Why Perry Can't Win


So like I said, I liked Perry when I lived in Texas. I think Obama sucks. But for reasons beyond the recognizable, Perry would almost definitely lose a general election. A lot of people will "just have a bad feeling" about him and not even be sure why. Remember, most people don't research candidates, couldn't tell you if the 2nd amendment has to do with guns or ice cream, and vote based on the impressions they get from 30 second sound bites. It won't be hard for the Dems to gather sound bites that make Perry seem like a virtual clone of W.
I hope you're right.

While my first choices were Kucinich and Gravel I voted for Obama because the alternative was McCain. But while I am thoroughly disappointed with Obama's timid performance thus far I would vote for him again if Perry is nominated -- even though I know beyond any doubt Obama is bought and paid for by Wall Street.

As I said I hope you're right but I'm not as confident as you are that he couldn't win. What Perry will have going for him is a lot of racists, myopic neo-Conservatives, cowboy-boot fetishists and brainwashed, low I.Q. right-wingers. What Obama has going against him are a hell of a lot of disappointed former supporters, blacks included, who won't vote for Perry but just won't vote at all, which could bring Perry home by default.

Maybe between now and then Nader will jump in. And considering that the public just might be tired of the parade of phony, corrupt sonsabitches they've been watching since 1980 it could be his time has come.

And maybe the DNC might draft Eliot Spitzer, but that's too much to hope for.

If all the groups you mentioned had a say Obama would have lost. He has nothing positive to run on, and if he loses it will be on the "anyone but him vote" due to his continuous failure as President.
(Still noted. You have yet to tell me why God drowning babies was a good thing.)

I will give you a hint, but you will have to do your own digging. Its around the part ware (just kidding) where they know they have to build a big boat. As to the candidates, I hate them all. I am down to deciding what I can live with. Theology is not part on my decision process.

Hate is a pretty strong word.

Anyway, it's just more evasion. "Well, the answer is there, but you have to pray to the sky pixie and read the bible."

Sorry, man, stopped praying a long time ago, and I've read the story enough times to realize it's just a myth. A god who drowns babies isn't worthy of worship.

At least the DECENT churches will try to dismiss this as a myth and concentrate on the stuff that makes their pixie look look good.
(Still noted. You have yet to tell me why God drowning babies was a good thing.)

I will give you a hint, but you will have to do your own digging. Its around the part ware (just kidding) where they know they have to build a big boat. As to the candidates, I hate them all. I am down to deciding what I can live with. Theology is not part on my decision process.

Hate is a pretty strong word.

Anyway, it's just more evasion. "Well, the answer is there, but you have to pray to the sky pixie and read the bible."

Sorry, man, stopped praying a long time ago, and I've read the story enough times to realize it's just a myth. A god who drowns babies isn't worthy of worship.

At least the DECENT churches will try to dismiss this as a myth and concentrate on the stuff that makes their pixie look look good.

Yeah, yeah, all at age 11 you already said that. Sky Pixie yes got it move on now.
I will give you a hint, but you will have to do your own digging. Its around the part ware (just kidding) where they know they have to build a big boat. As to the candidates, I hate them all. I am down to deciding what I can live with. Theology is not part on my decision process.

Hate is a pretty strong word.

Anyway, it's just more evasion. "Well, the answer is there, but you have to pray to the sky pixie and read the bible."

Sorry, man, stopped praying a long time ago, and I've read the story enough times to realize it's just a myth. A god who drowns babies isn't worthy of worship.

At least the DECENT churches will try to dismiss this as a myth and concentrate on the stuff that makes their pixie look look good.

Yeah, yeah, all at age 11 you already said that. Sky Pixie yes got it move on now.

Duly noted, no answer.

Don't look in the box!

It might be too horrifying for you to behold.
Better then the same answer.

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Thats why you bring your religious bigotry into a thread on Presidential candidates.
It ain't about me, guy.

You people on the loony far right want to go back to "biblical principles" in running this country. Now, I might go along with you because Obama has been such a complete failure that anything would be an improvement, and we've gotten through religious loons in the past because we have excellent protections against their excesses.

I wish there were a sensible secularist running for the GOP. There isn't. It's just pick your flavor of loon. Perry is probably the most palatable.

But I asked a simple question, how can a God who does fantastically cruel things be considered good? How can Churches which have committed all sorts of cruelties through history have the absolute gall to lecture me on what kind of sex I am having.

If you are going to claim a superior morality, prove to me you have a superior morality by demonstrating it.

Which so far, you have failed to do just as much as the nasty old lesbian in a habit did 40 years ago...
It ain't about me, guy.

You people on the loony far right want to go back to "biblical principles" in running this country. Now, I might go along with you because Obama has been such a complete failure that anything would be an improvement, and we've gotten through religious loons in the past because we have excellent protections against their excesses.

I wish there were a sensible secularist running for the GOP. There isn't. It's just pick your flavor of loon. Perry is probably the most palatable.

But I asked a simple question, how can a God who does fantastically cruel things be considered good? How can Churches which have committed all sorts of cruelties through history have the absolute gall to lecture me on what kind of sex I am having.

If you are going to claim a superior morality, prove to me you have a superior morality by demonstrating it.

Which so far, you have failed to do just as much as the nasty old lesbian in a habit did 40 years ago...

You are claiming superior morality when all you post is your opinion on religion. Stalin disappeared +- 30,000 Polish people. What church did he belong to ? And I dont have to do much to prove that you are nothing more then a goof ball who hates religious people. And an ignorant one at that.
Ooooh, I love when they try to find "atheism's greatest hits".

I guess I can't get upset about Stalin killing 30,000 Poles when Hitler, good Catholic boy he was, killed six million of them. Not to worry, though, the nuns told us all about how evil Hitler was. Wasn't until I got into College I learned that my soon to be ex-church was in bed with him.

I don't hate religious people. I just don't think very much of their intellect. "Yup, this book of 3000 year old Bronze Age Fairy Tales is good enough for me. And don't you dare point out the parts I haven't read."

Tell me true, spanky, I'll bet you never heard of Jephthah until I brought him up to you yesterday.

(Talking to this joker is like playing Whack-a-Mole)
Ooooh, I love when they try to find "atheism's greatest hits".

I guess I can't get upset about Stalin killing 30,000 Poles when Hitler, good Catholic boy he was, killed six million of them. Not to worry, though, the nuns told us all about how evil Hitler was. Wasn't until I got into College I learned that my soon to be ex-church was in bed with him.

I don't hate religious people. I just don't think very much of their intellect. "Yup, this book of 3000 year old Bronze Age Fairy Tales is good enough for me. And don't you dare point out the parts I haven't read."

Tell me true, spanky, I'll bet you never heard of Jephthah until I brought him up to you yesterday.

(Talking to this joker is like playing Whack-a-Mole)

Ok, but you are whacking your self. If I'm so ignorant why bother ? You have already proven your self a hack with a bigoted out look on religion. Thats why you keep at it in this thread. I did not read your google foo, but yeah, most kids hear about him in Sunday school around kindergarten. Moral of the story was to be careful about the promises you make among other things. And should a guy who tries to pass him self off as a pro writer, but misspells candidate four times really be questioning any ones intellect ?
Guy, you've been NOT ANSWERING THE QUESTION for four pages and nearly a day now.

Because you don't have one.

So not only do I question your intellect, but I have to question your integrity as well.

At least be honest enough to admit you don't have an answer.

You are an incredibly shallow, dishonest person, and I'm kind of sad for you. But it's really what I've come to expect from religious nutjobs. They usually miss the point..
Guy, you've been NOT ANSWERING THE QUESTION for four pages and nearly a day now.

Because you don't have one.

So not only do I question your intellect, but I have to question your integrity as well.

At least be honest enough to admit you don't have an answer.

You are an incredibly shallow, dishonest person, and I'm kind of sad for you. But it's really what I've come to expect from religious nutjobs. They usually miss the point..

nutjobs ? You mean nut jobs right ? You claim to be a professional writer, yet there are misspellings in almost every post you have made since you joined USMB. So you dont really have much ground to stand on in the area of honesty or integrity. Shallow ? I bet most of the scripture you posted you cut and pasted from other peoples threads. And Judges 12:7 ? come on really ? And no one missed the point. You have an issue with organized religion, but you cant admit it. Your use of other peoples post, and the claim that you are a professional writer with your inability to spell to your integrity. There is also the the fact that what you think only matters to you, and that makes you feel small. Thats probably why you fib, and pick on religious folks so much.
Guy, nutjob is one word... and describes you guys perfectly..

And the reason you have no honesty is that I asked you a pretty straightfoward question. You can't answer it. Not that you WON'T answer it, you CAN'T answer it.

Oh, the story of Jephthah I refer to is in Judges 11;30-40, not 12:9. The one where he BUTCHERS his own daughter as a sacrifice to God. Sweet God you worship there, guy.

I pick on the religious because they deserve to be picked on. For their ignorance, for their stupidity... They deserve to be mocked at every oppurtunity. The absurdity of it all needs to be pointed out.

Because only when you point out the absurdity of an evil can you end it.
Guy, nutjob is one word... and describes you guys perfectly..

And the reason you have no honesty is that I asked you a pretty straightfoward question. You can't answer it. Not that you WON'T answer it, you CAN'T answer it.

Oh, the story of Jephthah I refer to is in Judges 11;30-40, not 12:9. The one where he BUTCHERS his own daughter as a sacrifice to God. Sweet God you worship there, guy.

I pick on the religious because they deserve to be picked on. For their ignorance, for their stupidity... They deserve to be mocked at every oppurtunity. The absurdity of it all needs to be pointed out.

Because only when you point out the absurdity of an evil can you end it.

Actually he doesn't. You'd have to read the text to figure that out though. And you cannot do that.

I love anti-religious people. They think they know it all. THey are bound by the same (or worse) petty parochialism that religious people have but think they are superior in some way.
Dude, you're not. You're a pathetic loser in the spirituality department because some nun couldn't give a clear explanation to an 11yr old. So you demonize her as a lesbian, without the slightest proof.
Guy, nutjob is one word... and describes you guys perfectly..

And the reason you have no honesty is that I asked you a pretty straightfoward question. You can't answer it. Not that you WON'T answer it, you CAN'T answer it.

Oh, the story of Jephthah I refer to is in Judges 11;30-40, not 12:9. The one where he BUTCHERS his own daughter as a sacrifice to God. Sweet God you worship there, guy.

I pick on the religious because they deserve to be picked on. For their ignorance, for their stupidity... They deserve to be mocked at every oppurtunity. The absurdity of it all needs to be pointed out.

Because only when you point out the absurdity of an evil can you end it.

You meant opportunity and straightforward . Got to work on your spelling. You wont make the big buck writing if you cant spell. Add delusions of grandeur to the list to I guess. Say, whats an intellectual powerhouse like you even still responding for any way ?
Guy, I've already told you I don't spellcheck a message board, and even a Funditard like you knew what I was talking about...

But, hey, like I said, people pay me to write their resumes, and most of them get jobs after I do so.

Which has nothing to do with the question you refuse to answer.

Why do you worship a baby-drowning God?
Ooooh, I love when they try to find "atheism's greatest hits".

I guess I can't get upset about Stalin killing 30,000 Poles when Hitler, good Catholic boy he was, killed six million of them. Not to worry, though, the nuns told us all about how evil Hitler was. Wasn't until I got into College I learned that my soon to be ex-church was in bed with him.

I don't hate religious people. I just don't think very much of their intellect. "Yup, this book of 3000 year old Bronze Age Fairy Tales is good enough for me. And don't you dare point out the parts I haven't read."

Tell me true, spanky, I'll bet you never heard of Jephthah until I brought him up to you yesterday.

(Talking to this joker is like playing Whack-a-Mole)

Stalin went to religious seminary.

JoeB, you don't like religion and you distrust the religious. That's fine, that's your opinion, and that's all it is.
Ooooh, I love when they try to find "atheism's greatest hits".

I guess I can't get upset about Stalin killing 30,000 Poles when Hitler, good Catholic boy he was, killed six million of them. Not to worry, though, the nuns told us all about how evil Hitler was. Wasn't until I got into College I learned that my soon to be ex-church was in bed with him.

I don't hate religious people. I just don't think very much of their intellect. "Yup, this book of 3000 year old Bronze Age Fairy Tales is good enough for me. And don't you dare point out the parts I haven't read."

Tell me true, spanky, I'll bet you never heard of Jephthah until I brought him up to you yesterday.

(Talking to this joker is like playing Whack-a-Mole)

Stalin went to religious seminary.

JoeB, you don't like religion and you distrust the religious. That's fine, that's your opinion, and that's all it is.

I dislike religion because they have a 2000 year history of racism, slavery, genocide, torture, murder, instigating wars, oppressing science and reason...

In short, I dislike them for reasons any sane, reasonable person should dislike them. because they're evil. They do evil things and they cloak it in virtue by waiving around the bible. And when you read the truly evil stuff that's in the bible, you kind of understand why.

Take Hitler. The Catholic Church loved Hitler. Pius XII was known as "Hitler's Pope". Then Germany lost the war, and suddenly, the church is pretty much trying to scrub itself of all association with the Axis. (People like to try to forget this, but yeah, that's what happened.)

But honestly, the bible is full of cases where God or his servents commit genocide, so I'm having a hard time to see why religious people had a problem with it, exactly. The whole book of Judges is one genocide after another.

Saul is abandoned by God because he didn't commit "complete" genocide against the Amakelites (he killed them, but kept their cattle!)

In short, the only reason Christianity persists is because "Christians" like Samson are ignorant about what is actually in the Bible, and don't think much about the awful stories they do know.
That's fine, JoeB, it is your opinion, and that is all it is. If it comforts you, good for you.
That's fine, JoeB, it is your opinion, and that is all it is. If it comforts you, good for you.

No, guy, I forward an argument by presenting facts.

And lacking a counter-argument, you say...

"welll...welll...well... that's your OPINION!"

If you want to impress me, make a counter argument.

Tell me why it was a good thing that God drowned every baby in the world.

That would impress the hell out of me, or make me laugh hysterically, but it won't be as boring and tedious as your usual lame tactics.
Ooooh, I love when they try to find "atheism's greatest hits".

I guess I can't get upset about Stalin killing 30,000 Poles when Hitler, good Catholic boy he was, killed six million of them. Not to worry, though, the nuns told us all about how evil Hitler was. Wasn't until I got into College I learned that my soon to be ex-church was in bed with him.

I don't hate religious people. I just don't think very much of their intellect. "Yup, this book of 3000 year old Bronze Age Fairy Tales is good enough for me. And don't you dare point out the parts I haven't read."

Tell me true, spanky, I'll bet you never heard of Jephthah until I brought him up to you yesterday.

(Talking to this joker is like playing Whack-a-Mole)

Stalin went to religious seminary.

JoeB, you don't like religion and you distrust the religious. That's fine, that's your opinion, and that's all it is.

I dislike religion because they have a 2000 year history of racism, slavery, genocide, torture, murder, instigating wars, oppressing science and reason...

In short, I dislike them for reasons any sane, reasonable person should dislike them. because they're evil. They do evil things and they cloak it in virtue by waiving around the bible. And when you read the truly evil stuff that's in the bible, you kind of understand why.

Take Hitler. The Catholic Church loved Hitler. Pius XII was known as "Hitler's Pope". Then Germany lost the war, and suddenly, the church is pretty much trying to scrub itself of all association with the Axis. (People like to try to forget this, but yeah, that's what happened.)

But honestly, the bible is full of cases where God or his servents commit genocide, so I'm having a hard time to see why religious people had a problem with it, exactly. The whole book of Judges is one genocide after another.

Saul is abandoned by God because he didn't commit "complete" genocide against the Amakelites (he killed them, but kept their cattle!)

In short, the only reason Christianity persists is because "Christians" like Samson are ignorant about what is actually in the Bible, and don't think much about the awful stories they do know.

So which theology, ideology or culture does not have a 2000 year history of war, murder etc?

And your screed conveniently ignores the 2000 year history of good works inspired by religion.

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