Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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lol...love the fetus - hate the child.

don'tcha love them thar christian pro lifers & their 'every baby is precious & deserves to live' - when it really means is except after the cord is cut & just forget it if you are brown as well.
Mentally ill patients in Somaliland, north east Africa, chained up and beaten, a Human Rights Watch study reveals

Report found 'alarmingly high levels' of mental health down to violence of civil war, poverty and addiction to drugs

Patients forced into 'hospitals' where they are shackled by their ankles, force fed medication and beaten by guards

They are among the thousands of mental health sufferers locked up in cruel institutions and prisons across Africa

Same cruelty occurs in nations of South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria

Abdi was chained up by his ankles in a dark room
almost every hour of the day for 14 months.

He was force fed powerful medication and when he resisted,
he was brutally beaten by guards
at the mental health ward in Somaliland, north east Africa.

Abdi, 35, was one of thousands of patients
forced into the country's cruel psychiatric institutes
where they endure torture, starvation and mind numbing loneliness,
a shocking investigation has revealed.

But these acts of cruelty are not limited to Somaliland,
an autonomous region of Somalia.
Mentally ill people in several Africa nations -
including Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda,
Kenya and oil rich Nigeria - are chained to hospital beds,
put into prisons alongside dangerous criminals
or chained up by their own families.


Lonely: Ahmed Adan Ahmed (pictured), 13, was tied to a stick in a Somalian refugee camp by his mother who, like many people in Africa,
did not know how to deal with his mental health problems


Cast away: Thousands of mentally ill people across Africa,
including this women who was shackled to an engine part
in Juba Central Prison, South Sudan, are locked up in hospital wards
or in jails alongside criminals


Condemned: A shocking new investigation has revealed how patients
are chained and beaten in wards in Somaliland,
an autonomous region of Somalia, but patients (pictured in a South Sudanese prison) all over the continent are suffering the same abuse


At risk: A mentally disabled boy (pictured), eight, sleeps on the floor of a prison cell where 'high risk' male inmates are housed in a 'rehabilitation' centre outside of Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Discarded: The Home of Hope centre (pictured) in Jinja, Uganda, tries to care for abandoned children with mental health problems








save your faux indignation for someone willing to believe you give a damn about ANY of them.

His point about how the "refugees" look was valid.

your comeback?


what comeback was needed other than what i said? those that can make it here deserve a shot. you & he can't figure that out?
Why do they "deserve a shot?" How does simply being a warm body entitle them to anything from us?
For the same reason you believe they don’t deserve a shot people like me think they do. Just a difference of opinion. Call it a sense of liberty or human compassion if you’d like
Y'all Are On Meth

Pence's FEMA camp scenario includes bible study in the White House. How many illegal immigrants from Sinaloa? That is the Pence link, because of his Catholic choice of belief. The Catholics did the same thing Jimmy Carter's family did: they migrated into a region sparsely populated, Sinaloa for Catholic mafia, a certain area of Georgia for Carter's family. The U.S. 6th Cavalry hired Western Apache mercenaries to hunt down their Chiricahua cousins, who lived on both sides of the border in question, precisely to more define said border. Shawnee mercenaries from Ohio were hired for cleansing operations along the South Carolina and Georgia coast. That is one reason we made the Ohio Pence-Rector connection in post #369.
.....We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country ......

Why not?
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
Shipping them back is cheaper than allowing them to stay here, collect welfare, and reproduce. The later is several orders of magnitude more expensive.
Mentally ill patients in Somaliland, north east Africa, chained up and beaten, a Human Rights Watch study reveals

Report found 'alarmingly high levels' of mental health down to violence of civil war, poverty and addiction to drugs

Patients forced into 'hospitals' where they are shackled by their ankles, force fed medication and beaten by guards

They are among the thousands of mental health sufferers locked up in cruel institutions and prisons across Africa

Same cruelty occurs in nations of South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria

Abdi was chained up by his ankles in a dark room
almost every hour of the day for 14 months.

He was force fed powerful medication and when he resisted,
he was brutally beaten by guards
at the mental health ward in Somaliland, north east Africa.

Abdi, 35, was one of thousands of patients
forced into the country's cruel psychiatric institutes
where they endure torture, starvation and mind numbing loneliness,
a shocking investigation has revealed.

But these acts of cruelty are not limited to Somaliland,
an autonomous region of Somalia.
Mentally ill people in several Africa nations -
including Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda,
Kenya and oil rich Nigeria - are chained to hospital beds,
put into prisons alongside dangerous criminals
or chained up by their own families.


Lonely: Ahmed Adan Ahmed (pictured), 13, was tied to a stick in a Somalian refugee camp by his mother who, like many people in Africa,
did not know how to deal with his mental health problems


Cast away: Thousands of mentally ill people across Africa,
including this women who was shackled to an engine part
in Juba Central Prison, South Sudan, are locked up in hospital wards
or in jails alongside criminals


Condemned: A shocking new investigation has revealed how patients
are chained and beaten in wards in Somaliland,
an autonomous region of Somalia, but patients (pictured in a South Sudanese prison) all over the continent are suffering the same abuse


At risk: A mentally disabled boy (pictured), eight, sleeps on the floor of a prison cell where 'high risk' male inmates are housed in a 'rehabilitation' centre outside of Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Discarded: The Home of Hope centre (pictured) in Jinja, Uganda, tries to care for abandoned children with mental health problems








save your faux indignation for someone willing to believe you give a damn about ANY of them.

His point about how the "refugees" look was valid.

your comeback?


what comeback was needed other than what i said? those that can make it here deserve a shot. you & he can't figure that out?
Why do they "deserve a shot?" How does simply being a warm body entitle them to anything from us?
For the same reason you believe they don’t deserve a shot people like me think they do. Just a difference of opinion. Call it a sense of liberty or human compassion if you’d like
What reason is that? I don't believe they deserve a shot because none of you leftwing open borders turds have ever posted a good reason for giving them a shot. How does it benefit us to give them a shot? I've asked this question before, and the only answer I got was "Mexican food."
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.

Haha...I already showed you that we did it once before with far less resources. Why repeat such nonsense?
So you know that enforcing our laws is expensive but you don’t know that fostering Mexico’s filth is more expensive? That’s weird.
“Mass demonstrations and protests”
WTF....who gives two fucks.
Those who get ass hurt over politicians finally doing what they’re supposed to do can go fuck themselves.
I’m fine with enforcing the law but we need to be smart about it and now waste resources trying to track down the undocumented housekeeper who’s been here for 15 years and has three kids in school. Deport the criminals and give the housekeeper a penalty along with way to be part of the system.

When did the open borders crowd ever care about wasting money? You defend wasting trillions of dollars every day.
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
So why do you support illegal immigration?
I don’t
Of course you do.
.....We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country ......

Why not?
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
You're blubbering about all the problems Democrats have caused.
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?
How about enforcing our laws. You're the enemy within.
I think we are here to debate the laws, not cower to big government.
.....We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country ......

Why not?
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
Shipping them back is cheaper than allowing them to stay here, collect welfare, and reproduce. The later is several orders of magnitude more expensive.
Is that what you think? They all come here and collect welfare?
save your faux indignation for someone willing to believe you give a damn about ANY of them.

His point about how the "refugees" look was valid.

your comeback?


what comeback was needed other than what i said? those that can make it here deserve a shot. you & he can't figure that out?
Why do they "deserve a shot?" How does simply being a warm body entitle them to anything from us?
For the same reason you believe they don’t deserve a shot people like me think they do. Just a difference of opinion. Call it a sense of liberty or human compassion if you’d like
What reason is that? I don't believe they deserve a shot because none of you leftwing open borders turds have ever posted a good reason for giving them a shot. How does it benefit us to give them a shot? I've asked this question before, and the only answer I got was "Mexican food."
Here’s a good reason... they are human beings. It’s very simple
His point about how the "refugees" look was valid.

your comeback?


what comeback was needed other than what i said? those that can make it here deserve a shot. you & he can't figure that out?
Why do they "deserve a shot?" How does simply being a warm body entitle them to anything from us?
For the same reason you believe they don’t deserve a shot people like me think they do. Just a difference of opinion. Call it a sense of liberty or human compassion if you’d like
What reason is that? I don't believe they deserve a shot because none of you leftwing open borders turds have ever posted a good reason for giving them a shot. How does it benefit us to give them a shot? I've asked this question before, and the only answer I got was "Mexican food."
Here’s a good reason... they are human beings. It’s very simple

So just because they are human beings requires me to give them things through either my tax dollars and/or higher healthcare costs due to them getting free care? What about my property rights? Why can't I go to their country and get free stuff? Why are they special? They are NOT my countrymen. Their country is responsible for them, not mine.

If you come here illegally, you should be PUNISHED and deported.
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.

Haha...I already showed you that we did it once before with far less resources. Why repeat such nonsense?
So you know that enforcing our laws is expensive but you don’t know that fostering Mexico’s filth is more expensive? That’s weird.
“Mass demonstrations and protests”
WTF....who gives two fucks.
Those who get ass hurt over politicians finally doing what they’re supposed to do can go fuck themselves.
I’m fine with enforcing the law but we need to be smart about it and now waste resources trying to track down the undocumented housekeeper who’s been here for 15 years and has three kids in school. Deport the criminals and give the housekeeper a penalty along with way to be part of the system.

When did the open borders crowd ever care about wasting money? You defend wasting trillions of dollars every day.
No I’m not, I never said a word about money.
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
So why do you support illegal immigration?
I don’t
Of course you do.
No I don’t
.....We can’t ship 10 million people out of the country ......

Why not?
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
You're blubbering about all the problems Democrats have caused.
So, what’s your point? I’m not defending democrats
what comeback was needed other than what i said? those that can make it here deserve a shot. you & he can't figure that out?
Why do they "deserve a shot?" How does simply being a warm body entitle them to anything from us?
For the same reason you believe they don’t deserve a shot people like me think they do. Just a difference of opinion. Call it a sense of liberty or human compassion if you’d like
What reason is that? I don't believe they deserve a shot because none of you leftwing open borders turds have ever posted a good reason for giving them a shot. How does it benefit us to give them a shot? I've asked this question before, and the only answer I got was "Mexican food."
Here’s a good reason... they are human beings. It’s very simple

So just because they are human beings requires me to give them things through either my tax dollars and/or higher healthcare costs due to them getting free care? What about my property rights? Why can't I go to their country and get free stuff? Why are they special? They are NOT my countrymen. Their country is responsible for them, not mine.

If you come here illegally, you should be PUNISHED and deported.
When did I say anything about free stuff? Please quote me or stop arguing against things I never said.
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
Shipping them back is cheaper than allowing them to stay here, collect welfare, and reproduce. The later is several orders of magnitude more expensive.
Is that what you think? They all come here and collect welfare?
I have personally witnessed them using food stamps at the grocery store.
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
You're blubbering about all the problems Democrats have caused.
So, what’s your point? I’m not defending democrats
Why should we pay any attention to the people who caused the problem?
His point about how the "refugees" look was valid.

your comeback?


what comeback was needed other than what i said? those that can make it here deserve a shot. you & he can't figure that out?
Why do they "deserve a shot?" How does simply being a warm body entitle them to anything from us?
For the same reason you believe they don’t deserve a shot people like me think they do. Just a difference of opinion. Call it a sense of liberty or human compassion if you’d like
What reason is that? I don't believe they deserve a shot because none of you leftwing open borders turds have ever posted a good reason for giving them a shot. How does it benefit us to give them a shot? I've asked this question before, and the only answer I got was "Mexican food."
Here’s a good reason... they are human beings. It’s very simple
How does that entitle them to anything owned by Americans?
I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.

Haha...I already showed you that we did it once before with far less resources. Why repeat such nonsense?
So you know that enforcing our laws is expensive but you don’t know that fostering Mexico’s filth is more expensive? That’s weird.
“Mass demonstrations and protests”
WTF....who gives two fucks.
Those who get ass hurt over politicians finally doing what they’re supposed to do can go fuck themselves.
I’m fine with enforcing the law but we need to be smart about it and now waste resources trying to track down the undocumented housekeeper who’s been here for 15 years and has three kids in school. Deport the criminals and give the housekeeper a penalty along with way to be part of the system.

When did the open borders crowd ever care about wasting money? You defend wasting trillions of dollars every day.
No I’m not, I never said a word about money.
"I’m fine with enforcing the law but we need to be smart about it and now waste resources trying to track down the undocumented housekeeper who’s been here for 15 years and has three kids in school."

"Resources" refers to money, doesn't it?
It’s too expensive, time consuming and damaging to our communities... it’s not a realistic solution in my opinion.

I’m certain you have the answers...
How much would it cost?
How would it damage our communities?
I don’t have the dollar amount... but I also don’t have the dollar amount for a trip to Mars and back but I can tell you it would be expensive and time consuming.

You need to seek people out and check papers, that’s going to lead to mass demonstrations and protest. You then need to detain millions of people many of whom have jobs and American citizen families they live with. You then need judges and lawyers to process them . You then need to provide transport back to where ever you are sending them.

I hate to burst you bubbles, but that is never going to happen in this country. Get real.
Shipping them back is cheaper than allowing them to stay here, collect welfare, and reproduce. The later is several orders of magnitude more expensive.
Is that what you think? They all come here and collect welfare?

Whether they are here to collect welfare isn't the point. Many of them do collect welfare. They certainly infest our public schools and our hospital emergency rooms.
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