Why not just vote Trump out of office (the old-fashioned way)?

Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.

I think the real question is why right before the election, the President of the United States made a secret call to a foreign government and asked them to investigate a political rival of his.

And then asked the Commie Chinese to investigate his political rival.

Maybe the reason to take action now is because the President is illegally trying to get foreign influence for the 2020 election?
Just like he invited it in 2016. The guy never learns, even after the Mueller investigation.
Why are Trump and the Republicans trying to smear Biden if they have no chance.
How is Biden's video-taped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM ' the GOP smearing Biden'?

Silly snowflake...
Biden described telling the then-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, that he had to fire the prosecutor general or the US would not release $1 billion in loan guarantees. “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours,’” Biden told the crowd, taking a long look at his watch for effect. “‘If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch.” Here the audience laughed. “He got fired.”
Why are Trump and the Republicans trying to smear Biden if they have no chance.
How is Biden's video-taped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM ' the GOP smearing Biden'?

Silly snowflake...

Biden described telling the then-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, that he had to fire the prosecutor general or the US would not release $1 billion in loan guarantees. “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours,’” Biden told the crowd, taking a long look at his watch for effect. “‘If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch.” Here the audience laughed. “He got fired.”

Well he does like to embellish things much like Trump or maybe he was making a joke

Trump says that he is joking all the time when making statements as the president

The fact remains that when he made that claim the guy was not fired prior to him leaving hours later. December 2015

Shokin was dismissed by Parliament in late March 2016.

3 months later so it took them 3 months or the fact is Biden claim that he got him fired was just him bragging

Various street protests demanding Shokin's resignation were held. On 2 November 2015, There was even an attempt at assassination of Shokin

clearly prior to Biden arrival people in the streets were demeaning his resignation

Biden is just jumping on a bandwagon and claiming things that did not happen

A trump like trait

On 28 March, protesters called for Shokin's firing,

The International Monetary Fund has warned it will halt its $40bn (£28bn) bailout programme to Ukraine unless the conflict-torn eastern European country takes immediate action to tackle corruption in

Feb 2016

With Biden the fact is the guy was fired 3 months later

protest in the streets
IMF threats to withold 40 billion

Biden on behalf of the US played a role but he was not fired before Biden got on that plane

And Biden statements are bragging as he was part of the process for his removal but they certainly did not fire him when Biden asked.

Also making such a request is not helping his son who was sitting on a board for a company that was being investigated for corruption.
Impeachment is a cornerstone of Democracy

Nobody is above the law. Impeachment provides a nonviolent way of removal

No, it's not. It's a defense against the weakness of democracy, namely, the sheeple might elect someone who is corrupt.

It is still a violation of democratic principle, namely (to repeat myself), We the People decide who's to govern. Removal by anything other than a decision by anything other than a decision by the electorate is contrary to democracy.

Wrap your head around the concept, RW, or rather, concepts: While democracy and the rule of law best go hand in hand, they are still two distinct concepts. Impeachment, while mostly political, concerns itself, and is centered on, "abuse of office", which means essentially "play by the rules / laws or else..." Nothing to do with elections, or the electorate's decisions.
Impeachment is a defense against being forced to allow corrupt officials to complete their term with immunity
Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.
Because the President seems to have done something very wrong? Do we not remove from office a President who abuses his power just because there is an election coming? Without an inquiry, the people making the accusations against the President would just be talking....now they have testimony, evidence.
Hiding behind an election is not an excuse
The rules are outlined in the Constitution and our leaders are bound to carry out those rules no matter which party they belong.

What rules are you referring to? Please quote from the Constitution.
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

Apparently Republicans don't believe in LAW anymore. This was a civil matter and Americans did not support the impeachment of Clinton. This was done in a partisan matter. Republicans are trying to cover up Trump's abuse of power. Trump and his supporters are the cult.
Why not go back to work to make America great instead of trying to overthrow the freaking government? Still not sure about the clown car? Neither is America.
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

Apparently Republicans don't believe in LAW anymore. This was a civil matter and Americans did not support the impeachment of Clinton. This was done in a partisan matter. Republicans are trying to cover up Trump's abuse of power. Trump and his supporters are the cult.
You are a deranged little bug, aren't you! No abuse of power on Trumps part, bringing a million illegal children into our country IS AN ABUSE OF POWER!.....Surrender Monkey lover!
Why are Trump and the Republicans trying to smear Biden if they have no chance.
How is Biden's video-taped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM ' the GOP smearing Biden'?

Silly snowflake...
Biden described telling the then-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, that he had to fire the prosecutor general or the US would not release $1 billion in loan guarantees. “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours,’” Biden told the crowd, taking a long look at his watch for effect. “‘If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch.” Here the audience laughed. “He got fired.”
Why are Trump and the Republicans trying to smear Biden if they have no chance.
How is Biden's video-taped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM ' the GOP smearing Biden'?

Silly snowflake...

Biden described telling the then-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, that he had to fire the prosecutor general or the US would not release $1 billion in loan guarantees. “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours,’” Biden told the crowd, taking a long look at his watch for effect. “‘If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch.” Here the audience laughed. “He got fired.”

Well he does like to embellish things much like Trump or maybe he was making a joke

Trump says that he is joking all the time when making statements as the president

The fact remains that when he made that claim the guy was not fired prior to him leaving hours later. December 2015

Shokin was dismissed by Parliament in late March 2016.

3 months later so it took them 3 months or the fact is Biden claim that he got him fired was just him bragging

Various street protests demanding Shokin's resignation were held. On 2 November 2015, There was even an attempt at assassination of Shokin

clearly prior to Biden arrival people in the streets were demeaning his resignation

Biden is just jumping on a bandwagon and claiming things that did not happen

A trump like trait

On 28 March, protesters called for Shokin's firing,

The International Monetary Fund has warned it will halt its $40bn (£28bn) bailout programme to Ukraine unless the conflict-torn eastern European country takes immediate action to tackle corruption in

Feb 2016

With Biden the fact is the guy was fired 3 months later

protest in the streets
IMF threats to withold 40 billion

Biden on behalf of the US played a role but he was not fired before Biden got on that plane

And Biden statements are bragging as he was part of the process for his removal but they certainly did not fire him when Biden asked.

Also making such a request is not helping his son who was sitting on a board for a company that was being investigated for corruption.

Neither Burisma or Hunter we’re under investigation at the time or for two year prior to Shokin’s removal.

Also, what crime would have Hunter Biden committed by being in the gas companies board?
100 Senators will get to vote on removing Trump

democracy in action
The rules are outlined in the Constitution and our leaders are bound to carry out those rules no matter which party they belong.

What rules are you referring to? Please quote from the Constitution.

I'm sorry......I don't speak stupid so I can't understand you. Try speaking American please. American's know all about the Constitution and wouldn't have to ask.
The rules are outlined in the Constitution and our leaders are bound to carry out those rules no matter which party they belong.

What rules are you referring to? Please quote from the Constitution.

I'm sorry......I don't speak stupid so I can't understand you. Try speaking American please. American's know all about the Constitution and wouldn't have to ask.

Typical libtard response: When asked about their own vacuous posts, they change the subject. Bye bye, doofus.

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