Why Perry Can't Win

I find it odd that those who argue and insult the most have never lived in Texas before or during Perrys reign are some how experts on the man and his positions with no other information other then what Hannity gives them. At least the OP was speaking from experience.

Rick Perry has never lost an election. Never.

Obviously some Texas jackasses are upset he isn't in favor of machinegunning people at the border and want to take it out on him.
I find it odd that those who argue and insult the most have never lived in Texas before or during Perrys reign are some how experts on the man and his positions with no other information other then what Hannity gives them. At least the OP was speaking from experience.

Rick Perry has never lost an election. Never.

Obviously some Texas jackasses are upset he isn't in favor of machinegunning people at the border and want to take it out on him.

No one who was any better has ever run. Check his opponents out and you will see for your self. Its like saying that you whooped allot of ass in your collage days, but you only fought kindergartners. I do believe he will face Obama, and that is when he will be truly tested.
I find it odd that those who argue and insult the most have never lived in Texas before or during Perrys reign are some how experts on the man and his positions with no other information other then what Hannity gives them. At least the OP was speaking from experience.

Rick Perry has never lost an election. Never.

Obviously some Texas jackasses are upset he isn't in favor of machinegunning people at the border and want to take it out on him.

No one who was any better has ever run. Check his opponents out and you will see for your self. Its like saying that you whooped allot of ass in your collage days, but you only fought kindergartners. I do believe he will face Obama, and that is when he will be truly tested.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson wasn't better?
bahh bahhh bahhh. Run along little sheepy.
Rick Perry has never lost an election. Never.

Obviously some Texas jackasses are upset he isn't in favor of machinegunning people at the border and want to take it out on him.

No one who was any better has ever run. Check his opponents out and you will see for your self. Its like saying that you whooped allot of ass in your collage days, but you only fought kindergartners. I do believe he will face Obama, and that is when he will be truly tested.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson wasn't better?
bahh bahhh bahhh. Run along little sheepy.

Nope. Not even close. Neither was Tony Sanchez, or Carol Strayhorn or any of the rest. As to the sheep comment, YOU are the one who put all there egg's in his basket on nothing more then the fact that he is a career politician not me. So you run along with the rest of the flock back to your hero Claire McCaskill. Another thing I have not seen yet is Perry making the money rounds yet. Hutchinson was doing it at this point in the political season, as well as the Bushes. I dont know that Perry has the support of the Texas political money, if he even needs it.
No one who was any better has ever run. Check his opponents out and you will see for your self. Its like saying that you whooped allot of ass in your collage days, but you only fought kindergartners. I do believe he will face Obama, and that is when he will be truly tested.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson wasn't better?
bahh bahhh bahhh. Run along little sheepy.

Nope. Not even close. Neither was Tony Sanchez, or Carol Strayhorn or any of the rest. As to the sheep comment, YOU are the one who put all there egg's in his basket on nothing more then the fact that he is a career politician not me. So you run along with the rest of the flock back to your hero Claire McCaskill. Another thing I have not seen yet is Perry making the money rounds yet. Hutchinson was doing it at this point in the political season, as well as the Bushes. I dont know that Perry has the support of the Texas political money, if he even needs it.

You have lost all credibility. I doubt youv'e ever visited Texas, much less live there.
bahh bahh bahh.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson wasn't better?
bahh bahhh bahhh. Run along little sheepy.

Nope. Not even close. Neither was Tony Sanchez, or Carol Strayhorn or any of the rest. As to the sheep comment, YOU are the one who put all there egg's in his basket on nothing more then the fact that he is a career politician not me. So you run along with the rest of the flock back to your hero Claire McCaskill. Another thing I have not seen yet is Perry making the money rounds yet. Hutchinson was doing it at this point in the political season, as well as the Bushes. I dont know that Perry has the support of the Texas political money, if he even needs it.

You have lost all credibility. I doubt youv'e ever visited Texas, much less live there.
bahh bahh bahh.

How so ?
Such a lie from you, little RINO. Step off.

OMG see folks this is how jokey does it when he doesn't have an answer he using the exact words that is used against him. It's his way of saying I concede I have lost.

Oh and the democrats that you defend control the Senate for 6 years and contrlled contgress for 4 years including the white house for 2 of those 4 years. So what happen to the stimulus money jobs? Oh that's right the census is over.

Show us the jobs, little RINO. We ran on that in 2010 and won big in the House, and we threw it away. Show us the jobs.

I think this ends all debate about Romney supporters really being Democrats...
OMG see folks this is how jokey does it when he doesn't have an answer he using the exact words that is used against him. It's his way of saying I concede I have lost.

Oh and the democrats that you defend control the Senate for 6 years and contrlled contgress for 4 years including the white house for 2 of those 4 years. So what happen to the stimulus money jobs? Oh that's right the census is over.

Show us the jobs, little RINO. We ran on that in 2010 and won big in the House, and we threw it away. Show us the jobs.

I think this ends all debate about Romney supporters really being Democrats...

Dont know that they are democrats, but most truly dont know who he is. One positive thing about him is that he does not have the spine to face pissed off voters, and bends to there will to preserve his position.
Oh crap.

I read too fast and thought the thread title was 'Why Percy Can't Win'.


From my dear sweet friend in Texas:

Texas is the best. The ex govenor of California is called
the Impregernator. There may be another crazy red neck
Texan in the whitehouse in 2012.
You don't like Perry? WHYY?
I would like another Texas crazy redneck president.
You mean a DIFFERENT redneck, or Perry?
Perry For President , I'm your lovable redneck silly.
JoeB finally has learned how to play the aggregate, and I give him my sincere congratulations. Now he can truly talk about this in factual and realistic style.

The aggregrate has Perry slightly holding more than 26% of the total GOP poll, almost ten points in front of Romney. Split the remaining "candidate" numbers fairly between the two, and Perry may be ahead today about 56 to 44%, which is a nice lead.

However, we know that Romney will massacre Perry in NH. The question is if Bachmann is still in come South Carolina, and if so, she will be bleed Perry badly. Once Bachman falls to the wayside, Perry knows he has the reactionaries. Will he demagogue to the right or will he move center to try to pull Romney supporters because he knows his right wing has no where to go (once again)?
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JoeB finally has learned how to play the aggregate, and I give him my sincere congratulations. Now he can truly talk about this in factual and realistic style.

The aggregrate has Perry slightly holding more than 26% of the total GOP poll, almost ten points in front of Romney. Split the remaining "candidate" numbers fairly between the two, and Perry may be ahead today about 56 to 44%, which is a nice lead.

However, we know that Romney will massacre Perry in NH. The question is if Bachmann is still in come South Carolina, and if so, she will be bleed Perry badly. Once Bachman falls to the wayside, Perry knows he has the reactionaries. Will he demagogue to the right or will he move center to try to pull Romney supporters because he knows his right wing has no where to go (once again)?

Guy, it isn't about where they are going to fall on a gradiant chart of left to right.

It's going to fall on who people can connect with.

A regular guy who worked his way up.

Or a weird Mormon Robot born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Perry is 6 for 6 in elections.

Romney is 1 for 4.
And I dont believe Romny could take and give the sucker punches that will be thrown during this election. He also cry's to much.
IF Perry that has some of the best numbers throughout the states within a match up against Obama can't win,. Than we can say hello to another 4 years of 9 percent unemployment. A people really does elect the leadership it deserves...I'm starting to question if this nation deserves to be a super power anymore. Starting to feel what people like me within Rome in the last few years of the roman empire must of fault about there government. Sickened.

Mitt could do better, but he won't take enough delegates within the primary to get to go up against Obama. Perry will.

Based on polls I've seen for states; Obama keeps florida, NC and Virgina, ect against nearly everyone besides Mitt. We have to win the moderates to our cause to beat Obama. We have to get to 271 in NOV 2012!!!

I'm NOT saying Perry couldn't strengthen between now and then.
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The aggregrate has Perry slightly holding more than 26% of the total GOP poll, almost ten points in front of Romney. Split the remaining "candidate" numbers fairly between the two, and Perry may be ahead today about 56 to 44%, which is a nice lead.

I don't even know where your Mormon Math get this...

Fairly splitting the remaining vote would indicate where these voters are likely to go when it's down to two guys.

Let's use the Aggragate numbers, since they are all after Perry announced.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Bachmann's voters. (8.8) will all go to Perry. So will Palin's voters (10.6) So that puts Perry up by another 19 points. I think we can also safely assume Herman Cain's voters will go to Perry. So give Perry another 4.7 points. so that's 24 points on top of his already impressive 26.3 That brings Perry up to 50.4. I think the kind of people who support Santorum would also go for Perry, so that's another 2.0.

So then we have who can Romney filch from? Well, Guiliani is averaging 7.3, so let's be generous and give Romney those when Rudy opts not to run. I guess he can get Huntsman's whopping 1.2%. Maybe if you are in a generous mood, Gingrich's 4.5 might go to Romney after Newt gets his matching funds checks and goes on a spending spree at Barneys...

So 16.5+7.3+1.2+4.5. = 29.5.

Between the two of them, that's about 79.9% of the vote. So what about that other 20%.

Well, you can deduct Ron Paul's 8%, they won't pick a side until it's all said and done. That's still 12% that hasn't picked a candidate. Assuming 20% of them won't vote for Romney because he's a Mormon, (because 20% won't vote for a Mormon) that leaves about 9% that might side with Romney if he makes a really, really convincing case. So, really, best case scenario, all wind blowing in the right direction, Romney can maybe get 38%. Maybe. I don't think he'll get that much, based on his poor history. I also think everyone who gets out of the race will endorse Perry when they do, because nearly all of them dislike Romney on a personal level.
Every fucking post with you is about your obsessive bigotry. Get to a fucking shrink already you headcase.
Every fucking post with you is about your obsessive bigotry. Get to a fucking shrink already you headcase.

1) Guy, every post with you seems to indicate you have some form of Tourette's Syndrome.

2) Clearly, you don't read all my posts, or someone isn't helping you with the big words.

3) I just point out the obvious, if the GOP let's teh Latter Day Zombies hijack their nomination, they deserve to lose and will.
So you respond by proving my point with more of your stupid, twisted hatred and fear. You're a fucking mental case.
JoeB finally has learned how to play the aggregate, and I give him my sincere congratulations. Now he can truly talk about this in factual and realistic style.

The aggregrate has Perry slightly holding more than 26% of the total GOP poll, almost ten points in front of Romney. Split the remaining "candidate" numbers fairly between the two, and Perry may be ahead today about 56 to 44%, which is a nice lead.

However, we know that Romney will massacre Perry in NH. The question is if Bachmann is still in come South Carolina, and if so, she will be bleed Perry badly. Once Bachman falls to the wayside, Perry knows he has the reactionaries. Will he demagogue to the right or will he move center to try to pull Romney supporters because he knows his right wing has no where to go (once again)?

Guy, it isn't about where they are going to fall on a gradiant chart of left to right.

It's going to fall on who people can connect with.

A regular guy who worked his way up.

Or a weird Mormon Robot born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Perry is 6 for 6 in elections.

Romney is 1 for 4.

If the question is "who will connect well", Romney is going to do very well. So will Perry. The questions are only (1) how well will Romney do with the Hard Right and (2) how well will Perry do with the mainstream?

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