Why not give all Mexian citizens American citizenship?

Hey let's do it from the north too.Canucks. We at least can speak two languages, are at least intelligent, and have some of the best rockers on the planet.

I don't mind much the U.S. being invaded by Canadians. As long as they're White Canadians. Also, by ethnicity, I am mostly French. But I can't understand why anybody would want to speak such a backwards language.
Since they are going to come here anyways why not just say that anyone who is born in mexico is also an American citizen. It could be a good way to slowly annex it to the United States since proceeding generations would begin to see themselves as American citizens. Do you think they would tolerate their own government at that point and demand to become a part of the United States?
The only reason they come to the USA is to get free medical and all the other free stuff, I was in Mexico a few years ago in vacation, I cut my hand and the clinic down there did not want to treat me wound right away and almost bleed to death. I just hope trump will stop the free stuff we give out.

You are completely wrong. What Americans need is MORE free stuff. Such as universal health care and actually PAYING students to go to college. But to do that, we need fewer mexicans and negroes to take advantage of it.
Krypto: My view of the systemic failures of the immigration system is based on first hand experience, not your cherry picked facts ( and I won't argue with either way). For instance... really? Have you actually lived with illegal aliens for an extended period of time? If you bother to actually DO that, you might find out why some people are so hostile. Instead of the condescending you know everything attitude. Give it a break.

When it comes to the things I talk about, I do know everything. You could count on one hand the number of times anybody I debated sucessfully refuted anything I said. And still have fingers left over. And I have debated many hundreds of people. Everybody to pizza delivery boys to professors.

Next, what in the hell would I want to be doing hanging around any illegal aliens. Or as I prefer to call them, OIISSM. That would most likely falling victim to a sort of Stockholm Syndrome. Not for me. But for most other people. But All "latinos," illegal or not, don't deserve our empathy. What they do diserve is to get the hell out of our country. Along with all the other non-whites.
You are going to put a much larger country like the U.S. with 319 million people up against a much smaller country like Germany with 81 million people? Do you also like shooting fish in barrels?
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......

Feeding off the desperation of those from even poorer countries doesn't prove anything.
i have proved one thing here....you are just another fucking racist.....you do realize your master is an illegal alien too.....

You say "racist" like it was a bad thing. It isn't. Also, I have no master.
you are the one who was making comparisons doggy.....if being one people is better than being a mixed people then why dont you tell me what made this country with all these different people such a monster economy compared to them?.....why has this country developed so many more things in science and technology?......show me your stats on that.....

It was the type of people. At a minimum they were and driven to make them selves and their lives better. Not pick veggies and work at McDonalds and get free stuff. I prefer Nigerians over mexicans. Good folk in general, pleasant to work with and not typically lazy like those from south of our border.
the type of people is not what krypto was talking about....he just said a "mixed" population is not desirable....was not the population you mentioned mixed?....and lazy?,the majority of the Illegal Mexicans i know work sun up to sun set and i dont hear them complaining....while were i worked the Americans were complaining they did not get enough breaks in their 8 hour day......

Feeding off the desperation of those from even poorer countries doesn't prove anything.
i have proved one thing here....you are just another fucking racist.....you do realize your master is an illegal alien too.....

You say "racist" like it was a bad thing. It isn't. Also, I have no master.
sure you do krypto.....Superman.....now go fetch....

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