Why Perry Can't Win

Seems to me that HUMANITY has a history of war, murder, slavery, etc., and religion mostly has a history of existing at the same time. Yeah, it hasn't always done the best job of fighting against the worst of human nature, but overall Christianity (and other religions as well) has done more to resist and improve on those impulses than anything else.

NOt really, it just gives people a bad excuse to do bad things.

"I'm killing you to take your land" isn't any better than, "I'm killing you because God gave me this land", but from the Bible to "Manifest Destiny", religion has been used to justify genocide.
Mankind became evil and corrupted. And not just mankind either. All living things. Things were certainly better after that.
I still don't know what's bothering you about it.

Gee, sorry, not seeing it. All living things? really? all the puppies and kitties, too.

Every last fricking one of them was evil?

Wow, doesn't that make God like, completely incompetent? I mean for an omnipotent creator. He creates everything and within a few generations, it all becomes corrupt, and has to be destroyed. Really?

I mean, honestly, that sounds kind of psychopathic. I mean Andrea Yates psychopathic.
No. I think it makes you psychopathic. You had a bad experience with one nun in school so you slander her by claining she's a lesbian (not that there's anything wrong with that) and then blather on about howincompetent G-d is.
Tghe truth is you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
Seems to me that HUMANITY has a history of war, murder, slavery, etc., and religion mostly has a history of existing at the same time. Yeah, it hasn't always done the best job of fighting against the worst of human nature, but overall Christianity (and other religions as well) has done more to resist and improve on those impulses than anything else.

NOt really, it just gives people a bad excuse to do bad things.

"I'm killing you to take your land" isn't any better than, "I'm killing you because God gave me this land", but from the Bible to "Manifest Destiny", religion has been used to justify genocide.

What religion did Pol Pot use to justify his genocide? OR Stalin? Or Hitler? Or the Rwandans?
Seems to me that HUMANITY has a history of war, murder, slavery, etc., and religion mostly has a history of existing at the same time. Yeah, it hasn't always done the best job of fighting against the worst of human nature, but overall Christianity (and other religions as well) has done more to resist and improve on those impulses than anything else.

NOt really, it just gives people a bad excuse to do bad things.

"I'm killing you to take your land" isn't any better than, "I'm killing you because God gave me this land", but from the Bible to "Manifest Destiny", religion has been used to justify genocide.

By kings and politicians.
I think it's pathetic that anyone is still trying to paint Bush as a good president or that his stealing the election was a positive thing for America.

And I say that as a Republican. .

You are not a Republican. Stop that silly little act.

Bush did not "steal" the election. Your guy lost. Get over it.

We weren't talking about good or bad, so put away that straw man.

You're really bad at this.

But far better than you, Mormon-boy.

Bush sucked as a president, and Republicans should be cursing his name.

When he stole the White House, the GOP had both houses of Congress and the Majority of State governorships.

When he left, Democrats owned all those things.

He did enormas damage to the party.

I think Independents will run from Perry faster than a Health Insurance CEO to an offshore tax-haven LOL Independents decide elections BTW. ;)
I think Independents will run from Perry faster than a Health Insurance CEO to an offshore tax-haven LOL Independents decide elections BTW. ;)

Obama already lost every single one of them. Heck, even you could get elected President.
I think Independents will run from Perry faster than a Health Insurance CEO to an offshore tax-haven LOL Independents decide elections BTW. ;)

Don't know. They are still pandering to there base, and there is the "anyone but him" factor going against Obama. Perry is also a tough campaigner and hasn't even got started yet, and he has never had to face some one who could dish it out like Perry. Obama has his work cut out for him, but he is by no means beaten.
Seems to me that HUMANITY has a history of war, murder, slavery, etc., and religion mostly has a history of existing at the same time. Yeah, it hasn't always done the best job of fighting against the worst of human nature, but overall Christianity (and other religions as well) has done more to resist and improve on those impulses than anything else.

NOt really, it just gives people a bad excuse to do bad things.

"I'm killing you to take your land" isn't any better than, "I'm killing you because God gave me this land", but from the Bible to "Manifest Destiny", religion has been used to justify genocide.

What religion did Pol Pot use to justify his genocide? OR Stalin? Or Hitler? Or the Rwandans?

Well, let's start with the Rwandans...

IRIN Africa | RWANDA: Nuns convicted of genocide offences to appeal | Rwanda | Human Rights

Nairobi, 9 July 2002 (IRIN) - Two Rwandan Roman Catholic nuns, convicted in 2001 by a Belgian Crown Court (Cour d'Assises) of participating in the 1994 genocide, have lodged an appeal at the European Court of Human Rights, Reuters reported.

Sister Gertrude, named as Consolata Mukangando, and Sister Maria Kizito, named as Julienne Mukabutera, were accused of failing to protect between 5,000 and 7,000 people who had sought sanctuary in their Benedictine convent. Prosecutors said the two Hutu nuns drove local Tutsis - mostly women and children - out of their compound and stood by as militiamen killed them.

The nuns - who fled to Belgium in 1994 - were also accused of informing militiamen that some people had fled to nearby buildings. Kizito was also accused of providing jerry cans of gasoline used to set a garage containing 500 people on fire.

The nuns were sentenced to 15 and 12 years' imprisonment respectively without right of appeal. Only the Cour de Cassation (the highest court of appeal) would have been authorised to review legal technicalities of the case, but not the facts, if a request had been made within 15 days.

And I thought Sister Mary Bonaventure was scary....


Hitler also used religion to justify his genocide. The Nazi troops who marched over Europe wore belt buckles that read "Gott Mit Uns" (God with Us) on them.


Now I guess you can blame "atheism" for Pol Pot or Stalin. I blame the fact these people came out of a decade of war, and the winners were just killing the losers. In the case of Pol Pot, when the US Bombed Cambodia, the city people were allied with us, while we bombed the shit out of the rural people. So when the Rural people won and emptied the cities, things got kind of ugly. Much the same could be said of the Stalin Purges, which came after four years of World War (1914-18) and five years of Civil War (1917-1922).
So two Catholic nuns perpetuated the genocide in Rwanda? Yeah, I wouldnt want to tangle with them either.
Hitler did not use religion. Hitler hated organized religion and instead used myths and symbols from pre-Christian Germany.

So you think warfare justifies genocide? And we're supposed to take you seriously??
So two Catholic nuns perpetuated the genocide in Rwanda? Yeah, I wouldnt want to tangle with them either.
Hitler did not use religion. Hitler hated organized religion and instead used myths and symbols from pre-Christian Germany.

So you think warfare justifies genocide? And we're supposed to take you seriously??

Yes. Or maybe no. His google foo was weak on that one.
So two Catholic nuns perpetuated the genocide in Rwanda? Yeah, I wouldnt want to tangle with them either.
Hitler did not use religion. Hitler hated organized religion and instead used myths and symbols from pre-Christian Germany.

So you think warfare justifies genocide? And we're supposed to take you seriously??

doesn't justify it, but it explains it.

We live in a nice, civilized world where we go to work every day and no one tries to kill us. These people lived through a decade of people trying to kill them. Life lost it's value... the social order disintigrated, and if you wanted to kill Igor for banging your wife five years ago, all you had to do was accuse him of being a White to the Reds, and you got permission to get revenge.

And do some research on Hitler. He invoked Christ frequently, was best buds with Pope Pius XII. I'm really trying to waste less time on this thread, because it's totally gone off the rails, but I can provide ample evidence that Hitler and most Germans thought Jesus was totally down with what they were doing.

Too bad Jesus didn't contradict them.
So two Catholic nuns perpetuated the genocide in Rwanda? Yeah, I wouldnt want to tangle with them either.
Hitler did not use religion. Hitler hated organized religion and instead used myths and symbols from pre-Christian Germany.

So you think warfare justifies genocide? And we're supposed to take you seriously??

Yes. Or maybe no. His google foo was weak on that one.

Don't know, man. Totally slaughtered that one... He tried to blame atheism for Rwanda, and I pointed out that nuns did the dirty deeds...
So two Catholic nuns perpetuated the genocide in Rwanda? Yeah, I wouldnt want to tangle with them either.
Hitler did not use religion. Hitler hated organized religion and instead used myths and symbols from pre-Christian Germany.

So you think warfare justifies genocide? And we're supposed to take you seriously??

Yes. Or maybe no. His google foo was weak on that one.

Don't know, man. Totally slaughtered that one... He tried to blame atheism for Rwanda, and I pointed out that nuns did the dirty deeds...

Yeah those nun. Took a break from drowning the WHIIIIIIIIIIIIcked babies and just went to machetes and AK's. Tons of history behind Rwanda and its ware fare. Na. It was weak. You just posted what supported your point of view.
True all. Politics has killed more people (even babies) then religion.

The truth is that virtually all fights between humans are about power, whatever excuses they cloak themselves in and hide behind. Politics is just a more naked, open struggle for power than most.

:cuckoo:I thought this thread was about if Perry could win in 2012?

It is. It's about how Perry is going to kill anyone who stands in his way towards the Presidency. It's your typical reasonable message board thread.
So two Catholic nuns perpetuated the genocide in Rwanda? Yeah, I wouldnt want to tangle with them either.
Hitler did not use religion. Hitler hated organized religion and instead used myths and symbols from pre-Christian Germany.

So you think warfare justifies genocide? And we're supposed to take you seriously??

Yes. Or maybe no. His google foo was weak on that one.

Don't know, man. Totally slaughtered that one... He tried to blame atheism for Rwanda, and I pointed out that nuns did the dirty deeds...

Two nuns slaughtered millions of people? Wow, you better not cross them.
Yes. Or maybe no. His google foo was weak on that one.

Don't know, man. Totally slaughtered that one... He tried to blame atheism for Rwanda, and I pointed out that nuns did the dirty deeds...

Two nuns slaughtered millions of people? Wow, you better not cross them.

They were Mafia nuns. They made the Rwandans an offer they couldn't refuse, but they refused and got all shot and the WHIIIIIIcked babies were drowned.
True all. Politics has killed more people (even babies) then religion.

The truth is that virtually all fights between humans are about power, whatever excuses they cloak themselves in and hide behind. Politics is just a more naked, open struggle for power than most.

:cuckoo:I thought this thread was about if Perry could win in 2012?

Whatever made you think that any thread on this board could go on for this many pages and still be completely on-topic?

You should be grateful Perry's name is still coming up at all at this point.
When Mr. Perry succeeded George W. Bush in December 2000, about 22 percent of Texans had no insurance, second only to New Mexico. After Mr. Perry’s decade in office, Texas now claims the highest uninsured rate, at 26 percent, as well as other distinctions like the lowest rate of prenatal care.

Regardless, Mr. Perry has offered few initiatives to extend coverage. Instead, under the banner of state sovereignty, he has waged a running battle against the ballooning cost and structure of Medicaid, which covers more than a third of Texas children. At various points, Mr. Perry and the Republican-controlled Legislature have cut Medicaid benefits and provider reimbursement rates and made enrollment more onerous.

“The governor believes that expanding government-sponsored insurance is not the answer,” said a spokeswoman, Catherine Frazier. “Nor is requiring people to purchase it. He looks to free-market solutions.”


Never mind the facts, just adhere blindly to dogma.

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