Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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DISTURBING: Photo Of Drowned Father And Daughter Highlights Migrants’ Tragic Struggles

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and daughter Valeria drowned on the bank of the Rio Grande.

DISTURBING: Photo Of Drowned Father And Daughter Highlights Migrants' Tragic Struggles

Trump's immigration policies are a national nightmare! We should all be ashamed.
Yes I'm ashamed that Americans can be so GODDAMN STUPID that they think illegal immigrants deaths that have been happening FOR FUCKING DECADES are all of a sudden President Trumps' fault.
I don’t feel the least bit sorry for these fuckers, the career politicians Are at fault.... After all all progressives are fucked in the head
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.

What limits would you support on Third World immigration?
Many, I think we need a better and faster system. I think people should have means to support themselves or have to secure work. I think they should have to take classes so they show understanding of our laws system of government. What else. Ask and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

Those that don't have the means to support themselves, those that refuse or can't take classes,

what are you going to do, if they keep pouring across the border?
...A good parent doesn't let their child starve to death. This is why they are coming...
There is famine in their countries of origin? I had not heard that. And neither have you.

...If you want to stop them from coming then you need to understand why they are coming...
Incorrect. To stop them from coming, we need to stop them from coming. The reasons don't matter a damn.

...then help solve the problem so they won't come anymore...
Their problems are theirs to solve, not ours.

...I guess that's just too hard for a right wing radical extremist to understand.
Incorrect. Leftwing touchy-feely milksop snowflake Illegals-loving Internationalists and Minority-Vote Whores just don't get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
Illegal is illegal… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
If you walk across an intersection when the sign says don’t walk are you legal or illegal?
In a big city you get smashed by a car… Rightly so

In rural America they don’t have such signs...
Can you be arrested for Jaywalking?

Yes you can because your stupid ass and your stupid act can impact someone else’s
Life negatively.

Tell me what happens if you hit that asshole with your car.

Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
Illegal is illegal… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
If you walk across an intersection when the sign says don’t walk are you legal or illegal?
Just sterilize Libtards and Illegals and put planned parenthood out of business.
How do you know they are ignoring your concerns if youve never engaged with them?

You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
How do you know they are ignoring your concerns if youve never engaged with them?

You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
im not ignoring you. I’m listening to your perspective and I’m suggesting you stop imagining what you would do and actually engage with the people you are judging if you really want to learn more about their plight

You mean the self induced “plight”? Why do these subhumans continue their off the charts fertility rate? Don’t animals in the wild stop procreation when resources are depleted?
How many around the world are starving and living in total despair?
Do you want to save them all...or only those we neighbor, the ones willing to break into your house and steal your shit...the ones our politicians grant the right to steal your shit?

im not ignoring you. I’m listening to your perspective and I’m suggesting you stop imagining what you would do and actually engage with the people you are judging if you really want to learn more about their plight

Name one way in which you have given my perspective any thought.
You don’t think that a responsible parent who loves their child would risk their lives to break the law and come here illegally. Pretty simple.

Now back at you... what are your thoughts about their perspectives?

I’d guess that many “responsible parents” have committed numerous crimes to ‘care for their children’. Are you sure that’s a valid excuse for criminality...you really want to open that can of worms?

A guy who opposes abortion in any form, asks why Hispanics breed in large numbers without a hint of irony.


Vast majority of abortions are the result of bad life choices, No one else should have to pay for these progressive fuck ups.

Can’t afford a baby? well, stop fucking around… LOL

It will save you some grief and money...
...If you walk across an intersection when the sign says don’t walk are you legal or illegal?
Not in an Immigration Law and National Border Sovereignty context, which is what controls in this topical thread.
You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
im not ignoring you. I’m listening to your perspective and I’m suggesting you stop imagining what you would do and actually engage with the people you are judging if you really want to learn more about their plight

You mean the self induced “plight”? Why do these subhumans continue their off the charts fertility rate? Don’t animals in the wild stop procreation when resources are depleted?
How many around the world are starving and living in total despair?
Do you want to save them all...or only those we neighbor, the ones willing to break into your house and steal your shit...the ones our politicians grant the right to steal your shit?

Name one way in which you have given my perspective any thought.
You don’t think that a responsible parent who loves their child would risk their lives to break the law and come here illegally. Pretty simple.

Now back at you... what are your thoughts about their perspectives?

I’d guess that many “responsible parents” have committed numerous crimes to ‘care for their children’. Are you sure that’s a valid excuse for criminality...you really want to open that can of worms?
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
Pence's FEMA Camp Scenario:

FFRF Sues Carson's Department of HUD, Freethought Today, Mar 2018

'....According to reports the Trump administration holds bible study sessions at the White House. FFRF is seeking the records to determine whether or not the bible study uses government resources, whether staffers may feel coerced into organizing or even participating in the religious event, and to ascertain government access granted to Capital Ministries, a group that seeks to evangelize elected officials. The pious affair is apparently co-sponsored by Vice President Mike Pence.'

On the same front page is "Ben Carson Posts Facebook Statement Against FFRF
'....Our groups are suing over illegal denial of public information and fee waivers in tow unrelated investigations.'

Since thread's concept is housing, the link to the Clinton crime family and MI6 is the Rector-Amery link in Michigan. In Ohio, the "residents" list shows that the Rector and Pence families knew each other.

Gard-Rector Cemetery, Ohio
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
Illegal is illegal… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
If you walk across an intersection when the sign says don’t walk are you legal or illegal?

Those whom are proponents of ANY criminality against their fellow countrymen are probably pretty awesome Americans aren’t they?
Do you also support and champion drunk driving?
I can’t get over how odd it is that you’re able to pretend that wetbacks are an asset to this nation...somehow, someway you have yourself convinced that they make our nation better despite ALL data that proves otherwise. How the fuck do you do that? FEELZ?
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.
Putting up just a gate does not keep the dogs in or out...
True, but it also doesn’t mean that there is no gate
Putting up just a gate invites fucked up behavior... We are reaping what we sow.
A fucking flood of diseased illegal aliens... Who have absolutely no right to be here. But the bleeding hearts will insist upon it.
Here comes the broken record talking points again
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.
Putting up just a gate does not keep the dogs in or out...
True, but it also doesn’t mean that there is no gate
Putting up just a gate invites fucked up behavior... We are reaping what we sow.
A fucking flood of diseased illegal aliens... Who have absolutely no right to be here. But the bleeding hearts will insist upon it.
Here comes the broken record talking points again
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.

What limits would you support on Third World immigration?
Many, I think we need a better and faster system. I think people should have means to support themselves or have to secure work. I think they should have to take classes so they show understanding of our laws system of government. What else. Ask and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

Those that don't have the means to support themselves, those that refuse or can't take classes,

what are you going to do, if they keep pouring across the border?
I’m not going to give them citizenship or benefits unless they work for it. What do you think they are gonna do? Risk their lives to come here to live on the streets?
Can you be arrested for Jaywalking?

Yes you can because your stupid ass and your stupid act can impact someone else’s
Life negatively.

Tell me what happens if you hit that asshole with your car.

Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
Illegal is illegal… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
If you walk across an intersection when the sign says don’t walk are you legal or illegal?
You can be arrested but nobody ever is. Worst case is they get a ticket
im not ignoring you. I’m listening to your perspective and I’m suggesting you stop imagining what you would do and actually engage with the people you are judging if you really want to learn more about their plight

You mean the self induced “plight”? Why do these subhumans continue their off the charts fertility rate? Don’t animals in the wild stop procreation when resources are depleted?
How many around the world are starving and living in total despair?
Do you want to save them all...or only those we neighbor, the ones willing to break into your house and steal your shit...the ones our politicians grant the right to steal your shit?

You don’t think that a responsible parent who loves their child would risk their lives to break the law and come here illegally. Pretty simple.

Now back at you... what are your thoughts about their perspectives?

I’d guess that many “responsible parents” have committed numerous crimes to ‘care for their children’. Are you sure that’s a valid excuse for criminality...you really want to open that can of worms?
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite
Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.

What limits would you support on Third World immigration?
Many, I think we need a better and faster system. I think people should have means to support themselves or have to secure work. I think they should have to take classes so they show understanding of our laws system of government. What else. Ask and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

Those that don't have the means to support themselves, those that refuse or can't take classes,

what are you going to do, if they keep pouring across the border?
I’m not going to give them citizenship or benefits unless they work for it. What do you think they are gonna do? Risk their lives to come here to live on the streets?
The fuckers should wait 12 to 15 years in Mexico or some country before they are granted anything close to citizenship...
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
Illegal is illegal… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
If you walk across an intersection when the sign says don’t walk are you legal or illegal?

Those whom are proponents of ANY criminality against their fellow countrymen are probably pretty awesome Americans aren’t they?
Do you also support and champion drunk driving?
I can’t get over how odd it is that you’re able to pretend that wetbacks are an asset to this nation...somehow, someway you have yourself convinced that they make our nation better despite ALL data that proves otherwise. How the fuck do you do that? FEELZ?
I don’t see them as an asset or a liability... I just think if people want a chance to make it here then they should be given the opportunity
You mean the self induced “plight”? Why do these subhumans continue their off the charts fertility rate? Don’t animals in the wild stop procreation when resources are depleted?
How many around the world are starving and living in total despair?
Do you want to save them all...or only those we neighbor, the ones willing to break into your house and steal your shit...the ones our politicians grant the right to steal your shit?

I’d guess that many “responsible parents” have committed numerous crimes to ‘care for their children’. Are you sure that’s a valid excuse for criminality...you really want to open that can of worms?
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite
Illegal aliens get a free pass, political correctness dictates that they do
Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
Illegal is illegal… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
If you walk across an intersection when the sign says don’t walk are you legal or illegal?

Those whom are proponents of ANY criminality against their fellow countrymen are probably pretty awesome Americans aren’t they?
Do you also support and champion drunk driving?
I can’t get over how odd it is that you’re able to pretend that wetbacks are an asset to this nation...somehow, someway you have yourself convinced that they make our nation better despite ALL data that proves otherwise. How the fuck do you do that? FEELZ?
I don’t see them as an asset or a liability... I just think if people want a chance to make it here then they should be given the opportunity
Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year and a disproportionate amount of violent crimes
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite
Illegal aliens get a free pass, political correctness dictates that they do
No they don’t
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