Why not just vote Trump out of office (the old-fashioned way)?

The rules are outlined in the Constitution and our leaders are bound to carry out those rules no matter which party they belong.

What rules are you referring to? Please quote from the Constitution.

I'm sorry......I don't speak stupid so I can't understand you. Try speaking American please. American's know all about the Constitution and wouldn't have to ask.

Typical libtard response: When asked about their own vacuous posts, they change the subject. Bye bye, doofus.

Typical Trump supporter. Incapable of reading for yourself. Hopefully Fox News will hold a session on "What's in the Constitution" and explain it to you in between giving blow jobs and dying their hair blond. (smirk)
Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.
Because it's more fun to break Trump's balls & make him squirm. Fuck 'em.
Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.
Removing a corrupt, incompetent president such as Trump from office via impeachment is perfectly justified, appropriate, and warranted.

Trump’s attack of the judiciary, his contempt for the rule of law, his disdain for our democratic institutions, his incessant lying, and his abuse of presidential power all merit removing Trump from office.

The issue is that his replacement the consequence of impeachment is just as corrupt and incompetent – if not more so.
That might had worked had Trump been removed at the two year mark. The current max number of years a person can be president is 10 years or 2 and 1/2 terms.

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"
A separate vote has to take place after removal from office to disqualify from future offices. This vote is not required, but I would expect it would take place for Trump if he were removed from office (which is very unlikely with the current senate). That being said, it is possible but highly unlikely that a president could be removed from office by the impeachment process and later win reelection.

Libtards never understand the Constitution because they use it for toilet paper.
The rules are outlined in the Constitution and our leaders are bound to carry out those rules no matter which party they belong.

What rules are you referring to? Please quote from the Constitution.

I'm sorry......I don't speak stupid so I can't understand you. Try speaking American please. American's know all about the Constitution and wouldn't have to ask.

So you can't back up your claim. Typical dumbass!
Why are Trump and the Republicans trying to smear Biden if they have no chance.
How is Biden's video-taped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM ' the GOP smearing Biden'?

Silly snowflake...

He did not extort anyone. Biden has a duty to ensure that US taxpayer dollars are not lost to corruption. The US demanded a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor be fired. Something that was supported by the world community including Ukrainians who launched a series of protests against this corrupt official. The fact that the GOP feels the need to smear Biden shows they are afraid of him.
Because the terrible precedent for the future would letting a president abuse the office for personal gain.

We’re a democracy not Kim Jong Un’s North Korea.

Agreed on the precedent. Otherwise, I'd suggest you try to argue with the rule of law, since impeachment / removal is actually contrary to democracy - at its core, We the People decide who's to govern.

The founding fathers disagree with you. Go complain to them.
That might had worked had Trump been removed at the two year mark. The current max number of years a person can be president is 10 years or 2 and 1/2 terms.

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States"
A separate vote has to take place after removal from office to disqualify from future offices. This vote is not required, but I would expect it would take place for Trump if he were removed from office (which is very unlikely with the current senate). That being said, it is possible but highly unlikely that a president could be removed from office by the impeachment process and later win reelection.

Libtards never understand the Constitution because they use it for toilet paper.

It is garbage like you that are using the Constitution for toilet paper. Read the parts about Congress having the power of the purse and the power of oversight. Also read up on how laws are changed in this country. It is not by having agencies make new rules.
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

Apparently Republicans don't believe in LAW anymore. This was a civil matter and Americans did not support the impeachment of Clinton. This was done in a partisan matter. Republicans are trying to cover up Trump's abuse of power. Trump and his supporters are the cult.
You are a deranged little bug, aren't you! No abuse of power on Trumps part, bringing a million illegal children into our country IS AN ABUSE OF POWER!.....Surrender Monkey lover!

Offering refuge to people who are in fear for their lives has been a part of the US for centuries. That is what makes America great. You are the deranged cockroach and people with a education are seeing that.
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

Apparently Republicans don't believe in LAW anymore. This was a civil matter and Americans did not support the impeachment of Clinton. This was done in a partisan matter. Republicans are trying to cover up Trump's abuse of power. Trump and his supporters are the cult.
You are a deranged little bug, aren't you! No abuse of power on Trumps part, bringing a million illegal children into our country IS AN ABUSE OF POWER!.....Surrender Monkey lover!

Offering refuge to people who are in fear for their lives has been a part of the US for centuries. That is what makes America great. You are the deranged cockroach and people with a education are seeing that.
That is all fine and good but today 99+% of those coming are phony!, and WE AS A PEOPLE should NOT be responsible or PAY for them!....And what does my university training have to do with it.perhaps you are talking about the communists that have infiltrated our education system since they were found iyt after WW II as a safe place to hide and conduct subversive activities and brainwash our children for over 7 decadrs....I had a few professors like that in the early 60's and most of us were not convinced with their garbage, but we were still close to the war and Korea to NOT UNDERSTAND how devastating these ideologies were to a free people....today's kids mostly have no base of reality to know the difference!
The same question could be asked why repubs tried to impeach Clinton

Clinton was already on his 2nd term and if they had succeeded then Gore would have been president

And it was just about lying about sex so why bother with it

but they did it anyway and now the tables are turned
Are you stupid or just 20byears old?.... 20 years ago we still were a people that believed in LAW. which Blow Job broke by lying under oath!....Today lying under oath, for a DemonRAT is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE in order to be accepted into their subversive cult!

So i guess in your world Trump does not lie

When Mueller sends him questions that he should respond to and his only answer is I have no recollection. Yet he has plenty of time to recollect what was said but somehow he cannot remember

A innocent man would have at least said that it did not happen instead of I have no recollection

Why don't you ask Trump what did he and Putin talk about in two secret meetings. Was a policy objective reached or maybe some agreement? Maybe he just keeping it a secret

Yet we know how much Trump likes to brag

but he has nothing to brag about when it comes to Putin

Oh yeah I forgot he has admitted that he lied when he changes his story

Because you like Trump is irrelevant but when you cannot call him out on doing stupid stuff then you will go for anything

You brainwashed idiots of the left apparently aren't coached enough on your bullshit talking points to realize that the Hildebeast did even more bullshit about she doesn't remember....

Hillary Clinton 'Can't Recall' in 21 of 25 Answers to Judicial Watch Lawsuit
“Secretary Clinton states that she does not recall being advised, cautioned, .... Democrats took full control of Virginia's government for the first time in over two ...

Now we will watch you twist and spin some sort of crap that SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER 21 out of 25 questions......OR you will never answer this as usual with you scum.....f you pieces of shit didn't have your hypocrisy and SELECTIVE faux facts, you would have nothing.... nothing like you idolizing a murderous felon (yes what is it now over 60 examples of what we call ARKANCIDE....coincidences...yeah, right)

But you completely FORGET her over 100 felonies that were spelled out by Comey before he GAVE HER A PASS ON ALL OF THEM......Watch the last Comey remarks and realize how pathetic the chief of the FBI was when he tries to exonerate the bitch!!

She can't deny ANY of that and to have his words calling her EXTREMELY CARELESS, instead of GROSSLY NEGLIGENT!!!!!!...instead of the exact words of a felony charge is passed over by the MSM and YOU conviently try to pass over it also.

You sycophants of the left condone her felonies, but try ANYTHING you can to remove a great man who has shown our country the way the DemonRAT corruption has enhanced the fortunes of its members at the expense of all our citizens....You people are worse than garbage, but hopefully even the manipulated public will realize just who you marauders are... ..all you leftist deserve LONG prison sentences and the leaders of THE COUP need to be HUNG, too bad we don't have that penalty anymore for TRAITORS!

Hillary is not currently the president. Apparently you dumbfucks on the right can't quit your Clinton derangement addiction.

But with the fucking assholes now running for the president, she will be your nominee!


The only asshole running is Trump. And you guys are going to nominate a president that will probably have been impeached.
Impeachment is a cornerstone of Democracy

Nobody is above the law. Impeachment provides a nonviolent way of removal

No, it's not. It's a defense against the weakness of democracy, namely, the sheeple might elect someone who is corrupt.

It is still a violation of democratic principle, namely (to repeat myself), We the People decide who's to govern. Removal by anything other than a decision by anything other than a decision by the electorate is contrary to democracy.

Wrap your head around the concept, RW, or rather, concepts: While democracy and the rule of law best go hand in hand, they are still two distinct concepts. Impeachment, while mostly political, concerns itself, and is centered on, "abuse of office", which means essentially "play by the rules / laws or else..." Nothing to do with elections, or the electorate's decisions.
Actually it is a constitutionally enumerated check against an out of control executive. The people elect a president and a congress. Both are mandated by the people to do a job. If that includes impeachment, so be it. So this impeachment is not about the overthrow of a duly elected president. In 2018 the people of this country removed republicans from office because they refused to do their jobs. The people have asked for a check on this president. And that is what the congress is doing now.

Three reasons

!. We can not let the Office of the President be corrupted. The message it sends to future Administrations is dangerous to democracy

2. Trump blew up the Middle East in one DAY. He needs to be removed from office before he does more damage

3. He is engaging in acts that SUBVERT the election process
Is there any justifiable reason to impeach President Trump less than one year before the next election, especially with zero chance that the Senate would vote to convict? Why not let the voters decide whether to remove him from office?

The answer seems to me that the entire impeachment idea is nothing more than partisan political theater designed to help raise campaign contributions from loony left donors.

If I am wrong, please explain why an impeachment inquiry should begin at this time and why it will not set a terrible precedent for the future.
He won't be removed from office but an impeachment investigation with witnesses under oath may be able to bring out the facts. THEN the voters can decide based on facts and not allegations.
What are you ever talking about. The facts were made crystal clear on the Mueller Report.
Fact 1: Whoever claimed that President Trump was guilty of colluding with Russia was lying their ass off.
Fact 2: There was absolutely zero evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia:
(1) Trump did not collude with the Russians
(2) None of Trump's associates colluded with the Russians
(3) The Steele Dossier Was tracked down to a source of writers who worked for the old Clinton War Room.
(4) The salacious story about a naked Trump, two prostitutes who peed on a bed slept in by Hillary Clinton at some earlier time and which made Hillary Clinton appear to look like a victim of a terrible act was 100% fiction from Hillary's fiction writer sources
(5) At the time of its creation, the Steel Dossier was assembled while Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State, and her office is responsible for the dissemination of the story into secret channels "accidentally" found by Democrat operatives in the FBI and CIA.
(6) The FBI role in disseminated in the story was tied to two operatives in the FBI both of who were recorded as biased against President Trump, as they planned and executed the frame job against President Trump, assuring that "surprised" FBI agents were mailed information by "sources" who operated anonymously.
(7) The FBI was informed that the information was not confirmed as the truth, but the FBI in charge of the frameup job made the egregious claim that it was confirmed as the truth, which in and of itself was a lie.
(8) It is clear that the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-CA all knew from very early on that the Steele Dossier was not the truth, but each did his or her part to ensure it was dressed as the truth to fool the American voters in the last House of Representatives election in which the American voters were told that President Trump was in cahoots with the Russians. The entire Impeachment Hoax against President Trump was all a planned series of lies that set him up for a defeat, politely referred to as "an insurance policy" by both the House Democrats and the FBI leadership, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew exactly how to continue to destroy the Republican presidency and took every trick in the book to destroy this particular White House and cover up for In-crowd Democrats who took unfair shots at Trump supporters, Trump employees, and Trump family members.
(9) Maxine Waters also knew this was a lie and did her part to harass members of the Executive Branch in one of the worst offenses against the Constitution by a member of the House. She was allowed to carry on for months of damages to the President of the United States and the Republican Party. She still is heard from, from time to time, ranking on conservatives in the United States in one of the most elaborate coup attempts ever concocted to destroy the Constitution, the power of the Executive Branch, and the Supreme Court
There is ample evidence that the Democrats have invested heavily in operatives in their party to carry the Socialism, anti-gun, and anti-Constitution messages out to the general public's attention online, and make their nihilism effective enough to take over America and kick out the Founder's America.

They have made inroads into rewriting history through having Democrat operatives take over hiring in universities to produce pro-Democrat, anti-Constitutional professors to eliminate historical facts and replace them with snippets of details that support communism, which is the end goal of "socialism."

The Democrat initiative against religious prayer was effective. Schools can no longer start the school day off with prayer, and the Democrats have eliminated all Christian influences from their meetings by disallowing prayer which has heretofore been a tradition of the House of Representatives.

Democrats are destroying American confidence in the Founders by the false narratives in the form of rumors that this or that American Founder raped black women, engaged in acts of cruelty against innocent blacks (who actually were punished for murder, theft, and other crimes). This particular rewriting of history serves to subdue black students who are hit hard with emotions to think that all their ancestors were likely lynched, causing black children and some black adults to hate the word lynching. The grand omission is that for every black man who was "lynched" there were 100 whites who were lynched for crimes such as rape, stealing horses, stealing cattle, and stealing slaves and using them mercilessly that quite often resulted in sinister end-of-life experiences for human beings.

They have intentionally organized against the Christian and Jewish religions, both of which teach belief in God, belief in brotherhood, and caring for each other as tenets of faith in God. This takes away from political power that can absolutely control the masses of people we now have and helps democrats to consolidate power in their ambitiously hateful hands. Anything that diminishes their absolute power in every issue of life, Democrats seek to destroy, and they are currently pursuing it chiefly by bastardizing history to suit their end, which was and always will be absolute power by any means possible.

Democrats are pushing atheism as the vogue means of anti-religionism, because it is easier to control people socially if there is no knowledge of right and wrong in the population to stop them from doing bad things to people. This seems to be a thread that runs through organized takeovers of societies by communism, marxism, chaos, and militant rule in which death is the result of failure to observe even the smallest "law" put out by military leaders.
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Trump has bypassed the legal norms of his office
He deserves to be held accountable

The election has nothing to do with it
So this impeachment is not about the overthrow of a duly elected president.

Most assuredly, it is.
Afraid not. There is evidence of misconduct and abuse of power. The congress is there to take whatever steps necessary to stop those things from happening. The congress is duly elected just as much as the president.
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The question of the OP seems to be.......should criminal politicians be allowed to finish out their terms?

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