Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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...Anyone coming since Trump was elected is sitting in an internment camp on the border.

That is not true. You don't know much about this, do you? You're just here to vent political partisanship, aren't you?

I asked you if you are working with ANYONE who came across the Southern Border since Trump was elected, and you dodged the question.

NO ONE who doesn't live ON the Southern Border really knows anything about this at all. That's because the Administration has barred ANYONE from going into these facilities, including members of Congress.

I am not an American. I am not a partisan. I am a human being who is deeply concerned about the direction the Trump Administration is going in with it's abuse of refugee families and small children. There is no justification for killing people who are already running for their lives.
...Anyone coming since Trump was elected is sitting in an internment camp on the border.

That is not true. You don't know much about this, do you? You're just here to vent political partisanship, aren't you?

I asked you if you are working with ANYONE who came across the Southern Border since Trump was elected, and you dodged the question.

NO ONE who doesn't live ON the Southern Border really knows anything about this at all. That's because the Administration has barred ANYONE from going into these facilities, including members of Congress.

I am not an American. I am not a partisan. I am a human being who is deeply concerned about the direction the Trump Administration is going in with it's abuse of refugee families and small children. There is no justification for killing people who are already running for their lives.
You’re Canadian/socialist/Progressive....
You have no sense of reality, diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here. End of story
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.

What limits would you support on Third World immigration?
Many, I think we need a better and faster system. I think people should have means to support themselves or have to secure work. I think they should have to take classes so they show understanding of our laws system of government. What else. Ask and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

Those that don't have the means to support themselves, those that refuse or can't take classes,

what are you going to do, if they keep pouring across the border?
I’m not going to give them citizenship or benefits unless they work for it. What do you think they are gonna do? Risk their lives to come here to live on the streets?

So, you just let them pour across the border, with the plan to let them and their precious children live in the shadows, without food or medical care or education or shelter?

Sounds like a bad plan. And the flaw is your refusal to control the border.
You’re injecting that. I never said any of those things, in fact I’ve said the opposite. I think everybody here should be in the system
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywYjalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite

Then why shouldn't illegals shouldn't immediately be shipped back to where they came from?
They should of they’ve committed violent crimes. Of not them it becomes a question of process. We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country so there should be a different kind of penalty... fines or community service etc
Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywYjalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite

Then why shouldn't illegals shouldn't immediately be shipped back to where they came from?
They should of they’ve committed violent crimes. Of not them it becomes a question of process. We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country so there should be a different kind of penalty... fines or community service etc

Why would you believe that we’re incapable of enforcing our laws? Mexicrats have simply rendered our immigration and deportation laws useless...There are other ways....shit, Ike did it with very little resources not long ago.
Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywYjalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
He's still right that you and your ilk don't want to hold people accountable. Crossing the border without a visa is a crime. It's illegal, period.
I’ve never said they shouldn’t be held accountable. I’ve said quite the opposite

Then why shouldn't illegals shouldn't immediately be shipped back to where they came from?
They should of they’ve committed violent crimes. Of not them it becomes a question of process. We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country so there should be a different kind of penalty... fines or community service etc
The "process" should last less than a week. No visa? Then back they go.
...Anyone coming since Trump was elected is sitting in an internment camp on the border.

That is not true. You don't know much about this, do you? You're just here to vent political partisanship, aren't you?

I asked you if you are working with ANYONE who came across the Southern Border since Trump was elected........

And I said YES.

Do you need it translated into another language?

.....We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country ......

Why not?
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.
It's more expensive not to do it. How is it "damaging to our communities?" You don't get to count illegal aliens as part of our community.

Slade3200 is scrounging for data right now...he should pretend he didn’t see our posts. He refuses to admit that his position on this matter is rooted in FEELZ....he’ll squirm around, twist, spin and play semantics all day while ignoring the real data. It’s fascinating.
.....We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country ......

Why not?
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.
It's more expensive not to do it. How is it "damaging to our communities?" You don't get to count illegal aliens as part of our community.
You do if you are an illegal alien.
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?
How about enforcing our laws. You're the enemy within.
.....We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country ......

Why not?
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.
It's more expensive not to do it. How is it "damaging to our communities?" You don't get to count illegal aliens as part of our community.

Slade3200 is scrounging for data right now...he should pretend he didn’t see our posts. He refuses to admit that his position on this matter is rooted in FEELZ....he’ll squirm around, twist, spin and play semantics all day while ignoring the real data. It’s fascinating.
Why do you need to inject false hyperbole into the conversation? Are you really that desperate to troll?
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