Why not just vote Trump out of office (the old-fashioned way)?

Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.
1. Didn't see this concern when the repugs were trying to lynch Clinton.
2. The voters? More voters voted for the other candidate, yet here we are. How are the voters going to remove him from office?
3. Trump isn't above the law. The things he is being investigated for are a lot more serious than lying about a blowjob.
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

So i guess in your world Trump does not lie

When Mueller sends him questions that he should respond to and his only answer is I have no recollection. Yet he has plenty of time to recollect what was said but somehow he cannot remember

A innocent man would have at least said that it did not happen instead of I have no recollection

Why don't you ask Trump what did he and Putin talk about in two secret meetings. Was a policy objective reached or maybe some agreement? Maybe he just keeping it a secret

Yet we know how much Trump likes to brag

but he has nothing to brag about when it comes to Putin

Oh yeah I forgot he has admitted that he lied when he changes his story

Because you like Trump is irrelevant but when you cannot call him out on doing stupid stuff then you will go for anything
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There is still over half of American that believe in our Constitution and the law of the land. The rules are outlined in the Constitution and our leaders are bound to carry out those rules no matter which party they belong.

I find this campaign to ignore our laws and our Constitution simply crazy. It makes no sense to me. Why would Americans advocate to circumvent our Constitution?

Congress will vote to impeach if warranted and it will then go to the Senate (an equal branch) and they will conduct the hearings and vote either to impeach and remove from office or not. It's really simple and it ensures one branch isn't more powerful than the other.

This thread is just more crazy talk and unAmerican.
That might had worked had Trump been removed at the two year mark. The current max number of years a person can be president is 10 years or 2 and 1/2 terms.

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"
Why not just let drunk drivers go? Their cars eventually come to a stop somehow.
That might had worked had Trump been removed at the two year mark. The current max number of years a person can be president is 10 years or 2 and 1/2 terms.

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"
A separate vote has to take place after removal from office to disqualify from future offices. This vote is not required, but I would expect it would take place for Trump if he were removed from office (which is very unlikely with the current senate). That being said, it is possible but highly unlikely that a president could be removed from office by the impeachment process and later win reelection.
Trump will be accountable to the law and to the voters
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

So i guess in your world Trump does not lie

When Mueller sends him questions that he should respond to and his only answer is I have no recollection. Yet he has plenty of time to recollect what was said but somehow he cannot remember

A innocent man would have at least said that it did not happen instead of I have no recollection

Why don't you ask Trump what did he and Putin talk about in two secret meetings. Was a policy objective reached or maybe some agreement? Maybe he just keeping it a secret

Yet we know how much Trump likes to brag

but he has nothing to brag about when it comes to Putin

Oh yeah I forgot he has admitted that he lied when he changes his story

Because you like Trump is irrelevant but when you cannot call him out on doing stupid stuff then you will go for anything

You brainwashed idiots of the left apparently aren't coached enough on your bullshit talking points to realize that the Hildebeast did even more bullshit about she doesn't remember....

Hillary Clinton 'Can't Recall' in 21 of 25 Answers to Judicial Watch Lawsuit
“Secretary Clinton states that she does not recall being advised, cautioned, .... Democrats took full control of Virginia's government for the first time in over two ...

Now we will watch you twist and spin some sort of crap that SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER 21 out of 25 questions......OR you will never answer this as usual with you scum.....f you pieces of shit didn't have your hypocrisy and SELECTIVE faux facts, you would have nothing.... nothing like you idolizing a murderous felon (yes what is it now over 60 examples of what we call ARKANCIDE....coincidences...yeah, right)

But you completely FORGET her over 100 felonies that were spelled out by Comey before he GAVE HER A PASS ON ALL OF THEM......Watch the last Comey remarks and realize how pathetic the chief of the FBI was when he tries to exonerate the bitch!!

She can't deny ANY of that and to have his words calling her EXTREMELY CARELESS, instead of GROSSLY NEGLIGENT!!!!!!...instead of the exact words of a felony charge is passed over by the MSM and YOU conviently try to pass over it also.

You sycophants of the left condone her felonies, but try ANYTHING you can to remove a great man who has shown our country the way the DemonRAT corruption has enhanced the fortunes of its members at the expense of all our citizens....You people are worse than garbage, but hopefully even the manipulated public will realize just who you marauders are... ..all you leftist deserve LONG prison sentences and the leaders of THE COUP need to be HUNG, too bad we don't have that penalty anymore for TRAITORS!
Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

It sounds crazy, but might work. They could even try focusing on coming up with a candidate the people like. Then it'd be a lot easier.
Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.
If Trump had not chosen to obstruct justice, it would have happened sooner.
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

So i guess in your world Trump does not lie

When Mueller sends him questions that he should respond to and his only answer is I have no recollection. Yet he has plenty of time to recollect what was said but somehow he cannot remember

A innocent man would have at least said that it did not happen instead of I have no recollection

Why don't you ask Trump what did he and Putin talk about in two secret meetings. Was a policy objective reached or maybe some agreement? Maybe he just keeping it a secret

Yet we know how much Trump likes to brag

but he has nothing to brag about when it comes to Putin

Oh yeah I forgot he has admitted that he lied when he changes his story

Because you like Trump is irrelevant but when you cannot call him out on doing stupid stuff then you will go for anything

You brainwashed idiots of the left apparently aren't coached enough on your bullshit talking points to realize that the Hildebeast did even more bullshit about she doesn't remember....

Hillary Clinton 'Can't Recall' in 21 of 25 Answers to Judicial Watch Lawsuit
“Secretary Clinton states that she does not recall being advised, cautioned, .... Democrats took full control of Virginia's government for the first time in over two ...

Now we will watch you twist and spin some sort of crap that SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER 21 out of 25 questions......OR you will never answer this as usual with you scum.....f you pieces of shit didn't have your hypocrisy and SELECTIVE faux facts, you would have nothing.... nothing like you idolizing a murderous felon (yes what is it now over 60 examples of what we call ARKANCIDE....coincidences...yeah, right)

But you completely FORGET her over 100 felonies that were spelled out by Comey before he GAVE HER A PASS ON ALL OF THEM......Watch the last Comey remarks and realize how pathetic the chief of the FBI was when he tries to exonerate the bitch!!

She can't deny ANY of that and to have his words calling her EXTREMELY CARELESS, instead of GROSSLY NEGLIGENT!!!!!!...instead of the exact words of a felony charge is passed over by the MSM and YOU conviently try to pass over it also.

You sycophants of the left condone her felonies, but try ANYTHING you can to remove a great man who has shown our country the way the DemonRAT corruption has enhanced the fortunes of its members at the expense of all our citizens....You people are worse than garbage, but hopefully even the manipulated public will realize just who you marauders are... ..all you leftist deserve LONG prison sentences and the leaders of THE COUP need to be HUNG, too bad we don't have that penalty anymore for TRAITORS!

Hillary is not currently the president. Apparently you dumbfucks on the right can't quit your Clinton derangement addiction.
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

So i guess in your world Trump does not lie

When Mueller sends him questions that he should respond to and his only answer is I have no recollection. Yet he has plenty of time to recollect what was said but somehow he cannot remember

A innocent man would have at least said that it did not happen instead of I have no recollection

Why don't you ask Trump what did he and Putin talk about in two secret meetings. Was a policy objective reached or maybe some agreement? Maybe he just keeping it a secret

Yet we know how much Trump likes to brag

but he has nothing to brag about when it comes to Putin

Oh yeah I forgot he has admitted that he lied when he changes his story

Because you like Trump is irrelevant but when you cannot call him out on doing stupid stuff then you will go for anything

You brainwashed idiots of the left apparently aren't coached enough on your bullshit talking points to realize that the Hildebeast did even more bullshit about she doesn't remember....

Hillary Clinton 'Can't Recall' in 21 of 25 Answers to Judicial Watch Lawsuit
“Secretary Clinton states that she does not recall being advised, cautioned, .... Democrats took full control of Virginia's government for the first time in over two ...

Now we will watch you twist and spin some sort of crap that SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER 21 out of 25 questions......OR you will never answer this as usual with you scum.....f you pieces of shit didn't have your hypocrisy and SELECTIVE faux facts, you would have nothing.... nothing like you idolizing a murderous felon (yes what is it now over 60 examples of what we call ARKANCIDE....coincidences...yeah, right)

But you completely FORGET her over 100 felonies that were spelled out by Comey before he GAVE HER A PASS ON ALL OF THEM......Watch the last Comey remarks and realize how pathetic the chief of the FBI was when he tries to exonerate the bitch!!

She can't deny ANY of that and to have his words calling her EXTREMELY CARELESS, instead of GROSSLY NEGLIGENT!!!!!!...instead of the exact words of a felony charge is passed over by the MSM and YOU conviently try to pass over it also.

You sycophants of the left condone her felonies, but try ANYTHING you can to remove a great man who has shown our country the way the DemonRAT corruption has enhanced the fortunes of its members at the expense of all our citizens....You people are worse than garbage, but hopefully even the manipulated public will realize just who you marauders are... ..all you leftist deserve LONG prison sentences and the leaders of THE COUP need to be HUNG, too bad we don't have that penalty anymore for TRAITORS!

Hillary is not currently the president. Apparently you dumbfucks on the right can't quit your Clinton derangement addiction.

But with the fucking assholes now running for the president, she will be your nominee!

Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.

Because the terrible precedent for the future would letting a president abuse the office for personal gain.

We’re a democracy not Kim Jong Un’s North Korea.
Because the terrible precedent for the future would letting a president abuse the office for personal gain.

We’re a democracy not Kim Jong Un’s North Korea.

Agreed on the precedent. Otherwise, I'd suggest you try to argue with the rule of law, since impeachment / removal is actually contrary to democracy - at its core, We the People decide who's to govern.
Because the terrible precedent for the future would letting a president abuse the office for personal gain.

We’re a democracy not Kim Jong Un’s North Korea.

Agreed on the precedent. Otherwise, I'd suggest you try to argue with the rule of law, since impeachment / removal is actually contrary to democracy - at its core, We the People decide who's to govern.
Impeachment is a cornerstone of Democracy

Nobody is above the law. Impeachment provides a nonviolent way of removal
Because the terrible precedent for the future would letting a president abuse the office for personal gain.

We’re a democracy not Kim Jong Un’s North Korea.

Agreed on the precedent. Otherwise, I'd suggest you try to argue with the rule of law, since impeachment / removal is actually contrary to democracy - at its core, We the People decide who's to govern.
Impeachment is a cornerstone of Democracy

Nobody is above the law. Impeachment provides a nonviolent way of removal

It’s also written into the Constitution just for this reason of abuse of office.
Impeachment is a cornerstone of Democracy

Nobody is above the law. Impeachment provides a nonviolent way of removal

No, it's not. It's a defense against the weakness of democracy, namely, the sheeple might elect someone who is corrupt.

It is still a violation of democratic principle, namely (to repeat myself), We the People decide who's to govern. Removal by anything other than a decision by anything other than a decision by the electorate is contrary to democracy.

Wrap your head around the concept, RW, or rather, concepts: While democracy and the rule of law best go hand in hand, they are still two distinct concepts. Impeachment, while mostly political, concerns itself, and is centered on, "abuse of office", which means essentially "play by the rules / laws or else..." Nothing to do with elections, or the electorate's decisions.
Who thinks Democrats don't have much of a chance of winning a fair honest election?
Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.
Because the President seems to have done something very wrong? Do we not remove from office a President who abuses his power just because there is an election coming? Without an inquiry, the people making the accusations against the President would just be talking....now they have testimony, evidence.

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