Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite
Illegal aliens get a free pass, political correctness dictates that they do
No they don’t
Sure they do... Political correctness insists on it
Some have asked to evaluate the offense as to proportionate response.

Upon illegal entry and apprehension, it will cost $750-1000 per day to keep each person.
So that’s stealing that amount every day. I think that’s grand theft so response should be for that.
Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.

What limits would you support on Third World immigration?
Many, I think we need a better and faster system. I think people should have means to support themselves or have to secure work. I think they should have to take classes so they show understanding of our laws system of government. What else. Ask and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

Those that don't have the means to support themselves, those that refuse or can't take classes,

what are you going to do, if they keep pouring across the border?
I’m not going to give them citizenship or benefits unless they work for it. What do you think they are gonna do? Risk their lives to come here to live on the streets?

So, you just let them pour across the border, with the plan to let them and their precious children live in the shadows, without food or medical care or education or shelter?

Sounds like a bad plan. And the flaw is your refusal to control the border.
I made a point about a parent taking their children on a dangerous trek.

YOU challenged my ability to judge people with different life experiences. I did not accuse you of moving the goal posts, because it was a relevant to the topic to challenge my ability to make a judgement.

And so we discussed that back and forth a little.

Now we have reached the end of that, and I have pointed out that your desire for understanding is not equal on both parties.

For if your concept of needing to do the work to understand each other is to be valid at all, the understanding must go both ways.

If not, you need to explain, why it is important for me to understand them, but they can ignore me and my concerns.

Because otherwise, it looks like you are just employing sophist nonsense for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
How do you know they are ignoring your concerns if youve never engaged with them?

You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
I made a point about a parent taking their children on a dangerous trek.

YOU challenged my ability to judge people with different life experiences. I did not accuse you of moving the goal posts, because it was a relevant to the topic to challenge my ability to make a judgement.

And so we discussed that back and forth a little.

Now we have reached the end of that, and I have pointed out that your desire for understanding is not equal on both parties.

For if your concept of needing to do the work to understand each other is to be valid at all, the understanding must go both ways.

If not, you need to explain, why it is important for me to understand them, but they can ignore me and my concerns.

Because otherwise, it looks like you are just employing sophist nonsense for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
How do you know they are ignoring your concerns if youve never engaged with them?

You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
im not ignoring you. I’m listening to your perspective and I’m suggesting you stop imagining what you would do and actually engage with the people you are judging if you really want to learn more about their plight

You mean the self induced “plight”? Why do these subhumans continue their off the charts fertility rate? Don’t animals in the wild stop procreation when resources are depleted?
How many around the world are starving and living in total despair?
Do you want to save them all...or only those we neighbor, the ones willing to break into your house and steal your shit...the ones our politicians grant the right to steal your shit?

You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
im not ignoring you. I’m listening to your perspective and I’m suggesting you stop imagining what you would do and actually engage with the people you are judging if you really want to learn more about their plight

Name one way in which you have given my perspective any thought.
You don’t think that a responsible parent who loves their child would risk their lives to break the law and come here illegally. Pretty simple.

Now back at you... what are your thoughts about their perspectives?

I’d guess that many “responsible parents” have committed numerous crimes to ‘care for their children’. Are you sure that’s a valid excuse for criminality...you really want to open that can of worms?

A guy who opposes abortion in any form, asks why Hispanics breed in large numbers without a hint of irony.



You Mean Socialist Country. There are no Theocracies in South America like there are in Arab Nations in the ME, which begs the Question, Why does the Democrat Party want America to look more like a failed Socialist Nation or Islamic Theocracy than a Democracy?
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?

Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?

I HAVE looked at the statistics. They show illegal immigrants commit LESS crime than naturual born Americans.

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime


Mollie Tibbetts' death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org

That’s all bullshit..but I get it...you don’t know that illegal alien wetbacks = litters of barely legal, criminal minded, welfare department anchor babies.
What else can I teach you?

Wow. That's pretty rough and a little bit of a slur.

Do you think theae peeps are inferior to the tired and poor of Europe we took in?
Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?

Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?

I HAVE looked at the statistics. They show illegal immigrants commit LESS crime than naturual born Americans.

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime


Mollie Tibbetts' death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org

That’s all bullshit..but I get it...you don’t know that illegal alien wetbacks = litters of barely legal, criminal minded, welfare department anchor babies.
What else can I teach you?

Only A DEM TARD would cry about $15 Minimum Wage and then import millions of illiterate dumb as a pile of rocks illegals to undercut their own position on a $15 Minimum wage.

Being a DemNazi Left Tard is the Very Definition of Insanity.

What's your feeling on the $15 minimum wage sir?
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?

Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?

I HAVE looked at the statistics. They show illegal immigrants commit LESS crime than naturual born Americans.

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime


Mollie Tibbetts' death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org

That’s all bullshit..but I get it...you don’t know that illegal alien wetbacks = litters of barely legal, criminal minded, welfare department anchor babies.
What else can I teach you?

Only A DEM TARD would cry about $15 Minimum Wage and then import millions of illiterate dumb as a pile of rocks illegals to undercut their own position on a $15 Minimum wage.

Being a DemNazi Left Tard is the Very Definition of Insanity.

What's your feeling on the $15 minimum wage sir?
Only an Idiot would demand a $15 an hour minimum wage and Continue to import Millions of Brown Latino Slaves in to our Labor Market to undercut their own Demand for a $15 an hour minimum wage and then furthermore tell working Americans that they have to provide free health care, free education, welfare and food stamps to 40 million people who are in this country illegally, is asinine. And lets not even talk about more piling on with a $90 Trillion Dollar Green New Deal on top of all of that.

You must be insane.

Deport all Illegals, and cut Illegal Immigration to Zero and drop the demands for Free Stuff for everyone and then we can talk $15 an hour minimum wage.

Dem's encourage hundreds of thousands of illegal kids to flood into our country, 60,000 in just the last 40 days. Now Dem's bitch because there's no place to house all these illegals.
Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?

I HAVE looked at the statistics. They show illegal immigrants commit LESS crime than naturual born Americans.

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime


Mollie Tibbetts' death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org

That’s all bullshit..but I get it...you don’t know that illegal alien wetbacks = litters of barely legal, criminal minded, welfare department anchor babies.
What else can I teach you?

Only A DEM TARD would cry about $15 Minimum Wage and then import millions of illiterate dumb as a pile of rocks illegals to undercut their own position on a $15 Minimum wage.

Being a DemNazi Left Tard is the Very Definition of Insanity.

What's your feeling on the $15 minimum wage sir?
Only an Idiot would demand a $15 an hour minimum wage and import Millions of Brown Latino Slaves in to our Labor Market to undercut a Demand for a $15 an hour minimum wage and then furthermore tell working Americans that they have to provide free health care, free education, welfare and food stamps to 40 million people who are in this country illegally, is asinine. And lets not even talk about more piling on with a $90 Trillion Dollar Green New Deal on top of all of that.

You must be insane.

Deport all Illegals, and cut Illegal Immigration to Zero and drop the demands for Free Stuff for everyone and then we can talk $15 an hour minimum wage.

If only you had the first clue about business and economics.

No one is "importing" brown people. You're completely deranged on the topic of illegal immigrants. This is genuine Trump Derangement Syndrome. TRUMP is driving this spike in refugee arrivals. And he's doing it to frighten fools like you. This wasn't happening BEFORE Trump was elected. None of it. And now it is.

That’s all bullshit..but I get it...you don’t know that illegal alien wetbacks = litters of barely legal, criminal minded, welfare department anchor babies.
What else can I teach you?

Only A DEM TARD would cry about $15 Minimum Wage and then import millions of illiterate dumb as a pile of rocks illegals to undercut their own position on a $15 Minimum wage.

Being a DemNazi Left Tard is the Very Definition of Insanity.

What's your feeling on the $15 minimum wage sir?
Only an Idiot would demand a $15 an hour minimum wage and import Millions of Brown Latino Slaves in to our Labor Market to undercut a Demand for a $15 an hour minimum wage and then furthermore tell working Americans that they have to provide free health care, free education, welfare and food stamps to 40 million people who are in this country illegally, is asinine. And lets not even talk about more piling on with a $90 Trillion Dollar Green New Deal on top of all of that.

You must be insane.

Deport all Illegals, and cut Illegal Immigration to Zero and drop the demands for Free Stuff for everyone and then we can talk $15 an hour minimum wage.

If only you had the first clue about business and economics.

No one is "importing" brown people. You're completely deranged on the topic of illegal immigrants. This is genuine Trump Derangement Syndrome. TRUMP is driving this spike in refugee arrivals. And he's doing it to frighten fools like you. This wasn't happening BEFORE Trump was elected. None of it. And now it is.

I graduated SUMA, and my original pursuit was Economics. Yes, The Democrat Party, and states like California, and New York are heavily dependent on Brown Latino Slaves to work in their Slave Plantations and Sweat Shops picking the fruit you shove up your ass and making your clothes that you wear, despite the fact you could care less they were made by slaves, or that you have no sense of fashion.

The Democrat Party and it's Elites have NEVER broken their addictions to slave labor and they never will.

The Democrat Party in states like New York and California are also heavily dependent on Brown Latino Slaves for unfair Representation in Congress and for The Theft of an Unfair and Disproportionate Share of Federal Dollars, and for an Unfair Share of Electoral Votes in the EC.

This is why your Evil Party refuses to address The Immigration Crisis they intentionally created.

They don't want to be cut off from their supply of Brown Latino Slaves. Who will work the brothels, pick the cotton, make their clothes, clean their houses, and mow their lawns, and then be illegally registered to vote (D) through Unconstitutional Motor Voter Registrations when Illegals are given Illegal Driver Licenses?
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You mean the self induced “plight”? Why do these subhumans continue their off the charts fertility rate? Don’t animals in the wild stop procreation when resources are depleted?
How many around the world are starving and living in total despair?
Do you want to save them all...or only those we neighbor, the ones willing to break into your house and steal your shit...the ones our politicians grant the right to steal your shit?

I’d guess that many “responsible parents” have committed numerous crimes to ‘care for their children’. Are you sure that’s a valid excuse for criminality...you really want to open that can of worms?
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywYjalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite

Then why shouldn't illegals shouldn't immediately be shipped back to where they came from?
Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite
Illegal aliens get a free pass, political correctness dictates that they do
No they don’t
Of course they do.
..... TRUMP is driving this spike in refugee arrivals. .....

And just how is he doing that?

He's telling the refugees that he's closing the border. The US is full. He's driving a fear that if they don't come NOW, they won't be able to get in later, because he's going to cancel refugee claims. He also cut the foreign aid to their home countries which was being used to fight the drug gangs in their home countries, so their countries are now MORE dangerous than before his election, and they were already among the most dangerous places on earth. EVERYTHING that Trump has done has made the problem of narco-terrorism and the violence driving people out of their homes, much worse.

Everything that Trump does is purportedly to deter people from coming. Deterrence has NEVER worked. What works, is dealing with the root problem driving the refugees out of their home countries.
..... TRUMP is driving this spike in refugee arrivals. .....

And just how is he doing that?

He's telling the refugees that he's closing the border. The US is full. He's driving a fear that if they don't come NOW, they won't be able to get in later, because he's going to cancel refugee claims. He also cut the foreign aid to their home countries which was being used to fight the drug gangs in their home countries, so their countries are now MORE dangerous than before his election, and they were already among the most dangerous places on earth. EVERYTHING that Trump has done has made the problem of narco-terrorism and the violence driving people out of their homes, much worse.

Everything that Trump does is purportedly to deter people from coming. Deterrence has NEVER worked. What works, is dealing with the root problem driving the refugees out of their home countries.

Where is your link to any proof of your speculation? How about interviews with border crossers claiming what you just imagined? I work very closely with immigrants of all kinds everyday, and I haven't heard anyone claim any of that as motivation for making the dangerous trek. As for "more dangerous," you perhaps can't appreciate how dangerous some of those countries have been for a long time and how absolutely ineffective our aid has been up to now.
..... TRUMP is driving this spike in refugee arrivals. .....

And just how is he doing that?

He's telling the refugees that he's closing the border. The US is full. He's driving a fear that if they don't come NOW, they won't be able to get in later, because he's going to cancel refugee claims. He also cut the foreign aid to their home countries which was being used to fight the drug gangs in their home countries, so their countries are now MORE dangerous than before his election, and they were already among the most dangerous places on earth. EVERYTHING that Trump has done has made the problem of narco-terrorism and the violence driving people out of their homes, much worse.

Everything that Trump does is purportedly to deter people from coming. Deterrence has NEVER worked. What works, is dealing with the root problem driving the refugees out of their home countries.

Where is your link to any proof of your speculation? How about interviews with border crossers claiming what you just imagined? I work very closely with immigrants of all kinds everyday, and I haven't heard anyone claim any of that as motivation for making the dangerous trek. As for "more dangerous," you perhaps can't appreciate how dangerous some of those countries have been for a long time and how absolutely ineffective our aid has been up to now.

Are you incapable of using Google? Is there no intellectual curiosity among Trump supporters at all. Every time a Trump supporter makes a claim, I google the claim before I call them out on their "facts".

You work with migrants every day. Are you working with ANY of the people currently crossing the border? If you're working with migrants, you're working with people who have been in the country since BEFORE Trump was elected, so it's hard to imagine that you would get those answers. Anyone coming since Trump was elected is sitting in an internment camp on the border.
..... TRUMP is driving this spike in refugee arrivals. .....

And just how is he doing that?

He's telling the refugees that he's closing the border. The US is full. He's driving a fear that if they don't come NOW, they won't be able to get in later, because he's going to cancel refugee claims. He also cut the foreign aid to their home countries which was being used to fight the drug gangs in their home countries, so their countries are now MORE dangerous than before his election, and they were already among the most dangerous places on earth. EVERYTHING that Trump has done has made the problem of narco-terrorism and the violence driving people out of their homes, much worse.

Everything that Trump does is purportedly to deter people from coming. Deterrence has NEVER worked. What works, is dealing with the root problem driving the refugees out of their home countries.

Where is your link to any proof of your speculation? How about interviews with border crossers claiming what you just imagined? I work very closely with immigrants of all kinds everyday, and I haven't heard anyone claim any of that as motivation for making the dangerous trek. As for "more dangerous," you perhaps can't appreciate how dangerous some of those countries have been for a long time and how absolutely ineffective our aid has been up to now.

Are you incapable of using Google? ......

Are you incapable of supporting your claim?
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