Why Perry Can't Win

If we can't make projections on what alternate future might be if (1) or (2) or (whatever) did or did not occur, then . . . yeah, the premise is stupid.

Yes, we can make pretty good assumptions, and the assumption is pretty good that if the President and the Congres in 2008, 2008, and 2009, did not act, matters would be far worse.

Assumption is made up of ASS. Like your posts.
The truth is that if gov't had not acted at all we'd probably be enjoying 7% growth right now. That is the lesson from Grant's The Trouble with Prosperity, where he details the extent of gov't interference and the negative correlation between the level of interference and subsequent performance.
The truth is The Rabbi has nothing to offer. No stats or facts or analysis that ties it all together. He simply cannot argue the points, so he attacks character, which says he has little of it himself. He has no sensible correlation whatever. We are waiting, sir, for such from you.
The truth is The Rabbi has nothing to offer. No stats or facts or analysis that ties it all together. He simply cannot argue the points, so he attacks character, which says he has little of it himself. He has no sensible correlation whatever. We are waiting, sir, for such from you.

So says "Jake, King of teh Unsubstantiated Statement"!

I've provided a reference. Let's see what you can provide.
Notice the dates, guys and gals, and ask JoeB for more recent info. Hint: he does not have it.

President Obama vs. Republican Candidate RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Republican (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/14 - 8/21 -- 44.3 43.0 Obama +1.3 (through the 21st)
Pew Research 8/17 - 8/21 1205 RV 43 40 Obama +3
Rasmussen Reports 8/15 - 8/21 3500 LV 43 48 Republican +5
USA Today/Gallup 8/4 - 8/7 1319 A 49 45 Obama +4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/14 - 7/17 1000 A 42 39 Obama +3

2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
2008 GOP Race on August 30, 2007 | 2008 GOP Final RCP Average
Polling Data
Poll Date Perry Romney Palin Bachmann Paul Giuliani Gingrich Cain Santorum Huntsman Spread
RCP Average 8/4 - 8/25 23.0 18.0 10.5 9.8 8.7 8.3 5.7 4.7 1.8 1.5 Perry +5.0

And we don't worry about The Rabbi. He is here for grins and chuckles.
Notice the dates, guys and gals, and ask JoeB for more recent info. Hint: he does not have it.

President Obama vs. Republican Candidate RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Republican (R) Spread
RCP Average 7/14 - 8/21 -- 44.3 43.0 Obama +1.3 (through the 21st)
Pew Research 8/17 - 8/21 1205 RV 43 40 Obama +3
Rasmussen Reports 8/15 - 8/21 3500 LV 43 48 Republican +5
USA Today/Gallup 8/4 - 8/7 1319 A 49 45 Obama +4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/14 - 7/17 1000 A 42 39 Obama +3

2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
2008 GOP Race on August 30, 2007 | 2008 GOP Final RCP Average
Polling Data
Poll Date Perry Romney Palin Bachmann Paul Giuliani Gingrich Cain Santorum Huntsman Spread
RCP Average 8/4 - 8/25 23.0 18.0 10.5 9.8 8.7 8.3 5.7 4.7 1.8 1.5 Perry +5.0

And we don't worry about The Rabbi. He is here for grins and chuckles.

Jake pulls it out again! No proof. No evidence. He remains "King og the Unsubstantiated Statement!"
The polls speak for themselves and The Rabbi talks into the air: grins and chuckles :lol:
Last edited:

A Venn Diagram for Rick Perry: Social Security Is Not a Ponzi Scheme | Mother Jones
They don't have an ulterior motive. They have a clear motive, they are pretty honest about. They are about making money.

And they support people who allow them to do that, not nutbags with tin-foil hats like Ron Paul.


and you think Ron Paul wouldn't allow them to make money? Are you sure you're not thinking of someone else?

Ron Paul isn't anti-business and he has no beef with corporations. He is, however, opposed to corporatist government. The only way his policies would interfere with corporations making money is they were feeding at the public trough - taking advantage of competition killing regulations, special tax breaks, federal mandates, trillion dollar bailouts, etc... Many corporations depend on these things, and the ones that do quite rightly see Paul as a threat. But it's patently silly to claim that all they're protecting is their ability to make money. He just wants to keep them from stealing it from taxpayers.

Ron Paul is still as crazy as a shithouse rat, and the GOP will crash and burn in 2012 rather than take a chance he might ever become president.

The sooner you Paulbots realize that, the faster the grownups can get about undoing Obama.
The polls speak for themselves and The Rabbi talks into the air: grins and chuckles :lol:

Guy, we have four polls showing Perry having a double digit lead over Romney.

The only reason why Romney is taken seriously is his willingness to spend his kid's inheritence on these failed campaigns. Let's look at this guy's electoral track record.

1994 Senate- Lost to Ted Kennedy by 17 points in a year where Republicans swept out dozens of Democrats.

2002 Governor- Ran against a non-entity, spent 7 million of his own money. Still only won with 49% of the vote.

2006 Governor- Opted not to run when polls showed him trailing Deval Patrick by double digits.

2008 Presidential run- Lost 16 primaries where there was a straight up vote. Only won 3. In Michigan, it was because his father was governor, he spent a lot more money while other major canidates took a pass, and promised the AutoWorkers he would do "anything" to save them. (He later went on denounce Obama's auto bailout.) He won Massachusetts, but no one was contesting his "home" state. And he won Utah because it was full of his fellow cult members. And that was it.

So in 22 elections, he lost or bowed out of 18, and won 4.

And you really want to claim this guy is the most electable.

On the other hand, Perry has won every election he's ever been in. He even beat the Bush Machine in Texas when it turned on him.
No, Bush didn't win the election. ...

You just admitted that he did. Come on kid, you finally stopped being stupid for a moment, even if just by accident, don't ruin it now.

Guy, if we counted votes instead of the ridiculous Electoral College, Al Gore would be President.

If the SCOTUS had actually followed the law instead of being Partisan, Al Gore would have been president.

Had Jeb Bush not purged black people from the voters rolls in Florida, Al Gore would be President.

Had their been an honest recount of the votes in Florida, Al Gore would be president.

Bush became president. He didn't "win". More Americans wanted Al Gore. Now, I voted for Bush in 2000, but the simple fact remains, Al Gore got more votes.

We should be ashamed to have won the presidency in such an underhanded, dishonest manner. If a Democrat won in such a manner, you'd be screaming bloody hell, and rightfully so.

George W. Bush lost the election. He was selected, not elected.

Republicans need to reconnect with middle America, not foist another silver spoon trust fund baby on the country and then be surprised when he loses.

How about the biggest if, if that asshole Algore would of won his own fucking state of Tennessee, he would have really won......... but oh well......he didn't! What a load of shit you have spewed......... how fucked would we really be if that wooden twat would have actually been sworn in as President? He certainly wouldn't be as rich as he's become hawking that bullshit global warming garbage.
How about the biggest if, if that asshole Algore would of won his own fucking state of Tennessee, he would have really won......... but oh well......he didn't! What a load of shit you have spewed......... how fucked would we really be if that wooden twat would have actually been sworn in as President? He certainly wouldn't be as rich as he's become hawking that bullshit global warming garbage.

Guy, I wasn't arguing that Al Gore would have been a good president. Of course, Bush wasn't a very good one, either, but he has the saving grace of being followed by Obama.

I argue that the electoral college is an awful system that distorts democracy and disenfranchises the voters.

I also think the GOP has a serious problem with the fact that they've only won one popular vote in the last 20 years.
Ron Paul is still as crazy as a shithouse rat, and the GOP will crash and burn in 2012 rather than take a chance he might ever become president.

The sooner you Paulbots realize that, the faster the grownups can get about undoing Obama.

You're falling into the same pattern as Rabbi, and it's not an answer, it's just a dodge. You say "Paul's crazy", we ask why. You come up with something that either isn't true or doesn't make sense. When we point that out, you circle back to "Paul's crazy."

Got anything else?
Ron Paul is still as crazy as a shithouse rat, and the GOP will crash and burn in 2012 rather than take a chance he might ever become president.

The sooner you Paulbots realize that, the faster the grownups can get about undoing Obama.

You're falling into the same pattern as Rabbi, and it's not an answer, it's just a dodge. You say "Paul's crazy", we ask why. You come up with something that either isn't true or doesn't make sense. When we point that out, you circle back to "Paul's crazy."

Got anything else?

Guy, Paul is crazy. That's kind of the end of the discussion. Not sure why you want to waste my time with it.

He will never be the GOP nominee. Ever.

So, no, I'm not going to waste a lot of time detailing WHY he's crazy when it's been established he is.

Life's too short.
Ron Paul is still as crazy as a shithouse rat, and the GOP will crash and burn in 2012 rather than take a chance he might ever become president.

The sooner you Paulbots realize that, the faster the grownups can get about undoing Obama.

You're falling into the same pattern as Rabbi, and it's not an answer, it's just a dodge. You say "Paul's crazy", we ask why. You come up with something that either isn't true or doesn't make sense. When we point that out, you circle back to "Paul's crazy."

Got anything else?

I dont dodge anything. I never have. If you can't follow an argument that isn't my fault.

I dont know whether Paul is crazy or not. Some of his supporters sure look like it. And his proposals are batshit nuts. They make Louis Farrakhan look statesmanlike.

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