Why Perry Can't Win

That leaves a Republican. More importantly, it leaves a viable republican, and there are only two. Romney and Perry.

That's exactly what I'm calling bullshit on. The powers-that-be would have us believe that Romney and Perry are the only options because they know they'll 'play ball' with the corporatist status quo. We've got to stop rubber stamping whatever stooges they serve up for us.

Who are the "powers that be"? I love how narco-libertarians usually end up spinning conspiracy theories to explain their lack of success.

How about: America is a center right country and both Romney and Perry represent some spectrum within that. Both have experience, both are accomplished, both speak and campaign well. Both attract votes.
They don't have an ulterior motive. They have a clear motive, they are pretty honest about. They are about making money.

And they support people who allow them to do that, not nutbags with tin-foil hats like Ron Paul.


and you think Ron Paul wouldn't allow them to make money? Are you sure you're not thinking of someone else?

Ron Paul isn't anti-business and he has no beef with corporations. He is, however, opposed to corporatist government. The only way his policies would interfere with corporations making money is they were feeding at the public trough - taking advantage of competition killing regulations, special tax breaks, federal mandates, trillion dollar bailouts, etc... Many corporations depend on these things, and the ones that do quite rightly see Paul as a threat. But it's patently silly to claim that all they're protecting is their ability to make money. He just wants to keep them from stealing it from taxpayers.
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They don't have an ulterior motive. They have a clear motive, they are pretty honest about. They are about making money.

And they support people who allow them to do that, not nutbags with tin-foil hats like Ron Paul.


and you think Ron Paul wouldn't allow them to make money? Are you sure you're not thinking of someone else?

Ron Paul isn't anti-business and he has no beef with corporations. He is, however, opposed to corporatist government. The only way his policies would interfere with corporations making money is they were feeding at the public trough - taking advantage of competition killing regulations, special tax breaks, federal mandates, trillion dollar bailouts, etc... Many corporations depend on these things, and the ones that do quite rightly see Paul as a threat. But it's patently silly to claim that all they're protecting is their ability to make money. He just wants to keep them from stealing it from taxpayers.

Ron Paul is in favor of eliminating taxes on corporations? Wow.
Wow are you stupid.
The GOP controls one house of Congress, and not by a huge margin either. They hammered out the best deal they could. The Democrats had no proposal. Obama had no clue. The only way the deal was made to begin with was when he was asked to leave the room so the adults could decide.
The deal sucked, as Boehner himself admitted. But it was the best one that was going to happen with Obama and the Dums not taking debt reduction seriously. The proof is in how OBama blew off the downgrade in his speech.

No, Obama is one and done. He has exhibited zero leadership and has no ideas. Perry will change things for the better.

Congressional control can change with the next election - just as it did with the last.

And stupid right back at ya, if you expect me to believe the Republicans did their best when the final offering didn't even meet Speaker Boehner's standards.

Reagan asked for and got without argument 18 debt ceiling increases during his tenure; Bush, 7. Republicans can be so ridiculously transparent. More to the point, the debt isn't going anywhere and I'll give you odds on the American taxpayer knowing who will get stuck with the tab, no matter how long it takes Republicans and the rest of Congress to figure it out.

Republicans didn't give a fig about the ever increasing war debt while Georgie Porgie was busily maxing out the country's credit. Where was the Republican outcry for fiscal responsibility then?

And what this country doesn't need is another numb-nut Texan taking up space in the White House. If Perry is the answer, then the question must be simpler than anyone imagines. I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and proud of it. As such it is difficult to believe he's the best Texas has to offer. If so, Texas must be slipping. Perry's secession threat was not only offensive but childish. However, it certainly would be interesting to observe his reactions upon discovering what withdrawing from the protection of the United States really means. Not even the great State of Texas could meet and defeat that challenge. Beware of candidates who leap before checking distance, and where, on what and how they'll land.

Another Petty gaff - of all the pressing problems facing Americans and their families today, abortion rights just isn't one of them - no matter how narrow Perry's view. But true to the Neo-Con objective they'll hawk their backward anti-abortion palaver regardless, They seen blissfully unaware that the subject at most affects less than 1/1000th of the entire population, so who cares. Other than jogging with his six shooter (happiness is a warm gun); threatening secession; making unwanted and unnecessary Constitution changes and his totally absurd comparative to teaching the Creation Myth as an alternative to teaching the Theory of Evolution, is this guy for real real? He certainly doesn't sound like he is.

Romney doesn't like Perry and that puts Romney way ahead in my race. And Romney doesn't discuss his six shooter as if it were an extension of his anatomy either. Doesn't think =abortion rights are a pressing issue. And best of all, he has a clear distinctive understanding of what separation of church and state means.

Perry comes very close to nudging Sarah Palin out of her top spot as the candidate most unlikely to succeed. He'd have to quit cold turkey mid term to ace her out completely - but that's one point in his favor.

When has debt ever been this high as a percentage of GDP? I dont recall anyone discussing a downgrade of US debt during Reagan's or Bush's terms.
Change the subject because you are losing.

And yes, killing babies is an important issue.

When has revenue ever been this low as a percentage of GDP?
Congressional control can change with the next election - just as it did with the last.

And stupid right back at ya, if you expect me to believe the Republicans did their best when the final offering didn't even meet Speaker Boehner's standards.

Reagan asked for and got without argument 18 debt ceiling increases during his tenure; Bush, 7. Republicans can be so ridiculously transparent. More to the point, the debt isn't going anywhere and I'll give you odds on the American taxpayer knowing who will get stuck with the tab, no matter how long it takes Republicans and the rest of Congress to figure it out.

Republicans didn't give a fig about the ever increasing war debt while Georgie Porgie was busily maxing out the country's credit. Where was the Republican outcry for fiscal responsibility then?

And what this country doesn't need is another numb-nut Texan taking up space in the White House. If Perry is the answer, then the question must be simpler than anyone imagines. I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and proud of it. As such it is difficult to believe he's the best Texas has to offer. If so, Texas must be slipping. Perry's secession threat was not only offensive but childish. However, it certainly would be interesting to observe his reactions upon discovering what withdrawing from the protection of the United States really means. Not even the great State of Texas could meet and defeat that challenge. Beware of candidates who leap before checking distance, and where, on what and how they'll land.

Another Petty gaff - of all the pressing problems facing Americans and their families today, abortion rights just isn't one of them - no matter how narrow Perry's view. But true to the Neo-Con objective they'll hawk their backward anti-abortion palaver regardless, They seen blissfully unaware that the subject at most affects less than 1/1000th of the entire population, so who cares. Other than jogging with his six shooter (happiness is a warm gun); threatening secession; making unwanted and unnecessary Constitution changes and his totally absurd comparative to teaching the Creation Myth as an alternative to teaching the Theory of Evolution, is this guy for real real? He certainly doesn't sound like he is.

Romney doesn't like Perry and that puts Romney way ahead in my race. And Romney doesn't discuss his six shooter as if it were an extension of his anatomy either. Doesn't think =abortion rights are a pressing issue. And best of all, he has a clear distinctive understanding of what separation of church and state means.

Perry comes very close to nudging Sarah Palin out of her top spot as the candidate most unlikely to succeed. He'd have to quit cold turkey mid term to ace her out completely - but that's one point in his favor.

When has debt ever been this high as a percentage of GDP? I dont recall anyone discussing a downgrade of US debt during Reagan's or Bush's terms.
Change the subject because you are losing.

And yes, killing babies is an important issue.

When has revenue ever been this low as a percentage of GDP?

Good question. I dont know. The low revenue is a function of the depressed economy. The depressed economy is a function of 3 years of failed government policies by Obama.
But when your revenue is low, you probably shouldn't spend more money. Unless you're from the Joe Biden School of Economics.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wPO1xVAO_Y]Joe Biden -"Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt" - YouTube[/ame]
To nobody's surprise the phony rabbi continues to act as if everything was peachy up until January 2009.
Congressional control can change with the next election - just as it did with the last.

And stupid right back at ya, if you expect me to believe the Republicans did their best when the final offering didn't even meet Speaker Boehner's standards.

Reagan asked for and got without argument 18 debt ceiling increases during his tenure; Bush, 7. Republicans can be so ridiculously transparent. More to the point, the debt isn't going anywhere and I'll give you odds on the American taxpayer knowing who will get stuck with the tab, no matter how long it takes Republicans and the rest of Congress to figure it out.

Republicans didn't give a fig about the ever increasing war debt while Georgie Porgie was busily maxing out the country's credit. Where was the Republican outcry for fiscal responsibility then?

And what this country doesn't need is another numb-nut Texan taking up space in the White House. If Perry is the answer, then the question must be simpler than anyone imagines. I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and proud of it. As such it is difficult to believe he's the best Texas has to offer. If so, Texas must be slipping. Perry's secession threat was not only offensive but childish. However, it certainly would be interesting to observe his reactions upon discovering what withdrawing from the protection of the United States really means. Not even the great State of Texas could meet and defeat that challenge. Beware of candidates who leap before checking distance, and where, on what and how they'll land.

Another Petty gaff - of all the pressing problems facing Americans and their families today, abortion rights just isn't one of them - no matter how narrow Perry's view. But true to the Neo-Con objective they'll hawk their backward anti-abortion palaver regardless, They seen blissfully unaware that the subject at most affects less than 1/1000th of the entire population, so who cares. Other than jogging with his six shooter (happiness is a warm gun); threatening secession; making unwanted and unnecessary Constitution changes and his totally absurd comparative to teaching the Creation Myth as an alternative to teaching the Theory of Evolution, is this guy for real real? He certainly doesn't sound like he is.

Romney doesn't like Perry and that puts Romney way ahead in my race. And Romney doesn't discuss his six shooter as if it were an extension of his anatomy either. Doesn't think =abortion rights are a pressing issue. And best of all, he has a clear distinctive understanding of what separation of church and state means.

Perry comes very close to nudging Sarah Palin out of her top spot as the candidate most unlikely to succeed. He'd have to quit cold turkey mid term to ace her out completely - but that's one point in his favor.

When has debt ever been this high as a percentage of GDP? I dont recall anyone discussing a downgrade of US debt during Reagan's or Bush's terms.
Change the subject because you are losing.

And yes, killing babies is an important issue.

When has revenue ever been this low as a percentage of GDP?

1950 or thereabouts.
To nobody's surprise the phony rabbi continues to act as if everything was peachy up until January 2009.

You cant win the argument so you lie and name call.

January 2009 was the economic high point of the Obama Administration. It's all been downhill since then.
because of everything that occurred before it, Rabbi. That's what you can't escape.
To nobody's surprise the phony rabbi continues to act as if everything was peachy up until January 2009.

You cant win the argument so you lie and name call.

January 2009 was the economic high point of the Obama Administration. It's all been downhill since then.

GDP was $13.894 trillion at the end of Q4/08. It was $14.997 trillion at the end of Q1/11.
To nobody's surprise the phony rabbi continues to act as if everything was peachy up until January 2009.

You cant win the argument so you lie and name call.

January 2009 was the economic high point of the Obama Administration. It's all been downhill since then.

GDP was $13.894 trillion at the end of Q4/08. It was $14.997 trillion at the end of Q1/11.

Unemployment was 7% when Obama took office. It hasn't been below 9% since. The increase in GDP was due to both businesses rebuilding inventory and gov't spending at all levels. Growth in GDP has never exceeded 2%, making this the weakest recovery on record, despite record sums spent.
Rabbi, you try this silliness in any boardroom or college class room, you would get run out.
You can't prove different is the issue. BHO did what needed to be done, and we can be pretty sure that things would have been far worse if he had not acted decisively.
So Obama's policies had no effect on the economy? Is that really your answer?

Sure, probably.

Unemployment might by 0.5% lower if Obama had been more pro-business. But it probably wouldn't be much better than that.

And you can prove this? Don't be a fool.

What, prove that unemployment would have been higher had Obama been more pro-business?

I can't prove that. But Andrew Mellon lives on in spirit on the Right.
If we can't make projections on what alternate future might be if (1) or (2) or (whatever) did or did not occur, then . . . yeah, the premise is stupid.

Yes, we can make pretty good assumptions, and the assumption is pretty good that if the President and the Congres in 2008, 2008, and 2009, did not act, matters would be far worse.

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