Why Perry Can't Win

So basically, anyone who dares to profess any belief system other than yours is "over-religious", or even whacko. You're a bigot. Got it.

I thought you just hated Mormons, but now I see that you're just the standard-model, universal hater who fears anyone different from you, and thus tries to oppress them to counter your xenophobia.

Run along. I don't talk to religious bigots any more than I talk to racists, and for the same reason: lack of intelligence.


Funny, only racist I see here is you. I dislike Obama because he's incompetent, you dislike him because he's black.

I have no use for any religion. All religions are based on superstition. Mormonism is based on outright fraud, so it gets a special mention. Kind of like Scientology.

I think you should be free to keep that superstition and ignorance in your churches and homes. Just don't bring it anywhere that I have to look at it, or I'll mock it for what it is..

You know very little about religion....that's okay...it's just an observation on my part.

I went to Catholic School for 12 years. Baptized, Confirmed, the whole nine yards, man.

And I started to realize it was bullshit as early as 11. That's when we had this nasty old nun tell us how God drowned everyone because they were wicked. I asked why God drowned the babies, and the old harpy screeeched. "THEY WERE WIIIIIIIIIIIICKED BABIES. WIIIIIIIIIICKED!!!!"

(Seriously, this woman just needed some scented candles and some Indigo Girl albums, she'd have been fine.)

Now, over the years, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jews, etc... and I have yet to see someone who could tell me why a supposedly good God would drown babies and could still be considered good by any sane person.

But, hey, guy, have at it. I'm sure I will be as impressed by your reasoning as anyone elses.
Funny, only racist I see here is you. I dislike Obama because he's incompetent, you dislike him because he's black.

I have no use for any religion. All religions are based on superstition. Mormonism is based on outright fraud, so it gets a special mention. Kind of like Scientology.

I think you should be free to keep that superstition and ignorance in your churches and homes. Just don't bring it anywhere that I have to look at it, or I'll mock it for what it is..

You know very little about religion....that's okay...it's just an observation on my part.

I went to Catholic School for 12 years. Baptized, Confirmed, the whole nine yards, man.

And I started to realize it was bullshit as early as 11. That's when we had this nasty old nun tell us how God drowned everyone because they were wicked. I asked why God drowned the babies, and the old harpy screeeched. "THEY WERE WIIIIIIIIIIIICKED BABIES. WIIIIIIIIIICKED!!!!"

(Seriously, this woman just needed some scented candles and some Indigo Girl albums, she'd have been fine.)

Now, over the years, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jews, etc... and I have yet to see someone who could tell me why a supposedly good God would drown babies and could still be considered good by any sane person.

But, hey, guy, have at it. I'm sure I will be as impressed by your reasoning as anyone elses.

Well you should have read it for your self. Its odd, I hear plenty of psycho Catholic nun with axe stories, yet I have never met a crazy nun. At any rate you experience was yours, and when you make your religiously bigoted statements you are doing the exact same thing you say the evil nuns did .
I have read it myself. In several different translations...

The actual text (Genesis 6) goes into a lot of nonsense about how angels were banging human women and creating giants... (Again, various translations use different words.) NOthing is said about what people were doing that was so bad that God had to drown EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD.

And the very fact that you wiffled at the question says a lot as well, doesn't it? As a religious person, you can't rationalize what God does in the story.

Now, to me, this is a work of fiction, and such "flood stories" in myth are nothing more than oral traditions of the Ice Ages and the calamaties that must have followed. Fine, I get that part.

For the the nuns themselves, frankly, most of them were psycho, and you have to understand why.

First, nearly all of them were lesbians. But they were self-loathing lesbians. And frankly, given Catholicism treats sinful thoughts as bad as sinful actions, these broads must have been driving each other nuts, living in the convent saying hail Mary's all day every time they felt the "urge".

The let's take one of these psychos and throw them into a room with a bunch of kids. Yeah. That ought to turn out well.

Deep down, this is what all religions are... people using your fear of death and what is beyond it to control your thoughts. This is why the Age of Reason has yet to supplant the Age of Faith.
I have read it myself. In several different translations...

The actual text (Genesis 6) goes into a lot of nonsense about how angels were banging human women and creating giants... (Again, various translations use different words.) NOthing is said about what people were doing that was so bad that God had to drown EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD.

And the very fact that you wiffled at the question says a lot as well, doesn't it? As a religious person, you can't rationalize what God does in the story.

Now, to me, this is a work of fiction, and such "flood stories" in myth are nothing more than oral traditions of the Ice Ages and the calamaties that must have followed. Fine, I get that part.

For the the nuns themselves, frankly, most of them were psycho, and you have to understand why.

First, nearly all of them were lesbians. But they were self-loathing lesbians. And frankly, given Catholicism treats sinful thoughts as bad as sinful actions, these broads must have been driving each other nuts, living in the convent saying hail Mary's all day every time they felt the "urge".

The let's take one of these psychos and throw them into a room with a bunch of kids. Yeah. That ought to turn out well.

Deep down, this is what all religions are... people using your fear of death and what is beyond it to control your thoughts. This is why the Age of Reason has yet to supplant the Age of Faith.

The very fact that you are railing on about religion in a thread about why Rick Perry can win the Presidential election is all the proof I need. You have an axe to grind, and that's about all. You base and opinion on on aspect of your life, and feel everyone should see it your way, and if they dont, they are all crazy or stupid. You are just an attention whore, and not much else. Done with you now.
And you cant provide anything other then your point of view.

You're right. My point of view is that a God who drowns babies isn't worthy of my worship, even if he did exist.

Thankfully, he doesn't.

bi·as (bs)
1. A line going diagonally across the grain of fabric: Cut the cloth on the bias.
a. A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.
b. An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.
3. A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.

   [uh-pin-yuhn] Show IPA
a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion.
Law . the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.
ooooh, ooooh, I can play, too.

e·va·sion   /ɪˈveɪʒən/ Show Spelled[ih-vey-zhuhn] Show IPA
1. an act or instance of escaping, avoiding, or shirking something: evasion of one's duty.
2. the avoiding of an argument, accusation, question, or the like, as by a subterfuge: The old political boss was notorious for his practice of evasion.
3. a means of evading; subterfuge; an excuse or trick to avoid or get around something: Her polite agreement was an evasion concealing what she really felt.
4. physical or mental escape.

Heh, heh, heh....
ooooh, ooooh, I can play, too.

e·va·sion   /ɪˈveɪʒən/ Show Spelled[ih-vey-zhuhn] Show IPA
1. an act or instance of escaping, avoiding, or shirking something: evasion of one's duty.
2. the avoiding of an argument, accusation, question, or the like, as by a subterfuge: The old political boss was notorious for his practice of evasion.
3. a means of evading; subterfuge; an excuse or trick to avoid or get around something: Her polite agreement was an evasion concealing what she really felt.
4. physical or mental escape.

Heh, heh, heh....

feeble. Run along no little one or the nun will get you.

1. Lacking knowledge or awareness in general

   [soo-doh-in-tl-ek-choo-uhl] Show IPA
a person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship.
a person who pretends an interest in intellectual matters for reasons of status.
Guy, you keep avoiding the point... and I'm not sure why.

I put down a perfectly reasonable challenge. If you believe the Bible is true, and God is Good, then you think drowning every baby in the world is a perfectly acceptable action.

Nothing "intellectual" about it, it's a simple philosophical question.

And I asked myself this question at an early age. Eventually, despite browbeating by religious bullies, I came to several conclusions.

1) The Bible story is a myth.
2) No God that drowns babies is worthy of my worship.
3) Religions love these kinds of stories because they invoke fear. Like most bullies, they operate on fear and fear alone.
4) For a host of scientific reasons, the Noah story is impossible.

Now, I'm a realist, I know that human fear of death is going to make it very hard for us as a species to outgrow religion. We desperately want to believe that there is something beyond death.

BUt wanting isn't knowing, and no one has every provided tangible proof that there is.

So rather than treating religion with the awe and respect that I should treat race, I treat it on face value. If you hold stupid, illogical beliefs, I have every right to make an evaluation of your character and judgement based on that.

Perry's religiousity scares me a bit, but he doesn't think he's wearing magic underpants like Romney does and he doesn't listen to a pastor who screams "God Damn America" at the top of his lungs. So there is that.

Maybe some day we'll get to a point where we have to have a "least crazy" primary.
Duly noted you were unable to answer why a supposedly loving God would drown babies...

Not to worry, no one else got it right, either.

Your comment was correctly answered.

You are nuts about religion, the LDS in particular, which means nothing, really, but we get that you are nuts on this subject.
Guy, you keep avoiding the point... and I'm not sure why.

I put down a perfectly reasonable challenge. If you believe the Bible is true, and God is Good, then you think drowning every baby in the world is a perfectly acceptable action.

Nothing "intellectual" about it, it's a simple philosophical question.

And I asked myself this question at an early age. Eventually, despite browbeating by religious bullies, I came to several conclusions.

1) The Bible story is a myth.
2) No God that drowns babies is worthy of my worship.
3) Religions love these kinds of stories because they invoke fear. Like most bullies, they operate on fear and fear alone.
4) For a host of scientific reasons, the Noah story is impossible.

Now, I'm a realist, I know that human fear of death is going to make it very hard for us as a species to outgrow religion. We desperately want to believe that there is something beyond death.

BUt wanting isn't knowing, and no one has every provided tangible proof that there is.

So rather than treating religion with the awe and respect that I should treat race, I treat it on face value. If you hold stupid, illogical beliefs, I have every right to make an evaluation of your character and judgement based on that.

Perry's religiousity scares me a bit, but he doesn't think he's wearing magic underpants like Romney does and he doesn't listen to a pastor who screams "God Damn America" at the top of his lungs. So there is that.

Maybe some day we'll get to a point where we have to have a "least crazy" primary.

You, in this great country, are entitled to believe whatever you want, and within certain limitations, act on it. What a great country.

However, every atheist I have ever known as never been able to prove (1) God does not exist and (2) that atheism has a workable system of logic for validating its principles.

Simply, far more faith (belief in things unseen) is required for atheism than for religion.
Duly noted you were unable to answer why a supposedly loving God would drown babies...

Not to worry, no one else got it right, either.

Your comment was correctly answered.

You are nuts about religion, the LDS in particular, which means nothing, really, but we get that you are nuts on this subject.

No, you guys are desperately avoiding the question, and I can understand why.

Christians would like their religion to just be about the Old Testement. Heck, even the nuns didn't let us read the OT until we got into High School.

And it's understandable why. God does one horrible thing to his creations after another. Some of them so ridiculous the stories are almost laughable.

Heck, some of them I didn't even find out about until AFTER I rejected the religion.

They don't teach you about Jephthah's daughter in Church. In fact, they don't tell you a lot of the stories.

NO, seriously, look up the Story of Jephthah in Judges Chapter 11. It's funking hilarious.
JoeB, your questions and comments have been competently addressed.

That you cannot accept the reality of it all is your problem. You are out of step with the world, not the world with you.
You, in this great country, are entitled to believe whatever you want, and within certain limitations, act on it. What a great country.

However, every atheist I have ever known as never been able to prove (1) God does not exist and (2) that atheism has a workable system of logic for validating its principles.

Simply, far more faith (belief in things unseen) is required for atheism than for religion.

Statements like this is why I suspect you are a Mormon. The Planet Kolob must be right next to Bizarro World.

It's not incumbant on the atheist to prove something doesn't exist. It's up to the believer to prove that it does.

I can't prove that God does not exist. I also can't prove the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Zeus, Odin, Osiris, C'Thulhu or any other figment of people's imaginations exist.

You guys are offering an incredible story. But incredible claims require incredible proof.

All you got is a 2000 year old book (and in your case, one made up 150 years ago) that has already been proven wrong scientificially in many places.

Now, is there some positive stuff in the Bible. Yup. I have no problem with Jesus as a philosopher. I just don't think he came back from the dead or was made of wafers.
JoeB, your questions and comments have been competently addressed.

That you cannot accept the reality of it all is your problem. You are out of step with the world, not the world with you.

Duly noted that you couldn't answer the question either.

Hey, guys, you are starting to make old Sister Mary Bonaventure look better. Her answer was batshit crazy, but at least she thought she had one.
An atheist who makes the claim that God does not exist indeed has to offer sufficient evidence for the claim. You, and no one else ever on this forum, has offered sufficient evidence.

Fact is fact, but that you think that you, an atheist, can pass clear comments on a candidate because of religion or lack of it simply informs us that you are not logical on the subject.

Tis what tis.

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