Why not Tulsi?

We don't need a hindu as president.
I wondered why democrats hate Tulsi too. So far, it is only because Republicans have posted that they do not think she is insane. That is the only reason I have ever heard for them shitting on her.

I don't hate Tulsi. I just won't vote for her because I disagree with most of her platform. Not to mention, she is not even going to be the nominee. :dunno: She is toast, done, well done.

IF I was a democrat and agreed with her on most issues, then I would vote for her as she is the only one who is not consumed with TDS and is the only sane choice, IMO. However, the dems have ousted her, and now they are left with a bunch of old white men and a fake Indian.
I would like to see leftists argue based on policy, as opposed to accusations. Would be a nice change of pace!

they can't because even they know that if there is a fair discussion of ;policy their side always loses because their policies are based on emotion and ignorance.
OMG. Bernie would destroy this country with his silly pie in the sky policies. Let's be realistic and reasonable, please! Being anti war is all great and stuff, but not always logical. This isn't fucking Candy Land, you know!
Stop watching Fox News. Why would you accept propaganda from billionaires? You have nothing in common with them.
A Wall St. Giant Says Sanders Would ‘Ruin’ the Economy
Lloyd Blankfein, the former Goldman Sachs chief, tweeted an attack on Bernie Sanders after the senator’s New Hampshire primary win.

A Wall St. Giant Says Sanders Would ‘Ruin’ the Economy

I don't watch news. Of course Sanders will ruin the economy. That is just common sense once you read his ridiculous platform.
Can’t you see the pattern? It’s evident.

The pattern of Bernie Sanders being an idiot with unrealistic ideas and proposals? Yes.

It’s amazing how easy the establishment can dupe some people.

When O was elected, Rs cried he will destroy the country and tank the markets.

When Don was elected, Ds said exactly the same thing.

Now Rs are saying it again about Bernie, and the others running for the D nomination.

In truth presidents have very little to do with the stock market, they all claim that they do, but they don't. the fed is much more of an influence on markets, but presidents do not control the fed---------maybe they should, or maybe we should do away with the fed.
I would like to see leftists argue based on policy, as opposed to accusations. Would be a nice change of pace!

they can't because even they know that if there is a fair discussion of ;policy their side always loses because their policies are based on emotion and ignorance.

Their policies are based on destroying the rich and middle class and making us all into socialist peons.
I would like to see leftists argue based on policy, as opposed to accusations. Would be a nice change of pace!

they can't because even they know that if there is a fair discussion of ;policy their side always loses because their policies are based on emotion and ignorance.

Their policies are based on destroying the rich and middle class and making us all into socialist peons.

yes, and that works so well in venezuela and North Korea. its amazing how stupid the leftists are.
She is like the kid that graduates high school and wants to be the CEO of Apple....she is trying to bypass the mail room job and skip her way to the top....get some experience Tulsi and get back to us in 10 or 20 years.....
I don't want anyone subscribing to that execrable party to hold any position of power.
Yet you like the R Party. Proof you aren’t informed.

I have problems with them as well, but they are not as philosophically tainted as the Democrats. The Democrats offer me nothing of interest.

I don't consider them even vaguely American.
They’re American. No need to demonize them. We are all Americans.

If we weren’t so easily divided by the wealthy establishment, we’d come together and rid ourselves of this oppressive government.

Yeah. As soon as American Idol is over.
i watch Tulsi's speeches on YT. she is full of brash confidence and enthusiasm. IMPRESSIVE! Maybe in 2024 she'll win!

I thought she sounded like a clueless loon. Not now, not ever. That new age author and friend of Oprah made more sense than Gabbard, and I wouldn't vote for her either.
Tulsi Gabbard is smart, Tulsi Gabbard is a woman, Tulsi Gabbard will end endless wars, Tulsi Gabbard will be our next president!


More important is that Tulsi is honest and fair.
She is not lying or trying to cover up anything.
She knows about the real world, like wars, guns, bribes, etc.
I think she would help stop some of the current corruption, like the War on Drugs, income inequality, ridiculous tuition costs, illegal invasions of other countries, excessive military spending, etc.
Another Trumper talking up Gabbard?

Color me shocked

I am vastly more leftist than even Bernie Sanders.
I have never voted for Trump.
If you can not see the actual issues, you are the one with partisan blinders.
For example, no actual liberal could ever be in favor of any federal gun control laws.

They are not liberals, and that is why I call them "leftists." They are authoritarians and tyrants.
I don't want anyone subscribing to that execrable party to hold any position of power.
Yet you like the R Party. Proof you aren’t informed.
I like any party that will keep leftists out of our government. At the moment, that's the Republican party.
You are fooling yourself. Very little difference between the two criminal gangs. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

that was true in the past, but today's democrats are not the democrats of Kennedy and Truman, or even LBJ. They are far left socialists whose goal is to destroy the basic principles of this country. If there are some Kennedy/Truman democrats left, give us a list of their names
I don't want anyone subscribing to that execrable party to hold any position of power.
Yet you like the R Party. Proof you aren’t informed.
I like any party that will keep leftists out of our government. At the moment, that's the Republican party.
You are fooling yourself. Very little difference between the two criminal gangs. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

that was true in the past, but today's democrats are not the democrats of Kennedy and Truman, or even LBJ. They are far left socialists whose goal is to destroy the basic principles of this country. If there are some Kennedy/Truman democrats left, give us a list of their names
BS. Both parties are owned and controlled by wealthy private interests. They both do the bidding of these wealthy interests.

You want to believe your beloved R party is somehow better and you need to demonize the D party. Total waste of time.
I don't want anyone subscribing to that execrable party to hold any position of power.
Yet you like the R Party. Proof you aren’t informed.
I like any party that will keep leftists out of our government. At the moment, that's the Republican party.
You are fooling yourself. Very little difference between the two criminal gangs. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

that was true in the past, but today's democrats are not the democrats of Kennedy and Truman, or even LBJ. They are far left socialists whose goal is to destroy the basic principles of this country. If there are some Kennedy/Truman democrats left, give us a list of their names
BS. Both parties are owned and controlled by wealthy private interests. They both do the bidding of these wealthy interests.

You want to believe your beloved R party is somehow better and you need to demonize the D party. Total waste of time.
Bullshit. There are basic differences between the two parties, and you know what they are: killing babies, bowing down to fags, gun-grabbing, government control. VS freedom, liberty, and property rights.
Are you really that stupid?
I don't want anyone subscribing to that execrable party to hold any position of power.
Yet you like the R Party. Proof you aren’t informed.
I like any party that will keep leftists out of our government. At the moment, that's the Republican party.
You are fooling yourself. Very little difference between the two criminal gangs. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

that was true in the past, but today's democrats are not the democrats of Kennedy and Truman, or even LBJ. They are far left socialists whose goal is to destroy the basic principles of this country. If there are some Kennedy/Truman democrats left, give us a list of their names
BS. Both parties are owned and controlled by wealthy private interests. They both do the bidding of these wealthy interests.

You want to believe your beloved R party is somehow better and you need to demonize the D party. Total waste of time.

that's your opinion and until the libs that you support take power, you are free to express it, after they take power we will all be told what we can and cannot say in public, I guess you are too dumb to understand that.
Yet you like the R Party. Proof you aren’t informed.
I like any party that will keep leftists out of our government. At the moment, that's the Republican party.
You are fooling yourself. Very little difference between the two criminal gangs. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

that was true in the past, but today's democrats are not the democrats of Kennedy and Truman, or even LBJ. They are far left socialists whose goal is to destroy the basic principles of this country. If there are some Kennedy/Truman democrats left, give us a list of their names
BS. Both parties are owned and controlled by wealthy private interests. They both do the bidding of these wealthy interests.

You want to believe your beloved R party is somehow better and you need to demonize the D party. Total waste of time.

that's your opinion and until the libs that you support take power, you are free to express it, after they take power we will all be told what we can and cannot say in public, I guess you are too dumb to understand that.
No doubt you thought that when O got elected, but your little fear party never transpired. Somehow you never learn.
Yet you like the R Party. Proof you aren’t informed.
I like any party that will keep leftists out of our government. At the moment, that's the Republican party.
You are fooling yourself. Very little difference between the two criminal gangs. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

that was true in the past, but today's democrats are not the democrats of Kennedy and Truman, or even LBJ. They are far left socialists whose goal is to destroy the basic principles of this country. If there are some Kennedy/Truman democrats left, give us a list of their names
BS. Both parties are owned and controlled by wealthy private interests. They both do the bidding of these wealthy interests.

You want to believe your beloved R party is somehow better and you need to demonize the D party. Total waste of time.
Bullshit. There are basic differences between the two parties, and you know what they are: killing babies, bowing down to fags, gun-grabbing, government control. VS freedom, liberty, and property rights.
Are you really that stupid?
Silly. The R party until recently has done nothing to stop the baby killing. Zero. No R potus even bothered to attend the Right to Life March in DC, until Don went last month. What federal legislation has the R Congress passed since Roe, that curtails abortion?

“bowing down to fags”. Now that’s dumb but typical of a bigot.

Has the D party taken your guns? The Rs won’t stop them if they ever try.

The Rs have done a good job of allowing our rights to be diminished. They aren’t protecting shit.

wake up!

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