouble.
on the surface yup. Same with gas and food, utilities. Big but though, Illegals collect allot of bennifets and cause allot of trouble.

Most do not, but that doesn't change anything about illegal immigration being a serious problem.
do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?.... A multi ethnic society is also the reason for so many great things in this country......and racism exist because of the ignorant,yes that includes you.....Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind...we are supposed to be somewhat more evolved than the rest of nature,well some of us are anyway.....here krypto go fetch....

Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......
Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......

A mixed societ, population or whatever IS a good thing. But not with the illegals from mexico. Typically we get people working low end jobs off books. They do this while collecting their food stamps and other bennifets. You can deny that all one wants, but if you were to walk into the food stamp office You would see a diffrence story. There is also the fact that where ever these illegals settle they absolutely destroy the neighbor hood while racking up crime in the area. Deer Park, Pasadina, Spring Branch texas as well as many more towns and neighborhoods across the nation are destroyed by them settling. Can't say where you work, but we don't get typical breaks in an 12 hour day, but the mexicans definitely fuck off way to much. They also lead the pack in work place accidents and generally drive wages down while increasing costs due to the shit type quality of their work as well as accidants. As far as the bennifets go, there is no way you can say wet backs take less because no one has to answer about ethnicity and the food stamp peop,e don't ask about legal status. There are also all the wonderful diseases the illegal mexican bring with them li,e drug resistant TB, Swine flue years back and tons of otheres. If we got serious and slectivly let mexican we would be getting the better men and women who like those who I'm me grate legally won't be a burden on society. We would also not get all their child molesters and rapists.
Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better......

Just like immigrants today.

Maybe, but not the illegal ya'll love so much.
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better......

Just like immigrants today.

Maybe, but not the illegal ya'll love so much.

Why not bomb the shit out of Mexico, we bombed the shit out of Afghanistan for killing fewer American citizens on 911 than illegals kill each year. Over 3,000 American citizens dead each year at the hands of illegals.

Sounds like a plan to me. But we need to ship all of our "latinos," legal or not, there first.

How about we send YOU with a big, red X to hold over your head so they know exactly where to aim?
It doesn't become a new "ballgame" to me. Thought it might to mexicans and negroes. Only a fool or deluded brainwashed psychopath would deny "racism." A multiethnic society is the cause of most of the problems in this country. Also, "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was some useful and necessary evolutionary need for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." If only you had the sense that a baby has. Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind. Even if they are only slightly different from a different kind of creature. And it is probably that way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. But somehow, those like you who are thoroughly indroctronated into your multiethnic cult are right. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?.... A multi ethnic society is also the reason for so many great things in this country......and racism exist because of the ignorant,yes that includes you.....Also, throughout the rest of nature, creatures tend to stick to their own kind...we are supposed to be somewhat more evolved than the rest of nature,well some of us are anyway.....here krypto go fetch....

Do you know how fucking stupid you ARE? In Germany, they have mostly Germans. In Japan, they have mostly Japanese. The U.S. is a far larger country than both of those out together. With far more natural resources and arable land. then consider these stastics.

U.S. popilation, 319 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 612 billion.
Japan population. 127 mullion. Yearly value of exports, 792 billion.
Germany population, 81 million. Yearly value of exports, 1 trillion, 492 billion.

Given their size, these countries kick our ass when it comes to exports. As well as having universal health care. Etc. etc. etc. The reason why is because they don't have as much multiethnic garbage to put up with. Having a better sense of community and more reason for patriotism, they are more productive.

Next, don't pull that superiority crap on me. Humans may be more intelligent in most ways than other animals. But we are still animals. The history of humanity is largely a history of conflict. You can't pretend away what you are. Also, chimpanzees behave the way they are because they are chimpanzees. Bonobos behave the way they are because they are bonobos.

Also, look at all the protests and riots that go on because cops beat or shot some negro CRIMINAL. The reason it pisses negroes off so much is that their interpretation of "criminal" is "normal." Also, it is because of negro jealoysy that they can call each other ******* all day long. But if a White person calls them that, that is a different matter. I have some stastics for you to look at. There are very very very very many more. But I thing these will be sufficient for you to deny. Or make some dumbass excuse about. I will also include another picture that if you are White, you should take to heart.View attachment 76999 View attachment 77000
these countries kick the shit out of us with exports?....whos fault is that?....and if they are so much greater than us ill make a list of all the things this country has developed and produced over the last 50 years.....and you can take Germany and Japan and we will see what list is longer......

You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

Look at post#116 again. Then use your incredible powers of cultish self delusion again to deny the facts. Also, I would suggest a thread to you. But I doubt if you would look it up and read it. It is called, "The cost of not backing Hitler." So I will just post it in this reply. Let me know if there is anything in it that you disagree with. If you dare.
the cost of not backing hitler.jpg
Why NOT just keep illegals accountable to immigration laws and stop pandering? Imagine how much better and fair that would be. Imagine that.

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