Why People Reject Christ


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Picture a guy floating downstream on a raft on a hot summer day. He’s having the time of his life, enjoying the ride as the cool water gently splashes on him. You’re on the shore and you know that there’s a deadly waterfall not far downstream. This guy is floating blissfully and ignorantly toward certain destruction! So you yell to warn him. You throw him a rope. But he rejects it and keeps floating toward certain death. Why won’t he grab the life preserver? Because he loves what he’s doing and he doesn’t want to believe your warning.

Why do people reject God’s wonderful offer of salvation through Jesus Christ? You would think that everyone would eagerly grab the life preserver that God has thrown out through the gospel (John 3:16): “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Why would anyone reject such a wonderful offer? Why would anyone want to keep heading for eternal destruction? In our text, John shows us:

People reject Christ because they love their sin and they hate having it exposed by God’s light.

Read more:
Lesson 18: Why People Reject Christ (John 3:19-21)
Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?
They are liars--Jeremiah 50:36.
Are mad (lost their reason)
upon their idols--Jeremiah 50:38.
Believes they are gods--Isaiah 47:8, 10
Breaks bones of God's people--Jeremiah 50:17
Builds great image of man
for all to worship--Daniel 3:1-7.
Make Metal idols Leviticus 19:4,
1 Kings 14:9, Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17
Casts out God's people--Jeremiah 51:34
Causes God's people to be slain--Jeremiah 51:49
Completely removes all precious vessels --2 Kings 25:13-17
Connected with hell--Isaiah 14:9
Pierced dragon-Isaiah
Pierced morning star Isaiah 14:12-19
Crushes God's people-Jeremiah 51:34 Cuts down people as trees-Isaiah 14:8
Defiles sacred vessels and precious things of God's design--Daniel 5:2-4.Destroys all the earth--Jeremiah 51:25. Destroys God's heritage--Jeremiah 50:11.Devours God's people--Jeremiah 51:34.
Does evil among God's people--Jeremiah 51:24.Does not consider her possible destruction (does not lay these things to heart)--Isaiah 47:7. Does not glorify God--Daniel 5:23. Does not remember warnings given about her destruction--Isaiah 47:7.
Dwells upon many waters--Jeremiah 51:13.Employs reapers to harvest fields (sown with seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Employs sowers (to spread seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Fears not the Lord--2 Kings 17:25.
Full of falsehoods--Jeremiah 51:17.Full of pomp--Isaiah 14:11.Full of unclean birds--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of wild beasts--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of vanity--Jeremiah 51:18.Gentiles have not yet seen the face of G0d- Isaiah 66:19
Her men are brutish in their own knowledge--Jeremiah 51:17. Her mighty men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57. Her princes are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her rulers are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her waves (ministers--those raised up above the level of the sea or people) do roar--Jeremiah 51:55.Her wise men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Highest leader becomes angry when his will is disregarded for God's will--Daniel 3:19..Highest leader makes hasty decisions--Daniel 2:15..Holds God's people captive--Jeremiah 50:33.
Her cry (glory) is found in ships(Romes army was called ships)-Isaiah 43:14.
Oppresses--Isaiah 14:4; Jeremiah 50:16, 33.Persecutes by fire all who do not bow and worship image of man--Daniel 3:6.Places relatives in high positions of leadership (nepotism)--2 Kings 24:17.Practices abundant enchantments--Isaiah 47:8, 12.Practices divination--Ezekiel 21:21.Practices sorcery--Isaiah 47:9, 12.
Practice divination, soothsayer, augur sorcerer, 11 charmer, medium, wizard, necromancer- Deut 18:10
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22
they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off-(Psalm 37:22)
Gave praise and glory to another G0d and created an idol for this other -"Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)
They profane the name of G0d- Deut. 12:3
Given to pleasure--Isaiah 47:8.
lo ish el vichazev u-vein-adam v'yitnecham
Meaning: God is not a man, nor will he lie, nor is he mortal, nor will he relent.(Jesus was a mere man who lied and who relented).- Numbers 23:19A day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)," (Isaiah 2:12).
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
Nations assemble,and peoples plot vain things;kings of the earth take their stand,and regents intrigue togetheragainst the LORD and against His anointed- Psalms 2
your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.” Jeremiah 2:30
Ruining spiritual & intellectual nourishment by mucking it up to cover up from others consumption- Ezekiel 34:18
GOD ABHORS (hates for the simple) DECEITFUL men-(Psalm 5:6)
boast, of mischief done against the godly? All the day 2 you are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery. 3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth. -Psalm 52:1 -3
These false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32
vanity unto thee, whiles “they divine a lie unto thee”, to bring thee upon the necks of [them that are] slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity [shall have] an end.-Ezekiel 21:29
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Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?
Make all the exuses you like. You reject Christ because you love your sin. That is the truth. Nothing you say will ever change that, or your ultimate fate.
People reject Christ because they love their sin and they hate having it exposed by God’s light.

Even if I could get round the balagan of 'Trinity' and the idea that Jesus meets none of the concepts of the Jewish moshiach. I'd still have a problem joining the religion whose followers have slaughtered millions of my fellow Jews in his name.
And the number one answer:
we are warned not to follow the "first" fallen messiah. This is why I mentioned in another topic, UNDERSTANDING SEQUENCES IS IMPORTANT.
1 (Lucifer)COMES BEFORE 2 (the Shiloh).
1 can't say the next Messiah is anti Messiah, that is a double negative and 1 can't be 2 nor claiming 2 is 1 who already came and failed .
Neither dies Moshiach need a do-over 'cause he couldn't get it right the first timem
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People reject Christ because they love their sin and they hate having it exposed by God’s light.

Even if I could get round the balagan of 'Trinity' and the idea that Jesus meets none of the concepts of the Jewish moshiach. I'd still have a problem joining the religion whose followers have slaughtered millions of my fellow Jews in his name.
Where, in the Bible, does it tell Christians to slaughter Jews? What you are referring to was the works of man. Not God.
Where, in the Bible, does it tell Christians to slaughter Jews? What you are referring to was the works of man. Not God.

Well, when you guys get your theological act together and start following your own tenants, give me a call.
Because some people require evidence before they devote their entire lives to something...

A blind belief in something is kind of idiotic.

I agree. Everything came from nothing. Anyone who disagrees with me is delusional.
Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?

You're wrong. Jesus COULD have saved himself but chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.
Where, in the Bible, does it tell Christians to slaughter Jews? What you are referring to was the works of man. Not God.

Well, when you guys get your theological act together and start following your own tenants, give me a call.
Christians are already doing that. Haven't you ever heard of false Christians? The Catholic Church, for example, is a pagan religion. It has nothing to do with true Christianity. In fact, they once made it a crime for someone to own a copy of Scripture. Now why would they do that? I can think of only one reason. To deny Gods truth to it's followers.
Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?
Make all the exuses you like. You reject Christ because you love your sin. That is the truth. Nothing you say will ever change that, or your ultimate fate.

You made the number 1 mistake missionaries make, approaching those of higher morals and ethics that they don't know to claim needing saving.-epic fail.

Now you get my return brochure to churches who leave that nonsense on our doors.

Being Condescending while Condemning & Judging Those of Greater Morals & Standards.

Morality in Society:

(The following is from: J Dymond's book "Essays of the Principles of Morality" 1896 in Philadelphia -old Seminary Material - essay 1 chapter 2- Pg 5.)

One Proposes "the Understanding" as the means, but every observer perceives that "the understandings" of men are often contradictory to their decisions. Indeed many of those who now think their understandings dictates the rectitude of a given action, will find that the understandings of the intelligent pagans of antiquity came to very different conclusions...... Good men find in practice of life, some sympathy, but these emotions are frequently unsafe and sometimes erroneous guides of their conduct. Besides, the emotions are to regulated and restrained; which of itself intimates the necessity of a regulating and restraining, that is, of a superior Power.

To say we should act according to the eternal & and necessary differences of things is to advance a proposition which NINE out of TEN people do not understand and of course can not adopt in practice; and of the few who do understand it, perhaps an equal number can not apply it, with even tolerable facility to the concerns of life. (-end- of the book quote)
Proof of this was in a poll study a ministry recently did which showed faithful Christians behaved no differently then the rest of society. Conclusion: one can talk the talk but it means nothing if you walk off the course...thus the only teaching should be that which brings people successfully in the path to righteousness...so if present teachings don't achieve this then it's time for new wine. The kind that brings the Teshuva (the return to God)

More on Society & Religion:

W.R. Alger 1867 Preface to the book "Genius of Solitude"

"The majority of men in every age are superficial in character and brittle in purpose, and lead undedicated lives; swarming together in buzzing crowds in all haunts of amusement or places of low competition, caring little for anything but gossip and pastime, the titillation of the senses, and the gratification of conceit."
(their EGO)

On Pg 189. he goes on to quote Gotama (Buddhism):eek:f his four fundamental propositions:
"There is sorrow, every living creature feels it, Deliverance is desirable , Pure knowledge is the only possible deliverance."

In this he goes on to talk about the worthless ceremony in religions, which I agree should be traded in for substance and more precise formula for salvation. More practical virtues would be a system of Justice, Benevolence, Reverence, and applying a system of bestowing :
(People forget that the internet offers that ability to offer free ones services and time to help others, and bring others the enjoyment of their free programs, games, software, art, advice, teaching, experiences, networking, etc.).

Those of Greater Morals & Standards Being Tempted:

People approach others in chat rooms and discussion boards and on the street or knocking on doors trying to change people who adhere to high standards into their own lesser moral standards & lesser ethics.
They want them to stray from the law and from G-d all so thay can justify their belief in their idol and acceptance into their club or group. This is like what Paul did. Since Paul felt he couldn't live up to the high standard he rid the law so he could be saved. That would be like playing Monopoly and changing the rules to the game half way in order to win the game or stick around the game to play longer. The problem is life is no game and changing the rules is serious business. You can't change the guidlines set by those who already know what's best and what the future holds.

It's why people ask that infamous question; "why is life so cruel".

It's cruel because you decide to play by your own rules and not that which is shared with you to guide you to a better way of life. You must remember you are the transgressor, and by coming to the people who don't transgress and asking them to sink to your level is clearly wrong. If you can't keep G-d's Law then that is your problem but don't go searching to take a bunch a people down with you.

Thus, the injury which is done to humanity by the Christian church in
"establishing it", is negative to society.

You not only tempt some men to equivication or hypocrisy, but exclude from the office others of sounder integrity. When they insist on the purity and sanctity of the moral law they violate the law themselves. They also end up lowering the standard in other issues like handling sin and following the commandments. Their problem is also that they end up playing judge and playing God in judge and jury, often times frowning down upon people who might have better understanding or purity than those imposing their impressions. By trying to convert people who already have G-d and his Laws they are bringing them down that Ladder instead of up it, and they also admit they worship another G-d other then the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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People reject Christ because they love their sin and they hate having it exposed by God’s light.

Even if I could get round the balagan of 'Trinity' and the idea that Jesus meets none of the concepts of the Jewish moshiach. I'd still have a problem joining the religion whose followers have slaughtered millions of my fellow Jews in his name.

Which Christians slaughtered Jews in Jesus' name?
Because some people require evidence before they devote their entire lives to something...

A blind belief in something is kind of idiotic.
The evidence is there. You are simply ignoring it. You love your sin, so you reject the One who has exposed it.
Where, in the Bible, does it tell Christians to slaughter Jews? What you are referring to was the works of man. Not God.

Well, when you guys get your theological act together and start following your own tenants, give me a call.

Yea, because ALL Jews share the exact same belief and ideology, right?
Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?

You're wrong. Jesus COULD have saved himself but chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

1) the lamb was the sin itself not the saving from it. It was an Egyptian idol god just as Rome lifted higher the Egyptian influenced christ over the other christs in their compiled character.
2)how is this ideology working for you?
Cross tattoos, earings, necklaces permeate jails and victims of these crimes.
Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?

You're wrong. Jesus COULD have saved himself but chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

1) the lamb was the sin itself not the saving from it. It was an Egyptian idol god just as Rome lifted higher the Egyptian influenced christ over the other christs in their compiled character.
2)how is this ideology working for you?
Cross tattoos, earings, necklaces permeate jails and victims of these crimes.
Could we please stay on topic? This thread is about why people reject Christ. If you are not prepared to comment on the article I posted, assuming you even read it, then please remain silent.
Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?

You're wrong. Jesus COULD have saved himself but chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

1) the lamb was the sin itself not the saving from it. It was an Egyptian idol god just as Rome lifted higher the Egyptian influenced christ over the other christs in their compiled character.
2)how is this ideology working for you?
Cross tattoos, earings, necklaces permeate jails and victims of these crimes.
Could we please stay on topic? This thread is about why people reject Christ. If you are not prepared to comment on the article I posted, assuming you even read it, then please remain silent.

I have been on topic, and rebuking your off the cuff remarks, try to keep up.
You might need Eveline Woods speed reading cause Time for me is a subjective measurement in relations to your perception of speed. Laymens term I can spew verses faster then you can read.
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Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization, talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus.Is it not foolish to think Jesus an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends the apostles, and followers then and now could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?

You're wrong. Jesus COULD have saved himself but chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

1) the lamb was the sin itself not the saving from it. It was an Egyptian idol god just as Rome lifted higher the Egyptian influenced christ over the other christs in their compiled character.
2)how is this ideology working for you?
Cross tattoos, earings, necklaces permeate jails and victims of these crimes.
Could we please stay on topic? This thread is about why people reject Christ. If you are not prepared to comment on the article I posted, assuming you even read it, then please remain silent.

I have been on topic, and rebuking your off the cuff remarks, try to keep up.
You might need Eveline Woods speed reading cause Time for me is a subjective measurement in rekations to your perception of speed. Laymens term I can spew verses faster then you can read.
You are not on topic. The article explained, from a Biblical standpoint, why people reject Christ. You have not addressed one thing from the article. You have simply made excuses.

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