Why Perry Can't Win

The polls speak for themselves and The Rabbi talks into the air: grins and chuckles :lol:

Snipped because he does not face the fact. Romney is close on Perry's tail, Romney is going to clean Perry's clock in NH, and time is ticking down for Perry as the US is waking up to the fact that he is the weaker candidate.

The totality of the polls through yesterday don't lie, Joe. End of story. You are wrong.
The polls speak for themselves and The Rabbi talks into the air: grins and chuckles :lol:

(Argument restored because Jake the Liberal Mormon couldn't counter it.)

Guy, we have four polls showing Perry having a double digit lead over Romney.

The only reason why Romney is taken seriously is his willingness to spend his kid's inheritence on these failed campaigns. Let's look at this guy's electoral track record.

1994 Senate- Lost to Ted Kennedy by 17 points in a year where Republicans swept out dozens of Democrats.

2002 Governor- Ran against a non-entity, spent 7 million of his own money. Still only won with 49% of the vote.

2006 Governor- Opted not to run when polls showed him trailing Deval Patrick by double digits.

2008 Presidential run- Lost 16 primaries where there was a straight up vote. Only won 3. In Michigan, it was because his father was governor, he spent a lot more money while other major canidates took a pass, and promised the AutoWorkers he would do "anything" to save them. (He later went on denounce Obama's auto bailout.) He won Massachusetts, but no one was contesting his "home" state. And he won Utah because it was full of his fellow cult members. And that was it.

So in 22 elections, he lost or bowed out of 18, and won 4.

And you really want to claim this guy is the most electable.

On the other hand, Perry has won every election he's ever been in. He even beat the Bush Machine in Texas when it turned on him.

Snipped because he does not face the fact. Romney is close on Perry's tail, Romney is going to clean Perry's clock in NH, and time is ticking down for Perry as the US is waking up to the fact that he is the weaker candidate.

The totality of the polls through yesterday don't lie, Joe. End of story. You are wrong.

another poll today that shows Perry with a substantial lead, fool.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Oh, wait, this one isn't a DOUBLE DIGIT lead. It's a mere 6 point lead.

Romney's toast because deep down, no one likes him but the Mormons. Heck, I'll be other Mormons don't really like him.
Don't mind Jake. Every post he makes is filled with misinformation, wrong predictions, and unsubstantiated statements.
You can't prove different is the issue. BHO did what needed to be done, and we can be pretty sure that things would have been far worse if he had not acted decisively.

So says the RINO in defense of obama. I can't wait for everything to come crashing down around you ob ama defenders. The sooner the better and the sooner you will have learned your socialist lesson.
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You won because the left of the Dem party failed. And you have failed in this session. The hard right won in 1928 and won through the 5s and had some early success in the 60s. Yet they lost in the 30s and 60s. History tell us that you anti classical liberals will lose because you are not in touch with American values. Either one or both of the parties get it straight, or a new centrist party will arise that will sweep you yolks away.
You won because the left of the Dem party failed. And you have failed in this session. The hard right won in 1928 and won through the 5s and had some early success in the 60s. Yet they lost in the 30s and 60s. History tell us that you anti classical liberals will lose because you are not in touch with American values. Either one or both of the parties get it straight, or a new centrist party will arise that will sweep you yolks away.

You are correct they fail because of the agenda trhey support. you are correct becasuse of what they did from 2007 until 2010. You democrats were your own worse enemy. You lost because of what you are.
You are not a conservative, simply a sorry hard right reactionary. I am a Republican and I reject your farcial comments. The GOP has failed in this session because of Boehner (whom I like) pandering to the hard right. I am truly hoping the electorate reject your truly minority and unAmerican positions on the Hard Right along with the far lefties in the Democrat party. We can no longer afford losers like you in government.
The GOP / Tea Party / Libertarians have a real quandry on their hands with this guy. I really liked him when we lived in Sugar Land, TX but we were pretty insulated from the poor / lower-middle-class there. I have to admit, I was not paying attention to a lot that was going on. I thought all was fine.

So the biggest debacle the Conservs have had recently (in the eyes of everyone but themselves) was the debt ceiling. Polls ranged anywhere from 65% - 78% of people thinking the GOP handled it disastrously. Doesn't matter if they were right or had a point, elections are won based on perception - and the perception was overwhelmingly poor. This was one of the few areas in which Obama (although he too had poor ratings) came out looking WAY better than the GOP. So debt is a key issue.
What's Perry's record on debt? Oops. What will the Dem sound bite be? "A vote for Perry is just like a vote for bringing George W. Bush back to the White House!" Oops.
Then there are those things about his highway and giving the government land and power? Oops. Big Government guy eh? More Bushlike.
Owned by Big Oil? Of course. More Bushlike.

But here's what's worse for him. Subliminal Psychology. The stuff we don't even notice, that effects our decision making.
I voted for Bush (the good one, not the idiot). I was floored when he lost! He was the first incumbant president in history to decisively win a war that the whole nation was behind - and then lose re-election.
I used to lecture on Pyschological Profiling at USD and decided to make him a case study. Bush was a long-time spook. One of the things you learn in the biz, is misdirectional body language. Shaking your head no, while you say the word "yes", for example. Bush was a master of this and it killed him. In one speech he held his thumb and forefinger an inch apart. What does that mean to our subconscious? Small. What was he actually saying at the time? "The Hispanic community is very important to me." What was the message sent to Hispanic voters? He's lying.
In another speech, he held his hands together and then motioned them outwards. What does that mean? Pushing apart. What did he say? "I'm here to bring us together. To work as a non-partisan." Again, the subconscious message that he was lying.
Now I think he actually meant those things but he had so much training in misdirectional body language, he couldn't help himself. So whether or not he was genuine, at the subconcious level, he wasn't perceived as genuine. That cost him.
So now we come to Perry. I've been watching and listening. There are three things that make impact: Visual appearance, Vocal tones and patterns, Choice of words.
Perry dresses and moves a lot like Bush (the idiot, not the good one). He's very "down home" and Texan. Even likes cowboy boots. This is bad.
Perry's vocal tones and patterns are a LOT like W. I heard him on the radio and thought it actually was W for a second. He speaks slowly, with a Texan drawl. He pauses a lot. He laughs just a bit, here and there. He speaks in a tone that is mostly light-hearted and then varies to anywhere from serious to mildly angered. This is all classic W.
Finaly, Perry's choice of words come straight from the Texas Handbook of Politics. It works wonders at home and worked wonders for W in both elections. And if it wasn't for W, it might make a fantastic contrast to Obama. But because of the spectre of The False Texan Conservative of Elections Past, it will be a killer for him.
Add to that, the actual, legitmate challenges he faces with issues such as spending and he's cooked. It's not that people would move toward Obama, it's that hoardes of Independents, Moderates (yes, there is a difference!) and others would move away from Perry.
So like I said, I liked Perry when I lived in Texas. I think Obama sucks. But for reasons beyond the recognizable, Perry would almost definitely lose a general election. A lot of people will "just have a bad feeling" about him and not even be sure why. Remember, most people don't research candidates, couldn't tell you if the 2nd amendment has to do with guns or ice cream, and vote based on the impressions they get from 30 second sound bites. It won't be hard for the Dems to gather sound bites that make Perry seem like a virtual clone of W.

I work on crew boats in Galveston Texas part time, as well as a few of the refinery's in Pasadena and in the port of Houston as an industrial painter. One thing I find shocking are all the black guys listening to Limbaugh, and who do not like Obama. There is also the fact that Obama is responsible for all the crew boats being parked and not out in the gulf ware they belong. I agree that Perry is not the guy he is made out to be, and I never liked the guy, but you dont think he could get in on an " anyone but Obama" vote ?
You are not a conservative, simply a sorry hard right reactionary. I am a Republican and I reject your farcial comments. The GOP has failed in this session because of Boehner (whom I like) pandering to the hard right. I am truly hoping the electorate reject your truly minority and unAmerican positions on the Hard Right along with the far lefties in the Democrat party. We can no longer afford losers like you in government.

What does what I am have anything to do with the failure of the democrats in 2010?

I am a Republican and I reject your farcial comments.
You're a fucking RINO and don't you ever forget that fact.
You are not a conservative, simply a sorry hard right reactionary. I am a Republican and I reject your farcial comments. The GOP has failed in this session because of Boehner (whom I like) pandering to the hard right. I am truly hoping the electorate reject your truly minority and unAmerican positions on the Hard Right along with the far lefties in the Democrat party. We can no longer afford losers like you in government.

What does what I am have anything to do with the failure of the democrats in 2010?

I am a Republican and I reject your farcial comments.
You're a fucking RINO and don't you ever forget that fact.

You are the RINO, son, and don't ever forget it. The GOP, as you have pointed out time and again, have ruled the House. Show me the jobs.
You are not a conservative, simply a sorry hard right reactionary. I am a Republican and I reject your farcial comments. The GOP has failed in this session because of Boehner (whom I like) pandering to the hard right. I am truly hoping the electorate reject your truly minority and unAmerican positions on the Hard Right along with the far lefties in the Democrat party. We can no longer afford losers like you in government.

What does what I am have anything to do with the failure of the democrats in 2010?

I am a Republican and I reject your farcial comments.
You're a fucking RINO and don't you ever forget that fact.

You are the RINO, son, and don't ever forget it. The GOP, as you have pointed out time and again, have ruled the House. Show me the jobs.

stupid fucker you will never hear me defend a democrat unless they have been unjustly wronged you defend them daily. Calling me a RINO? You are to fucking stupid for your own good.
What does what I am have anything to do with the failure of the democrats in 2010?

You're a fucking RINO and don't you ever forget that fact.

You are the RINO, son, and don't ever forget it. The GOP, as you have pointed out time and again, have ruled the House. Show me the jobs.

stupid fucker you will never hear me defend a democrat unless they have been unjustly wronged you defend them daily. Calling me a RINO? You are to fucking stupid for your own good.

Such a lie from you, little RINO. Step off.
What does what I am have anything to do with the failure of the democrats in 2010?

You're a fucking RINO and don't you ever forget that fact.

You are the RINO, son, and don't ever forget it. The GOP, as you have pointed out time and again, have ruled the House. Show me the jobs.

stupid fucker you will never hear me defend a democrat unless they have been unjustly wronged you defend them daily. Calling me a RINO? You are to fucking stupid for your own good.

Show us the jobs, little RINO.
You are the RINO, son, and don't ever forget it. The GOP, as you have pointed out time and again, have ruled the House. Show me the jobs.

stupid fucker you will never hear me defend a democrat unless they have been unjustly wronged you defend them daily. Calling me a RINO? You are to fucking stupid for your own good.

Such a lie from you, little RINO. Step off.

OMG see folks this is how jokey does it when he doesn't have an answer he using the exact words that is used against him. It's his way of saying I concede I have lost.

Oh and the democrats that you defend control the Senate for 6 years and contrlled contgress for 4 years including the white house for 2 of those 4 years. So what happen to the stimulus money jobs? Oh that's right the census is over.
stupid fucker you will never hear me defend a democrat unless they have been unjustly wronged you defend them daily. Calling me a RINO? You are to fucking stupid for your own good.

Such a lie from you, little RINO. Step off.

OMG see folks this is how jokey does it when he doesn't have an answer he using the exact words that is used against him. It's his way of saying I concede I have lost.

Oh and the democrats that you defend control the Senate for 6 years and contrlled contgress for 4 years including the white house for 2 of those 4 years. So what happen to the stimulus money jobs? Oh that's right the census is over.

Show us the jobs, little RINO. We ran on that in 2010 and won big in the House, and we threw it away. Show us the jobs.
Such a lie from you, little RINO. Step off.

OMG see folks this is how jokey does it when he doesn't have an answer he using the exact words that is used against him. It's his way of saying I concede I have lost.

Oh and the democrats that you defend control the Senate for 6 years and contrlled contgress for 4 years including the white house for 2 of those 4 years. So what happen to the stimulus money jobs? Oh that's right the census is over.

Show us the jobs, little RINO. We ran on that in 2010 and won big in the House, and we threw it away. Show us the jobs.

Ask the democrats they had from 2007 until now to figure out that what they are doing is not working obama was also part of that congress in 2007
So rinbo stop defending the democrats and you might make it believablw that you AREN'T A LEFTIST WASTE OF FLESH.
I find it odd that those who argue and insult the most have never lived in Texas before or during Perrys reign are some how experts on the man and his positions with no other information other then what Hannity gives them. At least the OP was speaking from experience.

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