Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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Haha, your such a dipshit.. we do have a border. Wanna see? Here is a photo of it in San Diego. There’s concrete and barbed wire and troops and all kinds of fun stuff.
The vast majority of the border looks like what I posted… Nothing whatsoever but open ground
Oh ok, we went from we have no border to the vast majority... got it. Go away, you’re useless

Literally millions of people have walked across the border. Posting a picture of a small group of people watching a small section of border, does not mean the border is secure.

THe dishonesty of the liberal, knows no bounds.
He never said a word about the border being secure. He said we have no border. Do yourself a favor and don’t try and back up idiots. You were doing a fine job debating me about motivations of illegals. Stick to that.
Only way you can keep a dog in or out is built the whole fence… But then again all progressives are fucked in the head aren’t they....

D'uh, how does the dog keep getting out? I don't understand it, (said the lib)

Haha, your such a dipshit.. we do have a border. Wanna see? Here is a photo of it in San Diego. There’s concrete and barbed wire and troops and all kinds of fun stuff.
I think that is a National guard compound elsewhere
That’s San ysidro san Diego preparing for a caravan... are you really going to back up the idiotic claim that we don’t have a border?
It’s another location
Pentagon planning to rotate in new troops at southern border
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
The vast majority of the border looks like what I posted… Nothing whatsoever but open ground
Oh ok, we went from we have no border to the vast majority... got it. Go away, you’re useless

Literally millions of people have walked across the border. Posting a picture of a small group of people watching a small section of border, does not mean the border is secure.

THe dishonesty of the liberal, knows no bounds.
He never said a word about the border being secure. He said we have no border. Do yourself a favor and don’t try and back up idiots. You were doing a fine job debating me about motivations of illegals. Stick to that.
Only way you can keep a dog in or out is built the whole fence… But then again all progressives are fucked in the head aren’t they....

D'uh, how does the dog keep getting out? I don't understand it, (said the lib)

Hey, that must be Rustics back yard with no grass and no fence
I think that is a National guard compound elsewhere
That’s San ysidro san Diego preparing for a caravan... are you really going to back up the idiotic claim that we don’t have a border?
It’s another location
Pentagon planning to rotate in new troops at southern border
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.
You mean the self induced “plight”? Why do these subhumans continue their off the charts fertility rate? Don’t animals in the wild stop procreation when resources are depleted?
How many around the world are starving and living in total despair?
Do you want to save them all...or only those we neighbor, the ones willing to break into your house and steal your shit...the ones our politicians grant the right to steal your shit?

I’d guess that many “responsible parents” have committed numerous crimes to ‘care for their children’. Are you sure that’s a valid excuse for criminality...you really want to open that can of worms?
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
That’s San ysidro san Diego preparing for a caravan... are you really going to back up the idiotic claim that we don’t have a border?
It’s another location
Pentagon planning to rotate in new troops at southern border
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.

How many times have we seen criminals busted, who have been deported and recrossed, ten, or 15 times?
That’s San ysidro san Diego preparing for a caravan... are you really going to back up the idiotic claim that we don’t have a border?
It’s another location
Pentagon planning to rotate in new troops at southern border
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.
Putting up just a gate does not keep the dogs in or out...
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.

What limits would you support on Third World immigration?
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.

How many times have we seen criminals busted, who have been deported and recrossed, ten, or 15 times?
Most of the times.
You don’t think there was a plight that lead to their self induced plight? And why do you call them subhumans? You know your little troll tactics don’t work on me so you can cut the drama.

Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
Illegal is illegal… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.

How many times have we seen criminals busted, who have been deported and recrossed, ten, or 15 times?
It’s happened a bunch... too much
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.
Putting up just a gate does not keep the dogs in or out...
True, but it also doesn’t mean that there is no gate
Illegal aliens cost Americans that ARE supposed to be here billions of dollars every year…

Illegal is illegal, but moving the goalposts is the progressives way

DISTURBING: Photo Of Drowned Father And Daughter Highlights Migrants’ Tragic Struggles

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and daughter Valeria drowned on the bank of the Rio Grande.

DISTURBING: Photo Of Drowned Father And Daughter Highlights Migrants' Tragic Struggles

Trump's immigration policies are a national nightmare! We should all be ashamed.
Yes I'm ashamed that Americans can be so GODDAMN STUPID that they think illegal immigrants deaths that have been happening FOR FUCKING DECADES are all of a sudden President Trumps' fault.
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.

How many times have we seen criminals busted, who have been deported and recrossed, ten, or 15 times?
It’s happened a bunch... too much
And career politicians have done nothing about it... But then again all progressives are fucked in the head
Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.

What limits would you support on Third World immigration?
Many, I think we need a better and faster system. I think people should have means to support themselves or have to secure work. I think they should have to take classes so they show understanding of our laws system of government. What else. Ask and I’ll tell you if I support it or not
Dead children from other countries is not The responsibility of The United States and it’s Citizens Douchebag.

The parents who didn’t give a shit about their kid and who dragged a sick kid all they way up from South America Illegally should be prosecuted and imprisoned for neglect.

No go back to sucking Stalin’s Big Hairy Toe.

The idea that it’s a manufactured crisis is manufactured bullshit.

The authoritarian mantra: Create a crisis, blame the crisis on the "other" (Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, blacks, feminists - whoever today's "other" is). Call stories that you caused the crisis "Fake News". Come up with a solution to the crisis you created. Tell the people you saved them from the "other".

When Trump was sworn in as President, illegal border crossings were at their lowest level in 50 years. But even then, Trump warned that thousands of undocumented migrants were flooding across the borders, stealing jobs. The FOX News ran a program about a "Caravan" of families travelling together to the border. Suddenly this was an "invasion". The first caravan was less than 200 refugee claimants.

Donald Trump's rhetoric of banning refugees and closing the border is pushing people in narco-terrorist countries to run NOW, while they can still get in. Trump's own rhetoric is driving thousands of people to come to the border NOW. This is what is creating the crisis when there was none on innauguration day.

Nearly all of these children have family either with them or in the USA. Border Patrol agents have made no effort to contact American resident family members. This is where the Obama Administration placed these children before Trump decided to imprison toddlers in inhumane conditions.

Trump claims he's doing things "better than Obama". No child died in Obama's custody.
That photo is from 7 months ago and you are selling it as being now
As I said
It’s also from an article discussing potential future plans. Nothing to do with the present.
Double fake.
What’s wrong with you? Are you on the “we have no border” train. Google southern border and click images. Or drive doubt until you are stopped by a border checkpoint. They are in every road.
Putting up just a gate does not keep the dogs in or out...
True, but it also doesn’t mean that there is no gate
Putting up just a gate invites fucked up behavior... We are reaping what we sow.
A fucking flood of diseased illegal aliens... Who have absolutely no right to be here. But the bleeding hearts will insist upon it.
Isn’t that like saying “there’s a reason for the reason of the reason”
Silly shit..right?
Look, it’s no secret that you people create excuses....you hate to hold bad people accountable for bad actions and bad decision making...you don’t have time for that, you’re way too busy criticizing the good, productive,real American folks...We totally get it.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.
Illegal is illegal… Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
If you walk across an intersection when the sign says don’t walk are you legal or illegal?
End Assylum Status is the 90% of the assholes who come here on fraudulent claims quit clogging the system.
Not true. Really the only difference is you think illegally crossing the border is a serious crime while your counterparts don’t. The law actually treats it as a civil violation, like trespassing... We have jaywalking and we have murder. Crimes come in various degrees.
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year....

Just like jaywalkers and trespassers...right Slade3200 ?
Haha..be honest bud, what part of Mexico are you from?
When did I say “just like”? Stop lying.

If You can’t understand my point about differing degrees of crimes then we are done talking. I’m tired of you lying and spinning my words. Do you understand my point or not. Try and have a discussion like an adult.

What limits would you support on Third World immigration?
Many, I think we need a better and faster system. I think people should have means to support themselves or have to secure work. I think they should have to take classes so they show understanding of our laws system of government. What else. Ask and I’ll tell you if I support it or not
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